Sunday 27 November 2022


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs



The study examined the effects of unemployment among youths in Bida Local Government Area of Niger state. The study indicated that youth unemployment has many negative effects to the society, economy, family, and individuals. From the response got from the questionnaires revealed that youth unemployment leads to poverty, low productivity, losses in foreign direct investment, low revenue generation, rural urban migration, illicit activities which increases insecurity, anti-social activities such as armed robbery, prostitution, political thuggery, violence, kidnapping, restiveness and other social vices evident among the unemployed youths and this constitutes danger to the stability, growth and development of the state. The research concludes that, addressing the problems of youth unemployment, must involve all stakeholders. Suggestions from the analysis therefore, are that effective policy measures such as re-prioritization or revitalization of agricultural sector, reformation of educational system, provision of enabling environment and building of industries be pursued vigorously which will drastically reduce unemployment and poverty as well as eradicate the menace of youth unemployment in Bida Local Government area of Niger State and Nigeria as a whole.



1.1    Background of the Study

Globally, the world is experiencing mass unemployment of qualified and able-bodied youths and these have generated much concern for both governmental and non-governmental organizations, public and private sectors of the economy. The global economic recession of the 1980’s has caused rapid deterioration in Nigeria’s economic industrial output. In the 60’s and 70’s youth unemployment was not pronounced like today because the government then were proactively involved in providing jobs for graduates churning out from various higher institutions.

Over the years, youth unemployment has taken a centre stage in most socials and economic discourse in Nigeria because the youths remain the greatest asset and the life wire of any nation. Youth employment in any nation is universally acknowledged as the basic source of survival and economic development (Ajaji, 2008). The central issue in socio-economic development is how to create conditions necessary for rapid and sustained growth and productivity where, the ultimate goal is to improve people’s quality of life and standard through production of goods and services at affordable prices, provision of basic infrastructures, reduce poverty, create employment opportunities and conducive political, religious, social and economic environment. (Echeriri, 2007).

In Nigeria, youth unemployment is soaring high despite laudable programmes provided by federal, states and local governments to curb the growing concern of joblessness among the teeming population of the country. Several governments both past and present have tried to solve this issue but day to day it increases. President Ibrahim Babangida’s regime from (1984-1993) was the first administration to be confronted with mass unemployment which led to introduction of National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to tackle the scourge of unemployment but to no avail. President Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration (1999-2007) came up with the national Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) but could not solve this menace.

President UmaruYaradua’s administration (2007-2010) with the view of solving this problem initiated the seven (7) points agenda, yet no meaningful achievement was recorded and President Goodluck Jonathan (2011-2015) administration launched Youth Enterprise with New Innovations (YOUWIN) and Alhaji Bolaji Abdulahji the minister of youth also organized a youth forum to help youths realize their goals in life, still there is high prevalence of youth unemployment in the Nigerian Sectors (Ikemefula, 2012).

The level of unemployment in Nigeria as well as Akwa Ibom State appears to grow in geometric progression every year, in contrast to its regional neighbours most of whom have far less resources. Anameza (2000), stated that Nigeria will have no prospect of measurable development or of improving the welfare of its people; unless it enhances the chances of employment for its graduates. The menace of unemployment has increasingly been recognized as one of the socio-economic problems currently facing many developing countries like Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

Bida with a teaming population youths and a vast spread of natural resource endowment has the potential to be the source of growth and prosperity for the whole region. The unemployment problem in Bida remains persistent and even growing by the day with labour force approximately 70% persons (mostly youths) annually moving into job market (Adelodun, 2006). Statistics of unemployment seems to consist, not of uneducated rural populations, who have been uprooted by failing agricultural production resulting from the absence of mechanization and decreasing incomes but also of some highly educated populations, as well, who normally, would form the core of the productive vanguard in a developing country. In other words, many of Nigeria’s unemployed and consequently poor are well educated even by European and American standards. Nigeria’s underemployment and low productivity constitute a vicious cycle that explains the endemic poverty in the country.

