Sunday 3 September 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



This study examines the multifaceted factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria. Sanitary appliances, including toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, are indispensable components of campus infrastructure, essential for maintaining hygiene and creating a conducive learning environment. The state of these appliances can significantly impact the well-being of students, staff, and the broader academic community. The factors influencing the condition and functionality of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions are diverse and interrelated. Aging infrastructure, inadequate maintenance practices, unreliable water supply, and poorly designed plumbing systems contribute to the deterioration of sanitary appliances. Challenges in waste management, insufficient sewage systems, and waste disposal practices can lead to blockages and environmental contamination. Additionally, the lack of awareness about proper hygiene and sanitation practices among users, coupled with budget constraints, further exacerbates these issues. Institutional management practices, such as facility management and budget allocation, play a crucial role in addressing these challenges. Compliance with regulatory standards and codes is essential for ensuring the safety and quality of sanitary appliances. Environmental factors, including climate conditions, can impact the external components of these appliances. To address these issues effectively, Nigerian tertiary institutions must prioritize the maintenance and management of sanitary appliances. Adequate funding, efficient maintenance schedules, and educational initiatives to raise awareness about proper usage and hygiene practices are essential steps in mitigating these challenges. Community involvement and a sense of collective responsibility can foster a culture of care and respect for sanitary facilities. Technological advancements in sanitary appliance design and a commitment to environmental sustainability also offer opportunities for improvement. This research underscores the importance of addressing the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions to create a healthier and more conducive learning environment that promotes the well-being of all stakeholders. Ultimately, investing in the maintenance and improvement of sanitary appliances is an investment in the future of education and public health in Nigeria.



Sanitary appliance or systems are crucial infrastructure necessary for the social well-being and practical operation of an institution. The provision of public sanitary facilities has implications for public and individual health, transportation, crime preventions, urban design, economic and cultural development and social equity. Public Conveniences i.e. Toilets, Bathrooms, Urinals and Comfort rooms are provided largely in public places and institutions. These places include Markets, Motor Parks, Religious institutions, Mosques, Churches, Filling stations, Hospitals, Airports, Sporting grounds, Schools etc. The right of citizenship access to appropriate public toilets emerged in the west with the rise of modernity.

Prior to the period of enlightenment in Britain, urinating, and defecating was a public act, taking place not only in fields and gardens, but also in the streets. By the mid-19th century however, public toilets were built using the public purse to provide citizens the means to urinate or defecate in public while away from home. It is a long time however since Britain led the world with such public health foresight. In most African cities, public conveniences are lacking in terms of quality and quantity, thus residents and visitors are often left wondering where to “go”. There is therefore a real quality of life crisis looming for all of us – especially the young and older members of society. There is a real concern about both the quantity and quality of public conveniences provision in tertiary institution building in Nigeria with particular reference to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

Sanitary appliances, comprising toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, are indispensable components of tertiary institution buildings. These facilities play a vital role in maintaining hygiene and sanitation within educational institutions, which are essential for fostering a conducive learning and living environment for students and staff. However, the effective functioning and longevity of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions have been a subject of concern, with several factors contributing to their performance and maintenance challenges.

Nigeria, a country characterized by a diverse landscape and varying socio-economic conditions, presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to the management of sanitary appliances in its tertiary institutions. This study aims to comprehensively assess these challenges, drawing attention to the factors that affect the condition and performance of sanitary appliances within this specific context.

The state of sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions can be influenced by a range of interconnected factors, including the age and condition of buildings, the availability and quality of water supply, the design and maintenance of plumbing systems, waste management practices, hygiene and sanitation awareness, institutional management, environmental factors, socio-economic conditions, regulatory compliance, and user behavior. Understanding the complex interplay of these factors is essential for developing strategies to improve the state of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

As tertiary institutions in Nigeria strive to provide quality education and ensure the well-being of their students and staff, it is imperative to address the challenges associated with sanitary appliances. This study seeks to contribute valuable insights and recommendations to enhance the maintenance and management of sanitary facilities in tertiary institution buildings, ultimately fostering a healthier and more productive educational environment.


Sanitary appliances, including toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, are indispensable for maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation in tertiary institution buildings across Nigeria. These appliances are essential for creating a healthy and conducive learning and living environment for students and staff. However, despite their critical importance, there is a pressing need to address several significant problems and challenges associated with the state of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

Inadequate Maintenance and Infrastructure Decay: Many tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria are aging, and the plumbing infrastructure, including sanitary appliances, has not received adequate maintenance or upgrades. This has resulted in a deteriorating state of these facilities, leading to frequent breakdowns, leaks, and malfunctions.

Water Supply Issues: Inconsistent and unreliable water supply is a common problem in Nigeria. The availability and quality of water can directly impact the functionality of sanitary appliances, as well as the overall hygiene and sanitation within these institutions.

Waste Management Challenges: Proper sewage systems and waste management practices are often lacking, which can lead to sewage backups, blockages, and environmental contamination, further affecting the performance and hygiene of sanitary appliances.

Hygiene and Health Risks: The deteriorating state of sanitary appliances poses significant hygiene and health risks to students, staff, and the larger institutional community. Poorly maintained or malfunctioning sanitary facilities can contribute to the spread of diseases and negatively impact the well-being of the academic community.

Financial Constraints: Tertiary institutions in Nigeria often face financial constraints, which may limit their ability to allocate adequate funds for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of sanitary appliances.

Lack of Awareness and Training: Insufficient awareness among students, staff, and maintenance personnel regarding proper usage and maintenance of sanitary appliances can exacerbate problems and lead to premature wear and tear.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensuring compliance with relevant building codes and regulations is a challenge that tertiary institutions must navigate to maintain and upgrade their sanitary facilities.

Climate and Environmental Factors: Nigeria’s diverse climate and environmental conditions can impact the performance and longevity of external components of sanitary appliances, such as pipes and outdoor facilities.

Addressing these problems is essential for creating a safe, healthy, and conducive learning environment within Nigerian tertiary institutions. This research project aims to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to these multifaceted challenges, ultimately contributing to the improvement of sanitary appliances and the overall well-being of the academic community. This statement of the problem provides a clear overview of the issues that the research project intends to investigate and offers a compelling rationale for conducting the assessment of factors affecting sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

1.2       AIM

The aim of this project is to assess the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution building in Nigeria.

