Thursday 19 November 2015



The idea and zeal of writing on “Challenges of Bureaucratic Efficiency in the Nigerian Civil Commission: an analysis of the nature and process of promotions in the Nigerian Civil Service Commission”, came into being as the researcher happens to be within the system, the researcher also has seen much and heard much as a civil servant about the central idea of the topic under consideration “promotion” and as such realized the important role of civil servants to the government. They are regarded as the backbone and life-wire of the entire governmental functions, therefore, ways that will lead to their positive actions or otherwise must be traced as long as the government objectives remain the priority.

From the foregoing, therefore, one conclude that government will be meaningless without those to man its affairs, its goals and objectives can never be realized without the Civil Servants who were normally appointed or employed to plan, organize, coordinate, direct, control and budget how its resources will be expended as well as implement government policies. In view of the important functions of these people, an avenue on how to be greasing their elbows must be sought which is promotion. Definitely, promotion will help in the smooth and efficient action of the civil servants towards goals achievement. It is a known and unchallengeable fact that workers who are effectively promoted as at when due put more efforts than those whose promotions are delayed unnecessarily or not promoted at all. This is why efficiency is more pronounced and visible within the private sector than in the Civil Service, as the management of the private sector is very conscious of time, it is not something to play with, as it is regarded as money, therefore, a waste of a minute by a worker must be compensated to his employee in monetary terms. Similarly, the worker does not tolerate delay regarding his rights. An employee’s promotions flow as easily as he works hard to the development of the organization he happens to work in. Also, the days of their promotions are never extended.

On the contrary, my colleagues within the Civil Service seem to be regarded as slaves who own no right talk less of privileges. They are not promoted until when vacancy exists even if they meet the requirements in most organizations; he keeps on filling the Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (APER FORM) yearly to no avail. Their promotion comes at will of the management and the financial benefits are either curtailed or denied in many instances. Civil servants in an attempt to avenge the aforementioned maltreatment resort to mal-administering his functions within the governmental context. He works at his own will and do not put effort in achieving the government’s objectives. He is so reluctant to his work and do exceed amount for contract as regards to projects execution, so as to get his own share. Similarly, for him to attend to others that come for follow-up, he must demand for something before the work is done, some go to the extent of selling government properties.
We are certain that when an employee is well motivated, he feels good, well remunerated and feel as part of the entire society. Consequently, he will work wholeheartedly towards the attainment of his/her organizational objectives. Since promotion is considered as one of the motivating factors, definitely, consistency of it will eliminate the problems facing our present day bureaucracy.

For instance, corruption and bribery are born out of our inherent nature of our bureaucracy thus: delay and slow in actions especially on issues of staff welfare such as promotion are paramount in staff welfare such as promotion are paramount in strengthen Nigerian civil service.

There are several instances where promotion files get missed forever, files do not come out at the right time without bribing those in charge in most instances, starting from the officers down to the messengers; omissions are of a high rate compared to other organizations while in some organizations there are no clear rules and regulations in promotion issues therefore management use their discretion to the detriment of workers.
Consequent upon the above, we shall ask ourselves the following questions:
a)   What are the root causes of problems mentioned above?
b)  How do we tackle such problems?
c)   Can promotion lead to efficiency?
d)  Is there anything wrong with the procedure and process of promotion in the Nigerian Civil Service Commission?
e)   Is there any relationship between inefficiency of the Civil Servants and lack of promotion?

Experience tends universally to show that the purely bureaucratic type of administrative organization is from a purely technical point of view, capable of attaining the highest degree of efficiency and is this sense formally the most rational known means of carrying out imperative control over human beings.

Against this background, this work intends to:
a)   Make our readers conversant with the nature and process of promotion in the Nigerian Civil Service Commission;
b)  Assess the process of promotion in the Commission;
c)   Come up with suggestions on how to improve the process and procedure in the Commission;
d)  Point out problems of bureaucracy and its causes;
e)   The inception of the Civil Service Commission and its contributions to bureaucracy;
f)    Show how efficiency can be achieved and why inefficiency;
g)  Point out how bureaucratic efficiency can be enhanced despite the perceptions of those who believe that it is slow and will continue to be like that without any remedy to check the trend.

The significance of this study is to make a contribution on how bureaucratic efficiency can be assessed by analyzing the nature and process of promotion in the Nigerian Civil Service. This will be done through investigation on how these promotions are carried out, the people in charge of it, qualifications and criteria required for an employee to be promoted and whether or not these criteria are followed as specified. The study will also attempt to show how promotions influence the behaviour of an employee and result to positive transformation of the whole organizational system.

The study also intends to touch area of bureaucracy, its theories will be displayed and as well, its concepts together with its negative perception on the part of different people. The study will further contribute on the issue of efficiency, how it could be measured and obstacles to achieving efficiency will be shown.

