Tuesday 28 November 2017




The objective of this research work is to examine An assessment of Leadership Styles on Organizational Productivity in Nigeria. In study of Bash communication and Don Investment. The research methodology used was survey research hypothesis were formulated and one was tested based on the chi-square techniques to test the significance of the hypothesis. More so, from the hypothesis, ti was found out that leadership style have effect on productivity. This project work makes constructive suggestions and recommendations based on the topic of the project. It will be of great significance that leadership is any organization should use a various leadership style that will be of advantage to the organization such as democratic style among other so that the organization can achieve its goals.

The success or failure of any organization is based on home level, private company, government or school organization depends on how it is managed. This means that there must be capable at the top management level to coordinate the effort of the subordinate towards attainment of the individual or organizational goals. Coordination of efforts is based on an effective system of communication which has to flow freely within and between all sections of the organization.
Although, the people at the top are addressed by different name like manager, directors, executives, sales administrators to mentor but a few, yet their work remain the same, that is management of available of human and material resources the attainment of a specific goals. It is not an over statement to say that ‘’Bash Communication and Don Investment’’ has contributed to the development of Kogi State by employed those that has better skill and knowledge about the business.
The organization image may therefore depend on how effective it is managed and administered. There is a need for an authority structure defined according to the rules and objectives of the organization.

This study is concerned with an assessment of leadership style on organizational productivity in Nigeria without leaders, the productivity is impossible because leaders are those that instruct and determines the success or failure of any organization. What give birth to this research work is the realization of leadership style, how it generates productivity.
Basically, no firm or organization or centres want to run at loss. In order to realize organizational productivity, managers must know the best strategies that can be used and how it can be used effectively. ‘’Bash communication and Don Investment Lokoja, Kogi State has the responsibility of providing quality of service to development of Kogi State.
Both leadership structure and individual leader behaviours are determined in large part by the nature of the organization in which they occur, leadership structure is related also the population characteristics of the group or in order words the attitude and the needs of the followers. Leadership inequitably embodies many of the qualities of the disposed, despite the apparent power and record of successful and accomplishment? How did certain rather undistinguished person and record of success (Adolph Hitler, Clandisu Ceasar rise to the position of a great power why do some managers or leaders have legal employees who are willing to sacrifices their lives for their leaders in an organization and why some other leaders so deposed that the employees conspire to murder them? These are many other problems  that will be unfolded in this research work.

The modern administration leadership in any organization is involved in problems of vatrying degrees and magnitude any organization whether public or private firms has problem like staff working under the atmosphere of stress, threat, injustices and schedule of duties get mixed up, indiscriminate transfer of staff, meeting harsh and punitive measures on staff were there are light cases of commitment by staff. Leaders or managers lack effectiveness due to some reasons. This reason can be attributed to government and social constraints which pose serious of rules or law guiding the establishment and operations of enterprise.
Further, more, the organizations have a problem of in-effective leadership based on the fact that many of the subordinates are not given formidable example to follow the problem also increases where there is a lack of seriousness to responsibilities of officers and improper guidance and supervision exercised on the subordinate under them create problem for effective leadership.

In a write up of this magnitude, it will be of great importance that some aims and objectives are outlined to serve as a guide and enable the researcher source of information that will enhance the smooth conduct of the studies. The objectives are:
i.            To examine the leadership style which could be used in running an organization?
ii.           To critically examine any problems that may be inherent in the types of leadership style adopted
iii.         To test the effect of any of the leadership style is on the productivity
iv.         To bring to the notice of organization leader that their leadership style is determinant of any organization level of productivity
v.          Evaluate the leadership style of present and past manages of the authority.

The importance of the study is to assist Bash Communication and Don Investment in using the appropriate leadership style and its roles as well as for the workers at the right time and getting the best of them and all the organization’s productivity in the country.
i.            The study help us to know fully on how their roles and duties they carry out
ii.           The study also helps in diagnosing organizational challenges and also give chance for further study on the relationship between organizational leadership and its productivity
iii.         The study also enables us to correct some problems and imbalance in the leadership style and also improve the way leadership work is carried out.
It is important to identify the various styles of leadership and under which condition to use each. Leadership should be able to identify by the behaviour and how the various theories of leadership and leadership type should be best applied. Finally, it will help management and administration to dealing with their employees to enhance the productivity. It will also serve as a source of information to other people who may want to delve into similar research.

A research hypothesis is a tentative statement whose truth can be tested through a scientific method. It is a declarative statement of prediction meant to help in the clarification of research question. An hypothesis is a process by which research problems is reduced in a testable form.
       Two types of hypothesis are:
NULL HYPOTHESIS:Is the process whereby the researcher state that there is no relationship between two variables. Null hypothesis is represented by Ho.
ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS: Is an hypothesis within specifies any of the possible condition not anticipated in the null hypothesis. For example, the null hypothesis (Ho) if the price of product X does not determine the sales of product Y alternative hypothesis is represented by (Hi). There is a relationship between price of product X and sales of product Y.
The hypothesis of this project are as follows:
Hypothesis I
Ho:  An assessment of leadership style does not affect organizational productivity.
Hi:  An assessment of leadership style affect organization productivity.
Hypothesis II
Ho:  There is no correction between organizational leaders and its level of productivity
Hi:  There is correlation between organizational leaders and its level of productivity.
Hypothesis IV
Ho:  There is no leadership led relationship organisational productivity.
Hi:  There is leadership led relationship in organizational productivity.
Hypothesis III
Ho:  Effectiveness of a leader cannot be traced to the organizational productivity
Hi:  Effectiveness of a leader can be traced to the organizational productivity.

The study intends to cover an assessment of leadership styles; specific study of organizational productivity in Nigeria as it relates to Bash Communication and Don investment. The research work anticipate to cover leadership styles on organizational productivity, various sections, procedure, manpower planning and other areas as it relates to the adhere to the scope as it relates particularly to the case study.

All human activities are characterized by the series of constraints therefore, this research work is not an exception. The researcher in the course of this study was fraught with the following constraints.
a.  Time frame:  The researcher in the course of exercise faced time limitation, this has in a way of minimized the extent the researcher would have carried out this research work.
b.  Other constraints:Which the researcher faced was that of unwillingness of the respondents to part with meaningful data and information which are relevant to the research work. Some of the questionnaire distributed were not returned.
c.   The major constraints faced by the researcher was that, the researcher lacked enough resource to ensure a higher quality research.

Assessment:Are designed to measure the performance of an individual or product.
Leadership: Is the art of influencing and inspiring subordinate to perform a group objective
Leader: A leader is a person who led a group of people.
Organization: It is a process of allocating human and economic resources to meet some specific goals.
Productivity: Is an average measure of the efficiency of production
Style: Is a manner of doing something.


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