Wednesday 13 March 2019





This study is advertising and it influence on consumer behavior. Advertising is a way of communication to convince an audience for taking purchase decision about a product or services and also delivering information to viewers. The study used the Nigerian bottling company plc [NBC], Abuja plant as it case study to examine the influence advertising has a consumer behaviors on product with response to environment and emotional behavior. Advertising is one at the major tools organization use in educating and informing the audience and the general public in the existence of a new product we carry out both primary and secondary source of data. Data were analysed by the use of percentage. The formulated hypothecs form in data was tested with the help of chi square, the test revealed that most organization use advertising to promote their product and services. The recommendations are product cannot survive in competitive environment without regular advertising and that special gift offers always make consumer feel entertained, excited and lucky and that organizations image or product depend on advertising. Finally the study concludes on the note that even by name in business like WBC have no choice but to keep an advertising and advertising for business sustenance and growth.



Almost all economic activities are geared towards ensuring that the right goals and services are produced and find their way to customers. The study of advertising and its influence on consumer behaviour a case study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Abuja plant is very unique and relevant topic. The objectives of the study therefore are to find out if indeed advertising build primary demand, the extent to which it fosters consumer loyalty and its relationship with sales volume, thereby improving and increasing the profit of the company.

The thrust of the research is on advertising a powerful tool for business growth. There is power, so much power in information, when this information is repeated, it leaves an impression. IT    is generally believed that individual consumers lack the time, interest, or capabilities to actively search for and evaluate information for purchasing decisions. Advertising conveniently solve this problem because; it is the primary method of informing the public about the availability of a product.

It consists of non-personal or one way form of communication, conducted through paid mass media. In another words, advertising is a form of communication intended to convince an audience (viewers, readers or

listeners) to purchase or make some action upon product or services by indentified sponsors. A lot has been discussed about advertising, in fact, advertising expenditure in every year claims a substantial portion, money expended on advertising is so much that one is tempted to whether its fruits yielded by the marketing strategy are impressive enough to justify the among of money spent on it.


Almost everyone grows up in the world which is flooded with mass media example: television, magazines, music, videos, billboard, advertising newspapers and internet (Batra, 1996) of all the marketing weapons, advertising is renowned for it long lasting impact on viewers mind, as it’s exposure in much broader (Kotler, 1988). Advertising is the subset of promotional mix pg. 2 which is one of the 4P’s in the marketing mix i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion strategy, advertising serve as a major tool in creating product awareness in mind of a potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision.

Advertising, sales promotion and public relation are mass communication tools available to marketers. Advertising through all mediums influence audience but television is one of the strongest medium of advertising and due to its mass riches, it can influence individuals’ attitude, behavior, lifestyle, exposure and in the long run even the culture of the people (Dunn 1997).

Then the companies use propaganda (Jingles, slogans and logos) to make the viewers remember the product. Another way is that the companies use children to help them with the advertising in doing this they find those vital kids who set the tends as the market is surplus with several product or services, most companies make similar functional claim so it has become extremely difficult for companies to differentiate their product or services based on functional attributes. Shown in advertising are never long lasting as the competitors could copy the same (Cannon, 1999).

Today environment without information or message about their product or services to their viewer or buyer, companies cannot reach out to the customers. In order to analyze their consumer’s behaviour through advertising, we have selected some areas to conduct our research. The research is based on consumer behavior and their emotional response.


The primary objective of advertising is to reach prospective customers and influence their attitude and behaviour. However, studies show the compan sales are declining due to lack of effective advertising and promotion at the company’s product- spending in advertising product is low to keep individual/ the market in their product.

They complained of the loss of gathering enough relevant market data to develop accurate profit of buyers for communication. Consumer complained of some product not been their favourite brand and do not suit their test, the company staff do not provide consumers with accurate information on product. Thus the need therefore arise to examine the situation critically and provide ways of improving on the situation.


This is when advertising and brand management are relevant. Advertising is a subset of promotional mix which is one of the 4Ps in the marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion. Promotion strategy in advertising serves as major tools in creating awareness and condition the mind of a potential consumer to take purchaser decision.

