Tuesday 14 November 2017




The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) is a federation of unions across all sectors, all cadres, convening both white and blue collar workers as well as pensioners. It is a symbol of unity and strength of the country’s trade union movement.

The behavior and responses of the congress to issues impacts positively or otherwise on the entire trade union movement. This explains why most Nigerian workers hold the NLC with a lot of solidarity, because it is geared towards the pursuit and attainment of economic, social and political interest of the workers and the country (Nigeria) at large.

Given the vanguard role, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) expected to play, it is often thought that labour and trade union are essentially a response of workers to unbearable oppressive employment conditions. Certainly, some unions have developed from such background. We could then refer to such union as social movement. Albert Blueman defined social movement as a collective enterprise to establish a new order to life. However, labour unions have been a part of Nigeria industry since 1912, when government employees formed a civil service union in 1914, this organization became in Nigeria union of civil servants after the merger of protectorates of Northern Nigeria and Southern Nigeria. In 1931, two other major unions were founded, the Nigeria Railway workers union and the Nigeria union of Teachers (which include private school teachers) legalization of union in 1938 was followed by rapid labour organization during world war II as a result of passage by the British government of the colonial development and welfare act of 1940, which encourage the establishment of unions in the colonies.

The defense regulation of October 1942 made strikes and lock out illegal for the duration of the war and denied African workers the cost of living allowances that European civil servants received in addition, the colonial government increased wages only modestly, although, the cost of living rose 74 percent from September 1939 to October 1943. In June and July of 1945, 43,000 workers most of whom were performing services in dispensable to the country’s economic and administrative life, went on a strike that lasted more than forty days. It large part as a result of the strikes success, the labour movement grow steadily by 1950 there were 144 unions with more than 144,000 members.

In 1963, union members numbered 300,000 or 1.6 percent of the labour force. Despite the low level of organization, labour discontent worsened as the gap widened between the wages of white –collar and those of blue-collar workers. In 1964, supervisors were paid thirty three time as much as daily wage workers and semi-skilled workers in public services. After independence, many workers had begun to see that the political leadership was maing no effort to reduce the inequalities of the colonial wage and benefit structure. Corruption and conspicuous consumption were perceived to be widespread among politicians. In April 1963, pay rise for ministers and members of parliament further fueled labour resentment because rank and file civil servants had been doing without raises since 1960. The file subordinate central labour organizations consequently formed the Joint Action Committee (JAC) to pressure the government to raise wages. Numerous delays in the publication of a government commission report on wages and salaries.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) though important and pivot to the economic and social development of the country (Nigeria), has his own failures resulting from liabilities that undermine her activities. In view of the various negative prevailing circumstances, this research will try to identify and provide solution to the NLC crisis and challenges.
To achieve this goals, the following issues will be examined;
  1. Workers perception of the rate of attaining the aims and objectives of the leaders lead in industrial conflict
  2. The weakness of trade unionism in Nigeria constitutes other problem to labour movement
  3. The non-compatibility of union and government interest always leads to organized industrial conflict.
  4. The non-recognition by management of a need by workers for improvement in wages and salaries always lead to industrial unrest.
The objectives of this study can be stated as follows:
  1. To evaluate the contribution of Nigeria Labour Congress to Nigeria economy
  2. To highlight and justify the efficiency of the role of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in economic reforms in Nigeria.
  3. It will expose the clog in the wheel of peaceful negotiation through collective bargaining between workers and management that group integrity is achieved through the judicial procedure of setting disputes by negotiation and agreement with or without intervention of an arbitrator.
  4. This work also aimed at how labour underlying the need to ensure that economic and social policy, target wealth generation and aimed at meeting basic and broader needs.
The role of Nigeria Labour Congress in democracy consolidation in Nigeria is very paramount and indispensable among the committee of nations. At the end of the research work, solution would be proffered that will enhance the effective and efficient operations Nigeria Labour Congress, that will benefit the workers, the government and the country (Nigeria) at large; including scholars carrying out research work in this area of study.

Hypotheses are a prediction of tentative statement about a problem which is under investigation.
In this research work, the following hypothesis have been formulated.
Ho:  Strike actions are not right tool for attainment of reforms
Hi:   Strike actions are the right tool for attainment of reforms
Ho:  The NLC has not been able to conquer the obnoxious reforms of government
Hi:   The NLC has been able to conquer the obnoxious reforms of government
Ho:  The operation of the trade unions in Nigeria are not regular
Hi:   The operation of the trade union in Nigeria are regular.

The scope of this study shall include all union members under the umbrella of the Nigeria Labour Congress representing their union of various national secretariat. Also the study will not seek to concentrate more on a micro level analysis of the topic under study but seek to ascertain the influence of union activities in Nigeria Labour Congress and national development thereby enabling both policy and labour decision makes good and well-intended decision.
While, in the course of carrying out this research work, there are some hindrance which have been encountered by men, which is as follows.
The area of inadequate access to some of the relevant materials of this research topic and limiting factors of this work is the inability to get all the required data and information required.

For the purpose of easy understanding, this research is categorized into five chapters.
Chapter one, which is essentially introductory includes background, statement, objectives, hypothesis, significance, scope/limitations of the study, organization of the work and finally, definition of terms.

Chapter two, comprises of literature review. This involves reviewing what other authors have said about the subject matter performances and influence in the economy.

Chapter three, will cover the research method and procedure, population and sample, source of data collection, method of data collection, description of instrument used, returned questionnaire and finally on that not method of data analysis.

Chapter four, in every research data presentation and analysis are very important if hypothesis are to be tested. This is very critical chapter because its observation and findings will prove or disapprove hypothesis.

Finally, chapter five is devoted towards conclusion and recommendations, whereby conclusion will be generated on whether the hypothesis is true or false, accepted or null it will also suggests solution to the problem earlier stated based on its findings.

At this juncture, I find it necessary to define the basic terms that shall feature prominently in this study which is as follows:

TRADE UNION: Different writers have variously defined this; some defined it as an organization of workers to represent their interests deal as groups with employers. This simply means a group of employees or workers with common interest who reinforces together to relate to their employers in order to improve their welfare and working condition.

For the purpose of this study, trade union will be generally defined as that which emerged from the effort of the workers to seek an improvement of existing condition through collective action. This is a group of workers who wanted improvement in their condition of employment.

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Collective bargaining is seen in this context as negotiating about working conditions and terms of employment between an employee’s group of employers and one or more representatives. It can be defined as a process of decision making.

INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT: Industrial conflict is defined as struggle over value or claims to status, power and scarce resources in which the aims of the conflict parties are only to gain the desired values but also to neutralize injure or eliminate their rivals.

GOVERNMENT: A government is the or agency through which a political unit exercise its authority, controls and administers public policy, and directs and controls the actions of its members or subjects.

SOCIAL MOVEMENT: Social movement is seen as collective enterprise to establish a new order to life that is a group of people who need change or resist an existing social order. For the purpose of this study, social movement is said to occur when firmly large number of people found themselves together in order to alter or support an aspect of the existing culture off social order.

Coleman J.S. (1985) Background of Nationalism, University of California Press Barkely and Angels.
Taiwo Olu E. (1987) The Role of Nigeria Labour Congress in Industrial Relations, Lagos.
Wogu Ananaba (1978), The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria, Benin City Ethipa Publishing Corporation, Benin City.
Tayo Fashioyin (1976), Industrial Relations of Nigeria Longman Nigeria Limited, Ikeja Lagos.
Herbert Blumer (1961) Social Management in Bong. Macmillan Limited, London.

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