Thursday 19 November 2015


Select any sample business venture of your choice (Small scale type) and implement the business plan on it.

A business plan is a written description of your business's future. A document that describes what you plan to do and how you plan to do it.

Business plans can help perform a number of tasks for those who write and read them. They're used by investment-seeking entrepreneurs to convey their vision to potential investors.

It is often an integration of functional plans such as marketing, finance, manufacturing and human resources. Potential investors and suppliers too are interested in a business plan, as it can proof helpful in taking decisions.

For the purpose of this assignment, the selected sample business venture is DE BRIGHT POULTRY FARM.

Name of the business: DE Bright Poultry Farm
Address of the business: The location of the business determines both the success and failure of the business, hence this business will be located in Up Oversea in Nasarawa town

Nature of the business:  The business is profit oriented that is, it is established for the sole purpose of making profit. The business will begin in small scale considering the financial implication but may gradually increase as income become larger.
Statement of finance needed: Poultry farming is capital intensive, as low as 150,000 can start the business at the scale I wish to operate, but a basic necessity is housing, where there is none, then more capital will be required to access one and capital is required to get that. The capital to start up this business will be sourced from loan from agro-based subsidy organizations.

Poultry farming is a branch of agricultural business that deals with raising of domesticated birds such as chickens, turkey, ducks and geese, for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. This business plan is centered on rearing of chicken which is the most common aspect of poultry farming. It is a very lucrative business that can transform a pooper to a billionaire.
Objective Statement
The De Bright poultry farm mission is to become the recognized leader in its focused industry for income of poultry and egg.

The poultry farming is capital intensive depending on the scale, location of the farm and the type of management technology used

Production process: the major requirement is the housing for the birds, poultry equipment and appliances. The incubation period of the domestic fowl is 21 days. After the incubation period, the poultry hatch into chicks and the rearing process begins. At the early stage, there won’t be any output, until the are old enough to start laying eggs, but before then much money will have to be invested in feeding with the adequate nutritional requirement needed for healthy growth of the poultry.

Raw materials: the major raw materials required in poultry production are the feed, and they are classified based on the stage of the poultry: starters, growers, layers and finishers. Vaccination is also recommended at intervals to ensure proper health condition.
Sales of Chicken
The primary income stream for the organization will come from the sales of chicken to industries, hotels, restaurant and slaughterhouses within the Business’s focused market.

The De Bright poultry farm plans to produce a lot of interest in the farm due to the fact that there is high demand for poultry product in Nasarawa town and Nigeria at large.

Promotion Strategies
De Bright poultry farm plans on using a variety of selling techniques that will allow the farm to easily focus on buyers within the focus on audience.


Financial Plan

Actual Assumptions
·        The De Bright poultry farm will have a yearly income amount of growth of 20% per season.
·        The Owner will obtain N150,000 of debt resources to create the company.
It’s one thing to start a chicken farm, but to start an actual business out of it is something else entirely. You are not only going to become a chicken farmer, but a businessperson as well, depending on what markets you want to target and what part of the chicken industry you want to tap into. In the chicken industry there are two main sectors: Layers, which are chickens bred and raised to produce eggs, or broilers, chickens raised and bred to be slaughtered. Whatever sector you choose, you have to make responsible managerial and financial decisions to make your chicken farm business a profitable one.

The procedures and requirement for naming a business and incorporating business vary elucidate.

An investor who intends to commence any business must first make a decision on the form of business in which to operate. In Nigeria, there are two main forms a business can take. The business could either take the form of a registered business name or an incorporated company.

The Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 (“CAMA”) provides for the processes and procedures for registration of these forms of business.
A Business Name is registered under Part B of CAMA. Businesses registered under this Part are normally Sole Proprietorships and ordinary Partnerships.
Step A: Reservation of Name
This is the first step prior to the registration of a Business Name in Nigeria.
An investor is required to supply proposed alternative name options for the Business Name in the prescribed form to the Corporate Affairs Commission (‘CAC’). The CAC will then determine whether or not any of the proposed names are available for use. Where any are deemed available and approved by the CAC, one of the options will be reserved for that particular investor for a period of sixty days to allow for registration.
Step B: Submission of the following documents to the CAC:
1.     The approved reservation of name form
2.     Duly completed Business Name registration form.
3.     2 (Two) passport size photographs of each investor
4.     Certificates of professional qualification where necessary
Step C: Payment of the prescribed fees and stamp duties at the bank desk at the CAC
Step D: Registration and provision of Certificate

