Sunday 5 November 2017



The project envisages the establishment of a plant for the production of poultry feed with a capacity of 2500 tons per annum. Poultry feed it’s a balanced feed which aids proper development of chicks and pullet. Poultry feed mill processing factory provided opportunity of employment to the unemployed people of the proposed area. The state requirement of poultry feed is met through local production. The principal raw materials required are maize, rice polish, rice bran, groundnut cake, soya beans, fish meal, vitamin and salt. All the raw materials are locally available except vitamin which is to be imported. The project will create backward linkage with the agricultural and Agro-processing Sectors and forward linkage with poultry sector and also generated income for the government term of tax revenue and pay-roll tax. This enable the growth poultry industry to utilize the weed of the economic development of the area and the state.

The proposed poultry feed mill processing factory is to be sited at autabalefi in karu local government area of Nasarawa State.

This project will enhance the use of local indigenous available raw materials in Nasarawa state and its environment, thus boosting the working ability of farmer and providing employed people and also generating revenues for local communities. Poultry feed mill are mixture of various ingredients such as maize, rice bran, grandaunt cakes molasses, soya beans cake, fish meals, corn etc. the composition of poultry feed can be varied depending on the availability of various raw materials such as carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Balanced feed it very essential for proper growth of divides and pullets and hence use for feeding others domesticated birds such as chickens, turkey, ducks, geese etc at which also increase the output of broiler/eggs. Feed for poultry mostly consist of grain, a portion of commercial feed, typical around quarter, is known as bulk and it indigestible. The amount of bulk is referred to as bulk density.

The quantity of feed and the nutritional requirements of the feed depend on the weight and the age of the poultry as well as the season. Healthy poultry required a sufficient amount of protein and carbon-hydrate along with the necessary vitamins, dietary minerals and an adequate supply of water certain diets also required the use of grit, tiny rocks as process of granite in the feed. Grit aids in digestion by grinding ford as it passes through the gizzard. Grit is not needed if commercial feed is used. The poultry feed must remain clean and dry; contaminated feed can infect poultry. Damp feed en-courage fungal growth disease can be avoided with proper maintenance of the feed and feeders. The use of poultry feed can be supplemented with food find through foraging in industrial agricultural. Machinery is used to automate the feeding process, reducing the cost and increasing the scale of farming for commercial poultry farming. Feed serve as the largest cost of operation in agriculture. The development of poultry farms is receiving an increasing attention considering the nutritional requirement of the population.
This project is intended to bring development employment opportunity to the state and city at large.

Due to the Increase population of poultry farms in Nasarawa state and it environ, This encourage an introduction of poultry factory to the indigenous of the Area providing opportunities to the farmers in either to ease their demands from other poultry industry at which the Nasarawa state as an agricultural state has sustainable raw material that can serve purpose for the production of the feed mil processing.

The project is aimed at designing a functionally standard and effective poultry feed production factory that will ensure optimum product delivery with minimum flow conflict.
  1. To ensure effective functional layout of unit of the factory
  2. Ensure contempt smooth flow of production live from raw materials delivery to finished product storage.
  3. Adopted a flexible design concept that will also for future expansion.
With the increase demand for poultry farms products for domestic consumption as well expert, the farmer realized maintaining of quality poultry with proper feeding and management. The proportion of crossbred bird increase over the balanced concentrated feed.
The products manufacturing process will base on different qualities and forms (mash/pellets/crumble) to the farmer. The proposed poultry feed mill processing factory design is divided in to three main section.
  1. Production unit
  2. Administrative and Medical unit
  3. Auxiliary Unit include:
  4. Laboratory
  5. Stores
  6. Cloak room
  7. Convenience or rest room
  8. Loading bay
  9. Control room
The project is to have fact finding of poultry feed mill factory for growth and development investment into a very new source for the benefit of poultry famers considering the low level of feed production manufactory in the state which requires thriving a successful and modern poultry feed mill industry by using local availability raw material. This will justify the need to encouraging the farmers to produce more of the availability of raw materials to the enhancement of the economic development of the area and the state as well as the country.

  • The literature review of architectural text, agricultural text, academic written material by professional and resource person.
  • Collection of technological and scientific data.
  • Interview with persons that are oriented on poultry feed mill industry.


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Agada Leonard E.
For: Enems Project.

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