Showing posts with label Enems Final Year Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enems Final Year Project. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 May 2022




Marketing management facilitates the activities and functions which are involved in the distribution of goods and services.

According to Philip Kotler, “Marketing management is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs designed to bring about desired exchanges with target markets for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives.

It relies heavily on designing the organizations offering in terms of the target markets needs and desires and using effective pricing, communication and distribution to inform, motivate and service the market.” Marketing management is concerned with the chalking out of a definite programme, after careful analysis and forecasting of the market situations and the ultimate execution of these plans to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Further, their sales plans to a greater extent rest upon the requirements and motives of the consumers in the market. To achieve this objective, the organization has to pay heed to the right pricing, effective advertising and sales promotion, distribution and stimulating the consumers through the best services.

To sum up, marketing management may be defined as the process of management of marketing programmes for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It involves planning, implementation and control of marketing programmes or campaigns.


Saturday 30 December 2017


This research was conducted with the aim to examine the impact of Nigerian Television Authority Enugu no the social development of rural community Emene, Enugu state. The study was based on uses and
gratification theory. The population of the study was 250 out of which 200 were purposively selected and sampled. The researcher consulted relevant literature to raise secondary data while questionnaire was tested using chi- square goodness of fit test formula. Data was presented in table and extensively discussed to enable the researcher draw her conclusion and make recommendation. Base on
the result of the findings, it was concluded that NTA television has made some effort to impact positively on the social development of Emene community.
1:1 Background of the study
Broadcasting is a global phenomenon, and it is an essential aspect of any nation’s social and cultural life. Its significance cannot be over emphasized; combining audio, vision and motion, the broadcast media’s effectiveness in communicating information with speed and accuracy to heterogeneous audiences has been proven over the years. Moreover, the broadcast media have helped the individual to share ideas not only within his immediate environment but also beyond its social milieu, so that by means of broadcasting
the individuals can partake in ideas and experiences that can enrich his life and help him live in a complex dynamic and human society.
Hitherto what passed as broadcasting in Nigeria were the re-diffusion services of the British Empire Then, the post and telegraph department was the sole authority responsible for distribution of programmes to subscribers in Lagos, Kano, and Ibadan. Under this system; programmes were distributed via landlines from the studios to the listening boxes for which the subscribers paid a token free (Nwuneli 1985). However, the emergence of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) witnessed a major departure from the earlier situation as the rediffusion stations were transformed into fully operational radio stations. This development marked the entry into service of the first broadcasting corporation of its kind in any British Colonial territory in African. By its character the NBC was a non- profitable organisation with the express responsibility of carrying on the service as a means of disseminating information, education and entertaining provided that such programme contents were not contrary to the avowed national interests of
the country.
For television, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, then premier of Western region of Nigeria, established the first television in Nigeria and indeed African in 1959. The birth of the Western Nigerian Television (WNTV) has been described as accidental in so far as chief Awolowo embarked on it due to his inability to use the services of the Federal Radio Station to reply to the broadcast of then Governor General Macpherson over the constitutional matters of 1953 (Obata, 1994). It would be recalled that Chief Awolowo was denied use
of the Federal radio even when the commission’s has an obligation to give objectives and impartial news and views to its listeners.
Thus, angered by this and other related developments and taking into recognition the 1954 constitutional
provision in which broadcasting ceased to be in the Federal exclusive list, chief Awolowo established in partnership with overseas Rediffusion company limited of the United Kingdom, the western Nigerian broadcasting corporation which by 1960 has introduced radio broadcast over the whole region (uche,
1989). Following the success of the of the western region effort the other two
regions in Nigerian then, the north and the East upon realizing the power and
influence of radio and television went on to establish their own broadcast
In 1960, the eastern regionalgovernment set up the Eastern Nigerian Television station in Enugu shortly
after in 1962, the northern Nigerian regional government and British television company- Grenada electrical company established a television station as an arm of the broadcasting company of northern Nigeria (BCNN)in Kaduna.
However, in Nigeria for several decades following the inception of broadcasting in 1957 (Obazele, 1996) the industry led a sheltered life shielded from the winds of free market forces as successive regimes ensured that the sector remained an exclusive monopoly of the central government. Even the 1979 constitutional provision for the establishment of private electronic media had much earlier experienced
liberalization; the broadcast media remained as earlier stated an exclusive preserve of government.
It could be argued that perhaps Government’s initial monopoly of the industry may not be unconnected with the seeming potential of broadcasting as a tool for social change and engineering which as such ought not to be left in the hands of just anyone. Again it is the private entrepreneurs that emphasize on the orientation towards exclusive commercialism rather than consideration for national interest this may be
