Tuesday 3 May 2022

Importance Of Microfinance Banks


        Importance Of Microfinance Banks

The importance of Microfinance banks in Nigeria's economy cannot be over-emphasized; this is because it plays a vital role in the financial intermediation process and also in the lives of the low income earners whom constitute over 70 per cent of the Nigerian population. Some of these important roles include:

a.     Credit Delivery: This is perhaps one of the most important roles of Microfinance banks, as the loans extended are used to expand existing businesses and in some cases to start new ones. According to CBN (2008) microfinance loans granted to clients is increasing from 2007 to date and most of it goes to financing microenterprises in rural areas. Ketu, (2008) observed that microfinance banks have disbursed more than N800 million micro credits to over 13,000 farmers across the country to empower their productive capacities. As such it is expected that agricultural output will increase with the increase in funding. The entrepreneurial capacity of the farmers will thus improve.

b.    Boosting Small Scale Enterprises/Agriculture: About 60 percent of poor people in the country live in the rural areas and 80 percent of them are farmers and artisans (NBS, 2005). Microfinance banks have therefore been the main sources of funding to these less disadvantaged groups. Rural people are empowered through microfinance loans and services, and hence small scale agricultural practice and microenterprise is developed. Governments go into co-operatives to partner with the microfinance banks to raise bulk loans to be disbursed to the beneficiaries, in so doing the banks are increasing and sustaining the number of people going into small businesses.

c.      Employment Generation: Agriculture and microenterprises contributes immensely to job creation, and are of particular interest to all Microfinance Bank in rural areas. Microfinance banks have so far engaged in extending credits and other services to many rural enterprise and hence generating employment and promoting entrepreneurship. The promotion of employment in rural areas by microfinance banks covers the following areas; blacksmithing, gold-smiting, watch repairing, bicycle repairing, basket weaving, barbing, palm wine tapping, cloth weaving, dyeing, food selling, carpentry, brick-laying, pot-making, leather works and drumming. Even though found in urban areas, these industries are more prominent in the rural areas.

d.    Improvement in Skill Acquisition: Improvement of the condition of women through the provision of, skills acquisition and adult literacy is another role played by microfinance banks. This is done through building capacities for wealth creation among enterprising poor people and promoting sustainable livelihood by strengthening rural responsive banking methodology and the introduction of simple cost-benefit analysis in the conduct of businesses. In most cases a profit sharing agreement is entered between a bank and an entrepreneur and new methods and innovations are passed to the prospective entrepreneur by the banks professionals, while at the end of the production period the proceed is being shared and the entrepreneur if so wishes can continue on his own after the necessary skills and production techniques are acquired. (Umar, 2008).

e.      Facilitates Poverty Alleviation: Employment and income generation are important aspects of poverty alleviation efforts. Microfinance banks have accelerated the operation of government poverty alleviation programmes and in doing that promising entrepreneurs are supported and new ones emerged. The federal governments National poverty  Eradication Programme (NAPEP) and National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) to mention a few aimed at achieving the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 required these microfinance institutions for success. The success of these programmes and projects for advancement of the MDGs are linked with the promotion of entrepreneurs in rural areas and subsequent reduction in the level of poverty (Ketu, 2008).

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