Tuesday 28 November 2017




The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of motivation on employee’s productivity in Anambra state education commission. Chapter one contains the introduction of the study, the background, statement of the problem and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with the literature review concept of motivation. The effect of motivation on staff performance, factors that promote effectiveness, how employees can be motivated. Chapter three talks about the research methodology and design and method adopted in analyzing data. The fourth chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data from the field survey. The last chapter which is the fifth chapter is all about summary of findings, conclusions and recommendation.

       The purpose of motivation of Anambra state is incensed to impose the employee’s effort to achieve the goals of the state. The overall performance of the state is directly dependent on the amount of efforts which were positively applied be the workers or employees individually or collectively towards attainting the designs goals of the state.
       Commitment of employees in Anambra state is a reflection of the level or their motivation. The concern of the government about performance is indirectly a concern of about  motivation indeed, high level of performance will remain desire to anambra state without adequate staff motivation.
       Attempts have been made by several researchers to explain the concept of motivation and the effect of the state employers.
       Charles Ray and Charles Eison (1984) see motivation as an internal energize capable of directions. Dessier (1988) sees it as derive which arouse ones behaviour in aparticualr way the person feels will lead to rewards. Considering the above attempts  to define what motivation is by the researchers.
       The researcher concluded that motivation for the purpose of the project could be seen as one inner –stimulus that induces the employee of Anambra state to behave the way he/she does. Therefore, motivation leads to the actualization of the desired goals of Anambra state.

1.1 Background of the study
       Motivation has become the most researches yet the least understood concept in psychology, the term “motive” objectively defined refers to a hypothetical state in an organism that effects the relationship between stimulation and behavior in subjective terms motive is defined as wish or desire to take a particular action (Opera, 1987).
       Taking motivation in the objectives sense that is the same sense that Adder (1941) one of the founder of clinical psychology and contemporary of the founder of clinical psychology and contemporary of tread and fang felt when he said the freed and fang had sufficiently emphasized purpose  in human being is good oriented and deeply concerned with his future.
       He saw men as conscious and an existential being into    make choice leading to future goals is shared by one of the foremost theories in human motivation.
       Abraham maslow (1946) he stressed the future and the concept of purpose in human existence his need theory which grew out of his concept of deficiently and growth motivation remains one of the amt intriguing theories of motivation. One vital question is whether motivation could be used to improved employees productivity. To thus Okpara (1989) emphasized that there is no single method of motivating workers.
       Manager must consider situational issues before applying any measures aimed at motivating the workers.

1.2 Statement of the problems
       The project as its title wants to find out how motivation can be used as an effective tool or measure for increasing employee’s productivity. This refers the pertinent questions to ask would be has motivation any strong influence as far as improvement in the performance of   an employer is concerned.
       Mainly authors in management were needed that motivation is a private in which coordination or an organization factors resolves towards environment or organizational.
       The nature of the problem of motivation in such that when workers are adequately motivated through appreciate rewards system their productivity will be high and consequently their performance will increase.
       On the contrary the productivity will reduce  and this will reflect on the performance of the organizational goal achievement from the above, it is quick evidenced that at one time the emphasis is motivating people employees at the other time, it is the goal,. The reward system which promotes effectiveness could take the following work.
       Prompt payment of salaries and allowances, regular promotion opportunity for staff, education advancement,   housing and car loans, free accommodation other workers inducement that promotes efficiently include open and participative management system object job distribution and stream lines talk clean delegation of authority, creditable methods of resolving staff grievance and effective internal communication system.

1.3 Objectives of the study
       The purpose of the study is to determine the roof of the problem that has hundred the operational efficiency of the Anambra state education commission. It hoped that the finding and suggested solution of the research, its adopted will make for effective and efficient performance on the part of the employees.
i.        To analyze the various ways of motivating workers in an organization especially in lever brothers Nigeria plc Aba for effective results and increase productivity.
ii.        To fin out the various strategies of motivational techniques this can result to high productivity. And also, to find out whether opportunities for advancement can as the worker output level.
iii.        Finally, to find to if the job economic security can enhance workers productivity.

1.4 Research Questions
a.   Does the issue of monetary incentive serve as an essential tool of motivation employees?
b.  How does a motivation affect employee’s productivity in an organization?
c.   What are the motivational strategies employed to increase  workers productivity in A.S.E.C/
d.  What social impacts has the presence of the Anambra state commission made on the environment
e.  The workers physical conditions motivating factors?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
HO:        Monetary incentives do not motivate employees.
HI:  Monetary incentives motivate employees.

HO: There is no significant relationship between motivation and productivity.
HI:  There is significant relationship between motivation and ductility.

1.6 Significance of the study
       The study will be of great interest to the by management of both public and private organization because with the help of the finding and recommendation the will have alas line from which to start remedial action whenever there is sign of employee’s inefficiency.
v The study will serve as guide towards evolving specific strategic to be employed inefficiency this will help to finding immediate solution when combating related employee problem in future.
v The importance of the study cannot be over emphasized because it will enable the top management to know how to deal with employees in order to get them to increase the moral and productivity and to reorganize the workers aspirations and needs with objectives and good of the organization.
v The study will serves as a reference matter to future researchers.
v It will help the research to be awarded a certificate in management.

1.7 Scope of the study
       This study was executed in education commission Awka data and information were obtain from the employers and workers.
       This is an intension to this research work to cover all aspect of educational commission Awka and other method of operation as such as will be above the scope of the study.
       The study concentrated on the effectiveness of motivation on employee’s productivity emphasizing its importance in achieving objectives and goal in various are and finding the area.
       Generalizing will be made about the entire employees, using results gathered from the study on educational commission Akwa.

1.8 Limitation of the Study
       This study on the contribution of effective of motivation on employee productivity in Anambra state. A case study of education commission Awka was greatly affected by time constraints to cover all aspect of productivity in Anambra state another limitation was ignorance’s in the sides of the respondent to understand the purpose of the study and hence found it difficult to release information as requested by those researchers.
       Financial constraints was in facts another inhabitation falter in carrying out this research, finally inadequate of relevance modern materials to up –date the literature reared its heard as a problem to the researcher efforts.

1.9 Definition of Terms
EMPLOYEES:These are workers that being employed by the employer on which certain duties are allocated to them discharge efficiently and effectively.  
EMPLOYER:They are head of an organization which are no charge of managerial functions.
MANAGEMENT:Is a process of planning organizing direction and controlling and co-coordinating the activities  of the organization in order to read it goals and objectives.
MORALE:This desirables a state of individuals attitude, judgment and feely about work, company or supervisor of mans morale to an event can be high or low and morale can be influenced by needs.
MOTIVATION:Is the inner stimulus that induces a person or make a person to behave the way he does.
STATISFACTION:To meet up the new and wants of a particular request.
TECHNIQUES: These deals with the manner an organization goes about to achieve its objectives they are therefore plans in that they established a customary method of handily future activities.
PRODUCTIVITY:Is the measure of how well resources are brought together in organization and utilized for accomplishing a set of result  mali (1978) define productivity as reaching the highest level of performance  with least expenditure of resources.
OBJECTIVES:Objectives are specifies goals which have to be accomplished in order to achieve the mission it is a planning techniques which provides each manger at every level in the organization with specific work targeting objectives at a time.


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