Sunday 19 November 2017

Design And Implementation Of A Profited Database System For Government Establishment

Design And Implementation Of A Profited Database System For Government Establishment
The problem which always emanate from inadequate personnel information maintenance and management has been a torn in the flesh of the entire Nigerian society, Enugu state precisely. In other to proffer solution to the existing problems, the project work researched into the modus operandi of personnel database management system of Enugu state. In the process of analysis of the existing system were detected, carefully analyzed and possible solution to the problems were proffered in the newly designed system. The new system designed in this project work is computerized and it works automatically; it addresses all the lapses that cause hindrance to the existing system. It is timely accurate and very comprehensive in report generation.
As much as have to receive adequate welfare and entitlements the personnel database must be maintain effectively. The personnel database is the comprehensive information update of employees under a particular employee at a particular time. The maintenance and management of employee information has bee a big problem in the Nigerian society workers denied of their primary and secondary entitlements and the most sad aspect of inadequacy in the maintenance of employee information is the erupt of ghost workers syndrome, this has the greatest thing this laxity in personal database system has caused in the society. The problem of promotion is also on offspring of inadequate personnel database management; who to promote when there is necessity for promotion is always the problem faced by personnel officers in change of promotion exercise.

Workers have suffered a lot under this error of ignorance and sheet wickedness in every activity work of life, the first thing to be observed is always information about the staff involved. This helps to give out desired incentives for the works, to help them put in their best in their work the non-payment of salary or in some cases, the delay in payment of salary is always caused by the problems associated with personnel database.

This work researched into the operational activities of existing system of maintaining personnel database in Enugu state with a view to detecting and solving the problems making it not to work out smoothly.
The problem caused by poor management and maintenance of personnel database in Enugu state is numerous. Th procrastination in payment of workers salary is a work force badly. Because of the fact that act information of worker s in the state is not known the state faces the problem of how to provide incentives for its worker. A lot of public money is been diverted into private purses due to the problem of poor information management concerning personnel records.
The main purpose of this study is to provide ever lasting solution to the current problems facing the Enugu state personnel database maintenance system through a well computerized design.
The primary aim of this work is to make sure that personnel database management system of Enugu State is to serve the citizen better by producing a new computerized system that will tackle the problems currently facing it.
The objectives include:
1. To create a system that will maintain workers records randomly and give easy and tidy access to the stored record for easy information retrieval.
2. To maintain a database that will support sorting and searching of records automatically
3. To maintain an internecine database.
This study is carried out covering the totality of personnel database system in Enugu state in the areas of quick information retrieval automatic promotion list generation, ghost workers control and timely salary payment
If the new design is completely implemented the whole problems associated with the existing system will be all solved.
WORK FORCE: Work force is the personnel strength of the organization.
WELFARE: Welfare is the condition of comfort in an area of work.
SYSTEM: System is a network of interrelated procedures combined to form a unit
POLICY: Policy is a plan of actions, aims and ideas, sophisticated, having learnt the ways of the world and having lost natural simplicity.
Implementation: carry an undertaking agreement promise into effect.
Information age: The current age of information technology around the globe.
Personnel comprises employed work, group of work class of an establishment whether public or government; this is curled from worker welfare journal, vol3, 1990 as a precise definition of personnel. The workforce in a society comprises personnel states in the different establishment they serve. They establishment maintain and manages the list of employees in their respective organization which aids the establishment of its workers and their supposed comfort.
According to Elizabeth Carey in her book record maintenance and information management, record maintenance is the priority in every organization and government establishment; without information, it is always very difficult to forge ahead. For any future investments to take place, the events of the past must be known. Records are maintained according to its priority of importance. Every organization of standard takes as priority the records of it staff and maintains it adequately. Personnel database is of importance to every establishment this detects tune of success in every organization. With adequate record of personnel, every organization knows the size of its work force and how to maintain it for effective productivity and advances toward providing the work force with desired comfort. The only way work force in an establishment is to be well managed is by first knowing the population. Any policy is made out of the number of the workforce.


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Agada Leonard E.
For: Enems Project.

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