Friday 13 November 2015



The scope of research work is a direction towards its completion. This is to say that the scope of any research project involves all the step by step process and stages aimed wholly at the achievement and completion of the study generally.
A research work is usually a systematical and objective study of a phenomenon, problem or  social issue. Although, this differs from field to field. In social science generally, research work is usually a systematical, step by step study to a social problem. A social problem in this sense is a problem which affects majority of the society. For example, social scientists may study such social issues as crime, prostitution, choice and demand in individuals etc.
Thus, social science researches usually entails a five – step or stages process from the start to the finishing point of the work. These steps are usually known as chapters and these chapters usually consists of sub-steps of their own. The following are the five chapters involved in the completion of a research work and a brief explanation of what each chapter entails.

            This is usually the first chapter in any social science research work. This chapter is known as the introductory chapter in which the researcher gives a brief but detailed introduction to the issue being studied. This chapter usually consists of seven (7) sub-steps which are:
1.1             Introduction
Here the researcher basically introduces the problem being studied
1.2             Statement of the Problem
Here, the researcher states the problems as to how it affects the society or as to how it constitutes a problem. Here certain questions are answered such as how is it a problem etc.
1.3             Aim and Objectives
Here, the researcher introduces the aim and objectives of the study i.e. what the researcher hopes to achieve at the end of the research.
1.4             Research Hypothesis / Questions
Here, the researcher decides as to whether to use questions or hypothesis as guide for the study.
1.5             Significance of the Study
Here, the researcher duely explains the significance of the study both to the society at large and to individuals.
1.6             Scope and Limitation
Here, the researcher explains the scope of the work and also outline some limitations anticipated to be faced during the work.
1.7             Definition of Key Terms
Here, the researcher defines the key concepts and ambiguous terminologies used in the work.
The chapter two is usually one of the lengthiest and most stressful part of the research work. It usually has two (2) sub-steps.
2.1       Literature Reviews
This is where the researcher reviews some existing works of scholars as related to the topic under study. This is usually done in order to measure the extent of writing or determine the extent of knowledge already existing as concerned with the study.
2.2       Theoretical Framework
Here, the researcher reviews some relevant theories and tries to determine the one that best explains the problems under study.
In this chapter the researcher gives basic history of the research area and also the methodology to be used. The chapter usually have five or four subsets depending on the researcher.
3.1       Historical Background Of The Study Area
3.2       Sampling Method
3.3       Target Population and Sample Size
3.4       Method of Data Collection
3.5       Method of Data Analysis
This chapter also consists of a very lengthy and stressful part of the work. This is because of the presentation of data that is usually done here.
4.1       Data Presentation
In this sub steps the researcher presents the data obtained from the field in a tabular form for easy analysis.
4.2       Testing Hypothesis
Here, the researcher test his hypothesis for either acceptance or rejection.
This is the final chapter of the research work. It usually consist of three (3) sub-steps. These are
5.1       Summary
This is where the researcher makes a summary of the whole work done earlier.
5.2       Conclusion
In here, the researcher makes his conclusive statement based on the result of his / her findings.
5.3       Recommendation
The purpose of any research work is to be able to make recommendations based on results found. This is where the researcher makes such recommendations.

A research without a scope is like a study without guide and direction. In other words, the direction which any research takes is basically rooted in its scope. 

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