another reason for government grip on the industry over the years.
But, the much expected deregulation materialized in 1992, when the Babangida regime promulgated decrees which liberalized the industry and also established the National Broadcasting
Commission (NBC). This decree (38) of August 24 (1992) empowered the NBC to
regulate the entire broadcast industry, both public and private. This singular
act by the Babangida’s military presidency eclipsed over the 50 years of sole
government domination of the sector in Nigeria. Interestingly the action by
government heralded a proliferation of private electronic media as
entrepreneurs and investors cashed in on the window of opportunity to invest so
that at present in Nigeria there are so many private runned radio and
television stations operating in an atmosphere of competition with the hitherto
existing this background that this investigation is based on.
Essentially, it examines the impact of the liberalization of the broadcast industry in Nigeria, to ascertain the positive and negative developments that have arisen since the deregulation.
Brief History of Enugu
Enugu state is a mainland state in south-eastern Nigeria, its capital is Enugu, from which the state created in 1991 from old Anambra state derives its name. The main cities in the state are
Enugu, Agbani, Awgu, Udi, Oji-River and Nsukka.
The name of the state was derived from its capital city, Enugu, The word “Enugu” (from Enu ugwu) means “the top of the hill”. The first European settlers arrived in the area in 1909 led by
the British mining engineer Albert Kist son. In his quest for silver, he
discovered coal in Udi Ridge Enugu state is one of the states in the eastern
part of Nigeria. The state shares borders with Abia state and Imo state to the
south, Ebonyi state to the east, Benue state to the northeast, Kogi to the
northwest and Anambra state to the west, it have 17 local government area.
The state Government and the local governments are two levels of government in Enugu state and in all the state in Nigeria. Sullivan Chime is the current executive governor. He was elected on
April 2007 and was sworn into office on May 29, 2007.
Economically, the state is predominantly rural and agrarian, with a substantial proportion of its working
population engaged in farming, although trading (18.8%) and service (12.9%) are
also important. Electricity supply is relatively stable in Enugu and its
Every community in Enugu state has at least one Elementary school and one secondary school funded and run by state government. Nigeria first indigenous university, university of Nigeria, Nsukka
(UNN) is located in Enugu state. The state also hosts the Enugu state
university of science and Technology (ESUT); Institute of Management and
Technology (IMT) e.t.c Enugu state is over 3.3 million people.
1:2 Statement of Problem
The purpose of this study is to know, to what extent social development programmes succeeded in achieving their set objectives; in social development and motivation setting for the viewer in
order to achieve its set objectives and goals. Social development programme is
like mobilization techniques. It informs, persuades, educate and enlighten. It
can change the viewers beliefs, attitude and behaviour, but for this social
development programme to be effective on the viewers the media producer must
carry out audience research.
1:3 Objective of the Study
This study has been arranged under the following objective:
1. To ascertain the impact of television in making social change in Emene community.
2. To know whether television (NTA) Enugu, really enlighten the viewer on social development.
3. To know whether NTA Enugu Network centre package programmes that will gear toward development.
1:4 Research Questions
1. To what extent does Nigerian television Authority impact greatly on social development in Emene?
2. To what extent do Emene community accept NTA Enugu as a vital tool for development?
3. How does NTA Enugu Network centre package programmes that will gear toward development?
1:5 Research Hypotheses
H0: Nigerian Television Authority
does not impact greatly on social development in Emene community.
H1: Nigerian television authority
impacts greatly on social development in Emene community.
1:6 Scope of the Study
The study is limited to impact on
social habits of Emene community. The researcher would have loved to study the
whole community in Nigeria, but due to time factors and financial constraint
the researcher is compelled to limit the study to only Emene community in
Enugu. The scope of the study does not encroach into the period where the
researcher has no knowledge of. It covers the time frame when television took
it in Nigeria, but the actual scope of the study should lie on how people
(Emene community) accept social developmental programmes.
1:7 Significance of the Study
The researcher is of the opinion that
many people might not know the importance of television development programmes
for social development, how these social development programmes have helped in
changing the Emene community. Therefore, the researcher wants to use this
medium to enlighten the television viewer to know the need for television and
its powerful effect, more especially to the Emene community in Enugu to know
the development programmes of Nigeria television Authority Enugu (NTA) Enugu
1:8 Operational Definitions of
Significant Terms
In the course of this study the
following terms are defined based on my research topic which is Television,
Development, Viewer, Perception and Community, These following terms are
defined operationally.
Television:Is a device used in entertaining, informing, motivating, persuading and educate
Viewer:In this study viewers will be used as member of the public who watch television
programmes including the selected social development ones.
Perception: The process by which viewers become aware of the change through the sense of sight and hearing or it will be used to mean the ability by which television viewers becomes
aware of the communication message.
Development:This is the process/ ability for man or an organisation to achieve its set
objectives and goals.
Community:Community is a group of people, living together in one geographical area, bound by one
goal and belief.


