Thursday 23 November 2017


(A case study of Access Bank Plc. Mararaba Nasarawa State)
The study focuses on Computerization in Commercial Bank, due to the increased population of customers trooping to bank premiers and criminal attacking people withdrawing money and coming from the bank. This system would be a web based system that would help to reduce the number of persons going to the bank, it would allow customer to open account, check balance and make fund transfer online using an internet enable device. This system is developed with Micro Media Dreamweaver 8.0 as the programming tool and My Sql as the Database (back end).   

1.0            INTRODUCTION
A web based system help an organization to reduce physical contact with their clients, customers, buyers etc., it help the organization to pass circulars, collect personal and vital information from registration process, organization can collect detail documentation of biographical data of her employees and  clients within a short period of time.
This is a Project work undertaken in context of computerization in commercial bank as simple as possible using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I have tried to design the software in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this package & further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my exercise is perform each Employee’s activity in computerized way rather than manually which is time consuming.
The study focuses on Computerization in commercial Bank, the introduction of computer to Banking operation has transform the banking system and has make banking easy and flexible.
In spite of the several measure adopted by the banks in other to carry out their day to day transaction due to the increase of customer coming to bank to carryout transaction day to day. It is yet to meet its objective of effectiveness. This study was born out of the need to profound a lasting solution to the banking transaction as it has to do with Access Bank plc.
Computerization in commercial Bank has some problem that must also be considered when evaluating our prospect for achieving economic growth and stability in the Access bank Plc. The research is to identify those areas where the concept of a website may be effectively utilized and establish the solution to online banking problems of Access bank  Plc. in Maraba, Nasarawa state. Some of the problems are as follow:
1.     Over loading of the bank
2.      Over stress on the staff.
3.      Unsatisfied Customer.
          The objective of this research includes the following:
i.          To determine various step involved in customer management.
ii.        To evaluate the extent to which the Access bank plc adhere to the cash management principles.
iii.     To seek the causes of the present state of the state of business transaction in the Bank
iv.     To present suggestion that could help in greater improvement.
v.        To Design a website that will help to carryout bank transaction
Many businesses have been stunted by lack of liquid fund prompt payment by customers. These are therefore many options left for Eco Bank. Some of the option is:
1.           Improve customer transaction and gain constant level of business   transaction.
2.           Relax credit policy and gain a subsequent increase in the collection of      dues in the bank.
3.           Tighter customer registration and control policy thus giving
4.           rise to a       sharp decrease in the availability of fund to run the bank.
The relevance of the study is therefore to:
                         I.                  Make the payment of dues easier and convenient to both the           customer and staff of the bank.
                      II.                  Justify the importance of good cash management in the bank
The topic “computerization in Commercial Bank” is one that needs comparative analysis of two or more department within the Bank to reveal the relationship and variance among them. But due to financial and other constraint, the research work only covers the Access Bank plc
The following were the hindrance encountered during the research work.
1.              Reluctance of personnel in the department to give information        regarded as classified and confidential.
2.              Financial and time constraint.
This topic Computerization in commercial Bank, is designed          with the following study taking into cognizant.
1. Interview on the site observation and focus.
2. Fact finding and recording from the school, management.
3. Detail study of the current system leading to the specification of a                 new system.
4. Research from the library and internet.
                            I.               Are the cash supposed to be collected being collected?
                         II.               What are the factors which constitute bank operation
                      III.               Are internal control system instituted to control the collection and spending of the cash being strictly follow by the bank
1.9            DEFINITION OF TERMS
CASH: Cash is any medium of exchange that bank will accept as face value e.g bank draft currency, cheque money orders and bank deposit.
CASH MANAGEMENT:This the management of the monies of a flow in order to attain maximum cash availability and maximum interest income on any surplus cash or idle fund it is the control over responsibility for the acquisition and investment of funds.
CASH BUDGET: This is an estimate of cash receipt and disbursement for a future period cash requirement cash resource of various point within the period and cash at hand at the end of the previous.
BUDGETARY CONTROL: These systems which use budget have a means of planning and control all aspects at producing or selling commodities or services. Although financial oriented it require full recognition to be given to the fact that participation of director and manager is essential.  
CASH FLOW: This a tracing in successive steps and item of aggregate of income or expenditure from their recognition in the account to their final disposition or less identity.
FLOAT: Is the deposit  that has been credited conditionally by  a bank to its customer account cheque may not draw against such deposit cleared three days or less are normally required for domestic paper  where the bank experience with a customers or with certain type of paper  has been satisfactory
LIQUIDITY:This refers to a firm or corporation cash position with its ability to meet maturing obligation.
Cash is the important current asset for the operation of the business. Cash is the basic input needed to keep the business running on a continuous basis. It is also the ultimate output expected to be realized by selling product or services manufactured by the firm. The firm should keep sufficient cash neither more or less. Cash shortage will disrupt the firms operation while excessive cash will remain idle without contributing anything towards the firm’s profitability.
2.1            LITERATURE REVIEW
According to Accounting dictionary by Eric and Kohler (2009): define cash as “money negotiable money order and cheque and balances on deposit with banks after deducting outstanding cheque ” cash having such limited use bearing a descriptive title is given a separate balance sheet position .
The dictionary of Economics and Commerce by J.L Hanson define cash as “strictly money in the form of bank note and coins” Banks regard cash as its balance at bank since withdrawal on the cash can be made from it any time. In  the same respect, business firm regard it’s balance at bank as cash.


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