1.3       OBJECTIVES

The aim would be achieved through the following objectives.

  1. To review the concept of sanitary appliance
  2. To identify the types of sanitary appliances in Tertiary institution building in Nigeria
  3. Evaluation of available public sanitary facilities in Nasarawa main market.
  4. To identify the factors affecting sanitary appliances in Nigeria tertiary institution
  5. To identify and recommend possible solutions to these problems.


The significance of a research study on “An assessment of the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria” lies in its potential to bring about positive changes and improvements in various aspects of tertiary education and public health in Nigeria.

Improved Hygiene and Sanitation: The study addresses issues related to the maintenance and functionality of sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions. By identifying and mitigating the factors affecting these facilities, the research can contribute to improved hygiene and sanitation practices, reducing the risk of diseases and promoting better health among students and staff.

Enhanced Learning Environment: A clean and sanitary learning environment is conducive to academic excellence. The study’s findings can lead to improvements in the physical conditions of tertiary institutions, creating a more comfortable and productive atmosphere for students and faculty.

Cost Savings: Effective maintenance and management of sanitary appliances can lead to cost savings for tertiary institutions. Identifying and addressing issues early can prevent major breakdowns and costly repairs, allowing institutions to allocate resources more efficiently.

Environmental Impact: Proper waste management and maintenance of sanitary appliances can have positive environmental implications. Reduced sewage leaks and better waste disposal practices can help protect the local ecosystem and water sources.

Public Health: Sanitary facilities play a crucial role in public health, and their proper maintenance is vital for disease prevention. The research can contribute to public health awareness and practices, benefiting not only the academic community but also the broader population.

Policy and Planning: The findings of the study can inform policymakers and educational authorities in Nigeria about the specific challenges faced by tertiary institutions regarding sanitary appliances. This information can guide the development of policies and strategies to address these challenges effectively.

Research Gap Filling: The study may fill gaps in existing research related to sanitary facilities in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It can serve as a valuable resource for future researchers and policymakers looking to understand and address similar issues.

In summary, the significance of the study lies in its potential to address critical issues related to hygiene, sanitation, and infrastructure maintenance within Nigerian tertiary institutions. By identifying and addressing these factors, the research can contribute to healthier and more conducive learning environments, cost savings, and positive impacts on public health and the environment.

1.5    SCOPE

The scope of the study covers the assessment of the  factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution building in Nigeria with particular references to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.


Identifying and acknowledging the limitations of a research study is a critical aspect of research transparency and integrity. It helps to set realistic expectations for the scope and generalizability of the study’s findings. In the context of the project titled “An assessment of the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria,” here are some limitations experienced:

Sample Size and Selection Bias: The study’s findings may be limited by the sample size and selection process. If the sample is not representative of all tertiary institutions in Nigeria or is biased towards certain regions or types of institutions, the results may not be fully generalizable.

Data Availability: Data availability and accessibility can be a limitation. Some institutions may not have comprehensive records or may be unwilling to share data related to the maintenance and condition of sanitary appliances.

Data Accuracy: The accuracy of data collected from tertiary institutions and other sources may vary. Errors or inconsistencies in the data could impact the validity of the study’s findings.

Resource Constraints: The research project may be limited by budget and time constraints. These limitations could impact the depth and breadth of data collection, analysis, and the ability to conduct on-site assessments at a wide range of institutions.

It’s essential for the researchers to acknowledge these limitations upfront and discuss how they have mitigated or considered these issues in the study design and analysis. Additionally, highlighting the potential implications of these limitations on the study’s findings and conclusions is important for maintaining research integrity.


Defining key terms in a research study is essential to ensure that all readers have a clear understanding of the terminology used in the context of the study.

Sanitary Appliances: Sanitary appliances refer to fixtures and equipment within a building, such as toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, designed for personal hygiene and waste disposal.

Tertiary Institution: Tertiary institutions, also known as higher education institutions, include universities, colleges, and other educational establishments that offer post-secondary education, including undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Factors: Factors are elements or variables that influence a particular phenomenon or outcome. In the context of the study, factors refer to various aspects or conditions that impact the condition, functionality, and maintenance of sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions.

Assessment: Assessment involves the process of evaluating or examining the current state or condition of something. In this study, it refers to the systematic evaluation of the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings.

Maintenance: Maintenance refers to the activities and processes involved in preserving, repairing, or keeping sanitary appliances and related infrastructure in good working condition.

Infrastructure: Infrastructure encompasses the physical facilities, systems, and structures necessary for the operation of an organization or institution. In this study, it includes the plumbing systems, sewage systems, and related components that support sanitary appliances.

Water Supply: Water supply refers to the provision of clean and safe water for various uses, including drinking, cleaning, and flushing in tertiary institution buildings.

Waste Management: Waste management involves the proper handling, disposal, and treatment of waste materials, including sewage and wastewater, to minimize environmental and health hazards.

Hygiene: Hygiene refers to practices and behaviors that promote cleanliness and health, particularly in the context of personal and environmental cleanliness.

Socio-Economic Factors: Socio-economic factors include aspects related to the social and economic conditions within a given context. In this study, it may encompass issues such as funding, economic challenges, and community dynamics affecting sanitary appliance maintenance.

Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance involves adhering to relevant laws, rules, and regulations governing building standards, sanitation, and safety.

User Behavior: User behavior refers to the actions and habits of individuals, including students, staff, and maintenance personnel, in their interactions with sanitary appliances and related facilities.

Environmental Factors: Environmental factors encompass conditions and elements in the natural environment that may affect sanitary appliances, such as climate, weather, and geographic location.

Institutional Management: Institutional management involves the administrative and organizational practices and policies employed by tertiary institutions to oversee facility management, including sanitary appliance maintenance.

Community Responsibility: Community responsibility refers to the collective sense of duty and accountability shared by the members of a tertiary institution’s community in ensuring the proper use and maintenance of sanitary appliances.