The main purposes of the study are as follows:

  1. Creating awareness and images about the company goods and services.
  2. Conveying the benefits of the product to the consumer.
  3. Educating and informing the consumer on how and where to get the product.
  4. Increase sales levels of the company product.
  5. Facilitating the introduction of new and what offer it has for consumer.
  6. Building product and company images for the business owners
  7. Expansion and maintaining market share.
  8. As a strategy to introduce new users of an existing product that will increase rate of consumption or usage.

The general objective of the study is to examine the influence of advertising on consumer behaviour with particular reference to Nigeria bottling company plc Abuja. The specific objectives are stated below.

  1. To find out consumer attitude towards advertising and their behaviour in making purchase decision.
  2. To identify the various advertising media of reaching the customers and adopt the most appropriate advertising medium.
  3. To examine customer behaviour on advertising.
  4. To ascertain the consumer knowledge and awareness about the advertising social impact and criticism about the message.
  5. To make recommendation on the finding to both firm and consumer on how they can improve their activities regarding advertisement.

Questionnaire were prepared and divided into two sections. The questions were also administered to consumers to examine their general behaviours on the advertising influence towards buying decision or making purchase choice

  1. Did you think advertising have any impact on sales level of product or services?
  2. How did advertising influence your purchase decision?
  3. How did you feel when there is advertising of a brand or product?
  4. What media get your attention or create impact on you?
  5. What method of advertising do you think is the most effective for Nigeria bottling company plc?
  6. What are your reasons for preferring a picture brand or product?

In order to pursue the objective of the study this is focused on advertising and its influence on consumer behaviours. The following hypotheses have been formulated and will be tested.

Hi1 = advertising influence consumer behaviour

Ho1 = advertising does not influence consumer behaviour

Hi2 = advertising has a positive influence on Nigeria bottling company (NBC) growth.

Ho2 = advertising does not have a positive influence on Nigerian bottling company (NBC) growth


This study is to carry out an assessment on advertising and its influence in the Nigeria market.

The findings and recommendation of study will make a contribution to academic wok; it would also aid other researchers to carry out more studious.

The study will help the organisation, marketer, manufacturers and other business people who use advertising to stimulate consumer behaviour for purchase.

The research will also be useful to the policy makers to agree on a code of advertising standard that they attempt to uphold it intends to ensure that advertising are truthful legal and decent.


The study covers different areas in advertising such as the objectives setting which involves communication objectives, sales objectives etc. another area is budget decision which involves affordable approach, method and techniques of the areas advertising covered. This involved message strategies and message executive and his aspect in media decision which involves type, specific media, vehicles and media timing.

However, advertising helps in projecting product quality and value before the customer. This is what is applicable to Nigeria bottling company plc.

The scope of the study cover different areas in advertising and its influence on consumer behaviour or decision which focused on setting of goods and services, institutional advertising which its objectives is on building trust in a product or images of the company.


To undertake a research work of this nature is not an easy task the prevailing logistics, social and environmental variable. Advertising message usually focused on the key of the benefit of the product that is important to a perspective consumer in making purchase decision.

In as much as the researcher provides much non stereo fact as possible with respect to the public, the study encounter a number of problem and difficulties which to my ability / commence the work as I hold perilously.

  1. Time for the research work and personal issues.
  2. Environmental factors and financial factors
  3. Attitudes of the consumers when given question or ask question

Nigeria bottling company (NBC) is a Nigeria base company and it is engaged in bottling and selling of carbonated non-alcoholic beverages. The company is part of the coca-cola Hellenic bottling company (CCHBC).

The Nigerian bottling company (NBC) was registered in 1953 and has its first plant in Nigeria was in Lagos at oyinbo,ebule-metta, which is now in mainland which would invariably lead to more profit, raw materials and exchanges of technical know-how by leventis group in London which lead to the creation of a bottling company in Nigeria to be called Nigeria bottling company (NBC) it main objective is to make profit which can only be achieved by making the product available in large quantise.


The following terms are defined below for clear understanding of all topic of this research work.

  1. Advertising: American marketing Association. (1948) define advertising as any form of personal presentation and promotion of goods and services and ideal for action openly paid for by an identified sponsor.
  2. Influence: influence is defined by oxford dictionary of comment as somebody or something that affect the way of a person’s behaviour and things.
  3. Consumer: advance learning dictionary; as a person who buy or uses services.
  4. Behaviour: oxford advance learner dictionary (8th   edition) as the way a person behaves especially towards other people good/ bad behaviours.
  5. Product: a thing that is been produced or manufactured usually for sales.


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