Monday 16 November 2015



This project entitled “The History of Agricultural Development in Nigeria” examines the role of women in agricultural development, using Aboh-Mbaise as a case study. Agriculture is an engine of growth and poverty reduction. But the sector is under performing in many states of Nigeria because women, who are often a crucial resource in agriculture and the rural economy, face constraints that reduce their productivity. Women constitute 60 to 80 percent of labour force in the agricultural activities of Nigeria. It is ironical that their contributions to agricultural and rural development are seldom noticed. This study considered Aboh Mbaise women in agriculture from 1960 to 2013 period. It also highlights the constraints women face in their participation in agriculture and the role of government policies and institution in eradicating the constraints. The research was carried out using the two major sources of research primary and secondary sources.

    1. Background to the Study
This research examines the role of women in agricultural development of Aboh-Mbaise 1960 to 2013. women make essential contributions to the agricultural and rural economies in all developing countries. Their role vary considerably between and within regions and are changing rapidly in many parts of the world, where economic and social forces are transforming the agricultural sector. Rural women often manage complex households and pursue multiple livelihood strategies. Their activities typically include producing agricultural crops, tending animals, processing and preparing food, working for wages in agricultural or other rural enterprises, collecting fuel and water, engaging in trade and marketing, caring for family members and maintaining their homes. Many of these activities are not defined as “economically active employment” in national account but they are essential to the well being of rural households. The present day Mbaise local government is situated almost at the south eastern parts of Nigeria. It shares a common boundary with the Orlu local government. It is delimited to the south and east by Owerri and Aba local governments, to the north by Okigwe and Umahia.

The North, it has a common frontier with Aba local government in Abia state. The local government area covers some 2,050 square kilometers and lies approximately latitude 8.50 and 90N and between longitude 70 and 80E. the climate and vegetation of Aboh-Mbaise like other part of eastern Nigeria, has been influenced by a number of factors. Its location on a relief of low lying hills and broad rolly plains are among the major factors that have determined the nature and type of climate and vegetation. The rainy season is always preceded by the hottest period bazara, between March and May. The noon temperature often rises between 350 and 370 centigrade. Because of the severe heat at noon, the people prefer to work on their fields either during the morning hours or in the evening. The men of Aboh-Mbaise before colonial period were majorly involved in farming and smiting. The women embark on pot and basket making, mat weaving and farming. The men also spent their time building or repairing their houses as well as cleaning the farms in anticipation of rainy season2.

O. Onazi3, Opined that agricultural industry has been and is still of the major contributors to the gross domestic product in Nigeria. The industry is relied upon to perform all the traditional functions, supply of foods and fibre, capital formation, supply of labour in the process of economic development. Agriculture in Nigeria is a major branch of the economy providing employment for about 70% of the population4.

The sector is being transformed by commercialization at the small medium and large scale enterprises level. Agricultural holdings are small and scattered, and farming is carried out in simple tools5. Women play a significant role in agriculture the world over. About 70% of the agricultural workers, 80% of food producers, and 10% of those who process basic foodstuffs are women and they also undertake 60 to 90% of the rural marketing, thus making  up more than two third of the workforce in agricultural production6.

About 75% of the Agricultural work in the country is done by women under the most strenuous conditions and with primitive tools. The contributions of the Nigerian women to the over all development and progress of the nation has over the years been denied adequate policy recognition. This appears to be more pronounced in the area of agriculture and rural development. Non recognition has meant that the peculiar social and economic constraints faced by women in these productive sectors of the economy persist7. According to Dalat8, the varieties of roles performed by women in Aboh-Mbaise social setting are complex and unending and this has in particular attracted academic interest. This is informed by the fact that their efforts are not dully acknowledge and encourage.

To a large extent, women have been contributing to the development of Aboh-Mbaise. Despite the decline in agricultural production due to lack of incentives and innovations, some of the women have been able to provide food for their families from the produce of their farm. They also produce a variety of vegetables and food crops, and the surplus is sold to markets in and around Aboh-Mbaise. Beside crop cultivation, women also engage in animals and poultry farming and these has enhanced the economy of the area greatly. This is by meeting the demands for the government through the paying of market levies. This study aims to recuperate into history the neglected but important role of women in social and economic market development of Aboh-Mbaise.

    1. Statement of the Problems
Agricultural development in Nigeria from pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial period has been characterized by domestication of animals and planting of food crops for the extended family then to colonial period and introduction of cash crops which were mainly to benefit the colonialists. Post colonial period characterized a period where Nigerians were left with agricultural production as the mainstay of the economy before the petroleum was being found. Our study of this work deals with this period. (1960-2013.

Women have contributed and participated immensely and were effective in the economy of the Aboh-Mbaise community. Although less attention has been given to the role of women in agricultural production in Aboh-Mbaise. During the period of study, Aboh-Mbaise women actively participated in the production of cash crops like palm oil and palm kernel as well as food crops.

The major problem of this research work is to look at the role of the Aboh-Mbaise women status, trade and industry and most especially the agricultural sector which was very vital and essential during the period of study. (1960-2013).

    1. Aims and Objectives
This research is aimed at appreciating the role of Aboh-Mbaise women in agricultural development from 1960 to 2013. The work will also examine the post 1960 agricultural system, the changes that have occurred and its continuity. It will show that beyond the contribution of women to home maintenance they are also involved in sustaining the living of the society through their involvement in agriculture and economic activities. This research will highlight the economical, social and cultural constraints women face in societal development. The role of the government in keeping women involvement in society development will also be examined. The work will also proffer some recommendation on how women can contribute more to economic development of Aboh-Mbaise if give better recognition.

    1. Scope / Delimitation
This research work will focus of Aboh-Mbaise in agricultural development. Agricultural is a system that both men and women participate in, but this research will focus on the unique role of women in agricultural activities such as the harvesting, planting, processing, rearing animals and poultry. The research will examine the economy of the Aboh-Mbaise colonial rule. The date 1960 is chosen for research because it marked Nigeria independence. The research will derive most of the information from oral interview due to the limited availability of literature on Aboh-Mbaise.

    1. Significance Of Study
Agriculture is critical to our developmental efforts. With women constituting more than 50% of the population, and undertaking an estimated 70% of agricultural activities, understanding their challenges cannot be over emphasized in our quest for development. This study will appreciate how women have contributed to the development of Aboh-Mbaise through agricultural activities. It will identify the constraints women faced such as seclusion acquisition of land, access to loan, and lack of access to farming tools etc.

    1. Research Methodology
This research work was carried out using the major sources of research which are primary sources and secondary sources. The primary source are: oral interview and archival materials. While the secondary sources are: books, chapters in books, articles in journals, theses, seminar papers and others.


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Agada Leonard E.
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