Friday 10 November 2017





The title of this project “Effectiveness of Motivational Factors on Sales Force Performance” (Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc Lagos).

Motivation is a word derived from the word ‘motive’ which means needs, desires, and wants drives within an individuals. Motivation in management describes ways in which managers promote productivity in their employees.

Therefore, motivation is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish set goals. Motivation is essentially about commitment to doing something. In work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s behavior can be desire for money, job satisfaction, success, recognition, teamwork etc. The performance of employees is a product of both their abilities and the will to work (e.g. skills and experience). A talented employee who feels de-motivated is unlikely to perform well at work, whereas a motivated employee can often deliver far more than is expected from him or her. Although a great number of sales force have known the importance of motivation in relation to employees performance and the aim of this project work is to examine the effectiveness of motivational factors on sales force performance in the Nigeria Breweries plc.

The Nigerian Breweries plc is the pioneer and largest brewing company in Nigeria and was incorporated in 1946 and recorded a land mark when its first bottle of beer, star larger, rolled off the bottling lines of its Lagos brewery in June 1949. Other breweries were subsequently commissioned by the company, including Aba Brewery in 1957; Kaduna Brewery in 1953 etc. Thus, from its humble beginning in 1946 the Nigeria Breweries plc now have eight operational breweries from which its products are distributed to all parts of Nigeria, in addition to the Maltina plants in Aba and Kaduna.

The company has a portfolio of high-quality brands including:-
  1. Gulder Lager (1970)
  2. Star Larger (Launched in 1949)
  3. Legend Extra Stout (1992)
  4. ABV Extra  Stout
  5. Life Continental Lager (October 2011)
  6. Goldberg Lager (October 2011)
  7.     Premium Lager
  8. Heineken Lager (June 1998)
  9. Star Lite Lager (February 2014)
  10. Ace passion Apple Spark (December 2011)
Most of the products are packed in returnable bottles and all products are presently produced in cans.

Nigeria Breweries plc has an increasing export business that dates back to 1986. The company currently exports to the United Kingdom, European Union and the West African sub-region.

Nigeria Breweries plc has kept pace with key international
development, thus ensuring that its system process and operational procedure is always in conformity with proven best practice in most part of the world. It is in line with this policy that the company established a research and development centre in 1987 to enhance its research activities on all aspects of breweries operation.

As a major brewing concern, the company encourages the establishment of ancillary businesses. Many of these organizations depend largely on the company for their means of livelihood. These include manufacturing of bottles, crown corks, labels, cartons, plastic crates and such service providers such as hotels/clubs, distributors, transporters, event managers, advertising and marketing communication agencies etc.

Nigeria Breweries plc is a social responsible corporate organization with good track of records of corporate social initiative in identified and strategic areas. The company’s social
responsibility is driven by a vision to always “Win the Nigeria”. Over the years, Nigerian Breweries plc has been very active in supporting our national development aspiration in line with our commitment to “Win with Nigeria”. The company in 1994 established an educational trust fund with take-off grant of N100 million to take more active part in higher learning, all these efforts are to provide and encourage academic excellence in Nigeria.
This is in addition to its secondary and university scholarship programmes for children of its employees. The company is also involved in the development of leadership, musical and motive talents, through various programmes. Some of these activities are captured in the company’s social and Environmental-Report.

The background of this study is about the motivational concept on
sales personnel that is being used in Nigeria Breweries.
The concept, of motivation covers a vast area in business setting as the matter of concept the area of focus will be entirely on sales department (sales force). People differ so much in their learning; as a result, a great deal of information is usually required, before we can infer clearly a means motive from what he/she is doing. The success of any organization is connected to its ability to control, coordinate, and motivate its human resources with this view, it becomes absolutely necessary for managers to have a good knowledge of psychology in other to develop motivational scheme that will be adequate enough to motivate their subordinates to perform their best in their duty or task.
Motivation therefore can be seen as the propelling force for effective and efficient management. In conclusion, it is essential to state that motivation is not by any way an attempt to manipulate people, people rather understand the required or desired motivating force needed in designing a better environment for better performance.

