Monday 20 November 2017



1.1      Background to the study
Traditional authorities occupy an important place in African life, andhistorically, in the body politic of Nigeria . These authorities embody thepreservation of culture, traditions, customs and values of the African people,while also representing the early forms of societal organisation and governance.
Although traditional authorities represent earlier forms of governance, they havealso been found in contemporary democracies. The existence of traditionalauthorities in Nigeria societies predates colonial periods in the form of chiefs,queens, soothsayers, youth leaders and leaders of various age-sects. Even thoughcolonialism found chiefs in particular to be opponents of reforms, they were usedto execute the indirect policy in circumstances such as ensuring law and order
(Kendie, Enu-Kwesi and Guri, 2008).
The framers of the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Nigeria, knowingthe importance of traditional authorities, enshrined the independence of thechieftaincy institution and its allied divisions (Ayee, 2006). The Chieftaincy Actof 2008, Act 759, which is in conformity with the 1992 constitution, makesprovisions for chieftaincy processes and procedures to guide the institution. InNigeria, the traditional authority system has been treated as being synonymous tochiefs and queens. However, in this study, the institution of traditional authoritiesis defined to include, in addition to umbrella chieftaincy entities, structures suchas family/lineage/clan heads, Asafo/youth leaders, traditional priests andpriestesses (Guri, 2006).
The Nigeria society has been characterized by fragmentation of variousaspects of the social, economic, and political, including the society‟s institutionsof governance. Large segments of the population, particularly those in the ruralareas, continue to adhere principally to traditional authorities. The post-colonialstate, on the other hand, emulates Western institutions of governance, which areoften at odds with traditional African cultural values and the Nigeria contemporary socio-economic realities. Fragmentation of the institutions of governance, along with economic and social fragmentation, has contributed toNigeria crisis of state-building, governance, and development.
Despite the modest progress, the post-colonial State has been unable toestablish rights-based political and economic systems of governance that wouldfacilitate the consolidation of state-building and promotion of development(Dzorbgo, 1998). To a large extent, this deficiency has been due to thedetachment of the state from the institutional and cultural values of itscommunities.
There is no universally acceptable approach for dealing with theaccommodation of traditional authorities within established democracies becausethe manner in which traditional authorities have been studied in the literature has varied from country to country. The persistence of traditional authority as aparallel system of governance, which provides some level of refuge for the ruralAccording to Kendie and Guri (2004), traditional authorities formed theleadership structures within the community, and their functional role ensuredcompliance with rules, norms and beliefs on the part of the populace.
The adventof colonial rule introduced Western forms of governance that, with theirAccompanying political and administrative structures, dominate at the national andregional levels in most African countries. Historically, the institution of traditionalleadership has performed various governance functions, most especially, at thecommunity level.
Traditional leadership emanates from customs, and generally carries outcustomary functions. However, it may complement the role of government inrural areas; therefore, there cannot be contestation of authority between theinstitutions of traditional leadership and the formal government institutions.
1.2      Statement of Problem
Chieftaincy as a traditional form of political authority in local government administration in Ghana predates colonial rule. The position that Nigeria traditional rulers occupy and play in local governance has been the subject of debate in recent years. Traditional rule represents the indigenous and authentic African form of governance, because it has been with the people throughout history.
The quest for authority between the chieftaincy institution and the political structures of modern governments has not only deprived traditional leadership of its authority but also set in motion a new society whose structures and norms of leadership continue to challenge the authority, status and functions of traditional political leadership. The contest with the formal governmental system symbolized by the political authority of the central government and its representative structures in the regions and the districts pose the greatest challenge to the political authority of chieftaincy. Whereas the central government has usurped the political authority of chieftaincy and deprived it of its economic resources, it continues to demand from chiefs, roles and functions which chieftaincy in its present state cannot perform because it has neither the political authority nor the economic means (Akrong, 2006).
Not much work has been done concerning the relationship that exists between the traditional authorities and the state institutions in regarding decision-making on development matters since the inception of the New Local Government System in 1988 (Guri, 2006). Traditional authorities have been voicing their discontent at the way they have been neglected by the district assemblies and the state in decision making, especially, at the local level (Crook,2005). The diminishing authority and resources of chiefs caused by the activities of central government and its local agents and bodies have not made it possiblefor the chiefs to respond to the demands of the people. The demands on chiefs to play leadership roles in development by theirpeople in spite of their diminishing authority and resources shows that the prestigeand legitimacy of chiefs are deeply engrained in the consciousness of the people.
And for many ordinary Nigeria, Chiefs are their pre-eminent political leaderswhom they will rationally turn for help and intervention in situations of need(Akrong, 2006).The increasing erosion of the role of traditional authorities by thestate and the tensions that this has created between these two established Institutions presents a situation that this study seeks to examine.
