Saturday 4 March 2023




In the Nigeria context, the public housing estate constitutes an active and major part in prospect development. Without the support of the government providing the public with housing estate, there will be housing shock/shortage in the country but the major problem after financing the structure is the effective management of the public housing provided. This term paper is aimed at examining the strategies for effective management of public housing estate in Nigeria. Literature was reviewed and it was discovered that public estate can be properly management if all the required facilities are available. It was recommended that allocation of accommodation to tenants should be passed on certain policy and point allocation. That allocation accommodation should be those that desired it and make judicious use of the house. In fact, allocation should reflect the need of the tenants and ability to pay the rent and other liabilities that will arose in the process of management.    


1.0   Introduction

1.1   Background of the study

There is no universal accepted definition for management, it can however be looked at as the science of organization and operation or at the practical level, the act of directing and conducting affairs. Management elements, or functions. Activities include forecasting, planning, commending, co-coordinating and controlling, the functions should be well integrated by a valuer in order to effectively manage the estate to obtain optimum return.

Lawal, (1999) define management as an objective for providing a policy for decision or economic direction. i.e. management can be viewed as a decision making process. Management entails the selection of goals and planning, procurements, organization, coordinating, and controlling of the necessary resources for the desired achievement.

Allsop (1979) defines management as science organization and operation or at a particular level, the act of getting things done in an efficient manner.

The management of public housing estate can be defined as the use and direction of nation’s land resources in order to receive maximum return for the community as a whole. The decision taken in respect of administrating, planning asset must always be viewed against the pattern, the political priority for the community as a whole. Where the interest of the estate and public at large seem to conflicts the estate differed.

However, the country that goes on building but will not effectively manage what it has built is quite simple making history and destroy it immediately putting out a very good structure is not the only thing necessary in housing delivery but sound management and effective maintenance of the built structure. The building without proper management and maintenance can be likend to a new born baby. To obtain a maximum return on property, proper management for the particular property has to be adopted. One has to become to the real understanding of the fact that property management is not a test work rather it requires variety of skills and experience before the management can be effective. At this point, we the management techniques of public housing estate in Nigeria will be examine.

1.2   Aim and objectives of the study

This study is aimed at examining the sustainable strategies applied to the management of public estate in Nigeria.

To achieve the above aim, the following objectives will be pursued;

  1. To examine the meaning and management functions as relation to public estate.
  2. To examine and analyze the problems inherent in the management of public estate.
  3. To ensure the proper use and maintenance of the management of public estate.
  4. To make useful recommendation that would improve the management of public estate.

1.3   Need for the study

The need for the management of public estate is not known by all and that is why the general public need to be highlighted. Even though if the public estate do not belong to private individual, there is need to manage estate property because when the government gets back their desired amount in return from the estate then the (government) would push their resources elsewhere and the money gotten from the estate can be used to pay the professional field and maintain the estate.

  1. Scope and limitation of the study

This term paper is limited only to the management strategies of public housing estate. Some of the constraints encountered in the course of carrying out this research include; lack of adequate finance, time constraints, inadequate materials in the library. Also the epileptic power supply and inconsistent availability of network posed problem. But the researcher was to gather enough material to justify the validity of the research.

1.5   Methodology

In achieving the objectives of this research, secondary source of data collection was adopted.

        General information

Most of the information used in this project are past ideas for this work was collected  extract from journal and lecture notes, gadgets, unpublished texts, literature past project, newspaper and verification of past records etc. the analyses of data collected is used properly.

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