Friday 27 November 2015


Tense are key to learning English, in a present day, people think about tense as past, present and future tense. Tenses also called the verb form for example, the present simple verb tense is concern action that happen every day the past simple verb tense or verb form refers to something that happen in the past is a verb base method used to indicate the time and sometime the continuation or completeness of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking. The concept of tense in English is a method that we used to refer to time- past, present and future, many languages used tense to talk about time. For example when the incident mentioned in a statement takes place at the same time, it is critical factor that can most commonly leads people to mistakes while framing a sentence or while identifying the time of the events. Tense are critical to sensible and flawless language, they help you convey your ideas clearly by way of words. They help indicate the time of the statement and provide the reader with a crystal- clear picture of incidents.     
In grammar, a tense is a category that expresses time reference. Tenses are usually may tested by the use of specific forms of verbs, particularly in their conjugation patterns.
Basic tenses found in many languages include the two distinct tenses, such as past and non- past, or future and non-future.
Generally tenses express time relative to moment of speaking. In some context, however, their meaning may be relativized to a point in the past or future which is established in the discourse i.e. the moment being spoken about.
Various types of tenses with examples are as follows:
            i.            SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE

A sentence is presented in simple present tense when it is used to describe an action that’s happening at present and does not indicate when the action is expected to end. Simple present tense is used when:

The action that is taking place in general.

·        The action is not only occurring now; it is repeats after regular intervals of time.
·        To indicate facts those are generally true.
·        The action for relating habits and routines that happen all the time, be it in the future, past or present.
           Verb “+s/es” form is used
·          If subject is 3rd person singular.
·        If subject is 1st and/or 2nd person singular.
·        If subject is 1st and/or 2nd person plural.
·        If subject is 3rd person plural.
a.     A present state of affairs e.g.           
i.                    My sister “lives” in  Washington.
ii.                  All the cars “stop” at this crossing.
b.     A general fact e.g.                               
i. The sun “rises” in the east.
ii. Michael “teaches” social study in a school.                    

c.      A habitual action e.g.
i. I “listen” to radio in Morning.
ii. Mercy “leaves” at seven in the morning.
d.     Future timetables e.g.                 
i.        The teacher said if she “works” Hard she will pass.  
ii. My flight “leaves” at 1o.oo a.m

Are used to define an act that is going on at the time of speaking.
The sentences with present progressive tense are used when:
·        When something is taking place now, while speaking and has a definite ends as well.
·        When something is already decide and arranged as well to perform it.
·        To indicate an undesirable habit.
·        Use first form of the verb “+ing”
·        Singular 3rd person subject --- use ‘is’
·        Plural 1st, 2nd and 3rd person and singular 2nd person subject ---use ‘are’
·        1st person singular ---use ‘am’
In other words, it is “subject +be (is, am, are) + verb +-ing +obect”

a.     A specific activity that is occurring e.g.               
            John “is watching” TV right now
                She is “having” her breakfast now.
b.     A general activity that  take place over a period of time e.g
       Are they still “living” here?
       Mom I am “playing” football.
c.      Future arrangement e.g.
       I’m “planning” to meet the director tonight.
       I’m “inviting” Emma to the party on Friday.

       iii.            PRESENT PERFECT TENSE:
It’s probably the most used tense form in English Grammar and it also considered difficult to understand. The present perfect tense explains the incident that has happened in the past and that continues until the present time.
·        For almost five generations, my family members “have been” engineers.
·        In order to avoid delays in my work, I “have been” doing it regularly.
·        I “have” always wanted to ride on this vehicle.
Usually, is used for a situation that has occurred in the past and which continues until that moment.
·        Use the first form of the verb +”-ing”
·        Singular subject ( has been), plural subject or I (have been)
·        ‘Since’ – if the point of time is mentioned .
·        ‘For’—if the duration of time is specified.
·        I “have been eating” apples today.
·        You “have not been studying” for the past month.
·        We “haven’t been playing” with Mary since Tuesday.

2.      PAST TENSE
                        I.            SIMPLE PAST TENSE:
Is used to narrate an action of the past. the verb in the PAST tense ends with  an ‘ed’ and hence, there are seven ways of making the regular verb in the past tense. The most common being the change of the vowel as in ‘drink’—‘drank’.
Subject + verb+ object
·        An action that began and ended at a particular time in the past. e.g.    The mail “came” early this morning.
                         He “was washing” the dishes, while                                               
                         She “was cooking” dinner.
·        An action that occurred over a period of time but was completed in the past. e.g. 
             Musa “worked” in an estate firm for ten years.                                   We “were playing” football when it start rain.       
·        An activity that took place regularly in the past. e.g
             We “jogged” every morning before class
She “was reading” a thriller novel When I called her                    
                      II.            PAST PERFECT TENSE:
This tense refers to a non- continuous action that was already completed in the past. Such sentences are formed by using the simple past form of the auxiliary verb ‘to have’, followed by the past participle form of the verb.
Subject + had + past participle form of verb + object.
a.     An action that was expected to occur in the past e.g.
I had “hoped” to know about the job before now                          I “had never seen” such a beautiful before.

A  past action that was occurred before another past   action.
Tom “had left” hours before we got there.
Clara “had never been” to a club before last night.

                   III.            PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:
A continuous action that was completed sometime in the past falls under past perfect continuous tense. Such sentence are famed by using the model, “had” +”been” +the present participle of the verb (-ing). Examples:
·        I “had been expecting” his change in altitude.
·        I “has been playing” the guitar all morning.
·        He “had been trying” to call her.
·        Until this year, Noah “had been going” to a village school.
·        The baby “had been crying” out loud for minutes when mother fed her.

3.        FUTURE TENSE

             i.            SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE:
This tense is used for those sentences which refer to the actions which will occur later, in future. This requires a future tense auxiliary verb even would be unmarked.
·        You “will” be done before me.
·        She “will” not come tomorrow.
·        Will” you come to play with me after school?
·         I “will” keep in touch with you.
·        I “will” reach home by 7p.m.
·        He “will” stay with us for 3days.

           ii.            FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE:
This tense defines those acts which will be continued at a future point of time. In order to form a future continuous tenses sentence, a future auxiliary verb is required followed a main verb that ends with (--ing).
·        We assume that our representative “will be winning” the elections that are to be held at the end of April.
·        Today, she “will be walking” all the way to her houses from her office.
·        I “will be watching” the new movie next week.
·        By this time tomorrow I “will be” at home “watching” T.V.

       iii.            FUTURE PERFECT TENSE:
This tense is used to express an act that is predicted to be finished within a certain span of time in the future, such sentences are formed by “will” + “have” + “past” participle of the verb”.

·        By the end of the year, he “will have saved” enough for his sister’s wedding.
·        You “will have left” for London by the time this bridge gets renewed.
·        I “will have walked” 15kms by this time
·        Calvin “will have gone” by the time reach there by bus.
·        How long “will it have been” since we were here together.

This tense form indicates an action that is continuous and at some point in the future, it will be completed, it is formed using the modal “will/shall” + “been” + the past participle of the verb(-ing)
·        Next Saturday, I “will have been working” on this assignment for three years.
·        Tomorrow, at this time I “shall have been” playing cricket since morning.
·        I “will have been studying” English for two hours by time you arrive here. E.t.c.


The Oxford Handbook of Tense   and inspected, By Robert I, Binnick (oxford university press, 2012) concise oxford dictionary 9 ed. Pl436

Fabric us-Hansen “Tense” in the encyclopedia of language and linguisted,2006

Wikipedia free encyclopedia.

Introduction to English language
by koenrad knipe and W. Scott Allan.

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