Monday 13 November 2017




This basic frame work of this project is toward effect cause of corruption could cause to the development of Nigeria Local Government Administration under the pressure democratic dispensation. With the particular reference to Dekina Local Government as a case study. This study is also designed to reveal solution to the identified problems of corruption in local government administration in Nigeria. Chapter one of this project work deal with the information which include background, statement of the problem, aims and objectives, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study. Chapter two of this work is concerned with the literature review on the study. Chapter three deals with research methodology with which this research work is carryout. Chapter four is covered with the analysis of data while chapter five, which is the last chapter covers the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the project.

The issues of corruption in local government administration is a vital issues which needed urgent attention of government, corporate bodies even individual intervention to bring last solution to the problem that polluted our reputation among nation.
The wide spread of corruption in Nigeria has given wrong impression to many Nigerians, that it does not pay to respect the rules and regulation (constitution) that governed our dear country Nigeria any more.

Furthermore, corruption has become a tradition among most of our politicians. There are still some honest politicians who regard politics as a service to humanity. For instance, the first set of our politicians in this country was honest and they were people of integrity. Politicians like, Tafawa Balewa, Ahmed Bello, Obafemi Awolowo, HerberMacaulay, Nnamdi Azikuwe and so on.

Those people mention above perceived as a responsibility to build new Nigeria for all. There were trained and disciplined readers worthy of emulation to our present generation. There never perceived power for the sake of embezzle public fund but nowadays the story is different.
In study of this project work, it creates more enlightenment to the students and fellow Nigerians about the negative effects of corruption could cause to any country that practice corruption.

To fifth this enemy of progress (corruption) that retied development of our country all hands must be on deck. Those who are determine to continue corrupt practice because they believe that those at the helm of affairs are also corrupt should remember that “Two wrongs cannot make a right.
The sin of the righteous is that they keep silent in the face of corruption. The elimination of corrupt practices in a contemporary society like ours is the key to peace, harmony, growth and development. Let us join hands together to fight corruption in Nigeria and the battle against corruption can only be won if fought from the mind, because the mind is the seat of corruption act.

The word corruption has been subjected to different meanings by different people as well as different text books authors.
According to Osoba in Dike (2003), corruption is an “anti social behaviour conferring improper benefits contrary to legal moral, norms and which undermines the authorities”, ability to limprove the living conditions of the people.

Long man dictionary of Contemporary English described the word corruption “Dishonest, illegal or immoral behaviour, especially from someone with power”.
In the same taken, Cambridge International Dictionary of English defines corruption as “Dishonest using ones position or position or power to ones advantages, especially for money.
However, corruption can be broadly defined as dishonesty, embezzlement unpatriotic, favoritism, nepotism, looting, indiscipline and inability to follow the set our rules and regulation.

  1. Favouritism: Favouritism is part of corruption. This involves bias distribution of state resources. Favouritism also means unfair sharing of state position or appointment. It’s what some people called natural human proclivity to favour friends, relations and anybody close to them. Favouritism also means the practice of given the best thing such as political appointment or position to ones friends, or relation or giving contract to fiends, classmate or parties members even when such person are not qualified for the appointment or contracts. Favouritism negates ethical practices and principle of justice and fair play. Thus, it is corruption. Favouritism is what some people call gods-fatherism. “Man knows man or “Longlegism”. Therefore, whatever name given to it, it is still corruption.
  2. Extortion: This is money and other resources extracted by the use of coercion, violence or threats. It is often seen as extraction from below. The police and customs officers are often the main culprits in Nigeria. In similar vein in some cases, it is the payment of money for the hand out or text books that determine the performance of the students. And in most cases, such money is given out without these students’ consents. This types of money been paid without one volition is part of corruption.
  3. Bribery: Bribery is common in public establishment as Kola, Kickback, pay off, gratitude, sweetness, greasing palm, Egunje etc. bribery involves receiving money from somebody in the name of helping that person to achieve his aims and objectives.
Bribery is mostly common in public establishment; people demand money before they perform their official duties. For instance, according to the daily Trust Newspaper December 7th 2007, Nigeria is ranked number 7 in the whole world bribery index. This really shows the highest level of corruption in our dear country.
  1. Abuse of Power or Office: This involves the illegal act of using of power by those who are wielded with power especially for their own selfish reason or gain. This type of abuse of power of office is common in various public sectors, where people use their position to use public fund and property for their own purposes is also a form of corruption in Nigeria government attitude.
  2. betrayals of Trust: In the public services and in the private’s establishment the management board and employers repose a measure of trust or confidence in their employees on the basis of which they, the employees are looked upon to perform their official duties creditable and faithfully.
  3. It is a common Experience: that certain employee does not live up to such trust or confidence. Any action which betrays this trust amount to corruption practices. The reason is that in as much as such action of the employee deviates from the expected level of performance, for instance, a sale man or tax collector who make returns that fail below of what he actually realizes has involved in corruption.
  4. Dishonesty: Dishonesty is another form of corruption in Nigeria system of administration. Dishonesty is deceitful actions or behaviour carried out by people in order to make quick money.
Dishonesty takes place in different forms or dimensions which include:-
Business: Business involves buying and selling of goods and services for the purpose of making profit or gain. Under normal circumstance, business is to be carried out in patriotic and honesty approach or manner.