 1.3      Objectives of the study
The general objective of the study is to examine the role traditionalauthorities, particularly chiefs, play and can play in the governance process in the lokoja Traditional Area. The specific objectives of the study are to:
  • Assess the roles and relevance of traditional institution in the security management at the local government level.
  • Examine the nature of the relationship between traditional authorities andlocal government agencies.
  • Assess how traditional authorities, particularly chiefs, could be integrated intothe formal local government system.
  • Make recommendations on how traditional authorities, particularlychieftaincy, can be integrated into the governance process.
1.4      Significance of the study
The purpose of the study is to examine the increasing erosion of the Importance of traditional institution in the security management at the local government level; Propose a defined role for chiefs in the decentralization process; and find out howBest traditional authorities can be positioned to contribute meaningfully toImprove governance and development in Nigeria.
The complaints of traditionalauthorities of neglect by the District Assemblies and state agencies in development and governance matters at all levels in all major forums set theAgenda for this study. At present, the Komenda Traditional Area has seen littledevelopment perhaps as a result of lack of understanding between the roles oftraditional authorities, particularly the chiefs and the local government agencies.This study will provide the in-depth information that would be useful tothe local government and traditional authorities in their bid to bring the twoinstitutions together to work towards the needed development of the area andother traditional areas. Komenda Traditional Area was selected because such astudy has never been done in the traditional area even though similar studies havebeen conducted in other traditional areas within the municipality.
1.5      Scope and limitation of the study
The study focuses on assessing the duality of governance as pertains to theTraditional system and the formal local government system in the KomendaTraditional Area in kogi state. The duality certainly has its disadvantages such as confusion ofwho has the legitimate source of authority in the community. However, this studyexamines the extent that this duality helps in advancing the realization of thedevelopmental objectives of the local inhabitants.
Limitations of the study
Limitations are the factors which affect the result of the study. There is hardly any research project without some limitation affecting it in one-way or the other. The limitations encountered during the course of this research are as follow:
1.     Financial Limitation:There was also financial limitation, because to carry out a research of any kind you need money and being a student my finances are limited.
2.     Collection of Information:There were limitations in getting all the required information needed for the research as some of the information’s where not forth coming due to lack of co-operation and secrecy the part of the respondents.
3.     Time Constraints:The time required to get the research done is limited being an academic requirement to finish your studies and research takes a considerable amount of time e.g two years.
4.     Secrecy:The respondents being questioned were reluctant in giving relevant information needed for the research work. They see the questions being asked as trying to probe them.
5.     Illiteracy: There was limitation of illiteracy on the part of some of the respondent. It is difficult for people who cannot read and write to appreciate the need to supply relevant research information.
1.6      Research questions
The following research questions informed the study
  • How relevant are traditional authorities to local governance?
  • What are the roles of traditional authorities/chiefs in attaining goodgovernance and sustainable development?
  • What is the nature of the relationship between traditional authorities and localgovernment agencies?
  • How can traditional authorities particularly chiefs be integrated into theformal local government process?
1.7      Definition of terms
Definition of some terms in this research will be given so as to give an explanation of the meaning of such terms in the context in which they are used. They include;
1.     Leadership: –This is an act or process of exerting positive influence over other people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the accomplishment of goals and objectives.
2.     Performance: – An act by which a given task is done or executed.
  • Job: – An entity but complex inters – relations of tasks, roles, responsibility, interaction, incentives and rewards.
1.     Local autonomy: Local autonomy is the exercise of certain basic powers, i.e. police power, power of eminent domain, and taxing power, by local government units so as to best serve the interest and promote the general well being of their inhabitants.
2.     Mayors: Councils will also have a mayor or chairman of the council to undertake ceremonial duties. However, a few councils have elected mayors who responsible for the day-to-day running of local services. They are voted for by local people, and serve for four years. They provide political leadership to the council and the community, and carry out the local authority’s policies
3.     Local government: Local government is the collective term for local councils. You may also sometimes hear them referred to as local authorities. Local councils are made up of councilors (members) who are voted for by the public in local elections and paid council staff (officers) who deliver services. There are currently 411 councils in the UK.
4.     Motivation:– This is concerned with how behavior gets started is energized, is sustained, is directed and stopped.
5.     Leadership Behaviour:– This can be described as the influence exerted by the leaders on their subordinates as regards their jobs and clarifications of what is expected of them. Its subordinate will be satisfied by the intrinsic demands of the unstructured task and be highly motivated by the extrinsic rewards associated with their employments.
6.     Management:– This is defined as the process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate a purposive organization through systematic, coordinated operative human efforts.
7.     Organization: – This is a group of people in a defined territory and working together to achieve stated objective.
8.     Goal Path Theory:– An objective of object toward which a person strikes. A theory is a set of generalizations which can be used to describe observed events or predicts future events.
9.     National development: National development therefore can be described as the overall development or a collective socio-economic, political as well as religious advancement of a country or nation. This is best achieved through development planning, which can be described as the country’s collection of strategies mapped out by the government.


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