As a whole, the researcher is of the view that at the end of this study, when all the weakness and short-comings of the nature and process of promotions in the Nigerian Civil Service are shown and the recommendations are also clearly produced, changes will likely be effected. This is because the essence of establishing an organization or government is to achieve certain objectives which can only be realized by dedicated and efficient civil servants who must be encouraged to do their work diligently.

The scope of this research focused on the spheres of the Nigerian Civil Service and discussions on the nature and process of promotion in the Nigerian Civil Service alone. How efficiency can be measured and how promotion can enhance efficiency in the Nigerian Civil Service is the concern of this research.

On the other hand, the study does not intend to touch matters relating to demotions, retirements training and capacity building of civil servants.
In an effort to make this work a reality, the researcher experiences some limitations which will be discussed below:
TIME: Time was one of the limiting factors of this study. As we all know, this work like all other works has to be started and completed with a specified period of time. It is not a year’s work but months, which if exceeded might be rejected. The data to be used as well must be sought out from different sources. The researcher as such has suffered some setbacks as regards to the availability of time and the time given to complete this work. Most of the time, the researcher has to go for a single data collection about three or four times before that single data is materialized, sometimes, despite going for so many times the data to be gathered will mot be available at last.

Another hindering factor to this work was cooperation, the researcher had hectic time getting data from government agencies despite the passage of the Freedom of Information Bill (FOI). For instance, many people refused to cooperate in offering the data needed by the researcher.
Similarly, during interview, many people failed to cooperate fully, most answers were half-hazardly given, as such, the researcher has to use other sources to come out with a meaningful idea.

Funds being the live wire of every project in this world are another factor that contributed to so many problems in this study. The work compared to similar of its nature of about three to four years back is really demanding. The cost of typing materials, the cost of typing the work, and saving, has led to cancellation of so many programmes of the researcher this is because the two cannot be combined together.

Other limitations worth mentioning here are almost every time the researcher is submitting his project for supervision, he must interrupt his daily activities. Thus, when he comes, he would either be in meeting or in lecture hall and then come and attend to the researcher at break time coupled with the incessant ASUU strikes delay the submission of this project work.
The researcher really wants to complete this work before the deadline that his project would be submitted in good time to the external supervision but the factors above are against the researcher’s effort.

The study will constitute a number of five chapters, which are intended to be discussed one after the other.

Chapter one which is an introductory chapter will highlight to our readers the background of the study, and state the problem to be dealt with. Other issues of concern in this chapter are the objectives of the study, its significance, the scope and limitations of the study, the theoretical framework of the study and as well as definition of concepts involved in the study as a whole.

Chapter two will review the literature that is related to the subject matter under study. For instance, concepts of bureaucracy and efficiency as well as theories of bureaucracy are part of this chapter’s point of view. Other things to be discussed here are the History of the Nigerian Civil Service, its Contributions, the process and procedure of Promotions, and Assessment of Performance of the Nigerian Civil Service. The chapter will also talk of Relevance of promotion in Organization, Measuring of Efficiency and as well as problems and prospects of the Nigerian Civil Service.
Chapter three will show the sources of data related, to the study, types of data gathered; how it was collected; analyzed and interpreted; the efficacy of the methodology and sample population.
Chapter four will deal with data presentation and analysis as well as interpretation and discussion of findings.

Chapter five will summarize the work done, conclude and offer possible recommendations.
Bureaucracy: Michael P. Barber in his book “Public Administration”, defines Bureaucracy as government by officials as opposed to government by elected representatives. Alternatively, it may be used to indicate that although representative of government exists, the dominant role is held by the officials.
While Max Weber conceived the concept as a form of social organization with specific characteristics.
Organizations: M. Haralambas in his book “Sociology Themes and Perspectives” (1970) has defined organizations as institutions in which members compete for status and power.
Aper: It is an acronym whereby each letter stands for a word thus: Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (APER).
Whim: A sudden desire or idea, especially an unreasonable one.
Superiors: Superiors mean senior officers.
Impede: This means to stop the progress of somebody or something.
Anathema: it means something that is hated.
Civil Service: Michael P. Barber in his book ‘Public Administration” (1978) has quoted Tomlia Commission who defined Civil Service as “those servants of the Crown, other than political or judicial capacity, and whose remuneration is paid out of money provided by parliament”.
Promotion: It is a process of raising somebody to next position. It goes with an increase in salary.

Efficiency: This is defined as achievement of ends with the least resources and minimal time.
White and black: Something that is written
Alienates: Cause somebody to feel different from others.
Administration: Administration means government in action. It is also believed that when two or more people cooperate to roll a stone which neither of them can roll, the rudiments of administration has started.
Greeted - Accused.
Charisma - Quantity.
Calculation: Means to account for something given to you.
Patrimonial: God-fatherism.
Enshrined: Stated in written or documented.
Sanctions: Sanctions means laws.
Incentive: Rewards
Devoid: Absence of.


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