These definitions provide clarity regarding the terminology used in the research study and help ensure a common understanding among researchers, readers, and stakeholders involved in the assessment of factors affecting sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institution buildings.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

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 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



This study examines the multifaceted factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria. Sanitary appliances, including toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, are indispensable components of campus infrastructure, essential for maintaining hygiene and creating a conducive learning environment. The state of these appliances can significantly impact the well-being of students, staff, and the broader academic community. The factors influencing the condition and functionality of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions are diverse and interrelated. Aging infrastructure, inadequate maintenance practices, unreliable water supply, and poorly designed plumbing systems contribute to the deterioration of sanitary appliances. Challenges in waste management, insufficient sewage systems, and waste disposal practices can lead to blockages and environmental contamination. Additionally, the lack of awareness about proper hygiene and sanitation practices among users, coupled with budget constraints, further exacerbates these issues. Institutional management practices, such as facility management and budget allocation, play a crucial role in addressing these challenges. Compliance with regulatory standards and codes is essential for ensuring the safety and quality of sanitary appliances. Environmental factors, including climate conditions, can impact the external components of these appliances. To address these issues effectively, Nigerian tertiary institutions must prioritize the maintenance and management of sanitary appliances. Adequate funding, efficient maintenance schedules, and educational initiatives to raise awareness about proper usage and hygiene practices are essential steps in mitigating these challenges. Community involvement and a sense of collective responsibility can foster a culture of care and respect for sanitary facilities. Technological advancements in sanitary appliance design and a commitment to environmental sustainability also offer opportunities for improvement. This research underscores the importance of addressing the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions to create a healthier and more conducive learning environment that promotes the well-being of all stakeholders. Ultimately, investing in the maintenance and improvement of sanitary appliances is an investment in the future of education and public health in Nigeria.



Sanitary appliance or systems are crucial infrastructure necessary for the social well-being and practical operation of an institution. The provision of public sanitary facilities has implications for public and individual health, transportation, crime preventions, urban design, economic and cultural development and social equity. Public Conveniences i.e. Toilets, Bathrooms, Urinals and Comfort rooms are provided largely in public places and institutions. These places include Markets, Motor Parks, Religious institutions, Mosques, Churches, Filling stations, Hospitals, Airports, Sporting grounds, Schools etc. The right of citizenship access to appropriate public toilets emerged in the west with the rise of modernity.

Prior to the period of enlightenment in Britain, urinating, and defecating was a public act, taking place not only in fields and gardens, but also in the streets. By the mid-19th century however, public toilets were built using the public purse to provide citizens the means to urinate or defecate in public while away from home. It is a long time however since Britain led the world with such public health foresight. In most African cities, public conveniences are lacking in terms of quality and quantity, thus residents and visitors are often left wondering where to “go”. There is therefore a real quality of life crisis looming for all of us – especially the young and older members of society. There is a real concern about both the quantity and quality of public conveniences provision in tertiary institution building in Nigeria with particular reference to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

Sanitary appliances, comprising toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, are indispensable components of tertiary institution buildings. These facilities play a vital role in maintaining hygiene and sanitation within educational institutions, which are essential for fostering a conducive learning and living environment for students and staff. However, the effective functioning and longevity of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions have been a subject of concern, with several factors contributing to their performance and maintenance challenges.

Nigeria, a country characterized by a diverse landscape and varying socio-economic conditions, presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to the management of sanitary appliances in its tertiary institutions. This study aims to comprehensively assess these challenges, drawing attention to the factors that affect the condition and performance of sanitary appliances within this specific context.

The state of sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions can be influenced by a range of interconnected factors, including the age and condition of buildings, the availability and quality of water supply, the design and maintenance of plumbing systems, waste management practices, hygiene and sanitation awareness, institutional management, environmental factors, socio-economic conditions, regulatory compliance, and user behavior. Understanding the complex interplay of these factors is essential for developing strategies to improve the state of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

As tertiary institutions in Nigeria strive to provide quality education and ensure the well-being of their students and staff, it is imperative to address the challenges associated with sanitary appliances. This study seeks to contribute valuable insights and recommendations to enhance the maintenance and management of sanitary facilities in tertiary institution buildings, ultimately fostering a healthier and more productive educational environment.


Sanitary appliances, including toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, are indispensable for maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation in tertiary institution buildings across Nigeria. These appliances are essential for creating a healthy and conducive learning and living environment for students and staff. However, despite their critical importance, there is a pressing need to address several significant problems and challenges associated with the state of sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

Inadequate Maintenance and Infrastructure Decay: Many tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria are aging, and the plumbing infrastructure, including sanitary appliances, has not received adequate maintenance or upgrades. This has resulted in a deteriorating state of these facilities, leading to frequent breakdowns, leaks, and malfunctions.

Water Supply Issues: Inconsistent and unreliable water supply is a common problem in Nigeria. The availability and quality of water can directly impact the functionality of sanitary appliances, as well as the overall hygiene and sanitation within these institutions.

Waste Management Challenges: Proper sewage systems and waste management practices are often lacking, which can lead to sewage backups, blockages, and environmental contamination, further affecting the performance and hygiene of sanitary appliances.

Hygiene and Health Risks: The deteriorating state of sanitary appliances poses significant hygiene and health risks to students, staff, and the larger institutional community. Poorly maintained or malfunctioning sanitary facilities can contribute to the spread of diseases and negatively impact the well-being of the academic community.

Financial Constraints: Tertiary institutions in Nigeria often face financial constraints, which may limit their ability to allocate adequate funds for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of sanitary appliances.

Lack of Awareness and Training: Insufficient awareness among students, staff, and maintenance personnel regarding proper usage and maintenance of sanitary appliances can exacerbate problems and lead to premature wear and tear.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensuring compliance with relevant building codes and regulations is a challenge that tertiary institutions must navigate to maintain and upgrade their sanitary facilities.

Climate and Environmental Factors: Nigeria’s diverse climate and environmental conditions can impact the performance and longevity of external components of sanitary appliances, such as pipes and outdoor facilities.

Addressing these problems is essential for creating a safe, healthy, and conducive learning environment within Nigerian tertiary institutions. This research project aims to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to these multifaceted challenges, ultimately contributing to the improvement of sanitary appliances and the overall well-being of the academic community. This statement of the problem provides a clear overview of the issues that the research project intends to investigate and offers a compelling rationale for conducting the assessment of factors affecting sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

1.2       AIM

The aim of this project is to assess the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution building in Nigeria.

1.3       OBJECTIVES

The aim would be achieved through the following objectives.