Overall, unemployment in Bida has affected youths from a broad spectrum of socio-economic groups, both of well and less educated, although it has particularly stricken a substantial fraction of youths from low income backgrounds and limited education. From the foregoing, it is obvious that unemployment, especially the unemployment of graduates, impedes the progress of Niger State in many ways. Apart from economic waste, it also constitutes danger for political stability (Ipaye, 1998). It is disturbing to note that Nigeria’s graduates have limited chance of becoming gainfully employed. It is even more disheartening that the country’s economic condition is such that, it is hardly able to absorb an optimal proportion of the production of its own educational system. Gone are the days when employers went about looking for employees. It is now the turn of employees to move from one office to the other seeking for non-existent jobs. These days, thousands of young people are found waiting to be interviewed for just one, two or few vacant positions in some organizations or firms. Most people who cannot earn their living are prone to social vices. They look at themselves as second-class citizens for being unable to contribute to the society.

Bida Local Government Area is faced high rates of youth unemployment thereby leading to social vices and insecurity in the state. In Bida Local Government Area, the only means of survival is politics, civil service, trading and farming. No day passes by without seeing youths roaming about the streets in various offices and business centres in search of job, through advertisement in various mass media such as Newspapers, Magazines, Handbills, posters, Billboards, Radio and Television announcements. Youths all over the country spend much time and huge amount of money surfing through the internet in search of job and some being tired in searching for job and labeled as idle ones have joined bad gangs and are involved in criminal activities and prostitution.

It is on this background that the study is undertaken with the view of examining the effects of unemployment among youths in Bida Local government area of Nigeria and suggesting ways of improving and ameliorating youth unemployment in Uyo and AkwaIbom State.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Youth unemployment in Bida LGA and Niger state is alarming as the rate is growing geometrically. Youth unemployment in the local is becoming unbearable as it threatens the growth of the state. It is apparent that youths in any society are the greatest assets of national development if given the opportunity of employment. Due to non-availability of ample employment opportunity in the state, the teeming youths with vibrant energy cannot contribute effectively and efficiently to the economic growth and development of the state but rather utilizes such energy in unacceptable means of satisfying their needs, wants and goals in life by engaging themselves in social vices such as armed robbery, kidnapping, violence, political thuggery, cybercrimes, fraud (419), murder, killing human beings and drug trafficking, with prostitution as the only means of survival. Our present society is not helping matters as it places much emphasis and values on materialism.

The problem of youth unemployment in Bida and the state has also affected the local government area, individuals, families, communities, society and government, and has indeed hindered the socio-economic growth and development of the state, thereby challenging the leadership and people of Bida State as it brings about poverty, high crime rates and deviant behaviours, malnutrition, poor health condition which later results in high death rates (Brown, 2011).

The problems of unemployment among the youths are so devastating that Nwodo, (2011) wants the Federal and State Government to urgently address the growing issues of youth unemployment, insecurity and other social vices rampaging our country. Today, the numerous problems associated with unemployment are so enormous that Njoku (1997) asserted “Nothing can be more disturbing to an independent nation than a preponderance of unemployed youths”. Hence, Okoro, (2001) says “restive youths without employment, good housing and other decent conditions of living are bound to become miscreants in the society and deviant behavior will soon become the order of the day in their lives”. To this end Umanah, (2011), pointed out that unemployment has inflicted unprecedented social and economic havoc. It has both social, economic, political, health and psychological consequences on the individual and the society. It is these seemingly insurmountable problems that necessitate this academic work, to examine the effects of unemployment among youths in Bida Local government area of Niger State

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to find out the effects of unemployment among youths in Bida local government area of Niger State. In view of this, the specific objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. To examine the effects of unemployment among youth and armed robbery situation in Bida Local Government Area.
  2. To examine the effects of unemployment among youths on the kidnapping situation in Bida Local Government Area.
  3. To find out the extent unemployment among youths has affected the socio-economic well being of the individuals of Bida Local Government Area.

1.4       Research Questions

The following constitutes the research questions for the study.