 The adequate understanding of motivation and its application regards to induce workers to higher level of performance;
it has been an inherent problem in most organizations today. The duty of a manager is to initiate an effective control and coordinates workers on a high level performance.

The activities of individuals towards the achievement objective cannot be achieved effectively without adequate motivation. Managing involves the creator and conducive environment for the performance of individuals working in group towards a common objective. It quite understands that a manager cannot do without knowing how to motivate people around him/her. Many sales manager’s fall in marketing roles due to failures to identify factors for low productivity endless complains and confusion and high level of the main causative factors responsible for all manners of organizational problems in modern times.

Nigeria Breweries plc has long success history of business, assorted beer and beverages products throughout Nigeria. Therefore, it is hope that the findings of this study will reveal a lot of role of motivation in relation to sales performance in Breweries industries in Nigeria’s with reference to Nigeria Breweries plc Lagos.

The research the “Effectiveness of motivational factors on sales force performance” is aimed at examining the effectives on motivational factors on sales force performance. The specific objectives are:
  1.  To find out the motivational packages to sales force.
  2. To examined the level of employee’s satisfaction with motivation given.
  3. To investigate the root cause of employees grievances in the Nigerian Breweries plc.
  4. To examine conflict management techniques in the Nigeria Breweries.
  5. To provide appropriate strategies for improve sales performance in Nigeria Breweries plc.
This study is a partial fulfillment for the award of Higher National Diploma in Business administration and Management,

Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa State. The importance of these studies lies in its great benefits to individuals as well as business organizations. First of all, students of Business at National, Higher National,

Post Graduates Diploma and Professional levels will find this study
as their needs in the course of carrying out research on the topic motivation.

Secondly, in Nigeria Breweries plc will also find the analysis and finding of this research very useful in their quest for objectives and realistic data on the effect of motivation on sales force performance especially in times of decision making on appropriate motivation for improved marketing performance.

Finally, the general reading push will also immensely benefit from the analysis and findings of the study.

 The study of the effectiveness of motivational factors on sales
force performance could be difficult to be carried out in all areas of Nigeria Breweries in order to achieve high level of accuracy and objectives.
This study is confirmed to the motivational factor of sales force of the Nigeria Breweries plc over the years.

This survey also cover all issues relating to the sales force performance including complaints, grievances, strikes (if any) and conflict management of Nigeria Breweries plc.

LIMITATION: In as much as the researcher hopes to provide as much material facts as possible with respect to this study, a number of constraints were in the course of the study.
One of the major constraints in the conduct of this research project is time. The conflict between schedules, appointments with the area sales manager of the same company and the researcher’s ongoing lectures and official assignment in office, all posed a great deal of constraints in obtaining a meaningful amount of data for the project.

In addition, non-availability of literature (textbooks) relating to the topic under research, limited the depth to which the researcher intended to review related literatures.
Finally, the in-accessibility of information required from the company termed secret and classified information passed constraints,
as much information would have an immense contribution to the topic under research.

 The following hypotheses are drawn to guide this study:
HO: The motivational scheme of Nigeria Breweries plc does not significantly contribute to the company’s sales force performance.
HI: The motivational scheme of Nigeria Breweries plc contributes significantly to the company’s sales force performance.

 Company: Any legal entity engaging in business.
Employee: A person working for another person or a business
firm for pay.
Incentive: A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.
Job Recognition: Lets employees know that their hard work is valued.
Job Dissatisfaction: When people are not happy with their job.
Manager: A person who is responsible for controlling or in charge of certain task in a company.
Management: Is an act of getting things done efficiently and effectively with and through other people.
Performance: The results of activities of an organization.


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Agada Leonard E.
For: Enems Project.

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