  1. To review the concept of sanitary appliance
  2. To identify the types of sanitary appliances in Tertiary institution building in Nigeria
  3. Evaluation of available public sanitary facilities in Nasarawa main market.
  4. To identify the factors affecting sanitary appliances in Nigeria tertiary institution
  5. To identify and recommend possible solutions to these problems.


The significance of a research study on “An assessment of the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria” lies in its potential to bring about positive changes and improvements in various aspects of tertiary education and public health in Nigeria.

Improved Hygiene and Sanitation: The study addresses issues related to the maintenance and functionality of sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions. By identifying and mitigating the factors affecting these facilities, the research can contribute to improved hygiene and sanitation practices, reducing the risk of diseases and promoting better health among students and staff.

Enhanced Learning Environment: A clean and sanitary learning environment is conducive to academic excellence. The study’s findings can lead to improvements in the physical conditions of tertiary institutions, creating a more comfortable and productive atmosphere for students and faculty.

Cost Savings: Effective maintenance and management of sanitary appliances can lead to cost savings for tertiary institutions. Identifying and addressing issues early can prevent major breakdowns and costly repairs, allowing institutions to allocate resources more efficiently.

Environmental Impact: Proper waste management and maintenance of sanitary appliances can have positive environmental implications. Reduced sewage leaks and better waste disposal practices can help protect the local ecosystem and water sources.

Public Health: Sanitary facilities play a crucial role in public health, and their proper maintenance is vital for disease prevention. The research can contribute to public health awareness and practices, benefiting not only the academic community but also the broader population.

Policy and Planning: The findings of the study can inform policymakers and educational authorities in Nigeria about the specific challenges faced by tertiary institutions regarding sanitary appliances. This information can guide the development of policies and strategies to address these challenges effectively.

Research Gap Filling: The study may fill gaps in existing research related to sanitary facilities in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It can serve as a valuable resource for future researchers and policymakers looking to understand and address similar issues.

In summary, the significance of the study lies in its potential to address critical issues related to hygiene, sanitation, and infrastructure maintenance within Nigerian tertiary institutions. By identifying and addressing these factors, the research can contribute to healthier and more conducive learning environments, cost savings, and positive impacts on public health and the environment.

1.5    SCOPE

The scope of the study covers the assessment of the  factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution building in Nigeria with particular references to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.


Identifying and acknowledging the limitations of a research study is a critical aspect of research transparency and integrity. It helps to set realistic expectations for the scope and generalizability of the study’s findings. In the context of the project titled “An assessment of the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings in Nigeria,” here are some limitations experienced:

Sample Size and Selection Bias: The study’s findings may be limited by the sample size and selection process. If the sample is not representative of all tertiary institutions in Nigeria or is biased towards certain regions or types of institutions, the results may not be fully generalizable.

Data Availability: Data availability and accessibility can be a limitation. Some institutions may not have comprehensive records or may be unwilling to share data related to the maintenance and condition of sanitary appliances.

Data Accuracy: The accuracy of data collected from tertiary institutions and other sources may vary. Errors or inconsistencies in the data could impact the validity of the study’s findings.

Resource Constraints: The research project may be limited by budget and time constraints. These limitations could impact the depth and breadth of data collection, analysis, and the ability to conduct on-site assessments at a wide range of institutions.

It’s essential for the researchers to acknowledge these limitations upfront and discuss how they have mitigated or considered these issues in the study design and analysis. Additionally, highlighting the potential implications of these limitations on the study’s findings and conclusions is important for maintaining research integrity.


Defining key terms in a research study is essential to ensure that all readers have a clear understanding of the terminology used in the context of the study.

Sanitary Appliances: Sanitary appliances refer to fixtures and equipment within a building, such as toilets, sinks, showers, and related plumbing infrastructure, designed for personal hygiene and waste disposal.

Tertiary Institution: Tertiary institutions, also known as higher education institutions, include universities, colleges, and other educational establishments that offer post-secondary education, including undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Factors: Factors are elements or variables that influence a particular phenomenon or outcome. In the context of the study, factors refer to various aspects or conditions that impact the condition, functionality, and maintenance of sanitary appliances in tertiary institutions.

Assessment: Assessment involves the process of evaluating or examining the current state or condition of something. In this study, it refers to the systematic evaluation of the factors affecting sanitary appliances in tertiary institution buildings.

Maintenance: Maintenance refers to the activities and processes involved in preserving, repairing, or keeping sanitary appliances and related infrastructure in good working condition.

Infrastructure: Infrastructure encompasses the physical facilities, systems, and structures necessary for the operation of an organization or institution. In this study, it includes the plumbing systems, sewage systems, and related components that support sanitary appliances.

Water Supply: Water supply refers to the provision of clean and safe water for various uses, including drinking, cleaning, and flushing in tertiary institution buildings.

Waste Management: Waste management involves the proper handling, disposal, and treatment of waste materials, including sewage and wastewater, to minimize environmental and health hazards.

Hygiene: Hygiene refers to practices and behaviors that promote cleanliness and health, particularly in the context of personal and environmental cleanliness.

Socio-Economic Factors: Socio-economic factors include aspects related to the social and economic conditions within a given context. In this study, it may encompass issues such as funding, economic challenges, and community dynamics affecting sanitary appliance maintenance.

Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance involves adhering to relevant laws, rules, and regulations governing building standards, sanitation, and safety.

User Behavior: User behavior refers to the actions and habits of individuals, including students, staff, and maintenance personnel, in their interactions with sanitary appliances and related facilities.

Environmental Factors: Environmental factors encompass conditions and elements in the natural environment that may affect sanitary appliances, such as climate, weather, and geographic location.

Institutional Management: Institutional management involves the administrative and organizational practices and policies employed by tertiary institutions to oversee facility management, including sanitary appliance maintenance.

Community Responsibility: Community responsibility refers to the collective sense of duty and accountability shared by the members of a tertiary institution’s community in ensuring the proper use and maintenance of sanitary appliances.

These definitions provide clarity regarding the terminology used in the research study and help ensure a common understanding among researchers, readers, and stakeholders involved in the assessment of factors affecting sanitary appliances in Nigerian tertiary institution buildings.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

Sunday 27 August 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



Tax evasion and avoidance are persistent challenges faced by governments worldwide, hampering their efforts to fund critical infrastructural development projects. This research project aims to analyze the implications of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development, exploring the intricate relationship between fiscal misconduct and the availability of resources for building and maintaining essential public infrastructure. By examining case studies, economic models, and policy frameworks, this study sheds light on the multifaceted nature of the issue and its far-reaching consequences. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative analysis to understand the motivations and methods behind tax evasion and avoidance, and quantitative analysis to assess the magnitude of revenue loss due to these practices. By leveraging existing literature, governmental reports, and expert opinions, the study presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of tax evasion and avoidance, while also delving into the mechanisms that enable these practices to persist. Furthermore, this project investigates the direct and indirect effects of reduced tax revenues on infrastructural development projects. It examines how diminished funding impacts the implementation of vital projects such as transportation networks, energy facilities, and communication systems. The study also explores the broader implications for sustainable development, social equity, and economic growth within affected regions. The findings of this research emphasize the urgent need for robust policy measures, international cooperation, and improved enforcement mechanisms to curb tax evasion and avoidance effectively. By addressing these issues, governments can enhance their revenue streams, ensuring a more stable foundation for sustainable infrastructural development. Additionally, the study underscores the significance of public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives aimed at fostering a culture of tax compliance and responsible citizenship. In conclusion, this project contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive assessment of the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development. By uncovering the intricate interplay between fiscal misconduct and development outcomes, this research offers valuable insights for policymakers, economists, and development practitioners striving to promote equitable and sustainable growth in the face of persistent challenges related to taxation.



Taxation is a fundamental mechanism through which governments generate revenue to fund essential public services and infrastructure development projects. Adequate funding is crucial for the construction, maintenance, and enhancement of critical infrastructure such as transportation networks, energy facilities, water supply systems, and communication networks. These infrastructure assets are the backbone of economic growth, social well-being, and overall development within a nation.

However, the issue of tax evasion and avoidance has emerged as a significant challenge that undermines the revenue base of governments globally. Tax evasion refers to the illegal act of deliberately misrepresenting financial information to evade tax payments, often involving activities such as underreporting income, inflating deductions, or concealing assets. Tax avoidance, on the other hand, involves legally exploiting loopholes in tax laws to minimize tax liabilities without violating the law’s letter. Both practices result in reduced tax revenues, which in turn, hinder governments’ ability to finance crucial infrastructure development projects.

Sustainable development, a core principle embraced by international organizations and governments, emphasizes the need for balanced economic, social, and environmental progress that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable infrastructure development is a key component of this agenda, as it contributes to economic growth, poverty reduction, and environmental preservation.

Tax evasion and avoidance defiles sustainable infrastructural development in any constituted society. One of the duties of the government at all tiers is making available infrastructures, referring to roads, utility lines, hospitals, schools, emergency services like fire fighters, ambulance and police, sidewalks, motorable and pedestrian bridges. The basic facilities that make a town or city function effectively are known as infrastructures. Tax evasion and avoidance
can be understood as an act of deliberately causing harm to oneself and fellow members of the society. According to Farayola (1987), Tax evasion is the fraudulent, dishonest, intentional distortion or concealment of facts and figures with the intention of avoiding the payment of or reducing the amount of tax otherwise payable, while Tax avoidance according to Nwakaji and Ewah (2010) refers to a taxpayer’s effort to avoid paying tax by finding a legal loophole in the tax system, it could also be said to be the arrangement of affairs in such a manner as to pay minimum amount of tax due.

The relationship between tax evasion, tax avoidance, and sustainable infrastructural development is complex and multifaceted. Reduced tax revenues limit governments’ ability to allocate resources for infrastructure projects, leading to delays, suboptimal quality, or even the abandonment of vital initiatives. This, in turn, can impede economic progress and hinder the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Despite its critical importance, the intersection of tax misconduct and infrastructural development has not been extensively studied in a holistic manner. While there is a growing body of literature addressing tax evasion and avoidance from legal, economic, and sociopolitical perspectives, there remains a gap in research that comprehensively assesses the far-reaching effects of these practices on sustainable infrastructural development.

This research project aims to bridge this gap by providing a thorough analysis of the implications of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development. By exploring case studies, economic models, and policy frameworks, the study seeks to unveil the intricate dynamics at play, elucidating the magnitude of the issue and offering insights into potential mitigation strategies. Through a mixed-methods approach, the research endeavors to contribute to the broader discourse on taxation, development, and the pursuit of global sustainability.

In summary, the study addresses a critical area that has implications for economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability. By examining the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development, the research aims to inform policymakers, researchers, and practitioners about the challenges and opportunities in promoting robust revenue streams for the advancement of essential infrastructure within a sustainable development framework.


The quantity and condition of the infrastructures in Ado-Odo Ota local government area gets worse by the day as the population increase due to influx of residents of Lagos state who share boundary with Ogun state, caused by the over-congestion and over-crowdedness of dwellers in Lagos state of which can no longer contain its over-flowing populace. Over-utilization of infrastructures in Lagos state presently causing defects and great unbalance of resources to inhabitants. The outcome of such migration is a large increase in the demand
for sustainable infrastructural development in Ogun state, just as Ado-Odo Ota local government area serves as the choice residence to these migrants due to its proximity to Lagos state.

Over-dependence and over-reliance on the federal allocations has instigated tax payers and collectors in the local government area to relax from their civic duties towards tax. Sustainable infrastructural development can only be achieved where there is minimal or no presence of tax evasion and avoidance. Tax evasion and avoidance have rooted its presence in virtually the entire local government areas in the country but no one seems to know the extent it has gone in particular areas, why they occur there and proffer solution. This study
is therefore designed to add to existing knowledge, the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local Government area, Ogun state.

1.3             RESEARCH QUESTIONS

In order for this research work to be effective and efficient, it pleases the researcher to ask the following questions:

  1. To what extent does tax evasion and avoidance hinder sustainable
    infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area?
  2. What are the short and long-run effects of tax evasion and avoidance on
    sustainable infrastructural development in the study area?
  3. What are the possible causes of tax evasion and avoidance in the study
  4. What recommendation can be given to the examined problems of these tax
    irregularities in the study area?


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on
sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota Local Government
Area, Ogun state. The broad objective is broken down to the following specific

  1. To ascertain the extent tax evasion and avoidance hinder sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area.
  2. To examine the short and long-run effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development in the study area.
  3. To identify the possible causes of tax evasion and avoidance in the study area.
  4. To make recommendation on the examined problems of these tax irregularities in the study area.


The following hypotheses have been posited to aid the research work. The null
hypothesis is denoted as “Ho” while the alternative hypothesis is denoted as

Ho1: There is no relationship between tax evasion and avoidance and sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.

Hi1: There is a relationship between tax evasion and avoidance and sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.

Ho2: There is no difference between the number of persons that are liable to pay tax and the number of persons that pay tax in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.
Hi2: There is a difference between the number of persons that are liable to pay tax and the number of persons that pay tax in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.


This study would be relevant to various tax authorities; the Federal Inland
Revenue Service, State Internal Revenue Service, Local Government revenue
committee as well as their tax officials who are responsible to collect tax
liability from individuals or corporate bodies. It gives them insight on how to
improve the tax administration. The study would also help professional bodies
like the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Nigeria and the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and
Valuers as well as their members to see the areas of deficiency in the
collections and call for improvement in tax revenue. This study would also be
relevant to the future researchers and any such individual or corporate body
that is concerned with achieving sustainable infrastructural development in a particular area as well as the legislations which will also benefit greatly from this study, because it will form basis of tax policy formation, implementation and administration.


It is focused on studying the discernible and foreseeable effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development. The study will focus primarily and precisely on Ado-Odo Ota local government area in Ogun state, to enable the studier carryout an extensive study on this subject. The geographical scope to be covered is strictly limited to Ado-Odo Ota local government area in Ogun state.


It is not strange for a research to encounter some difficulties in the course of research and these encountered in the course of this research include:

1. Inadequate time due to the combination of class schedule and project work.

2. Lack of full cooperation by some of the respondents and some who refuse to receive the researcher and some afterwards delayed in giving back the questionnaire.

3. Financial constraints though this is always a major limitation in studies of this nature, since the researcher may not have enough money to carry out all the necessary research.

4. There are areas where data is available but the researcher cannot lay hands on them because the relevant information is sometimes termed confidential and unavailable to outsiders.

Despite all this limitations and hindrances mentioned above, the research study no doubt turned out to be successful.


There are some terms used in this study and proper understanding of the terms is important in appreciating this study:

1. TAX: Tax can be defined as a charge by government on persons, corporations, estates and trust for the purpose of raising money for government expenditure (Umezuruike, 1998). Ifediora (1998) also defined tax as the sum of money demanded by the government for its support or for specific facilities or service, levied upon incomes from property, sales and services. Eribo (2010) emphasized that taxes are normally paid by the eligible citizens of any political system as a legal obligation, regardless of the extent to which they benefit from the services the proceeds finance.

2. TAX EVASION: Tax evasion is the fraudulent, dishonest, intentional distortion or concealment of facts and figures with the intention of avoiding the payment of or reducing the amount of tax otherwise payable (Farayola, 1987).

3. TAX AVOIDANCE: Tax avoidance refers to a taxpayer’s effort to avoid  paying tax by finding a legal loophole in the tax system, it could also be said to be the arrangement of affairs in such a manner as to pay minimum amount of tax due (Nwakaji & Ewah, 2010).

4. TAX LIABILITY: This is the amount that is borne by the tax payer (Ihuoma, 2013).

5. PAYE (PAY AS YOU EARN): This type of tax is based on the earning of the tax payer (Ihuoma, 2013).

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

from WordPress


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



Tax evasion and avoidance are persistent challenges faced by governments worldwide, hampering their efforts to fund critical infrastructural development projects. This research project aims to analyze the implications of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development, exploring the intricate relationship between fiscal misconduct and the availability of resources for building and maintaining essential public infrastructure. By examining case studies, economic models, and policy frameworks, this study sheds light on the multifaceted nature of the issue and its far-reaching consequences. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative analysis to understand the motivations and methods behind tax evasion and avoidance, and quantitative analysis to assess the magnitude of revenue loss due to these practices. By leveraging existing literature, governmental reports, and expert opinions, the study presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of tax evasion and avoidance, while also delving into the mechanisms that enable these practices to persist. Furthermore, this project investigates the direct and indirect effects of reduced tax revenues on infrastructural development projects. It examines how diminished funding impacts the implementation of vital projects such as transportation networks, energy facilities, and communication systems. The study also explores the broader implications for sustainable development, social equity, and economic growth within affected regions. The findings of this research emphasize the urgent need for robust policy measures, international cooperation, and improved enforcement mechanisms to curb tax evasion and avoidance effectively. By addressing these issues, governments can enhance their revenue streams, ensuring a more stable foundation for sustainable infrastructural development. Additionally, the study underscores the significance of public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives aimed at fostering a culture of tax compliance and responsible citizenship. In conclusion, this project contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive assessment of the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development. By uncovering the intricate interplay between fiscal misconduct and development outcomes, this research offers valuable insights for policymakers, economists, and development practitioners striving to promote equitable and sustainable growth in the face of persistent challenges related to taxation.



Taxation is a fundamental mechanism through which governments generate revenue to fund essential public services and infrastructure development projects. Adequate funding is crucial for the construction, maintenance, and enhancement of critical infrastructure such as transportation networks, energy facilities, water supply systems, and communication networks. These infrastructure assets are the backbone of economic growth, social well-being, and overall development within a nation.

However, the issue of tax evasion and avoidance has emerged as a significant challenge that undermines the revenue base of governments globally. Tax evasion refers to the illegal act of deliberately misrepresenting financial information to evade tax payments, often involving activities such as underreporting income, inflating deductions, or concealing assets. Tax avoidance, on the other hand, involves legally exploiting loopholes in tax laws to minimize tax liabilities without violating the law’s letter. Both practices result in reduced tax revenues, which in turn, hinder governments’ ability to finance crucial infrastructure development projects.

Sustainable development, a core principle embraced by international organizations and governments, emphasizes the need for balanced economic, social, and environmental progress that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable infrastructure development is a key component of this agenda, as it contributes to economic growth, poverty reduction, and environmental preservation.