  1. What are the effects of unemployment among youth and armed robbery situation in Bida Local Government Area.
  2. To examine the effects of unemployment among youths on the kidnapping situation in Bida Local Government Area.
  3. To what extent does unemployment among youths affected the socio-economic well being of the individuals of Bida Local Government Area.

1.5       Research Hypotheses           

Following the objectives of the study as outlined in section 1.3 and the research question as outlined in 1.4, the research hypotheses are as follows:

1.         Ho: There is no significant relationship between unemployment among youths and armed robbery situation in Bida Local Government Area.

            H1: There is significant relationship between unemployment among youths and armed robbery situation in Bida Local Government Area.

2.         Ho:      There is no significant relationship between unemployment among youths and kidnapping situation in Bida local government area.

            H1: There is significant relationship between unemployment among youths and kidnapping situation in Bida Local Government Area.

3.         Ho: There are no consequences of unemployment among youths in Bida local government area.

            H1: There are consequences of unemployment among youths in Bida Local Government Area.

1.6       Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to make research on the effect of unemployment among youths who are mostly graduates and non graduates with qualified skilled labour. The result of this study will provide useful information needed by government to fight unemployment and help create employment opportunities for the teaming population of Nigerian youths.

The significance of this study lies on the fact that huge amount of resources (human and capital) are unemployed which could cause poor economic performance. This thesis will help policy makers to establish the extent of the effect of unemployment and inflation rates on economic growth. This thesis will improve the body of existing literature and also serve as a policy document. The problems of high level unemployment and inflation need to be addressed in order to improve economic growth.


The scope of this study is centred on the effect of unemployment among youths in Bida Local Government Area of Niger.

It is worthy to note that every research work posses a lot of problems and limitations. However, the difficulties encountered includes, inadequate and non-availability of relevant data owing to the fact that unemployment in most under-developed countries e.g Nigeria is not evenly distributed and thus varies from one place to another, financial constraint, high cost of transportation and the difficulty in locating the various research centres.

1.7       Definition of Terms  

Socio-economic: In the context of this study, refers to the social and economic realities of social problems in our society and the extend it affects the society. It is concerned with the study of the society.

Effects: It refers to the causes, implications, result, or outcome of a thing.

Youth: Official policy defines a youth as a young person aged 18-40 years who is passing through mental and physical developmental processes in preparation to face life challenges, a period between childhood, teenager and adulthood.

Unemployment: when a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment results. It can also be defined as the inability to obtain a job when one is willing and able to work. Also, it occurs when the supply of labour outstrips the demand for labour. It also means lack of sufficient employment in the formal and informal sector.

Youth Unemployment can be defined as the conglomeration of young persons with diverse background, willing and able to work but cannot find any. It is the situation when young persons aged 18 – 35 years who are actively looking for work but fail to find any one during a long period of time.

Armed Robbery: According to the Nigerian constitution and Police report, it can be defined as the use of guns or other dangerous weapons to inflict intimidation and fear into another person to gain access to someone’s house, shop, office, or social institution. It is the use of force and arms to steal from someone. But in this study, it will be defined as those unlawful or unapproved means where young men and ladies use violence, to inflict people and property and get what they want from them.

Kidnapping means the unlawful seizing or carrying away of a person by force or fraud in order to obtain ransom for his or her release. It is the taking away or transportation of person to hidden and isolated area usually false imprisonment against the person’s will either to kill or to receive money as ransom. In this study, according to my respondents, is the method of hiding people, used by poor young men to get their own share of money from the rich.

Poverty: means the state where someone cannot satisfy the basic needs of life such as food, shelter, clothing, money and other basic necessities of life. It is the state of being poor, inferior or insufficient in amount. Here, it means the condition where one lacks wealth, money or job as a result of no opportunity or certain factors of life.

Political Thuggery: This can be defined as sponsored thugs used by politicians during political rallies, campaigns and election to win their opponents and acquire a position or office. It also means using violent, brutal behaviour, intimidate and all manners of weapons to attack, or kill an innocent opponent for reason of political differences. In this study, it is a tool or means of killing, abduction, violence or threat to life used by politicians to overthrow their opponents and acquire power or political office.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs

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