There are different types of incorporated companies in Nigeria.
We have the limited liability Companies which can either be private or public company; the companies limited by Guarantee and the unlimited liability Companies. There are also Incorporated Trustees which are incorporated companies for non-profit organizations such as Religious Bodies, Associations, and Non-Governmental Organizations
CAMA provides under Part A for the procedure of incorporation for limited and unlimited liability companies, and also for companies limited by guarantee. The procedure is as follows:
Step A: Reservation of Name
This is the first step prior to the incorporation of any company in Nigeria.
An investor is required to supply proposed alternative name options for the Company in the prescribed form to the CAC. The CAC will then determine whether or not any of the proposed names are available for use. Where any are deemed available and approved by the CAC, one of the options will be reserved for that particular investor for a period of sixty days to allow for incorporation.
Step B: Submission of the following documents to the CAC:
·        The approved reservation of name form
·        Duly Completed Incorporation Forms
·        Duly stamped Memorandum and Article of Association (2 copies)
·        Certification of proficiency where required.
·        Copies of Means of Identification of the Directors
Step C: Payment of the prescribed fees and stamp duties at the Bank Desk at the CAC
Step D: Incorporation and provision of Certificate
CAMA requires a minimum of two directors and two shareholders to form a company. The directors and shareholders can be of any nationality, and need not be resident of Nigeria.

CAMA requires every foreign company who intends to do business in Nigeria to register a separate entity in Nigeria for that purpose. Notwithstanding this requirement, the law created instances where a foreign company can be exempted from the requirement of registration.

Please note that foreign investors may own up to 100% of any Nigerian business except in the Maritime sector as provided in the Cabotage Act.
Every company after registration is required to disclose on its letterhead papers, the following;
• Name of the company/Business Name
• Registered Address of the Company/Business Name
• RC Number/BN Number of the Company
• Names of Directors of the Company
Of what important do you think industries support agencies are to entrepreneurial development of Nigeria?
Some supportive agencies are established by the government at all levels to facilitate the promotion of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. These agencies are established to cope with the dynamics of the economy at a particular time. Their basic functions can be discussed under these roles.
1.     Participatory
2.     Regulatory
3.     Facilitating
Participatory Agencies
The agencies in this category aid in providing goods and services which are best produced by the government. They provide goods and services that are highly subsidized or goods produced below the average cost. The services provided by these agencies are essentially to encourage entrepreneurship. Examples are FERMA, Federal Road Maintenance Agency, public corporations such as PHCN, NEMA, FAAN etc.
Regulatory Agencies
These are agencies established for regulating business. They are involved in inspection of facilities, laboratory test of products, approval of facilities and product etc. They include the following:
  • Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON)
  • National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC).
  • National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
  • Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA)
  • State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).
Facilitative Agencies
These are agencies set up to facilitate the establishment and successful existence of small scale industries. They are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring conducive environment for SMEs. Their function may include specialized fund for SMEs or otherwise. In this category we have such institutions as:
  • The Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
  • Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi (FIIRO)
  • Bank of Industry (BOI)
  • The Industrial Development Centre (IDC)
  • Universities and Polytechnics
  • Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC)
  • The National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
  • National Poverty Eradication Programme. (NAPEP)
  • Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN)

Briefly explain the function of the following industry support agencies
i.                   Raw Material Research and Development Council (RMRDC)
ii.                 Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria

i.                   Raw material and Research and development council (RMRDC)
The Raw Materials Research and Development Council was established to perform the following functions
(a)      To draw up policy guidelines and action programmes on raw materials acquisition, exploitation and development;
(b)      To review from time to time, raw material resources availability and utilization with a view to advising the Federal Government on the strategic implication of depletion, conservation or stock-piling of such resources;
(c)       To advise on adoption of machinery and processes for raw material utilisation;
(d)      To encourage publicity of research findings and other information relevant to local sourcing of industries;
(e)       To encourage growth of implant research and development capabilities;
(f)        To advise on and devise awards or systems for industries that achieve any
break-through or make innovations and inventions;
(g)      To organise workshops, symposia and seminars, from time to time, designed to enlighten people on new developments and solutions discovered;
(h)      To consider and advise on special research grants for specific objectives;
(i)        To consider and advise on any other issue capable of enhancing the objectives of the Council.

ii.                 Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) was established by the SMEDAN Act of 2003 to promote the development of micro, small and medium enterprises [MSME] sector of the Nigeria Economy.

The following are the functions of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria
1.     The Agency is focus on facilitate the access of micro, small and medium entrepreneurs and investors to all resources required for their development.
2.     Stimulating, Monitoring and Coordinating the development of the MSMEs sector,
3.     Initiating and articulating policy ideas for micro, small and medium enterprises growth and development,
4.     Promoting and facilitating development programmes, instruments and support services to accelerate the development and modernization of MSME operation.
5.     Serving as vanguard for rural industrialization, poverty reduction, job creation and enhance sustainable livelihoods.
6.     Linking SMEs to internal and external sources of finance, appropriate technology, technical skills as well as to large enterprises.
7.     Promoting information and providing access to industrial infrastructure such as layouts, incubators, industrial parks.
8.     Intermediating between MSMEs and the Government. SMEDAN is the voice of the MSMEs.

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