Showing posts with label January 17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January 17. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 January 2023


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs



Scabies is an infectious disease most common in family affairs, friends are the commonest point of source and greater tendency of girls to hold hands may be significant factor in the greater prevalence in female, which lout numbered that in males. And the causative agent is mite sarcoptes; it is a matter of fact that scabies is one of numerous skin disease that pose dangerous threat to the people in the communities.



Scabies is a parasite disease (infection) of the skin caused by the human itch mite, sarcoptes scabies, scabies is an ancient disease. Based on archeological evidence from Egypt and the middle East, scabies is estimated to date back over 2,500 years (Markett & Voge). .

The first recorded reference to scabies is believed to be Bible (Leviticus the third book of Moses) Ca. 1200 BCt latter, the Roman philosopher Aristotle reported on “Lice” that would “Scape for little pimples if they are picked”. In the fourth century Bet (Roncall scholars believed this was actually a reference to scabies Arlian L. 2009). Nevertheless, it was the Roman physician Celsius who is credited to designating the term “Scabies” to the disease and describing its characteristics feature (Roncall). The parasitic etiology of scabies was later documented by the Italian physician Giovann cosimo Bonomo (1663 – 1969 ADE) in his famous 1687 letter.

“Observations concerning the flatworms of the human bodies” (Roncall) with this (disputed) discovering scabies became one of the first disease with a known cause (Markell & Voge 2,500). The female scabies mites borrow into the outer layer of skin in a thin red line about a half inch lay and then lay eggs. Such a borrow is usually very had to identify. The first location is usually in the webs between the fingers or toes around the wrist or navel. It can also be found on the black of elbows. The folds of armpits the bed line and abdomen, about the creases of the groin and on the genital organs small children especially babies, often have investment of the face, scalps, palms of the hands or soles of feed.

The organisms borrow into the skins in such places as the web of the finger and toe, but can attack other parts. The common terms “7 years itch” a common disease of dirty environment and individual (Fagbbu, 1986).

The scabies mite is generally transmitted from one person to another by direct contact with the skin of the infected person. Scabies can also be acquired by wearing infected person cloth such as sweaters, coats or scarves. Scabies transmission can occur among individuals who share common living quarters, bedding, who have regular skin to skin contact.

Scabies is a transmissible parasitic skin infection characterized by superficial borrow and secondary inflammation. Scabies is one of the numerous skin disease that pose dangerous threat to the healthy environment of m any countries, especially in the topics of Asian Countries. The disease is mostly common with the people in the rural communities due to the inadequate sources of water supply, which may affect their personal hygiene.

Scabies are skin condition, it is easily to spread from one person to another members of the family and community at large depending on the level of intimacy in items of interactions, and it transfer when germ pathogen escape from it host to another new host. The host is usually the reservoir which can be human being in which the infective agent lives and multiples.


Udege Mbeki Development Area was carved out of Nasarawa local government of Nasarawa state in 1983 and reformed again on 23rd of September 1991 by General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.

At the moment, Udege Mbeki Development area has three District, Udege Maraba, and Loko which among these are curved Maraba Local government area.

Udege Mbeki development are ahas 156.769 people. The local government is generally is a multiethnic in nature. However, there are four major tribes in the local government  area namely:

  1. Ajiri (Afo)
  2. Hausa
  3. Agatu
  4. Igbo

Other existing minor, tribes like Hausa, Afo, Agatu, Igbo etc.  

These tribes were found in the local government because of farming and some commercial activities in the area.

LOCATION: The development area is bounded by Loko development area and Nasarawa Local Government area. The Udege Mbeki is in the east of Nasarawa State.

Udege Mbeki is situated in the east from the state headquarter (Lafia), the development area covers area of about 2,105 kilometers away from the headquarter (Lafia). Climate condition is wet and dry season last in  May to October as the raining season while from November to April as the season takes it position. However, heat is experience in this area through the month of February and March before the arrival of the rainfall.


The inception of the local government administration in Udege Mbeki development area has proved to an alarm in the political and also the source of economic development of the area. However, development degree to progress has for example been registered in education, agriculture, industry and health care delivery in past twenty nine years.

 EDUCATION: The local government  has about 155 primary schools and with the number of 48 post primary schools.

AGRICULTURE: Udege which experience rainfall from May to August, the area produce both cash and food crops like millet, guinea cord, beans, cassava, cotton, groundnut, melon, beniseed and yam in other to further their economic and reduce poverty.

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: The local government being closed to the national headquarter F.C.T Abuja, people always patronized the area for their day to day activities especially they visit their market in other to buy their food items and some lived in the town going to their daily jobs and return back to their home.

HEALTH CARE DELIVERY: The attainment of health sector is the most important step towards the achievement of prosperity and general development. Since the inception Udege Mbeki Development area administration has set several institution of health care delivery with the complementary effort of the state government. The area has about 54 medical institution one (1) General hospital, one (1) cottage hospital and one (1) comprehensive primary health care all located at different area of the local government, much more including two (2) national primary health care.


Scabies is a contagious skin infestation that affects an estimate 300 million people around the world.

  1. While scabies can affect people at all socio economic levels, individuals who are young elderly, immune compromised or developmentally delayed are at significantly higher risk for scabies and related complications.
  2. Community – Wide and institutional outbreaks have occurred in child care setting, long-term care facilities and prisons because is associated with poverty, overcrowding, malnutrition and reduced access to health care.
  3. Poverty, overcrowding, bed-sharing and families with many children are all factors that increase the risk of scabies, delays in diagnosis and inadequate treatment of cases and their contacts.
  4. Lack of health personnel can lead to failure to recognize scabies, delays in diagnosis and inadequate treatment of cases and their contacts. 
  5. Lack of clean running water may contribute to secondary skin infections and related complications.

Improving living condition and enhancing environmental health personnel will have reduce the burden of scabies in communities.


  1. To know the causes and control measures of scabies identifiable
  2. To identify the specific drugs for treatment of scabies
  3. To identify the factor that constituted to the spread of this disease
  4. To know the preventive measure of scabies


Many families, especially in our rural area suffer from this social oriented disease basically because of poor personal hygiene and the need for its prevention.

  1. This study is therefore aimed toward, determining the prevalent rate of scabies in our community
  2. Determining the social and personal factors that influence the cause and spread of scabies
  3. Determining the most appropriate method of control and prevention of scabies.


  1. Have you ever had about scabies disease?
  2. If yes, what are the sign and symptoms?
  3. Do your child ever contacted with scabies infection?
  4. If yes, how did he contact the scabies?
  5. How did you treat him?
  6. Can you remember the drugs you used?
  7. If yes, which drugs?


  • SCABIES: Is a skin disease that cause itching and small red raised sports.
  • Disease: Is an inversion of the body by a parasite or any micro-organism and the multiplication of such organism in the body of host.
  • Communicable disease: refers to any disease that can be easily transferred from one person to another directly or indirectly (Ekom, P. 2014).
  • Epidemic: Is an outbreak of a specific disease within a nation which affects a large number of people at the same time.
  • Endemic: Is a disease that is always presently contacts in a community
  • Sporadic: This is a disease that occurs in different places at different time with known connection between the outbreaks.
  • Environmental Health: According to World Health Organization (WHO) defines environmental sanitation as “the control of those factors in man’s physical environment which exercise or may exercise deleterious effect on his physical development, health and survival”.
  • Health Education: According to world health and organization (WHO) defines health education as “a process of transferring knowledge, attitude and skills that will bring about positive change towards a healthy living”.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs



The mechanical properties of soft clay soils encountered in construction works consist of unconfined compressive strength, stiffness, tensile strength, brittle behavior, ductility, and axial strain, undrained shear strength, elasticity, plasticity, permeability, porosity, shrinkage, durability. This known deficiencies have to be corrected by means of stabilization and palm kernel shell ash was used to modify this known characters of clayey soil, below is the summary of the test carried out in the laboratory. The presence of SiO2, presented the palm kernel shell ash as a siliceous material, possessing pozzolanic properties due its high SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 contents. The palm kernel shell ash was classified as a ‘class f’ fly ash due to the 10% (LOI) taken, in accordance with ASTM C618-92a.The clay soil was classified as an A-7-6(20), with the ’20’ indicating the group index of the soil. It was described by AASHTO as a clayey material and rated as a fair to poor soil. The group index of 20 described the soil as one having a low bearing capacity. From the sieve analysis test conducted a percentage of 91.1 passed through the 75um sieve. With a liquid limit of 77.8% > 50% it was identified as an organic soil, with a plasticity index of 50.1 it was identified as a highly plastic soil. A maximum dry density of 1.36kg/m3  at two different moisture content of 13.99% and 23.03% respectively but the optimum moisture content of 23.03% was taken. A CBR value of 9.25% unsoaked and 1.75% when soaked, for the natural condition of the soil,

that is, without the PKSA admixture., which failed to meet the minimum requirement stipulated by the Nigerian Highway Officials of 15% CBR, indicating that the material is inadequate as a subgrade material alone, at its free or natural state. With the addition of palm kernel shell ash at 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% optimum values of CBR were obtained for the unsaoked CBR, with values of 19.8% and

20.2% for PKSA’s at 9% and 12% respectively. An optimum value for the soaked sample was attained at a CBR value of 20.3% at 9% PKSA, with a simulated peak value from the statistical model, of 21% CBR at 10% PKSA though un- experimented. Therefore, giving 9% of PKSA as the optimum amount of PKSA additive required to stabilize this soil.



1.1     Background of the Study

Land based structure of any type is only strong as its foundation. For that reason, soil is a critical element influencing the success of a construction project. Soil is either part of the foundation or one of the raw materials used in the construction process. Therefore, understanding the engineering properties of soil is crucial to obtain strength and economic importance. One of the major reasons for structural failure particularly in pavement design is non-availability of generalized relevant data of the particular soil involved in the area of construction and how these soils respond to atmospheric, moisture and temperature. Cases under design of pavement strength have been recorded largely due to assumption of subgrade properties involved which resulted to failure. To be cost effective, pavement should be constructed over good subgrade materials therefore, remove early failure such as potholes, raveling, shoving, rutting and so on. The cost of construction material is often exorbitant, particularly when most of the materials have to be imported. It is preferable to construct with locally available material that may have limited durability but cost effective. Onyelowe (2016). It will be necessary to understand the rheology of clayey soils and also the stabilization processes in soil improvement.

The mechanical properties of soft clay soils encountered in construction works consist of unconfined compressive strength, stiffness, tensile strength, brittle behavior, ductility, and axial strain, undrained shear strength, elasticity, plasticity, permeability, porosity, shrinkage, durability (Onyelowe et al, 2019)

These are the properties that determine deformation potentials of soils, treated or untreated. The rheology properties of the test soil are determined through laboratory study on the behavior of soils at failure. So it is the establishment of the maximum values beyond or below which a construction material is considered unstable.

In general, soft clay soils are expansive soils that require improvements in their mechanical properties to enable them meet the requirements to be used as foundation materials or hydraulically bound materials.

1.2     Significance and Importance of the Study

Due to the problems associated with expansive soils on engineering structures i.e. the deformation produced as a result of swelling and shrinkage of soils; it is necessary that a means of improving the structural qualities of the soil such as the compressive be devised.

It has been discovered that agricultural wastes such as Palm Kernel Ash (PKSA), Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA), Coconut Shell Ash (CSA), Saw Dust Ash (SDA) etc. have the ability to stabilize soils to an optimum for constructional uses. It will be wise to optimize the use of this agricultural waste in construction, after validating their reliability for constructional uses. Processed palm kernel shell ash (PKSA) is the ash produced from burning of palm kernel shell and it is a byproduct of palm oil mills.

The ash has pozzolanic properties that enables it as a partial replacement for cement and also plays an important role in soil stabilization as well as strength and durability of concrete.

Palm kernel shell ash has yet to be utilized to a great extent as a constructional material but blended palm kernel shells have been used to modify lateritic soils because of their good interlocking characteristics, low specific gravity and high porosity. Palm kernel shell ash will continue to be abundant, as industrial waste product will continually be created.

1.3     Research Aim and Objectives

The am of this study is to investigate the effect of palm kernel shell ash on soil stabilization. The specific objectives inc the following:

  1. To produce PKSA and determine its chemical and elemental properties.
  2. Determine the physical and engineering properties of the soil provided, and classify the soil.
  3. Investigate  the  influence  of  Palm  Kernel  Shell  Ash  on  the  engineering properties of the soil sample.
  4. Develop statistical models to relate the strength indices and determine the optimum Palm Kernel Shell Ash content (OPKSA) required for stabilizing the soil sample to meet requirement for constructional works.

1.4     Scope of Study and Limitation

This study is focused on, and limited to the use of Palm kernel Shell Ash on soil stabilization.

The Palm Kernel is the fruit of the oil palm plant (elaeis guineesm), grows naturally in West Africa where it is abundant in the wild and has developed into an agricultural crop.

The palm kernel shell, which is the crushed shell housing the palm kernel seed. It is an economic valuable tree that is wide spread throughout the tropics.

In Malaysia, oil palm plantations cover over 5 million hectares, and an annual production of oil palm kernel shell (OPS) as solid waste from 450 oil palm mills is more than 6 million tones. This large amount of OPS as a renewable green aggregate can contribute to overcoming the over dependence on the depletable resources of concrete production. The civil engineering projects are of a large scale; they need sustainable materials in order to gain a greater momentum of growth. The major technical characteristics of OPS solid waste must be primarily understood before each particular use, therefore, there is need to highlight the importance of OPS to be used in the construction industry. (Mannan 2017).

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @