Thursday 7 March 2019



In modern society, economic prosperity and progress depend largely on the quality of leadership. This is true of nation states as it is of individuals or generate among policy makers, corporate executives and investors are largely justified. Leadership is very essential in an organization because achievements and results occur corollary to the traits being projected by the leader. The major aim of every organization is to grow. The relationship between the management and employees has a great impact to that effect. Employees will be expecting to earn higher so as to sustain their living while the management will be expecting employee to work had so as to see that the objectives of the organization is realized. Organizational behaviour is more or less a pure psychology attached to the institutional companies and applicable to achieve organisational goals. It constitutes the activities of an organisation that can be observed by another organisation or by experimental instruments. The research work will focus on the leadership and effects of leadership style, appraisal and organizational behaviour of management and employees. The work is made up of five chapters. In the first chapter we will discuss about the general ideas of leadership, organizational behaviour and its effects on management and employee. In the second chapter we shall look into the literature review, we shall look into various authors who have researched on the leadership styles, appraisal and organizational behaviour of management and employees. In chapter three, we will present research methodology while chapter four will be presentation of data analysis. We shall also interpret the data and test the hypothesis and finally, chapter five will be summaries, findings and recommendation.

1.1 Background to the study
As organizations as well as their conditions have changed rapidly in the last years, a brand new type of leadership, one that’s less bureaucratic and much more democratic, is needed to be able to make sure the organization’s survival and gratification (Maley, 2015). It’s contended that effective leadership has an optimistic effect on the productivity of the organization (Charlton, 2000). Ultimately it is the performance of numerous people that culminates within the productivity of the organization, or perhaps in the achievement of organizational goals. Effective leadership is instrumental in making certain organizational performance (Hellrieglet, 2014). Consequently, many leadership ideas happen to be suggested within the last half century that are stated to possess affected the general effectiveness of the organizations where they have been employed. Within the competitive world business atmosphere, it is essential that organizations employ leadership styles which allow organizations to outlive inside a dynamic atmosphere (Bass, 2017).
Leadership is conceived as a process where one or more persons influence a group of person to move in a certain direction. The word leadership has been used in various aspects of human endeavor such as politics, business, academics and social works. Messick and Krammer (2004) argue that the degree to which the individual exhibits leadership traits depends not only on his characteristics and personalabilities, but also on the characteristics of the situation and environment in which he finds himself. Therefore, an individual will support the organization if he believes that through it his personal objective and goals could be met, if not, the person’s interest will decline.
Organisational behaviour is concerned with people’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions in setting up a work. Understanding an individual behaviour is in itself a challenge, but understanding group behaviour in an organisational environment is a monumental managerial task. As Nadler and Tushman put it, “Understanding one individual’s behaviour is challenging in and of itself; understanding a group that is made up of different individuals and comprehending the many relationships among those individuals is even more complex. Ultimately, the organisation’s work gets done through people, individually or collectively, on their, own or in collaboration with technology. Therefore, the management of organizational behaviour is central to the management task – a task that involves the capacity to “understand” the behaviour patterns of individuals, groups and organisations, to ”predict'” what behavioural responses will be elicited by various managerial actions and finally to use this understanding and these predictions to achieve “control”.
Organisational behaviour offers several ideas to management as to how human factor should be properly emphasised to achieve organisational objectives. Barnard (2017) has observed that an organisation is a conscious interaction of two or more people. This suggests that since an organisation is the interaction of persons, they should be given adequate importance in managing the organisation. Organisational behaviour provides opportunity to management to analyse human behaviour and prescribe means for shaping it to a particular direction. Understanding Human Behaviour, organizational behaviour provides understanding the human behaviour in all directions in which the human beings interact. Thus, organizational behaviour can be understood at the individual level, interpersonal level, group level and inter-group level. Organisational behaviour helps to analyse ‘why’ and ‘how’ an individual behaves in a particular way. Human behaviour is a complex phenomenon and is affected by a large number of factors including the psychological, social and cultural implications.
Effective’s leader in an organization is the fact that leadership that’s competent, skilled, capable, innovative, competitive, motivating and target oriented. It’s indicated by innovative and explorative management, accommodation of shades of opinion especially individuals from the proper stakeholders, understanding concerning the techniques and process for quality items and services and knowledge concerning the organization‘s proper constituencies and competing values, (Mbogu, 2001). Organizational leadership is competent enough to become applied being an art, a science so that as a method. It’s motivating and embodied with understanding, values and values of both organization and also the stakeholders similarly along with a practical activity- based oriented competencies, resourcefulness, innovativeness and managing capabilities. It is based on this backdrop that this research study seek to investigate the impact of leadership and organizational behavior on employee’s productivity.
  1. Statement of the problem