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Monday 30 October 2017




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Property assessment

Property assessment

Property assessment for taxation purposes and its administration is a complex and technical process that is vital to the financial health of local government. Property Assessment is the process of establishing a dollar value for property for property tax purposes. Property tax is an “ad valorem” tax based on the principle that the amount of tax paid should depend on the value of the property owned. Although income and sales taxes are the main sources of revenue for the provincial and federal governments, property tax remains the major source of local government revenue. Generated from within the community, property tax helps to finance such local government services as garbage collection, water and sewer, parks and leisure and fire protection.

Property assessments are based on the method that represents the property’s best use and highest value.  Values are determined with the assistance of a computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) system.  PVA research, local market and property characteristic data are applied to CAMA.  CAMA utilizes the data to produce assessments at current fair market value.  Depreciation factors and other adjustments that influence value are also applied in CAMA when applicable.  CAMA is closely monitored by PVA for quality control.


The first step in assessing is to determine a property’s market value. To estimate market values, the assessor must be familiar with the local real estate market.

A property’s value can be estimated in three different ways:

  • Market (Sales) Approach
  • Cost Approach
  • Income (or Capitalization) Approach

Market (Sales) Approach:  The market (sales) approach to value is based on recent valid (fair arm’s-length transactions) sales that represent current fair market value.  Property sales in Jefferson County are researched annually and valid sales are verified.  When a sale price is accepted by the PVA as a valid sale, it represents the property value for approximately 2 years.  All valid sales are compiled and applied into CAMA.  CAMA utilizes valid sales and property characteristics such as location (or area), lot size, and square footage of improvements (buildings, structures, paving, fencing, etc.), age and condition, etc. in order to value comparable properties at current fair market value.  Depreciation factors and other adjustments that influence value are also applied in CAMA when applicable.  The market (sales) method of value is best suitable for assessing the same type of properties that periodically transfer in the local market, and for assessing parcels of land without improvements.