Tax evasion and avoidance defiles sustainable infrastructural development in any constituted society. One of the duties of the government at all tiers is making available infrastructures, referring to roads, utility lines, hospitals, schools, emergency services like fire fighters, ambulance and police, sidewalks, motorable and pedestrian bridges. The basic facilities that make a town or city function effectively are known as infrastructures. Tax evasion and avoidance
can be understood as an act of deliberately causing harm to oneself and fellow members of the society. According to Farayola (1987), Tax evasion is the fraudulent, dishonest, intentional distortion or concealment of facts and figures with the intention of avoiding the payment of or reducing the amount of tax otherwise payable, while Tax avoidance according to Nwakaji and Ewah (2010) refers to a taxpayer’s effort to avoid paying tax by finding a legal loophole in the tax system, it could also be said to be the arrangement of affairs in such a manner as to pay minimum amount of tax due.

The relationship between tax evasion, tax avoidance, and sustainable infrastructural development is complex and multifaceted. Reduced tax revenues limit governments’ ability to allocate resources for infrastructure projects, leading to delays, suboptimal quality, or even the abandonment of vital initiatives. This, in turn, can impede economic progress and hinder the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Despite its critical importance, the intersection of tax misconduct and infrastructural development has not been extensively studied in a holistic manner. While there is a growing body of literature addressing tax evasion and avoidance from legal, economic, and sociopolitical perspectives, there remains a gap in research that comprehensively assesses the far-reaching effects of these practices on sustainable infrastructural development.

This research project aims to bridge this gap by providing a thorough analysis of the implications of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development. By exploring case studies, economic models, and policy frameworks, the study seeks to unveil the intricate dynamics at play, elucidating the magnitude of the issue and offering insights into potential mitigation strategies. Through a mixed-methods approach, the research endeavors to contribute to the broader discourse on taxation, development, and the pursuit of global sustainability.

In summary, the study addresses a critical area that has implications for economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability. By examining the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development, the research aims to inform policymakers, researchers, and practitioners about the challenges and opportunities in promoting robust revenue streams for the advancement of essential infrastructure within a sustainable development framework.


The quantity and condition of the infrastructures in Ado-Odo Ota local government area gets worse by the day as the population increase due to influx of residents of Lagos state who share boundary with Ogun state, caused by the over-congestion and over-crowdedness of dwellers in Lagos state of which can no longer contain its over-flowing populace. Over-utilization of infrastructures in Lagos state presently causing defects and great unbalance of resources to inhabitants. The outcome of such migration is a large increase in the demand
for sustainable infrastructural development in Ogun state, just as Ado-Odo Ota local government area serves as the choice residence to these migrants due to its proximity to Lagos state.

Over-dependence and over-reliance on the federal allocations has instigated tax payers and collectors in the local government area to relax from their civic duties towards tax. Sustainable infrastructural development can only be achieved where there is minimal or no presence of tax evasion and avoidance. Tax evasion and avoidance have rooted its presence in virtually the entire local government areas in the country but no one seems to know the extent it has gone in particular areas, why they occur there and proffer solution. This study
is therefore designed to add to existing knowledge, the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local Government area, Ogun state.

1.3             RESEARCH QUESTIONS

In order for this research work to be effective and efficient, it pleases the researcher to ask the following questions:

  1. To what extent does tax evasion and avoidance hinder sustainable
    infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area?
  2. What are the short and long-run effects of tax evasion and avoidance on
    sustainable infrastructural development in the study area?
  3. What are the possible causes of tax evasion and avoidance in the study
  4. What recommendation can be given to the examined problems of these tax
    irregularities in the study area?


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of tax evasion and avoidance on
sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota Local Government
Area, Ogun state. The broad objective is broken down to the following specific

  1. To ascertain the extent tax evasion and avoidance hinder sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area.
  2. To examine the short and long-run effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development in the study area.
  3. To identify the possible causes of tax evasion and avoidance in the study area.
  4. To make recommendation on the examined problems of these tax irregularities in the study area.


The following hypotheses have been posited to aid the research work. The null
hypothesis is denoted as “Ho” while the alternative hypothesis is denoted as

Ho1: There is no relationship between tax evasion and avoidance and sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.

Hi1: There is a relationship between tax evasion and avoidance and sustainable infrastructural development in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.

Ho2: There is no difference between the number of persons that are liable to pay tax and the number of persons that pay tax in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.
Hi2: There is a difference between the number of persons that are liable to pay tax and the number of persons that pay tax in Ado-Odo Ota local government area, Ogun state.


This study would be relevant to various tax authorities; the Federal Inland
Revenue Service, State Internal Revenue Service, Local Government revenue
committee as well as their tax officials who are responsible to collect tax
liability from individuals or corporate bodies. It gives them insight on how to
improve the tax administration. The study would also help professional bodies
like the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Nigeria and the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and
Valuers as well as their members to see the areas of deficiency in the
collections and call for improvement in tax revenue. This study would also be
relevant to the future researchers and any such individual or corporate body
that is concerned with achieving sustainable infrastructural development in a particular area as well as the legislations which will also benefit greatly from this study, because it will form basis of tax policy formation, implementation and administration.


It is focused on studying the discernible and foreseeable effects of tax evasion and avoidance on sustainable infrastructural development. The study will focus primarily and precisely on Ado-Odo Ota local government area in Ogun state, to enable the studier carryout an extensive study on this subject. The geographical scope to be covered is strictly limited to Ado-Odo Ota local government area in Ogun state.


It is not strange for a research to encounter some difficulties in the course of research and these encountered in the course of this research include:

1. Inadequate time due to the combination of class schedule and project work.

2. Lack of full cooperation by some of the respondents and some who refuse to receive the researcher and some afterwards delayed in giving back the questionnaire.

3. Financial constraints though this is always a major limitation in studies of this nature, since the researcher may not have enough money to carry out all the necessary research.

4. There are areas where data is available but the researcher cannot lay hands on them because the relevant information is sometimes termed confidential and unavailable to outsiders.

Despite all this limitations and hindrances mentioned above, the research study no doubt turned out to be successful.


There are some terms used in this study and proper understanding of the terms is important in appreciating this study:

1. TAX: Tax can be defined as a charge by government on persons, corporations, estates and trust for the purpose of raising money for government expenditure (Umezuruike, 1998). Ifediora (1998) also defined tax as the sum of money demanded by the government for its support or for specific facilities or service, levied upon incomes from property, sales and services. Eribo (2010) emphasized that taxes are normally paid by the eligible citizens of any political system as a legal obligation, regardless of the extent to which they benefit from the services the proceeds finance.

2. TAX EVASION: Tax evasion is the fraudulent, dishonest, intentional distortion or concealment of facts and figures with the intention of avoiding the payment of or reducing the amount of tax otherwise payable (Farayola, 1987).

3. TAX AVOIDANCE: Tax avoidance refers to a taxpayer’s effort to avoid  paying tax by finding a legal loophole in the tax system, it could also be said to be the arrangement of affairs in such a manner as to pay minimum amount of tax due (Nwakaji & Ewah, 2010).

4. TAX LIABILITY: This is the amount that is borne by the tax payer (Ihuoma, 2013).

5. PAYE (PAY AS YOU EARN): This type of tax is based on the earning of the tax payer (Ihuoma, 2013).

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

Friday 16 June 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



  • Introduction
  • Executive summary
  • The market
  • Start-up funding and financials
  • Objectives
  • Mission
  • Keys to success
  • Company summary
  • Swot analysis of james smart computer business center
  • Start-up summary
  • Service offered
  • Market analysis summary
  • Market segmentation
  • Walk in clients (customers)
  • Organizations and small business clients
  • Target market segment strategy
  • Service business analysis
  • Competition and buying patterns
  • Strategy and implementation summary
  • Competitive edge
  • Marketing strategy
  • Sales strategy
  • Sales forecast
  • Milestones
  • Financial plan
  • Important assumptions
  • Break-even analysis
  • Conclusion


A computer business centre is a place where services like word processing, data processing, accounting, fax facilities, internet café, photocopying, lamination, typing, scanning, binding, online registrations, digital passports, instant photo printing. With best location, this business can fetch revenues and profit. Students and small business owners can be regular customers who seek one or other service at centre.

Executive Summary

James Smart Computer Business Center (JSCBC) will provide computer business center services to clients. The company will focus on rendering  responsive, quality, creating and retaining customer relations.  JSCBM will at first employ fifteen staff, utilizing one single office located at strategic location and serving customers in the locality.

The Market

The very nature of the computer application and data processing services industry, with its extraordinary rate of technological development, creates a constant need for businesses skilled in updating and advising customers on computer-related services. In town, the majority of potential customers are dissatisfied with existing options, creating an attractive niche for an innovative start-up. Business organization and individual clients will provide the majority of our business revenue.

JSCBC has decided to focus mainly on the small business market, as these customers typically don’t have a full-time IT person, but have full-time IT needs. JSCBC will offer an affordable, on-demand service for these customers. We can also offer maintenance agreements that generate additional monthly income. For our residential customers, we will offer a very affordable and helpful service with a very flexible schedule to meet their needs. Our target market will focus on Lokoja and the surrounding areas. Market research indicates that there is an abundance of clients or customers who need a computer business center services.

Start-up Funding and Financials

To get JSCBC started the owner is providing cash and assets. We are also seeking a short-term loan, to be secured with the owner’s home equity, and repaid within three years. Our conservative sales forecasts, based on industry research within the local area, project hefty sales in year one, steadily increasing through year three. To reach these goals, we will use an aggressive advertising campaign to exploit our competitors’ weaknesses. With good cost control, we will see a modest, yet comfortable, net profit the first year


1.          To provide the best service available to the customers at an affordable price.

2.          To generate substantial market share.

3.          Constant growth in sales from start up through year three.

4.          To generate customer satisfaction so that at least 40% of our customer base is repeat


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

from WordPress


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



  • Introduction
  • Executive summary
  • The market
  • Start-up funding and financials
  • Objectives
  • Mission
  • Keys to success
  • Company summary
  • Swot analysis of james smart computer business center
  • Start-up summary
  • Service offered
  • Market analysis summary
  • Market segmentation
  • Walk in clients (customers)
  • Organizations and small business clients
  • Target market segment strategy
  • Service business analysis
  • Competition and buying patterns
  • Strategy and implementation summary
  • Competitive edge
  • Marketing strategy
  • Sales strategy
  • Sales forecast
  • Milestones
  • Financial plan
  • Important assumptions
  • Break-even analysis
  • Conclusion


A computer business centre is a place where services like word processing, data processing, accounting, fax facilities, internet café, photocopying, lamination, typing, scanning, binding, online registrations, digital passports, instant photo printing. With best location, this business can fetch revenues and profit. Students and small business owners can be regular customers who seek one or other service at centre.

Executive Summary

James Smart Computer Business Center (JSCBC) will provide computer business center services to clients. The company will focus on rendering  responsive, quality, creating and retaining customer relations.  JSCBM will at first employ fifteen staff, utilizing one single office located at strategic location and serving customers in the locality.

The Market

The very nature of the computer application and data processing services industry, with its extraordinary rate of technological development, creates a constant need for businesses skilled in updating and advising customers on computer-related services. In town, the majority of potential customers are dissatisfied with existing options, creating an attractive niche for an innovative start-up. Business organization and individual clients will provide the majority of our business revenue.

JSCBC has decided to focus mainly on the small business market, as these customers typically don’t have a full-time IT person, but have full-time IT needs. JSCBC will offer an affordable, on-demand service for these customers. We can also offer maintenance agreements that generate additional monthly income. For our residential customers, we will offer a very affordable and helpful service with a very flexible schedule to meet their needs. Our target market will focus on Lokoja and the surrounding areas. Market research indicates that there is an abundance of clients or customers who need a computer business center services.

Start-up Funding and Financials

To get JSCBC started the owner is providing cash and assets. We are also seeking a short-term loan, to be secured with the owner’s home equity, and repaid within three years. Our conservative sales forecasts, based on industry research within the local area, project hefty sales in year one, steadily increasing through year three. To reach these goals, we will use an aggressive advertising campaign to exploit our competitors’ weaknesses. With good cost control, we will see a modest, yet comfortable, net profit the first year


1.          To provide the best service available to the customers at an affordable price.

2.          To generate substantial market share.

3.          Constant growth in sales from start up through year three.

4.          To generate customer satisfaction so that at least 40% of our customer base is repeat


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @