Saturday 28 May 2022




Human resources development plays a critical role in contributing to the overall productivity and strength of an organization. Human resources development helps to build a stronger workforce through     better recruiting, training and retention. The workforce helps drive the efficiency of the organization as a whole and more efficient, productive and agile organization with well equipped operating managers who provide support on all human resource matters (Gelade, 2013).


Human resource development involves a process of observation, planning, action and review to manage the cognitive capacities, capabilities and behaviors needed to enable and improve individual, team and organizational performance in work organizations, (Walgenbach, Kabst and Beck, 2009). It has multiple dimensions, covering educational attainment, workforce skills, population health and the set of employment policies that provide businesses with workers with appropriate skills and the ability to adapt quickly to new challenges. Each of these areas is a key driver in creating a favorable environment for investment. Because Human Resource Development policies are all closely inter-related and must be consistent with a country‟s broader development and investment policies, they cannot be framed in isolation. Low human resource development needs to be tackled through a coherent and comprehensive strategy that takes full account of the policy linkages and a countrys implementation capacity, (Jessica, 2002).


Human Resource Development policies concern the quality of the labor force and the regulation of the labor market. Quality in turn is a function of basic and higher education, training programs and the overall health of the population. The quality and adaptability of the labor force is a key driver in creating a favorable environment for both domestic and foreign enterprises to grow through new investment and to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Their relative roles and the overall importance of Human Resource Development depend on individual country circumstances, particularly the economic structure, Walsh (2007).

Human resources development also provides a variety of employee’s services ranging from research to time and leave reporting to the interpretation of the board of regent’s code state classified rules and related regulations (Gregory 2018). But many human resources organization struggle to allocate their resources, they are often hindered by a multitude of manual based process and benefits information’s that are costly, prone to errors and time consuming to manage, this factors can make it difficult for human resources organizations to focus on higher value initiative that helps to drive profitability, efficiency and contribute to the organization bottom-line, many human resources administrative units are transforming to an E-human resources task tools and processes into internal intranets via the internet, organizations are seeking E-human solutions that can help automate tasks and streamline workflow and improve efficiency of the workface  by providing self service tools, training and information. By automating processes human resources can better align itself with the organizational services and employees needs such training and development (Armstrong 2016).

           Concept of Human Resources Development

The concept of human resources development is the most important element in an organization that has greater impact on organizational performance. It is concerned with the management of people at work. Human resources management covers the broad spectrum of the life of an employee at work from entry point to the point of final exit (Brown, 2019).


Human Resources Development (HRD) as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human capital within an organization through the development of both the organization and the individual to achieve performance improvement” or “HRD is a new systematic approach to proactively deal with issues, related to individual employees and teams, and organizations and a movement to develop organizational capability to manage change and challenge” (Brown, 2019)..


Human Resource Development (HRD) is a process of developing skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes of people in an organization. The people become human resource only when they are competent to perform organizational activities. Therefore, HRD ensures that the organization has such competent human resource to achieve its desired goals and objectives. HRD imparts the required knowledge and skill in them through an effective arrangement of training and development programs. HRD is an integral part of Human Resource Management (HRM) which is more concerned with training and development, career planning and development and the organization development. The organization has to understand the dynamics of HR and attempt to cope with changing the situation in order to deploy its HR effectively and efficiently. And HRD helps to reach this target.


Kreitner (2000), define human resources management as the planning, acquisition and development of human resources necessary for organization success. Human resources management is also concerned with planning, organizing, training and development for the purpose of contributing to the goals of the organization.

McLean and McLean (2001) offered a global definition of HRD as “any process or activity that, either initially or over the longer-term, has the potential to develop adults’ work based knowledge, expertise, productivity, and satisfaction, whether for personal or group/team gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community, nation, or, ultimately the whole humanity.”


Gilley (2002) defined HRD as “the process of facilitating organisational learning, performance, and change through organised (formal and informal) interventions, initiatives and management actions for the purpose of enhancing an organisation’s performance capacity, capability, competitive readiness, and renewal”. Chalofsky (2004) defined HRD as the study and practice of increasing the learning capacity of individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations through the development and application of learning-based interventions for the purpose of optimizing human and organizational growth and effectiveness. Also, Swanson (2008) surmised that HRD is a process of developing and unleashing expertise for the purpose of improving organizational system, work process, team, and individual performance.

         Human Resource Management Practices

The management of human resources is a process of managing and controlling the workforce of an organization which helps in enhancing the performance and efficiency of an organization. The effective and appropriate resources help in attaining a smoother way of business operation and provide a sustainable way of business development. The main objective or purpose of this report is to provide an overview how effective and successful management of human resources influence the overall process of business development. In this context, the analysis of the management of the human resources in the organization of Saudi Arabia helps in understanding the facts and influential elements in the process of resource management. An organization develops and acquires their resources according to the needs and requirements of the business process.


The job opportunity within an organization includes a large variety of job option for the peoples. In general, an HRM recruits employs according to the merit and skill of the candidates. Apart from operational process, an organization has several activities like marketing, maintenance, and financial activities. Furthermore, an organization involves several different positions such as in security, parking and housekeeping. HRMplays essential role in recruiting technical and nontechnical candidates for the different positions in an organization. The recruitment process is a vital aspect in any organization which mainly drives the output and efficiency of the organization. The recruitment process of any organization mainly controls by the human management department of the organization. In general, the process of recruitment is dependent on the merit and talent of the applicant. In this process, the CVs are sorted according to requirements of the vacant position(Meagher, 2015). Then the selected candidates have to face a face to face interview, where the merit, talent experience and knowledge of the candidate are checked. The face to face interview is controlled and structured by the human resources department. After, the rounds of interview, the selected candidate have to pass a written round. In the written phase of the test, the general ability and knowledge about the specific job are checked. The final round involves on job test which involves mainly the criteria like problem-solving ability, adaptability and flexibility of the candidates in the workplace which is mainly managed by the managers of the specific departments. The employment contract is an important aspect of Human resource management. The main objective of the employment agreement is to balance and safeguard the position of the organization and their employees. It helps in maintain certain laws and regulation within the organization. The organization and their employees are bound to follow the sets rules or guidelines in the agreement. The structure and the quantities of the employment agreement are designed according to essential needs of the employees(Eng, 2000). The agreement balances the requirements from both the side's employees and organization. The process helps in establishing a productive outline without any obligation and doubts in the workplace. The employment agreement also provides information about the job, responsibilities, and rights of the employees. It is very difficult for any organization to design agreements which are fruitful for everyone. It offers several other information like what to do and what to avoid in a productive approach. Therefore, the employment agreement is very vital in securing the position of the organization and the employees.

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