Cost Approach:  The cost approach to value is based on the principle of substitution, for example, a rational, informed purchaser would pay no more for a property than the cost of building a replacement with similar function.  The cost approach seeks to determine the replacement cost new of an improvement (buildings, structures, paving, fencing, etc.), less depreciation, plus land value. CAMA contains cost tables from Marshall & Swift, an industry leader in building cost guides. Valuation by the cost approach method ensures assessments are applied fairly and equitably to all commercial properties.  The cost method of value is suitable for assessing all commercial properties although older properties are more subjective to adjustments such as age, depreciation and estimates of functional and economic obsolescence.

Income (or Capitalization) Approach:  The income (or capitalization) approach to value estimates the value of a property based on its income produced.  The investor who purchases an income producing property is essentially trading present dollars for an income stream of future dollars, plus the return of the initial investment.  The approach relies on the economic value of a property with regard to investment decisions and desires for income flow from operation of the property.  The process of converting a series of anticipated income into present value is capitalization.  Capitalization transforms net operating income produced by a property into the property value.  The income (or capitalization) method of value is best suitable for assessing income producing properties.

PVA field inspections are an important part of achieving equitable property assessments.  The inspection verifies property identification and ensures a correct listing of property characteristics.

PVA field inspectors are authorized by statute to inspect real property in Jefferson County (KRS 132.450 (1)).  The PVA is required by statute to inspect property at least once every 4 years (KRS 132.690 (1)).

A PVA field inspection is assigned when a property sells, a building or wrecking permit is issued, a property is damaged, or by request of the property owner.  Field inspections are made Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  Field inspectors can be identified by their PVA identification badge and/or shirt or jacket with PVA logo.  The field inspector’s vehicle can be identified by a magnetic sign that displays PVA logo.  Upon arriving at an inspection site, the field inspector first announces his arrival to the property owner and/or occupant.  In the absence of the property owner, the PVA inspector has the legal right to complete an exterior inspection.  However, with the exception of buildings under construction or not yet occupied, an interior inspection of the nonpublic portions of commercial buildings shall not be conducted in the absence or without permission of the property owner (KRS 132.220 (3)).  Upon completion, confirmation of the inspection is left at the property.  The property owner’s assistance during an inspection results in a more accurate inspection and resulting property assessment.  Measurements of exterior dimensions of improvements are made, characteristics are identified and listed, conditions are determined and recorded, photos are taken and improvements are sketched.  Exterior measurements of property improvements are made based on standards by The American National Standards Institute (ANSI).  All information collected at the inspection is entered into the property record stored in the CAMA system.


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The notion that the wealthier members of society should be chartable towards those less fortunate is very ancient. Members of royalty through the ages have been expected to provide for the poor, as have those who, from feudal times to

the present have vast holdings of property. Biblical passage invokes this most ancient principle, as to the sacred writing of other words religious. When Andrew Carnegie and other wealthy business leaders endowed public libraries, supported settlement houses for the poor, gave money to educational institutions, and contributed funds to many other community organizations.

This kind of private aid to the needy members of society was especially important in the early decades of this century. At that time, there was no social security system no Medicare for the elderly, no social security for the unemployed, no unlimited fund to support a broad range of community needs and no organized disaster relief system to handle the victims of storms and floods. For many of today’s business firms, corporate social responsibility means, participating in community affairs-making charitable contributions. But charity is not the only form of corporate social responsibility.

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What is Financial Statement?

What is Financial Statement?

According to Meigs and Meigs (2003), financial statement are a structured representation of the financial position and financial performance of an entity. The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.

Financial statements also show the results of the management’s stewardship of the resources entrusted to it. To meet these objectives, financial statements provide information about an entity’s:

i) Assets

ii) Liabilities

iii) Equity

iv) Income and expenses, including gains and losses

v) Contribution by and distribution to owners in their capacity as owners, and

vi) cash flows

A complete set of financial statement comprises:

1) A statement of financial position as at the end of the period:

2) A statement of comprehensive income for the period;

3) A statement of changes in equity for the period:

4) A statement of cash flow for the period.

5) Notes of Account comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information; and

6) A statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earliest comparative period when an entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively or makes a retrospective restatement of items in its financial statements or when it reclassifies items in its financial statements.

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There are several users of accounting information in typical business, organization or parastatals.

i. The proprietor: business owners se it for business and profit forecast and for knowledge on drawing limit from the business without affecting it.

ii. Prospective investors;- it provide enough basis of assessing the organization for decision making in whether or not to invest into the form.

iii. Creditor/supplier:- the creditor will went to know whether the amount owing to them will be paid when due. Trade creditors are likely to be interested in an enterprise over a shorter period than lenders unless, they are dependent upon the continuation of the enterprise as a major customer.

iv. Customers: customers have an interest about the accounting information about the continuance of an enterprise, especially when they have a long-term involvement with, or are dependent on, the enterprise.

v. Government and their agencies: government and their agencies are interested in the allocation of resources and, thereof, the activities of enterprisers. They also require information in order to require the activities of enterprises, determine taxation policies and as the basis to national income and similar statistics.

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FIRST IN FIRST OUT (FIFO): In this method stocks are issued in strict chronological order. That is the oldest materials are issued first and are issued at the rate at which they were received.

