Showing posts with label Characteristics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Characteristics. Show all posts

Sunday 1 May 2022




The computer has been found very useful to humankind. The distinguishing features of the computer from other machines or systems are now considered as the characteristics of computers. These include:


Reliability: The computer is highly reliable and can be used to perform several functions for a long time with consistent results, provided the enabling environments are made available. In other words, the computer is not liable to fatigue like the human being and other machines which may result in reduction of productivity, except if it develops a fault.


Speed: Electronic devices are known to be extremely fast in operation, but the case of computer is extra-ordinary. The computer is measured in nanoseconds or one billionths of a second. And therefore, the computer can perform the job which about hundred persons can do for months in few seconds. It is this fast speed advantage that is exploited when different work-stations or terminals are linked to one computer system, stationed in one place.

Accuracy: The computer operates error-free and as such is entrusted to provide accurate results. In other words, it is precise in its operations and can not produce inaccurate results after processing a given piece of data, except if the error originated from the feeding of data or the instruction given to it by the operator.


Versatility: The computer has wide areas of application in various aspects of human endeavour and as such is said to be versatile. With the aid of a very vital component of the computer system called software, the computer can be adapted to perform many conceivable tasks. For instance, a computer can serve as a teacher in which case, it will teach you, give you assignments and even offer corrections. What it requires to perform this task is a package (software) called Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) or Computer Aided Learning (CAL). Because computers have found applications in every area of life, versatility is therefore, regarded as one of the major characteristics of the computer.

 Large storage capacities: The largest computers are capable of storing billions of items of data. Ease of access to such stored data are guaranteed.

High efficiency: Computers are very efficient as long as there is proper maintenance and the programs are correctly written.

Durability:  Given suitable environmental condition, computers can work for hours or days or weeks or months, non-stop without getting tired. It does not go on leave, not does it go in strike.


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