In the recent past years, leadership has engaged as a new effective approach for managing the employees and organization at large. The traditional concept of personnel administration has gradually replaced with the human resource management. This give importance to the strategic integration of new leadership styles into effective management of employees and to improve the employee productivity (Gong, 2009). Leaders are accountable for the performance of their organization or the success of the government, which is dependent on employee‘s productivity. Leadership is an indispensable requisite for the success of any organization (Lewis, 2013). Since an organization requires a leader to shape the behavior of employees and lead them to the desired direction. Research into leadership and employee productivity is becoming more important because some researchers have examined the relationship between them and also the relationship between leadership, motivation and productivity (Koopman, 2005). There is however, still some debate over leadership on whether it facilitates in employee productivity that further leads to organizational performance.
Research reveals that what seems to be blind spot among company planners about their own leadership and management skills. You might look at this and say that leadership is just about being nice to people, however, it’s far more complex that what people see; coercive leaders can have a slightly positive impact on standards and pacesetters on responsibility.
As Coleman (1996) points out, no one leadership style is going to be right one in every situation. Leaders in public service like Benue links Nigeria limited have to balance their concern for their co-workers with their responsibility to the community they serve. A lot of people think that one need to pay people more money to motivate them, wrong there are plenty of low and no-cost strategies you can use to motivate staff, executives who want to improve performance will bring in tough managers or promote the most productive staff member as a pacesetter. Leadership is the art
  1. Research Questions
  1. What are the different factor of leadership in finance oriented as well as service oriented organisation.
  2. What are the effect of leadership style and their basic relationship with organizational behaviour
  3. What are the best leadership style that will suit the organisation for effective productivity
  4. To what extent has leadership been affecting decision making and organisational effectiveness
  5. What are the possible relationship and comparison on the effect of leadership styles on organizational behavior
  1. Objectives of the study
The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of leadership and organizational behavior on employee’s productivity with particular interest in United Bank for Africa Adankolo branch.
The specific objectives of this study include:
  1. The evaluate the different factor of leadership (the leaders traits, skills and subordinates reaction, status, recognition and the prevailing situation) in finance oriented as well as service oriented organisation.
  2. To determine the effect of leadership style and their basic relationship with organizational behaviour
  3. To highlight the adoption of any best leadership style that will suit the organisation for effective productivity
  4. To inquire the extent leadership has been affecting decision making and organisational effectiveness
  5. To appraise any possible relationship and comparison on the effect of leadership styles on organizational behaviour
  1. Statement of Hypotheses
This study will test the following hypotheses to ascertain the levels of Relationships/significance that exist between leadership, organizational behaviour and employee’s productivity in an organization.
Ho: There is no significant relationship between leadership, organizational performance and employee’s productivity in United Bank for Africa, Adankolo branch.
H1: There is significant relationship between leadership, organizational performance and employee’s productivity in United Bank for Africa, Adankolo branch.
  1. Significance of the study
The findings of this study benefit businesses in the banking industry in appreciating the critical role played by sound Leadership and Governance structures in improving organization‘s employee productivity both at national and international fronts. Lately the banking sector has been experiencing some turbulence emanating from leadership and Governance gaps and this study assist management of commercial banks to evaluate how employees and regulator perception of top leadership impacts employee productivity of the respective bank. The finding from the study is important because they have the capacity of being used to formulate policy guidelines which are relevant and sensitive to the forces that influence the banking sector productivity in Nigeria.
To the academicians the study contributes to the existing literature in the field of Leadership and Governance. It should also act as a stimulus for further research to refine and extend the present study especially in Nigeria. Findings of the study is useful to researchers and scholars as it contributes to the body of knowledge in the area of Leadership and Governance. It also assists other researchers to further their studies on areas of interest not yet exploited.
  1. Scope of the study
This study on the impact of leadership and organizational behavior on employee’s productivity will be limited to United Bank of Africa Adankolo Branch.
  1. Limitations of the Study
The researcher encountered problems at the time of carrying out this research. The following limitations are inherent in the study:
  1. Time: Since there is no time set aside for writing this project, researcher has to combine the writing of the project with her normal academic and other commitment in the academic environment.
  2. Finance: Finance hinder the researcher from expanding the scope of this study beyond United Bank of Africa Adankolo Branch as this will involve more money which is not at the disposal of the researcher.
  3. Lack of adequate materials: Arising from inadequate reading materials and uncooperative attitude of a few respondents.
  1. Definition of Terms
Leadership Style: According to Lussier (2013) Leadership style is the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors leaders use as they interact with followers. Although a leadership style is based on traits and skills, the important component is the behavior, because it is relatively consistent pattern of behavior that characterizes a leader.
Leadership: Leadership is shaping beliefs, desires and priorities. It is about achieving influence, not securing compliance (Haslam, Reicher & Platow, 2011).
Performance Appraisal: It is an annual or semi-annual meeting in which the employee and the supervisor meet to discuss the employee’s past, present and the near future performance and expectations (Nyambegera, 2008)
Leader: A leader is an appointed individual with the ability to organize other subordinates.
Performance: The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standard of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed.
Organizational Performance: This comprises the actual output or results of an organization as measured against its intended outputs (or goals) and objectives.


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Agada Leonard E.
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1 comment:

  1. Yes, there are non-verbal cues, but being able to express yourself openly and build empathy with other people is the foundation of effective leadership.

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