Showing posts with label Locational adequacies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locational adequacies. Show all posts

Sunday 5 June 2022








Light industries are industrial activities that are more labour intensive and less capital intensive. The output is typically an end-product, of smaller consumer goods. Light industry is typically cleaner and less impacting on the physical and natural environment, and there is less restriction on its establishment close to residential areas in the urban environment.


Light industries are a section of an economy’s secondary industry characterized by less capital-intensive and more labor-intensive operations. Products made by an economy’s light industry tend to be targeted toward end consumers rather than other businesses; it is the production of small consumer goods.


Both heavy and light industrial employment activities are most frequently located away from town and city centres (often in so-called industrial estates or business/commercial parks), in accordance with the zoning provisions of the relevant development plan. The characters of such areas is generally single use, with little or no retail activities or residential land uses occurring within them (apart from those necessary to serve employees). This often means that they are largely unoccupied outside of normal working hours, which can raise security issues. The large footprint of the buildings required to house many industrial activities can also mean that there are significant areas that do not feature any form of passive surveillance.

Light industry are industries the usually are less capital-intensive than heavy industry and are more consumer-oriented than business-oriented, as they typically produce smaller consumer goods. Most light industry products are produced for end users rather than as intermediates for use by other industries. Light industry facilities typically have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry. For that reason zoning laws are more likely to permit light industry near residential areas.

Light industries require fewer raw materials, space and power. While light industry typically causes little pollution, particularly compared to heavy industry, some light industry can cause significant pollution or risk of contamination. For example, electronics manufacturing, itself often a light industry, can create potentially harmful levels of lead or chemical wastes in soil without proper handling of solder and waste products (such as cleaning and degreasing agents used in manufacture).

In Nigeria light industries includes enterprises who engage in light manufacturing activities such as blocks and Interlocking Stones, Ceramics & Tiles, Chemicals and Paints, Cosmetics/Hair Products, Plastics, Recycling, Roofing Sheets, Soaps and Detergents, Lube Blending, Digital Printing/Multimedia Publishing, Doors and Window Frames, Furniture/Wood Processing etc.

Block molding and timber processing industries is becoming the backbone of building construction of every country. Block molding and timber processing industry is one of the largest production sectors of the construction industry in Nigeria (Anosike 2011). Virtually every Local Government Area has one or more small or large scale block production and timber processing factories.


Mead (1994) in a study asserted that block molding and timber processing industry are category of small industry that contributes only 2-3% to the GDP. The industry plays an important role in the economy of developing country. The block molding industry are divided into several parts which includes  stabilized bricks /blocks, sundried (Adobe) soil blocks, burnt clay bricks/ blocks, cast in-situ walls, rice husk ash (RHA), mud and straw, lime and stone Crete blocks.


The Location of light industry especially block molding and timber processing like several other informal activities, are without formal arrangement (Jelili, et. al 2017) and as such remain unpredictable. They take advantages of open spaces, and undeveloped land within the urban Centre’s there by deforming the beauty of the urban environment.

According to Part B of the fifth schedule of the environmental protection Act (EPA), item 3. Location/sitting of block molding and timber processing industry includes the followings, the site should be located in industrial areas or at a suitable site outside the defined settlement/residential areas or within the buffer of bad neighborhood activities/development, and the existing development context of the site should be compatible with the activity. At the design stage of new block making plants, consideration should be given to the site lay-out, with a view to avoiding disturbances to the surrounding environment. In particular, attention should be paid to the location of entrances, exists, car parks, access road and amenities, the site should not be located within any environmental sensitive area (ESA) and it's prescribed buffer zone as per ESA study 2009 such as wetlands, steep slope and in areas that are likely to be affected by hazards such as inland flooding, landslide and Storm surges, amongst others. It is against this background that this dissertation set to assess the locational adequacies of light industry in Nasarawa with particular reference to block moulding and timber processing industry


