Tuesday 15 January 2019





Online shopping website can promote a trendy way for people to perform shopping for consumer products. Not merely it is convenient, but also it is time-saving, thus consumers can have more time to take care of other things in daily life. Online shopping website can be developed as a shopping centre providing services and products for people to do shopping from any places. This web site, or on-line supermarket, integrated of up to one thousand stores, is designed as a one-stop service, so shoppers do not have to visit other sites in order to search for what they are looking for. The objective of this paper is to develop a web site which provides instant web site package where anyone is able to open his own online store. Providing an easy means to create a store website residing in a shopping centre web site, this web site provides a mechanism for store owners to manage their store by themselves using the Content Management System. By using user friendly approach, the web site enables even inexperienced web programming users to create their stores as well as promotes their stores in the market place. Furthermore, the market place is designed by separating products into various categories. Also, it makes shoppers see the products easily in product groups together with their sub categories. The results of this study show that the developed Online shopping web site provides considerable benefits for both buyers and sellers to do their businesses. Any interested visitors can open their online stores anytime when they think it is the right time. Certainly, shoppers can save travelling expense by choosing their choices of delivery and payment.

The online shopping system is one of the latest services most supermarkets in the western world are adopting. With this method, product is ordered online and delivered to the customer. This is made possible through the use of electronic payment system. Customers pay with their credit cards, although credit card customers can be served even before they make payment either through cash or cheque. So, the system designed in this project will enable customers go online and place order for their product.

Due to the great increase in the awareness of internet and the technologies associated with it, several opportunities are coming up on the web. So many businesses and companies now venture into their business with ease because of the internet. One of such business that the internet introduced is an online product ordering system. In today’s age, many supermarkets have chosen to focus on quick preparation and speedy delivery of orders rather than offering a rich dining experience. Until recently, most of this delivery orders were placed over the phone, but there are many disadvantages to this system.

It is possible for anybody to order any goods via the internet and have the goods delivered at his/her doorsteps. But while trying to discuss the transfer method of the goods and services, attention is focused on the payment mode. In other words, how possible is it to pay for goods and services via the internet? This then leads to the discussion of the economic consequences of digital cash. What are the implementations from the view point of economic? Since the world is fast becoming a global village, the necessary tool for this process is communication of which telecommunication is a key player? A major breakthrough is the wireless telephone system which comes in either fixed wireless telephone lines or the Global System of Mobile communication (GSM).

What I propose is an online shopping system originally designed for use in supermarket, but just as applicable in any product delivery industry. The main advantage of this system is that it greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the customer and the supermarket. The system also greatly lightens the load on the supermarket end, as the entire process of taking orders is automated. Once an order is placed on the webpage that will be designed, it is placed into the database and then retrieved, in pretty much real-time, by a desktop application on the restaurants end. Within this application, all items in the order are displayed, along with their corresponding options and delivery details, in a concise and easy to read manner. This allows the supermarket employees to quickly go through the orders as they are placed and produce the necessary items with minimal delay and confusion. The greatest advantage of this system is its FLEXIBILITY.

As industries are fast expanding, people are seeking for more ways to purchase products with much ease and still maintain cost effectiveness. The vendors need to purchase the products in order to sell to end users. The manual method of going to their local sales outlets to purchase product is becoming obsolete and more tasking. product can be ordered through the internet and payment made without going to the supermarket. So there is need for a wide range of publicity and enabling direct order, processing and delivering product through online system. For this system, there will be a system administrator who will have the rights to enter the menu with current prevailing prices.

This study lays out a framework for a new system to be developed and brought to the market for maximum use and to create an avenue through the web where users can log on to our server and make a selection of whatever goods or product they like and subsequently pay via the internet. The following are the objectives this would bring:
  1. The home page of this web interfile provides an avenue where customers will be able to gather more and reliable information about what the product industry really does.
  2. The products and services offered would provide the customers with all the different categories of available products that they can choose and select from.
  3. This will provide a user friendly environment between the customer and employee thus increasing the efficiency of the product ordering system.
  4. There will also be an online purchase form with which valued customers will be using to get in touch with any of their request whenever the need arises.
  5. It will also help for easy retrieval of orders made by the customers.
In this project, a super market company is designed and Amana Super-Market is taken as a case study to enable customers order for product and get it delivered accordingly and also to reduce the long queues of customers at the counter ordering for product and to reduce the work lord on the employees.
The following things are among other things that are discussed and what the software would handle:
1. About the super market company
2. The fast food and the services offered there
3. Online purchase
4. Type of product provided.

In view of the rapid development of computer technology in almost all the fields of operation and its use in relation to information management, it has become important to look into the development of online shopping system for firms to meet up with demands of the customers. Therefore, the product ordering and delivery system will help customers and management to:
1. Advertise available product in their company
2. Reduce the workload in the present system
3. Reduce time wasted in data processing
4. Create a platform for online purchase and delivery of product

Due to time and financial constraints, the software that is developed covers only the aspect of product ordering and payments.

CREDIT CARD: A credit card is a payment card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows the cardholder to pay for goods and services based on the holder’s promise to pay for them.
ORDERING SYSTEM: This is referred to as a set of detailed methods that is being used in handling the ordering process.
CUSTOMER: Sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of goods, services, products or idea obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a monetary or other valuable consideration.
TECHNOLOGY: It is the study of techniques or process of mobilizing resources (such as information) for accomplishing objectives that benefit man and his environment.


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