Friday 13 November 2015



The purpose of this study is to examine  ways of improving workers performance in a business organization as regards corporate planning in an organizational development. Business Organizations encounter  problems in motivating their workers is not done in line with their corporate planning not done in line with their corporate planning procedures. The management can not identify the workers need to which are numerous  or the motivational techniques  is not worthy  of mention in the corporate planning of the organization. Study is divide into five chapters, chapter one, introduction  deals with review of existing literature on corporate planning of the organization. Development however, chapter three outline research methodology, research design, method of data collection population of the study, sampling, procedure and method of data gathered was analyzed, in chapter four, the data gathered was analyzed, interpreted  and a summary of the findings was made. The summary conclusion and recommendation in the last chapter were based on the findings.

The word corporation is from a latin word “Corpus” which means body. Therefore, corporate planning can be seen as a comprehensive business planning which cover long-range in the form of strategic planning involving the entire fabric of the organization and is also concern of the top-most management decisions of the organizational mission and goals, overall strategy  and structure from where it descends to all.
The development of corporate planning in business is a Post World War II phenomenon, before the period of the World War almost all business enterprises were carrying on their affairs without  stating any formal objective or formal long-range business plans but confined to only shot term plans which focus mainly on manufacturing, production planning, material, ordering and receiving, and recruitment and hiring of labour.
An increasing important of planning at the core body of a company has been assumed since that period of world war II and the development of business planning has also been a revolutionary movement as the technological revolution or even revolution of life style due to income demonstration effect detects from time to time, hence, corporate planning has become a sin-qua-non to business success since the  of the 21st century . Inspite of all these lapses. It was discovered