In other words materials in the store are issued according to their order of receipts into the store. Where there are opening stocks, they are treated as if there were issued first then the unit from the first purchase issued next. This method is not suitable in times of rising prices and inflation.

This is because issue price of materials to production will be low while the cost of replacement of materials will be high. This will in turn charge  a lower cost of goods sold to income statement.

This method follows the principle that items in the beginning inventory or materials purchased first are presumed to be charged to production first, therefore the items from the earliest purchase are issued next and so on. Thus all items left in the closing stock are deemed to have come from the most recent purchase, whereas those issued to production are from the earliest purchase.

Eyisi (2003:24)stated that this method is based on the based on the assumption that the oldest purchased goods are sold or issued out first and that most recently purchased goods are the closing stock balance. First-in-First- Out (FIFO)methods assigns to the issued [transferred]out stocks from the stores.

Hence the closing stock is measured by the costs of the units most recently acquired. The advantage of this method is that, it is assumed that cost of materials issued out in time of deflation reflects the previous stocks (material) acquired at a lower price.

According to the Farlex Financial dictionary (2012), First-in, First-out (FIFO) method is an accounting procedure for identifying the order in which items are used or sold. With FIFO, the oldest remaining items are assumed to have been sold first. During a period of inflation this tends to keep cost low for accounting purposes. It results in higher reported profits and a greater tax liability, however.

This method is most suitable in valuing agricultural products which are perishable and subject to a fairly speedy deterioration as time elapses. Also, it maybe used by Grocery stores which deals on items with high level of perishability. Also, this method checks material obsolescence, avoidable waste and deterioration. The method ensures that materials issued are at cost and therefore avoids unrealized profit or losses which may arise from a random issue of materials. And it is also a representative of current prices and thereby avoiding the use of outdated prices in valuing  closing stock.

This method is an actual cost system and it is acceptable to SAS 4. This method is also accepted by the Board of  Inland Revenue for tax assessment purposes in the word of Eyisi ( 2003:25) the disadvantage is that higher tax is paid as higher profit is been measured due to lesser cost at initial stage of purchase; which is issued out. This method is acceptable to inland revenue and is recommended by SSAP 9.

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 This is a method of inventory valuation base on the assumption that the goods purchase most recently(the last in) are sold or used first (the first out). The remaining items are assumed to have been purchased at successively earlier periods. In this method, value of the inventory at the end of an accounting period is based on the value of items purchased earliest. During periods of high inflation rate, the last in first out (LIFO)  method yield lower value of the ending inventory, higher cost of goods sold, a lower gross profit ( hence lower taxable income) than that yielded by the application of the first in first out (FIFO) method. During prolong inflationary periods, however LIFO method can seriously understate the value of inventory because the cost of replacing it would be much higher than the value shown in account.

This method is also referred to as at first in last out (FILO) which is define as method of inventory valuation base on the assumption that goods are sold or used in the opposite chronological order in which they are bought. Hence, the cost of goods purchase first is the cost of goods sold last. To visualize this, it may easier to consider inventory to be a stake of plates. The first plate added (first in)  will stay at the bottom of the stack as long as new plate added on top. In times of rising prices the FILO method record the sale of the most recent items first. FILO is the same as the last in first out (LIFO) accounting method.

Consequently, the unit cost of beginning inventory and the earliest purchases are incorporated in the ending inventory figure. Hence, ending cost is measured at the oldest cost where as the production cost is measured at the newest unit cost.

Larson and miller (1992;424) noted that one argument for the use of LIFO is base on the fact that a going concern most replace the inventory items in sales. When goods are sold replacement are purchased. According to this point of  view a correct matching of cost with revenue requires matching replacement cost with sales that make the replacement necessary. Although the cost of  the most recent purchase is not quite the same as replacement cost, they are close approximations of replacement costs. Because LIFO assigns the most recent purchase costs to income statement, LIFO (compared to FIFO and weighted average) comes closest to matching replacement cost with revenues. The LIFO method is suitable in terms of rising prices because materials issued are price at the price of the latest available consignment in the store which is closely related to the current price level whereas FIFO method is useful when prices of materials are falling.

Eyisi, S A (2003:25) stated that this method is the opposite of  FIFO. In this method stocks issued out are priced last in purchased goods. The assumption here is that the issued out material is assumed to be last in purchased (received) goods. As the result of the above, the closing stock unit are valued at the oldest unit goods available. This method is useful during the time of inflation; as materials acquired previously or which are valued at the current price of recently purchased at a lesser price assumed to be valued at the most recent price of purchased of goods. Under this method cost are matched with income and product cost is based on current prices and as such could be said to be more realistic.

The Advantages of  LIFO includes the following;

  • It ensures that issues are close to current economic value stock.
  • Valuation of stock balance is usually very conservative.
  • Materials are issued at cost price and therefore, no profit or loss will result by using this method.

          This method also have Disadvantage and they include:

  • Since the goods are issued out based on the current stocks received, the oldest materials are left in stock and this exposes them to the risk of loss through pilferage ,obsolescence, deterioration and spoilage.
  • It makes comparison between two jobs or contracts difficult when the materials issued in the two jobs were valued using different methods.
  • It is administratively cumbersome because it requires the recording system to keep track of batches.


