Friday, 14 January 2022






The present generation and the coming generations have to solve three grave problems, namely, population poverty and pollution if they have to survive. Pollution being the most dangerous problem likes cancer in which death is sure but slow. Pollution is assuming dangerous proportions all through the world. This is the gift of modern living, industrialization and urbanization. Unless timely action is taken we have a forbid and bleak future for the world. The word noise is derived from the Latin term nausea. It has been defined as unwanted sound, a potential hazard to health and communication dumped into the environment with regard to the adverse effect it may have on unwilling ears. (Odetayo (2012).

Pollution can come in differently forms such as water, land, air and noise pollution. Noise can be heard as unwanted sound. Sound, which pleases the listeners, is music and that which causes pain and annoyance is noise. At times, what is music for some can be noise for other Section 2 (a) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 includes noise in the definition of ‘air pollutant’. Section 2(a) air pollution means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance including noise present in the atmosphere such concentration as may be or tent  to injurious to human beings, other living creatures, plants, property and environment. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica: In acoustic noise is defined as any unwanted sound. In chambers 21st Century Dictionary the definition of noise has undergone a change. Noise pollution stands carved out as phrase separately from noise. The two are defined as under: Noise- a sound; a harsh disagreeable sound, or such sound; a din. Pollution: is an excessive or annoying degree of noise in a particular area, e.g. from traffic or aero plane engines.

Section 2 (c) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 defines environmental pollution to mean the presence in the environment of any environmental pollutant. Section 2 (b) of the said Act defines environmental pollutant to means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be ,or tends to be injurious to environment. Noise can be described as sound without agreeable musical quality or as an unwanted sound. Thus noise can be taken as a group of laud, non harmonious sounds or vibrations that are unpleasant and irritating to ear.

High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans, a rise in blood pressure, and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction, and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease. In animals, noise can increase the risk of death by altering predator or prey detection and avoidance, interfere with reproduction and navigation, and contribute to permanent hearing loss.

Noise pollution affects both health and behaviour. Unwanted sound (noise) can damage psychological health. Noise pollution can cause hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects.

Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with normal activities such as sleeping, conversation, or disrupts or diminishes one’s quality of life.  Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. Elderly ones exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate more significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed peers, though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups are indistinguishable by age 79. A comparison of Maaban tribesmen, who were insignificantly exposed to transportation or industrial noise, to a typical U.S. population showed that chronic exposure to moderately high levels of environmental noise contributes to hearing loss.

High pollution levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects and exposure to moderately high levels during a single eight-hour period causes a statistical rise in blood pressure of five to ten points and an increase in stress, and vasoconstriction leading to the increased  blood pressure noted above, as well as to increased incidence of coronary artery disease. Means 2005 study by Spanish researchers found out that in urban areas households are willing to pay approximately four Eurosper decibel per year for noise reduction.  Noise can have a detrimental effect on wild animals, increasing the risk of death by changing the delicate balance in predator or prey detection, avoidance and interfering the use of the sounds in communication, especially in relation to reproduction and in navigation. Acoustic overexposure can lead to temporary or permanent loss of hearing. Therefore this project will appraise noise pollution and its effect on residential properties.


Irrespective of the numerous environmental laws enacted to protect the environment, environmental degradation has continued unabated. Oils pillage and gas flaring activities are still commonplace in Nigeria, especially in the oil-rich Niger Delta. Gas flaring has also continued unabated irrespective of the Nigerian government’s directive to end flaring by 2010 (Kalu, 2009). Thousands of barrels of oil have been split into the environment through our oil pipelines and tanks in the country. Enforcement of environmental regulations is still poor as industries continue to discharge untreated waste water into the environment. Heaps of refuse are always a constant sight to behold in Nigerian streets and markets.

A study carried out by Odetayo  and Makinde  (2012) et al. conducted in Osogbo, Nigeria found out that the noise pollution level in the city was about 3 decibel (A) to 10 decibel(A) (decibel means intensity of a sound) above the recommended upper limit of 82 decibel(A). Akande et al, also found out that the peak noise level at road junction in Abraka, Nigeria to be 100 decibel (A). This noise level is higher than the recommended level of 60 decibel (A) for commercial and residential areas. Akandeet al (2013) .investigated the level of noise pollution in selected industrial locations in Osogbo Osun State, Nigeria. The average ambient noise level in Sawmills, Electro-acoustic market and food processing industrial areas was determined to be above 90 decibel (A). This noise level is well above the healthy noise level of 60 decibel (A). Therefore this study intends to carryout an assessment of the effects of pollution on residential properties in Mararaba, Nasarawa State.


The aim of this study is to assess the effects of pollution on residential properties in Mararaba, Nasarawa State with the view to minimizing  the effect noise pollution.

The objectives set to achieve the aim are as follows;

  1. To identify the type of pollution in Mararaba, Nasarawa State.
  2. To determine the effect of pollution on rental value of residential properties in the study area
  3. To recommend measures of reducing environment pollution in the study area.


  1. What are the types of pollution in Mararaba, Nasarawa State?
  2. What is the effect of pollution on rental value of residential properties in the study area?
  3. What are the possible measures of reducing pollution in the study  area?


Apart from the damaged to the human health, pollution also has adverse effect on residential properties. Therefore this project elaborately highlight how to reduce the danger of the properties to bridges and monuments, to reduce pollution which struck the walls and put the building in danger condition and It reduce the  weakens of noise and the edifice of buildings


  1. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution.
  2. PROPERTY: property is defined as the exclusive right a man has or possess in land, being that right which one has to lands or tenants, goods or chattels which does not depend on another’s courtesy. Also, it has three connotations: right of ownership, the object of ownership, and valuable things. Appraisal perceives property as importing unto itself all these ingredients, both in law and common usage, namely, tangible, intangible, and rights; ownership; monetary value; and legal assertion.
  3. RESIDENTIAL: A residential area is a land use in which housing predominates, as opposed to industrial and commercial areas. Housing may vary significantly between, and through, residential areas. These include single-family housing, multi-family residential, or mobile homes. Zoning for residential use may permit some services or work opportunities or may totally exclude business and industry. It may permit high density land use or only permit low density uses. Residential zoning usually includes a smaller floor area ratio than business, commercial or industrial/manufacturing zoning. The area may be large or small.

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