1.1       Statement of Problem

Environmental pollution which include land, water, air, and noise pollution from industrial activities have negative effect on both residential property values and on the health and wellbeing of the occupants of those properties and thus reduces the values of residential properties because people will not want to live close to areas where their health will be endangered and where they will be disturb by frequent noise and they will want to live in areas where their health will be secured (Sofer et al., 2012). In developing countries like Nigeria Block molding and timber processing industry are seen as an informal sector which make used of open spaces within the residential areas thereby posing threats to the surrounding environment. The problems or challenges posed by light industry such as block molding and timber processing outfits are common (Sultan &Kajewski, 2013). These problems include:-

1.      Poor location/sitting of block molding industry in the study area with outrecourse to environmental protection guideline for block making plan

2.      Lack of physical planning standard and regulations for sitting block industry in nasarawa.

There is also evidence that the problems have become greater in extent and severity in recent years (Ofori, 2000).


1.2       AIM

            The aim of study is to assess the locational adequacies of light industries in Nasarawa, with a view of proposing an appropriate locational plan in study area.


1.3       OBJECTIVES

                                i.            To examine the existing planning provision for the sitting and operation of light industry (Block molding and timber processing) in Nasarawa.

                              ii.            To examine the standards of block molding and timber processing industries in Nasarawa.

                            iii.            To identify the prospects and challenges facing light industries in Nasarawa.

                            iv.            To examine the socio economic characteristics of block molding and timber processing industries in the study area.

                              v.            To make planning proposal for block molding industry in the study area.



                                i.            What is the existing planning provision for the sitting and operation of light industry such block molding and timber processing industries in Nasarawa?

                              ii.            What are the standards of block molding and timber processing industries in Nasarawa?

                            iii.            What are the socio economic characteristics of light industries in the study area?

                            iv.            What are the prospects and challenges facing light industries in Nasarawa?


1.5       SCOPE

The study is delimited to planning implication of indiscriminate location of block molding and timber processing industries in Nasarawa.



This study is important of great significant in order to achieve the various urban planning objectives of enhancing, convenience, aesthetics, compatibility in land uses and functionality within the urban area as well as striving to achieve the millennium development goal of ensuring environmental sustainability. It will serve as a working document that will guide the federal government in the provision of and location of light industry in Nasarawa.

This study is also important because effective implementation of this work will serve as a model for other urban centers in the state and the country at large, and will also serve as a reference material for other researchers who will embark on similar project.



Methodology refers to the method the researcher adopts in the collection of necessary information for the purpose of the study. This will deal with research designed, procedure use in carrying out investigation about any prevailing circumstances.

1.7       SOURCE OF DATA

i.                    Primary Data: - This data is collected directly by the researcher from administered questionnaire, oral interviews and observation. This will include public attitude such as: feeling, participation and understanding as shell be measured by liker scale and from questionnaires. The source will be from the despondence.

ii.                  Secondary Data:- secondary data shall include materials from published and unpublished source and records that have to do with land sub-division.



The study will deal with research designed, procedure use in carrying out investigation about any prevailing circumstances. However methodology refers to the method a researcher adopt in the collection of necessary information about research on block industries in keffi town.


i.                   Primary Data: - This data is collected directly by the researcher from administered questionnaire, oral interviews and observation. This will include public attitude such as: feeling, participation and understanding as shell be measured by liker scale and from questionnaires. The source will be from the despondence.

ii.                 Secondary Data:- secondary data shall include materials from published and unpublished source and records that have to do with land sub-division.


The instruments used are questionnaires, oral interview and library review.


One questionnaire was prepared and distributed containing 32 items and was administered to respondents using the systematic sampling method. A total of 204 questionnaires were administered to the respondents, this is done to elicit information from the respondent alike on sector proposal light industries in Nasarawa L.G.A.


The purpose of this, is to clarify issues that were not contained in the questionnaire and also to determine why the respondent respond the way the did to certain questions. The two methods above formed the source of primary data used for this investigation.


The major source of secondary data was materials from books, journal, magazine, internet (search Engine) and other related previous research works. These materials were found must useful in literature review. Private and public library were also consulted.


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