Wednesday 25 November 2015




Hand sanitizer is formulated and used to reduce bacterial load on the skin but there have been no previous studies on the effectiveness of this product. In this study, the antibacterial activity of hand sanitizers was evaluated against some common hand wash like dettol, washing soap and methylated spirit. Hand sanitizer and methylated spirit inhibited all the micro organisms tested with highest and least zones of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus (19mm) and Enterococcus faecalis, respectively. Soap also inhibited all the organisms tested except E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis (10mm). This high degree of inhibition displayed by hand sanitizer and methylated spirit is attributed to the presence of alcohol as their major constituent, because alcohol is said to kill about 99.9% of most bacteria. The results of this study shows that only hand sanitizer and methylated spirit has substantial or absolute effect on the test bacteria after contact. Therefore hand sanitizers should be used in hospital environment, institutions, banks, hotels and religious places so as to reduce the bacteria load on hand.
Hand washing and hand hygiene are terms that are often used interchangeably in the general public and among healthcare workers (HCWs). Hand hygiene is a means of making hands free of pathogens in particular either by using water always (accompanied by soap), hand rub or waterless sanitizers (Busari et al., 2012). Chemicals used in hand hygiene exhibit bactericidal or bacteriostatic properties depending on their concentrations.
Alcohol is used as the main antibacterial component of most waterless antiseptic agents due to its antimicrobial properties. Some alcohol-based waterless hand sanitizers (WHS) have been reported to kill up to 99.9% of organisms within 15seconds of application (Aiello and Larson, 2002). However, they do not possess residual antimicrobial activity due to their high volatility. Ethanol has the record of being the oldest skin disinfectant; it acts as a permeation enhancer when applied topically to human skin. However, it has been reported to induce irritation in addition to its carcinogenic properties (Lachenmeier, 2008). Hand sanitizer wipes are not effective when hands are visibly soiled or heavily contaminated. Hand sanitizers are well-adapted to the skin and work by stripping away the outer layer of oil on the skin and also remove the cutaneous micro flora (Axel et al., 2002). Hand washing and/or the use of hand sanitizer remains the major way of breaking transmission of infection.  Different antimicrobial agents have been incorporated into WHS to increase its performance.WHS has been reported not only to reduce hand bacterial contamination but also enhance hand hygiene compliance among Health Care Workers (HCWs). Despite the widespread use of WHS in Nigeria there is                 dearth of information in the open scientific literature that could substantiate its use. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the antibacterial activity of commonly used WHSs in Nigeria on some selected common pathogenic bacteria.

Ordinary soap and detergent have been known to be adequate means of removing microorganisms and dirt from our hands and for general cleaning. But little did the public know that there are some bacteria and viruses which could prove stubborn to detergent and ordinary soap. The major problem is lack of orientation and awareness campaign to the general public on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers and mostly the wide application of hand sanitizers.

1.2              Aim and Objectives
The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of hand sanitizers.

1.3              Objectives
1.      To determine the effectiveness of hand sanitizers.
2.      To show the various areas of application of hand sanitizer.

1.4              Justification of the study
This study will contribute to healthy living by giving orientation to students studying in the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, and enlighten the general public on the effectiveness, areas of application and the advantage of hand sanitizer over ordinary soap and detergent. It will help to proffer solutions to the problems associated with the mode of transmission, prevention and control of some deadly diseases and infections. It will serve as a reference material for subsequent researches; the finding and recommendation will be a source of useful information to the people.

1.5              Scope of the study    
This project work is concerned with the study of of the effectiveness of hand sanitizer and various areas in which they can be used.

1.6              Limitation of the study
For a meaningful approach of the work of this nature, one has to put into consideration the limited time, materials and the poor general orientation and awareness campaign to the general public.

2.0              LITERATURE REVIEW
Effectiveness of hand sanitizers      
The Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization says the most important way to prevent the transmission of dangerous diseases is to frequently wash hands with soap and water and/or use a hand sanitizer. If soap and water are not available it is recommended to use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol or contains a "persistent antiseptic" (Dharan et al., 2003).  Alcohol rubs kill many different kinds of bacteria, including antibiotic resistant bacteria and TB bacteria. 90% alcohol rubs also have high virucidal activity against many different kinds of viruses (but are highly flammable), including enveloped viruses such as the flu virus, the common cold virus, and HIV, though is notably ineffective against the rabies virus. Alcohol rub sanitizers are not very effective against Norovirus (winter vomiting virus) unless they are combined with benzalkonium chloride in a hand sanitizer (Burnett, 2009). Alcohol rubs also kill fungi. It has been reported that hand sanitizing is more effective against fighting the common cold than hand washing.
Alcohol kills both pathogenic   microorganisms as well as resident bacterial flora, which generally do not cause illness. Research shows that alcohol hand sanitizers do not pose any risk by eliminating "good" microorganisms that are naturally present on the skin. The body quickly replenishes the good microbes on the hands, often moving them in from just up the arms where there are fewer harmful microorganisms. However, alcohol also strips the skin of the outer layer of oil, which may have negative effects on barrier function of the skin. A study also shows that disinfecting hands with an antimicrobial detergent results in a greater barrier disruption of skin compared to alcohol solutions, suggesting an increased loss of skin lipids (Busari et al., 2012).


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