Thursday 23 November 2017


Motivation is seen as a major input for enhancing the efficient management of any organization. This research work focuses on motivation of organizational performance of Sheraton Hotel and towers, Abuja as well as its impact on employee productivity in the organization. In the course of this study, personal interviews and questionnaires will be administered by the researcher to collect relevant data for this research. The data will be analyzed using sample percentages while Chi-Square method will be use to test formulated hypothesis. The result of findings will be shown and recommendations also made known on how management of Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja will motivate its workers more efficiently. 

A firm cannot operate in a vacuum and is affected by external and internal environmental conditions. While internal environment can be controlled by a manager, the external environment remains uncontrollable to any manager.
The external environment remains the concern of any business manager because it plays a significant role in the growth, success and profitability of any business. Inward trend in the population of consumers can result in decline of a firms sales and hence, its profit. On the other hand, a sudden change in government policies that relate to importation or exportation may affect a firm adversely or favourably.
Today, businesses do  not only  compete in regional or domestic  market, but in global markets. Apart from such increasing competitiveness  in general and industry environment, changes in business environment are highly dynamic and erratic in nature. All these call for increasing management concerns in the form of improved efficiency and  effectiveness. This is because what a manager does with his environment would determine his business success or other wise. The external environment of a firm can be divided into general and industry or competitive environment. The general environment is composed of elements in the broader society that can influence an industry and the firms within it while the industry  environment  is the set of factors. The threat of new entrants, suppliers, buyers, product substitutes, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors that directly influences a firm and its competitive actions and responses.

Over the years, it is widely  agreed that conducive business environment has played a significant role in the development of business organization. It has led to increased in performance, profits, increased sales, and the general growth of an organization. recently, it has been  discovered  that the major problem of modern business is linked to environmental factors. Political instability, technological changes for instance keep changing according to time, and business organization has a responsibility of keeping the pace moving. The major problem confronting  every business organization is mostly attributed to both internal and external environmental factors whose control is minimal  to managers, and as such, its weight in the organization  are felt heavily. Government policies, technological changes e.t.c has affected the decision, growth, performance and the general objectives of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the impact of these business environments on organizational performance.

Business does not operate in isolation. The success or failure of any business industry depends largely on the impact of the environment in which it operates. The  dynamism of the environment posses a  lot of challenges to the management of the hospitality industry especially that of Sheraton  hotels and towers. The major problem faced by the management of Sheraton hotels and towers revolves around the macro environment which includes competition, technology, political, social and demography e.t.c.

The major objective of this research is to give an in-depth analysis of the impact of environment on Sheraton  hotels and towers.
The objectives are as follows:
  1. To reveal the importance of business environment to Sheraton hotels and towers.
  2. To reveal how the environmental factors(internal and external) affects the Sheraton hotels and towers.
  3. To assess the scope of Sheraton hotels and towers

This study is very important to me as a student as is one of the requirements for the award of higher nation diploma (HND).it will also be useful to companies and organizations this is because it will help them to develop    capacity for responding and adapting to any environmental condition.
Finally, this project will be useful to students as it will help them to understand the importance of business environment to any organization they find themselves.

The questions designed for this research work re as follows:
  1. What are the various environmental factors affecting Sheraton hotels and towers?
  2. Has Sheraton hotels and towers benefited from the impact of environmental factors?
  3. To what extent does the business environmental factor contribute to the increased level of Sheraton hotels and towers profits and performance?
  4. What is the problem associated with Sheraton hotels and towers that it linked with environmental factor (internal and external )?

This project covers the concept of business environment with Sheraton hotels and towers, Abuja as the area of understudy.

H0: That external environmental factors has no negative effect on the performance of Sheraton hotel and towers.
H1: That external environmental factor has negative effects on the performance of Sheraton hotels and towers.
H0: That pressure from stakeholders for increased returns has no negative effect on Sheraton hotels and towers
H1: That pressure from stakeholders for increased returns has negative effect on Sheraton hotels and towers.

There are certain constraints which were encountered during the course of this study. They are:
  1. FINANCE: - This constitutes a major constraint by not allowing the researcher to carry out a wide study as a result of high cost involved.
  2. TIME: - the time given to carry out this study was limited thereby constitutes a problem to the researcher.
  3. The library in the environment in question is less equipped with updated materials for this research work.
  4. The respondents involved were too scared to disseminate information required for this work as they form this act as official secret.

Business environment: these are force that affect the operation of business organization. It also refers to those forces that have a significant effect on the organization.
Competition: these are other organization the same type of business that provides goods and services to the same set of customers.
Customers: these are the people or organization in the environment who buy goods and services from the organization.  
Demographic environment: This is the statistical study of human population and its distribution.
Distribution: this is the channel through which the products reach the right market at the right time. It is the route through which goods and services move from their place and time of production to the place and time of consumption.
Economic Environment: The economic environment of an organization is a set of economic indicator which influences the cost of all input and the ability of customer to buy goods and services.
External forces: These are forces that are  not controlled by the business organization. It refers to those forces that are outside the control of the company. They are externally inclined and therefore the management has no control over them.
Internal forces: these are the forces that are controlled by the business organization. It refers to those forces that are within the reach of the company. These forces are internally inclined because they take place within the company and the management has control over them.
Labour market: The labour market represents the people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization.  
Legal/political environment: This refers to government regulations at the local, state and federal levels as well as political activities designed to influence company behaviour.
Opportunity: This has to do with taking advantage over your competitors or make use of the available resources judiciously in an environment where you are operating business.
Price: The act which the product is offered subject to controllable within the company. it is the value of an item expressed in monetary term.
Suppliers: These are people that supply resources to the organization. They are agency that provides key resources for the organization.
Technological environment: The technological dimension has to do with the scientific and technological advancements in a special industry as well as in the society at large. 
Threat: this refers to the challenges that an organization face where they operate business such as competition, and technical know-how e.t.c.


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