that the company  was still ahead of her numerous competitors, therefore, there was a kin interest to understood hold the company was prosperity more than competitors in most areas and also to find out why they could not met up in some areas.
The West African milk company (WAMCO) was incorporated in 1955 with registration number 010274. In September, 2005 the West African milk company (WAMCO) celebrated her 50th anniversary which  comprises most African countries such as, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, etc. Here in Nigeria  the company has spread to almost all the state in the country in which Abuja is branches a regional manager heads of regional area as well as each branch is headed by a branch manager.
Today, due to the ways the directors, regional and branch manager have carried out corporate planning especially in the Abuja branch which is my case study, the office  is located at Wuse zone 5, Federal Capital Territory Abuja (FCT) which comprises of about three key head such as the regional manager, the accountant and also the sale representations, since the Abuja office of the region, there is no branch manager but it includes other workers and staffs that help in the execution and implementation of the plans. It is  obvious that today, the Abuja region can boast of realizing millions of naira annually more than some regions and branches of the company across the country especially in the clays the role of corporate planning is been carried out in the company.
It is obvious that nothing on earth exist without a problem. The Abuja branch of the West African milk company (WAMCO) also her own problem in the use of corporate planning  for the achievement of her organizational goals. Following the systematic survey of the general problems encountered by the West African milk company (WAMCO) Abuja branch through, the role of corporate planning in organization the following problem are worthy of discussion.
  1. The problems of how to contract the effect to close substitutes and production obsolesce in the organization.
  2. The problems of not involving other level manager the opportunities to participate in the planning process so as to best analyze the organization’s present situations and the future scenarios that may affect it.
  3. The problems of not beginning with a realistic appraisal of the present strength and weaknesses of the organization  which would have influence the organization in determining it course of action in future
The objectives of this study is to examine way of improving workers performance in a business organization as regard corporate planning in organizational encounter problem. Business organization encounters problems in motivating their workers, it is not either  the ways of motivating their workers is not done in line with the corporate planning procedures.
The management can not identify the workers needed to which are numerous or the motivation techniques is not worthy of mention in the corporate planning of the organization. The research is into the role of corporate will be of great importance or benefit to the management of West Africa  milk company (WAMCO) Abuja branch.
The research into the role of corporate  planning in organization development will be great significant or benefit to the following categories thus,
  1. Government
  2. Masses
  3. Management of West Africa Milk company (WAMCO)
  4. Future researchers.
To the government, the research will enlighten some of the problems of the implementation and also suggest solutions on how to enforce them, which will enable the government to know the effect of corporate planning in their various organization  and thereby determine not only the extent of implementation in each case but also the desirability of its extension to yet another organization.
To the masses, most of who are so naïve of corporate planning role in organizational development will by this project be educated so as to enable them have a better understanding of the product of which they hitherto enjoyed. This  way they will also know what to expect from the company.
To management of West Africa Milk company (WAMCO) the research will enable them to know their areas of weakness and how to correct the abnormal. It will also help to measure their level of performance activities and treatment of their staff and the company can also secure co-operations of those who contributed to the success of the organization especially those at the lower carder of the company.
To the future researcher will benefit from this work in the areas of starting, writing and concluding a research work on similar topics. It will serve as a literature for future researchers.
This research work is to examine the roles of corporate planning in organizational development; it is imperative to state here that the development of corporate planning has focused its attention on four major key areas such as;
  1. The environment
  2. Objectives of the company
  3. Factors influencing such objectives and
  4. Choice of strategies, tactics to achieve the objectives
These key areas will enable managers to achieve the organizational goals if well followed and implemented. During this section work, information was gotten from the main sources; firstly, questionnaires were administered to members or staff of the West Africa Milk Company (WAMCO) Abuja branch.
Also relevant textbooks and even consultation. Were also carried out at the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa state so as to add up more information to those already gotten through the questionnaires that were distributed to the members of staff of the West African Milk Company (WAMCO) Abuja branch.
Finally, information gotten from respondents and textbooks, findings  and recommendation were made on how corporate planning’s role can be improved upon in order to achieve the organizational objectives.
For the purpose of this study, the researcher has formulated the following hypothesis which shall be tasted to enable him draft logical conclusion and put forward useful suggestion and recommendation.
Ho: Effectiveness of corporate planning does not affect close substitutes and product obsolescence in the organization.
Hi: effectiveness of corporate planning affect close substitutes and product obsolescence in the organization.
Ho: corporate planning does not give other level managers the opportunity to partake in the planning process of the organization.
Hi: Corporate planning gives other level managers the opportunity to partake in the planning process of the organization.
Ho: Inadequate appraisal of the strengths and weakness of the organizations course of action in future.
HI: inadequate appraisal of the strengths  and weakness of the organization can not course of action in future.
In carrying out this research work, many constraints  were encountered which want a long way in limiting the researcher work.
First and foremost, the limitation of this research was the time allowed  it was so short and it affects the thoroughness with which this type of investigation was recognized. In the light of this, the limited time allowed was likely to influence  the result of the investigation as there was no other way of testing the response which in ideal situation would have lasted for a longer period.
Finance was another obstacle of this research. A research of this magnitude need good financing but the very major financial resources of the researcher became a with, thus, limiting the researcher from expensive traveling to the company where relevant information could be sourced.
Again was the difficult encountered in eliciting vital information from workers at the Abuja branch. These claim were in compliance to their official code of conduct which prohibits them from giving out information about their establishment. However, a breakthrough was at least on as many journals, periodical etc as possible but only a fell could be accessible.
    In any case, it was still found necessary to limit the scope of the research in order to achieve a more in depth study.
Management:  these involve in decision of running an organization
Strategic: organization move for defining and achieving the organizational goals and objectives
Goal: company mission which has to be pursued.
Productivity: A measure of output of an organization or economy per unit of input.
Short term planning: This is the establishment of objectives or goal over a long period of time.
Objective: what the organizations would want to achieve as the long run.
Planning: is the managerial function of setting objectives.
Production:  is the conversion of raw material into finished goods.
Promotions:  An activity designed to boost the sale of a product or service
Corporate plan: is a detailed plan setting out the objectives of a business over a states period often three, five or ten years.
Tactics:  The represents action plans by which strategies are executed and are short term in nature so as to explain every aspect of the operations of the business.
Opportunity: this is an advantages gained by a company to overcome other competitors.
Threat: is the weakness of a company  that may allow other competitors to have advantages over it.


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