Ekwe, M. E (2003).An Insight into Costing. Enugu; Two Way Printers Nigeria

Enekwe, C. I (2010).Basic Fundamentals in Accounting.Volume Two. Enugu; Providence Press Nig. Limited  

Eyisi, S.A (2003).Cost Accounting Theories and Practice.Enugu; Ayi- Best


Horngren, C. T & George Foster .(2011). Cost Accounting.A Managerial Emphasis

(14th Edition). London: Prentice Hall.

from WordPress

Saturday 28 October 2017



In the construction industry, multiple project management (MPM) exists where more than one project is managed simultaneously and the aim is to improve management and efficiency. The driving force behind multiple project management (MPM) is the pragmatic allocation of resources encumbered by uncertain economic times. However, this research aims to address the issue by investigating on the challenges that hinder the effectiveness in respect to managing multiple-project within the construction industry. In order to conduct this study, survey research design was adopted; using questionnaire, 70 questionnaire were administered to building professionals (project managers, Quantity surveyors, Builders, Architects, and Engineers), 52 where fully completed and returned; the data obtained were analyzed using statistical method of data analysis. The findings revealed that organizational culture, project management process, communication and conflict are the major factors leading to the problem in managing multiple-project. The research concluded that multiple-project managers should place much focus on these challenges in multiple project management as they affect the effectiveness and efficiency in management. The research recommends that; for an organization should be effective in (MPM), there should be strong foundation in project management processes especially in planning and also there should be an establishment of culture in terms of commitment, communication, and reward for performance.
                                                     CHAPTER ONE
Multiple project management (MPM) have embrace in organizations since they seek to develop management and good organization, manage interconnected projects, and shuffle technology among projects to outshine the competition. Several organizations in this day employ multiple project management (MPM) practices. It is done this way, having one project manager lead multiple concurrent projects, which we named– the management of a group of multiple projects (MGMP).
Multiple project environments (MPEs) have been defined in diverse ways in the study. To describe the management of MPEs, studies have been based on terms, for example multi- project, portfolio, programme, macro-project, mega-project, giving the idea of related meanings (Turner, 2009, Project Management Institute, 2008). The difference in definition has lead to little close due to doubt and concise understanding (Shehu & Akintoye, 2010, Milosevic, 2009) into the relationship of MPEs and their challenges. The definitions of the MPE in this study reveal various characteristics that best describe the character of the construction industry. At first, MPEs was referred to, “an organizational level environment in which multiple projects are managed alongside” (Patanakul & Milosevic, 2009, p. 217). nevertheless, this definition needs to be comprehensive past extra one project managed concurrently, but also at diverse locations (Evaristo & van Fenema, 1999), on the prospect of participation from numerous organizations (Dubois & Gadde, 2002) These two attributes of multiple projects at various sites and involves numerous organizations are essential in defining MPEs.
The first feature stress on diverse sites because within the construction industry, projects are influenced by geographical location which includes intercontinental and nationwide distribution whether in a local region or in another place. This separation is due to the prospective profit of the physical location and where professionals are involved in the project operation location (Zavadskas et al., 2004). One project can be carry out in several sites at the same time, provided that the correspondent actions share similar use (Evaristo & van Fenema, 1999). The management of these projects is understood to be either centralized or extend located in any of the sites. The challenge of project’s location of multiple projects is associated to the focus on the co-ordination method, with the choice of either focusing on inter-site or boundary spanning across sites, or give attention to on intra-site or boundary spanning across projects (Hashim & Chileshe, 2012).
The second feature begins from the construction management which is hard by numerous organizations concerned in the supply chain. The organizations are also occupied in other projects in which they have to manage their activities and resources with different sets of organizations. This connection shows that an organization is able in managing more than one project concurrently in the construction industry (Dubois & Gadde, 2002) and sustains project-based structures (Söderlund, 2004). The enhanced use of project-based structures defines the character of multiple project environments with the association of multi-project organizations.
From these features, the illustration of challenges end in the complexity in managing multiple-projects could be illustrated. For instance, the projects located in multiple sites will focus on the harmonization mechanisms, on single unit exclusive of separating the projects into multiple units in sharing the projects aim and objectives even if they are mostly distributed from each other (Desouza & Evaristo, 2004). Alternatively, projects which involves with multiple organizations can simply cause conflict amongst the team mates, and obstruct the establishment of “organization culture” of multiple projects environment regularly among diverse levels of management or among other projects, particularly when contending after the same resources (Fricke & Shenbar, 2000, Olford, 2002). For that reason, these characteristics reveal the challenges in managing multiple-project that will reduce the effectiveness in management.
Multiple-project managers’ manage multiple instantaneous projects and to manage interdependencies among projects in order that each project can accomplish its objectives. Since the project manager leads several teams for projects of diverse objectives, s/he usually does not have plenty time and resource to use on one particular team. Even if, the projects tend to be smaller than the one of single-project managers, having totally different types of projects, concentrating on different project goals, and leading multiple-project teams particularly of swap from a project to another, occasionally several times a day, this make very high complication in management.

Profit is what construction industries considered most consequently lead to MPM. Little consideration is placed on the challenges in MPGM. The study therefore, intended to answer the question:
  1. What are the challenges that hinder the effectiveness in managing multiple-project?
  2. What are the factors influencing the effectiveness in managing multiple-project?
  3. What are the possible means to achieve effectiveness in multiple-project management?

1.3.1   Aim:
The aim of the study is to investigate the challenges in managing multiple-project within the construction industry.
1.3.2   The specific objectives are:
  1. To identify the major challenges in managing multiple-project within the construction industry.
  2. To determine the factors that influences effectiveness in multiple-project management.
  3. To develop a framework for better understanding of the effectiveness in managing multiple-project in a project manager level.

1.4   Significance of the study
The significance of this study broadened the project management understanding in respect to interaction within multiple projects environments and their challenges. There has been not sufficient work on the challenges that obstruct the effectiveness. For that reason, the contribution of this study would be through the evaluation of challenges in the multiple projects environment that are likely to tackle project managers.
  1. The scope of this research is limited to the challenges in respect to managing    multiple-project within construction industry.
  2. Target respondents for this study are the major professional in the construction industry, Namely: Project manager, Quantity surveyor, Builder, Architect and Engineer.
  3. The study is limited to projects within construction industry in Kano metropolis of Nigeria because the researcher has easy access to information in the Kano metropolis.
 2.1   Management of Projects
In the current business environment, projects are regularly measured as way to business achievement (Frame, 1994; Forsberg et al., 2000; Pinto, 2002; Shenhar & Poli, 2003). Frequently, single projects are adequately large and planned in nature and have one project manager devoted full-time to a project, frequently called a single-project manager (Archibald, 1975). Conversely, a program, lead by a program manager, is a relations of projects that are strongly reliant, share familiar goals, and lead to a single deliverable result or service (Project management institute, 2005).


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This study tends to improve the impact of capital market on development of Nigerian economy. The study will proceed from the general over view of capital market, statement of problem in this research work are failure of federal government to create awareness to the people. The primary objective of the research work was to evaluate the impact of capital market on Nigeria economy. Research hypothesis that was used in actual frequencies decision rule and interpretation of result, the source of data are through primary and secondary source of data collection, and method of data analysis based on the questionnaire administered to the staff of Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) Abuja. Interview conducted with the lenders and investors and observations made at the Nigeria Stock Exchange house. Conclusion the recapitalization policies by the central Bank of Nigeria on commercial Banks strengthens the financial institutions and restores confidence in the financial system.


This research work is titled the impact of capital market on development of Nigeria economy. The Nigeria capital market is a highly specialized and organized financial market and indeed essential agent of economic growth and development because of its ability to facilitate and mobilize saving and investment.
To a greater extent the positive relationship between capital accumulation and real economic growth has long been affirmed in economic theories (Anyanwu 1996).
The Nigeria capital market is a complex institution where medium and long term funds are put together and made available and also instruments like stocks shares, debentures and bonds are transformed.
The financial institution comprises of the Nigeria market includes commercial banks, merchant banks, development bank, insurance companies unit trust, pension fund and the stock exchange.
The capital market is broadly categorized into two classes:
1. The Primary market
2. The secondary market
This is a market in which companies or government can raise funds by issuing shares or loan stocks. Quoted companies can also involve fresh funds.
The Nigerian stock exchange also involve in the primary market.
This is a market for buying and selling existing securities. Secondary markets are vehicles for providing liquidity to investors. Where securities are openly, the stock exchange provides free entry and free exists for investors through trading in secondary market.
The Nigeria stock exchange was established in September 15, 1960 as the Lagos Stock Exchange but actually started operations in June, 1961 prior to this, all formal savings and deposits went through the banking system while major capital balance were invested for the country. On June 5, 1961, the exchange opened its doors for business. It is owned by 135 (One hundred and thirty five) shareholders made up of financial institution stock brokers and individual Nigerians.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange has a president and council members, Chairman and Board of Directors who are elected at the annual general meeting by members of the exchange. The tenure of office of the president is limited to a one-three year term. The council is responsible for policy making, but day-to-day running of the affairs of the exchange is vested in the office of the Director General and its management team (NSE 1999).
The NSE has the following trading floor / branches in major cities of the Federation, Kaduna (1978), Port Harcourt (1980), Kano (1989), Onitsha (Feb, 1990) Ibadan (Aug. 1990) Abuja (October, 1999 and Yola (April 2002).
As at the inception in 1961, the NSE started trading in Lagos with 19 securities valued at N80 million listed on it. This has grown to 283 listed companies with a total market capitalization of about N15 trillion. All listings are included in the only index, the NSE all share index. The NSE is responsible for listing, delisting and general discipline in the stock market as well as the orderly conduct.
The NSE is organized in such a way that only the dealing member companies of the exchange that are allowed to trade on its trading floor on behalf of their numerous clients and there is a regime of rules and regulations to guide the conduct of their operations. It enables the holders of securities to convert them into cash quickly and without inconveniences and also at a compulsory moderate cost. The state of health of the companies is determined by evaluation of the studies.
Oba E. (1999) Basic understanding of capital market operations, Lagos, Deacon Oba Ekiran Publishers.
The following are the statement of the problem in this research work.
i. The Nigeria capital market which is supposed to being avenue for sourcing long term funds to finance long-term project is not as developed as her foreign counterpart.
ii. It has therefore not been able to judiciously perform its primary obligation of meeting long-term capital needs of the deficit sectors, through efficient accumulation of capital or mobilization of funds from the surplus unit of the economy, and effectively channel mobilized funds for more economic use.
A critical study of both the real and service sector will elucidate this fact. This study is undertaken to examine the contribution of the capital market in the Nigeria economic growth and development
The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of capital market on development of Nigeria economy.
Other specific objective are as follows:
1. To assess the performance of the capital market in relation to the economic growth in Nigeria.
2. To analyse the rate at which new stocks are issue on the capital market.
3. To appraise how the operations of the market could be improve to boost economic growth and development of Nigeria.
4. To evaluate the operations of the Nigeria capital market.
This research shall be guided by the following research questions.
1. How does the capital market impact on the economic growth and development process in Nigeria?
2. What is the trend of trading activities on the capital market?
3. What is the rate at which new stock are issued on the Nigeria capital market?
4. How could the capital market through its crucial role stimulate economic growth in Nigeria?
The hypothesis that would be tested in the course of this research is state below as:
H0: That the capital market operations have not contributed to Nigeria economic growth.
H1: That the capital market operations have contributed to Nigeria Economic growth.
The study will explore the impact or effectiveness of capital market instruments on Nigeria economic growth. Though the scope of study will be limited to the capital market it is hoped that the exploration of this market will provide a broad view of the operations of the capital market. It will contribute to existing literature on the subject matter by investigating empirically the role, which the capital market plays in the economic growth and development of the country. The main importance of this study is that it will provide policy recommendations to policy makers on ways to improve operations and activities of the capital market.
This research work will only look at a particular part of the economy (the financial sector) this work will not cover all the facets that make up the financial sector, but shall focus only on the capital market and its activities as it impacts on the Nigeria economic growth. The empirical investigation of the impact of the capital market on the economic growth in Nigeria shall be restricted to the period between 1986 and 2010 due to the non-availability of some important data.
Capital: A capital can be defined as assets or resources available to the individual or organization whether permanently (i.e. down capital) or temporary (i.e. debt capital). Therefore it can be physical or financial.
Capital Market: Capital markets is the market for raising and investing long-term funds. Financial instruments traded on this market are equities and loan stock having maturity period of three years or longer.
Dividend: A portion of the net earning that has been officially declared by the board of directors of a company for distribution to shareholders.
Financial Market: This simply means the various facilities provided by the financial systems for the creation of custodianship and distributions of financial assets and liabilities, investments trust and mortgage institutions.
Insurance Companies: These are risk underwriters for life and non-life business. Their non-life comprises of short-term liabilities by way of claims during the life of the policy usually a year.
Issuing Houses: These are institutions whose primary responsibility is to take companies to the capital market to raise funds through primary issues.
Prospectus: A prospectus is a document through which a public limited liability company offer for subscription or for sales of its shares to the public detailing information about the offer.
Portfolio Investors: They are institutions that are established to manage huge investment funds for one group of corporate investors.
Shareholder: The possessor of shares or stock in an organization corporation or company by investing in the securities available in the capital market.
Stock Exchange: This is a primary market in which companies and other institutions raise funds by issuing shares or loan stock. It is also a secondary market for buying and selling existing securities (Shares and loan stocks).
Stock Brokers: A stock brokers is a firm or person who buys and sells securities on behalf of investors for a commission called brokerage.


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The purpose of this study is to examine ways of improving workers performance in a business organization as regards corporate planning in an organizational development. Business Organizations encounter problems in motivating their workers is not done in line with their corporate planning not done in line with their corporate planning procedures. The management can not identify the workers need to which are numerous or the motivational techniques is not worthy of mention in the corporate planning of the organization. Study is divide into five chapters, chapter one, introduction deals with review of existing literature on corporate planning of the organization. Development however, chapter three outline research methodology, research design, method of data collection population of the study, sampling, procedure and method of data gathered was analyzed, in chapter four, the data gathered was analyzed, interpreted and a summary of the findings was made. The summary conclusion and recommendation in the last chapter were based on the findings.
The word corporation is from a Latin word “Corpus” which means body. Therefore, corporate planning can be seen as a comprehensive business planning which cover long-range in the form of strategic planning involving the entire fabric of the organization and is also concern of the top-most management decisions of the organizational mission and goals, overall strategy and structure from where it descends to all.
The development of corporate planning in business is a Post World War II phenomenon, before the period of the World War almost all business enterprises were carrying on their affairs without stating any formal objective or formal long-range business plans but confined to only shot term plans which focus mainly on manufacturing, production planning, material, ordering and receiving, and recruitment and hiring of labour.
An increasing important of planning at the core body of a company has been assumed since that period of world war II and the development of business planning has also been a revolutionary movement as the technological revolution or even revolution of life style due to income demonstration effect detects from time to time, hence, corporate planning has become a sin-qua-non to business success since the of the 21st century . Inspite of all these lapses. It was discovered
that the company was still ahead of her numerous competitors, therefore, there was a kin interest to understood hold the company was prosperity more than competitors in most areas and also to find out why they could not met up in some areas.
The West African milk company (WAMCO) was incorporated in 1955 with registration number 010274. In September, 2005 the West African milk company (WAMCO) celebrated her 50th anniversary which comprises most African countries such as, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, etc. Here in Nigeria the company has spread to almost all the state in the country in which Abuja is branches a regional manager heads of regional area as well as each branch is headed by a branch manager.
Today, due to the ways the directors, regional and branch manager have carried out corporate planning especially in the Abuja branch which is my case study, the office is located at Wuse zone 5, Federal Capital Territory Abuja (FCT) which comprises of about three key head such as the regional manager, the accountant and also the sale representations, since the Abuja office of the region, there is no branch manager but it includes other workers and staffs that help in the execution and implementation of the plans. It is obvious that today, the Abuja region can boast of realizing millions of naira annually more than some regions and branches of the company across the country especially in the clays the role of corporate planning is been carried out in the company.
It is obvious that nothing on earth exist without a problem. The Abuja branch of the West African milk company (WAMCO) also her own problem in the use of corporate planning for the achievement of her organizational goals. Following the systematic survey of the general problems encountered by the West African milk company (WAMCO) Abuja branch through, the role of corporate planning in organization the following problem are worthy of discussion.
The problems of how to contract the effect to close substitutes and production obsolesce in the organization.
The problems of not involving other level manager the opportunities to participate in the planning process so as to best analyze the organization’s present situations and the future scenarios that may affect it.
The problems of not beginning with a realistic appraisal of the present strength and weaknesses of the organization which would have influence the organization in determining it course of action in future
The objectives of this study is to examine way of improving workers performance in a business organization as regard corporate planning in organizational encounter problem. Business organization encounters problems in motivating their workers, it is not either the ways of motivating their workers is not done in line with the corporate planning procedures.
The management can not identify the workers needed to which are numerous or the motivation techniques is not worthy of mention in the corporate planning of the organization. The research is into the role of corporate will be of great importance or benefit to the management of West Africa milk company (WAMCO) Abuja branch.
The research into the role of corporate planning in organization development will be great significant or benefit to the following categories thus,
  • Government
  • Masses
  • Management of West Africa Milk company (WAMCO)
  • Future researchers.
To the government, the research will enlighten some of the problems of the implementation and also suggest solutions on how to enforce them, which will enable the government to know the effect of corporate planning in their various organization and thereby determine not only the extent of implementation in each case but also the desirability of its extension to yet another organization.
To the masses, most of who are so naive of corporate planning role in organizational development will by this project be educated so as to enable them have a better understanding of the product of which they hitherto enjoyed. This way they will also know what to expect from the company.
To management of West Africa Milk company (WAMCO) the research will enable them to know their areas of weakness and how to correct the abnormal. It will also help to measure their level of performance activities and treatment of their staff and the company can also secure co-operations of those who contributed to the success of the organization especially those at the lower carder of the company.
To the future researcher will benefit from this work in the areas of starting, writing and concluding a research work on similar topics. It will serve as a literature for future researchers.
This research work is to examine the roles of corporate planning in organizational development; it is imperative to state here that the development of corporate planning has focused its attention on four major key areas such as;
  • The environment
  • Objectives of the company
  • Factors influencing such objectives and
  • Choice of strategies, tactics to achieve the objectives
These key areas will enable managers to achieve the organizational goals if well followed and implemented. During this section work, information was gotten from the main sources; firstly, questionnaires were administered to members or staff of the West Africa Milk Company (WAMCO) Abuja branch.
Also relevant textbooks and even consultation. Were also carried out at the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa state so as to add up more information to those already gotten through the questionnaires that were distributed to the members of staff of the West African Milk Company (WAMCO) Abuja branch.
Finally, information gotten from respondents and textbooks, findings and recommendation were made on how corporate planning’s role can be improved upon in order to achieve the organizational objectives.
For the purpose of this study, the researcher has formulated the following hypothesis which shall be tasted to enable him draft logical conclusion and put forward useful suggestion and recommendation.
Ho: Effectiveness of corporate planning does not affect close substitutes and product obsolescence in the organization.
Hi: effectiveness of corporate planning affect close substitutes and product obsolescence in the organization.
Ho: corporate planning does not give other level managers the opportunity to partake in the planning process of the organization.
Hi: Corporate planning gives other level managers the opportunity to partake in the planning process of the organization.
Ho: Inadequate appraisal of the strengths and weakness of the organizations course of action in future.
HI: inadequate appraisal of the strengths and weakness of the organization can not course of action in future.
In carrying out this research work, many constraints were encountered which want a long way in limiting the researcher work.
First and foremost, the limitation of this research was the time allowed it was so short and it affects the thoroughness with which this type of investigation was recognized. In the light of this, the limited time allowed was likely to influence the result of the investigation as there was no other way of testing the response which in ideal situation would have lasted for a longer period.
Finance was another obstacle of this research. A research of this magnitude need good financing but the very major financial resources of the researcher became a with, thus, limiting the researcher from expensive traveling to the company where relevant information could be sourced.
Again was the difficult encountered in eliciting vital information from workers at the Abuja branch. These claim were in compliance to their official code of conduct which prohibits them from giving out information about their establishment. However, a breakthrough was at least on as many journals, periodical etc as possible but only a fell could be accessible.
In any case, it was still found necessary to limit the scope of the research in order to achieve a more in depth study.
Management: these involve in decision of running an organization
Strategic: organization move for defining and achieving the organizational goals and objectives
Goal: company mission which has to be pursued.
Productivity: A measure of output of an organization or economy per unit of input.
Short term planning: This is the establishment of objectives or goal over a long period of time.
Objective: what the organizations would want to achieve as the long run.
Planning: is the managerial function of setting objectives.
Production: is the conversion of raw material into finished goods.
Promotions: An activity designed to boost the sale of a product or service
Corporate plan: is a detailed plan setting out the objectives of a business over a states period often three, five or ten years.
Tactics: The represents action plans by which strategies are executed and are short term in nature so as to explain every aspect of the operations of the business.
Opportunity: this is an advantages gained by a company to overcome other competitors.
Threat: is the weakness of a company that may allow other competitors to have advantages over it.
Appelby .C. Robert (1994): Modern Business Administration (6th edition) Britain Pitman publishing Limited.
Tuckland, Thompson (1996) Strategic Management concepts and cases (9th edition) Britain McGraw Hill companies.
Koonix, H. (1976): Making Strategic Planning New York Macmillan Press Ltd.
Bogobiri .Y. Esther etal (2009). Principles of Management (2nd edition) Wonderful Press Publishing Kaduna.
Image, Eni. (2005) Business policy in a Godly society (1st edition) Enugu, Ryce Kerex Printers.
Drunker, F. Peter (1984) The Practice of Management New York Heinemen Ltd.


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