Unfortunately today’s many businesses are not being carried out in honesty and truthful way. In a bid to make surplus profit, people indulge in various dishonesty practices.

Financial Form: This is process whereby worker’s in government and private sector adopt clever and tricky ways to enrich themselves out of public funds in their custody ordinarily meant for the developmental purposes. Financial dishonesty also means divert government or public funds to one’s private account.

Sub-Standardization of Product: It involves deliberate manufacturing of substandard of fake product by manufacturers in order to make surplus profits. It also a means of deliberate production in large quantities of goods at the expense of quality.
However, all these forms of dishonesty are part of corruption that had eaten Nigerians flesh to fabric. Let us say no to corruption and our country will be better a place for living.

  1. To reduce poverty rate in our society and promote meaningful development which enhance living standard of the people.
  2. The study enables us to know that all office holders should collect any kinds of bribery before he or she perform his official duties.
  3. To enhance democracy and made our political office holder to give account of their tenure or stewardship to the people areas of their administer.
  4. To enable Nigerian have to respect the rules and regulation, to be honest and hardworking.
  5. To minimize corruption and total eradication of corruption from our clear country Nigeria.
  6. To crate awareness about what corruption could cause for any given society that practices corruption.
  7. To eliminate our name from most corrupt nation among 54 nations listed in the study of Moore 1996.
  8. To urge that government should provide separate courts for corruption cases in various local governments headquarter.
  9. To be conscious of the fact: Corruption is a sin against humanity and it has resulted in the death of several peoples.
  10. Finally: To be patriotic by reporting any act of corrupt practices you come across to either the EFCC or ICPC depending on the nature of the act. You hold step in this regard could save millions of people from death since such save resources could be use better lives of the citizenry.
The scope cover the area of a case study which is Dekina Local government area was part of the great former Igala native authority. As a result of socio-economic and political restructuring to pave way for fast and more meaningful development, Dekina was carved out as a local government areas by then Kwara State Administration in 1969. Dekina Local Government area had six districts then namely, Dekina, Bassa, Mosum, Gbolok, Biraidu and Okura.

Further Geo-political re-structuring robbed Dekina Local Government area of three of her districts namely: Bassa, Gboloko and Mosum to become Bassa Local Government leaving Dekina, Okura and Biraidu to formed Dekina Local Government area.

Dekina Local government Areas is among the largest local in Kogi State. Dekina town served as Local Government Administrative Headquarter.

The staff strength of Dekina Local Government as at February 2010 is 1,933, since the screening report March, 2010 by the local government civil service commission is yet to be submitted. The breakdown of that figure is as followed.
Personnel department342
Finance department351
Education and social service department217
Workers and housing department320
Health department396
Agric. Department207
Total 1,833
          The   population of entire Dekina local government for 2006 result was 260312 the breakdown of that figure was as follows:
LGAMaleFemaleTotal population
The limitation factor to this study freedom in making generalization about the study and fund constraint.
The significance of this study cannot be underrated due to numerous negative effects it has on any society that’s practices “corruption”.
It is an undeniable fact that corruption is the greatest evil that has crippled our journey to greatness. Corruption is a killer of creativity. It makes one to unjustly rely on what others have produced or done. We must resist any temptation to sacrifice the figure against corruption on the after to pleasing anyone’s.

There is need for a change of attitude and a radical approach in handling and challenging the scourge of corruption that is threatening the corporate entity called Nigeria. Let our lifestyles preach against corruption. Let there be no demarcation between what we say and what we do.
“Think not of what your country can do for you, but what you can do you’re your country said by one of America’s past president, John F. Kenney.

Corruption has over the years been the canker worm that has eaten deep and almost entirely destroyed the fabrics of our clear nation. Corruption hinders the success of government programme toward moving this country to greater heights. National development is retarded as a result, corruption also cripples economic growth and bring about political instability. Corruption also reduces the standard of living of people. Even though, this country is one of the countries endowed with the greatest natural endowments, these natural resources have not been fully utilized for the benefit of the citizens as a result of corruption. Fellow Nigerians, let us sell our political birth right.

The natives effect of corruption in Local Government Administration in Nigeria. The dangers corruption could cause for any given society are numerous to mentions. These include the following below:-
  • Corruption Retards Development: These could not be meaningful development especially where there is high level of corruption. Corruption amount to underdevelopment or backwardness. Corrupt society cannot make any positive development that can enhance living standard of his people.
  • The Wide Spread of Corruption in Nigeria has Given Wrong Impression to Many Nigerians: That it does not pay to respect the rules and regulations, to be honest and hardworking. Because with the display of ill-gotten wealth by the politicians, Nigerians have come to thing of politics as juicy or lucratic business that anything spent to gain political office is being seen as an investment which can be harvest immediately when one get into office.
  • Corruption could Bring About Lost of Confidence on the Part of Government Either by Electorate or those Who Entrusted such Authority: And the government that lost the confidence of its people cannot be respected and this can lead top Anarchy or lawlessness in our society.
  • Corruption also affects investment on economic growth and choices of fund diversion to private accounts: According to Moore (1997) a 1996 study of corruption by transparency international and Geothingen University ranked Nigeria the most corupti nation among 54 nations listed in the study.
  • Misappropriate of Funds: Local Government are often charged with corruption and misappropriation of fund belong to council. The quality of staff and councilors is so poor that they cannot resist the temptation of money. Consequently many staff and local government chairman enrich themselves with local government funds without to told.
  • Debt: Despite the huge amount of money accrued from exportation of crude oil to foreign countries, we are still indebted to the tune of billions of naira to foreign countries. Our refineries are not functioning despite millions of naira budgeted for their repair, there is no sufficient manufacturing industries to employ our youths that are roaming about the streets.
  • Bad Image: Certificate earned from Nigeria tertiary institutions are losing credibility outside our country worldwide because of corruption practices, due to examination malpractices is Nigeria. Educational institutions. Effective check and balances should be provided to minimize corruption and mismanagement of local government fund in Nigeria.
Research works is conducted for humanity irrespective of discipline by explaining some technical term to layman understanding for instance, planning etc.
  • Problem: A problem is the difference between what is and what out to be. A problem creates concern, lingers for a while and tends to defy solution. It impedes progress and hinders the achievement of the stated goals.
  • Corruption: Can be defined as any act dishonesty, unpatriotism, embezzlement, favouritism, nepotism, looting bribery, indiscipline and inability to follow the set out rules and regulation. Cambridge international dictionary of English, define corruption as “dishonesty using one’s position or power advantage especially for money”.
  • Local government: The local government at local level through representative. Council established by law to exercise powers within defined areas, has substantial control over local affair as well as the staff and institutional power to initiate and direct the provision of good and services to the benefit of grassroots.
  • Local Administration: Is the extension of the national government activities to all the nooks and crannies of the state.
  • Planning: Planning involves looking into the future and carving out desire state of affairs, while probable contingencies are minimized through the development of strategies aims at achieving these predetermined objectives at the specified future time.
The chapter one of this studies deal with the background of the study and major objectives of the study. Also in the chapter speak about the significant of the study.

Chapter two is literature review understanding by reading and evaluation of available documents, written materials and reports related to a given topic of research.
This chapter is very important it enables the investigator to have broad knowledge about the study.

Chapter three deal with method used for data collection, population, area of the study.

Chapter four is the last chapter in this study, which give account of summary of the finding, conclusion, recommendation and references for further research works.


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