Showing posts with label POWERED BY: ENEMS PROJECT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POWERED BY: ENEMS PROJECT. Show all posts

Saturday 30 December 2017




This research was conducted with the aim to examine the impact of Nigerian Television Authority Enugu no the social development of rural community Emene, Enugu state. The study was based on uses and gratification theory. The population of the study was 250 out of which 200 were purposively selected and sampled. The researcher consulted relevant literature to raise secondary data while questionnaire was tested using chi- square goodness of fit test formula. Data was presented in table and extensively discussed to enable the researcher draw her conclusion and make recommendation. Base on the result of the findings, it was concluded that NTA television has made some effort to impact positively on the social development of Emene community.


1:1 Background of the study

Broadcasting is a global phenomenon, and it is an essential aspect of any nation’s social and cultural life. Its significance cannot be over emphasized; combining audio, vision and motion, the broadcast media’s effectiveness in communicating information with speed and accuracy to heterogeneous audiences has been proven over the years. Moreover, the broadcast media have helped the individual to share ideas not only within his immediate environment but also beyond its social milieu, so that by means of broadcasting the individuals can partake in ideas and experiences that can enrich his life and help him live in a complex dynamic and human society.

Hitherto what passed as broadcasting in Nigeria were the re-diffusion services of the British Empire Then, the post and telegraph department was the sole authority responsible for distribution of programmes to subscribers in Lagos, Kano, and Ibadan. Under this system; programmes were distributed via landlines from the studios to the listening boxes for which the subscribers paid a token free (Nwuneli 1985). However, the emergence of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) witnessed a major departure from the earlier situation as the rediffusion stations were transformed into fully operational radio stations. This development marked the entry into service of

the first broadcasting corporation of its kind in any British Colonial territory in African. By its character the NBC was a non- profitable organisation with the express responsibility of carrying on the service as a means of disseminating information, education and entertaining provided that such programme contents were not contrary to the avowed national interests of the country.

For television, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, then premier of Western region of Nigeria, established the first television in Nigeria and indeed African in 1959. The birth of the Western Nigerian Television (WNTV) has been described as accidental in so far as chief Awolowo embarked on it due to his inability to use the services of the Federal Radio Station to reply to the broadcast of then Governor General Macpherson over the constitutional matters of 1953 (Obata, 1994). It would be recalled that Chief Awolowo was denied use of the Federal radio even when the commission’s has an obligation to give objectives and impartial news and views to its listeners.

Thus, angered by this and other related developments and taking into recognition the 1954 constitutional provision in which broadcasting ceased to be in the Federal exclusive list, chief Awolowo established in partnership with overseas Rediffusion company limited of the United Kingdom, the western Nigerian broadcasting corporation which by 1960 has introduced radio broadcast over the whole region (uche, 1989). Following the success of the of the western region effort the other two

regions in Nigerian then, the north and the East upon realizing the power and influence of radio and television went on to establish their own broadcast station.

In 1960, the eastern regional government set up the Eastern Nigerian Television station in Enugu shortly after in 1962, the northern Nigerian regional government and British television company- Grenada electrical company established a television station as an arm of the broadcasting company of northern Nigeria (BCNN)in Kaduna.

However, in Nigeria for several decades following the inception of broadcasting in 1957 (Obazele, 1996) the industry led a sheltered life shielded from the winds of free market forces as successive regimes ensured that the sector remained an exclusive monopoly of the central government. Even the 1979 constitutional provision for the

establishment of private electronic media had much earlier experienced liberalization; the broadcast media remained as earlier stated an exclusive preserve of government.

It could be argued that perhaps Government’s initial monopoly of the industry may not be unconnected with the seeming potential of broadcasting as a tool for social change and engineering which as such ought not to be left in the hands of just anyone. Again it is the private entrepreneurs that emphasize on the orientation towards exclusive commercialism rather than consideration for national interest this may be

another reason for government grip on the industry over the years.

But, the much expected deregulation materialized in 1992, when the Babangida regime promulgated decrees which liberalized the industry and also established the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC). This decree (38) of August 24 (1992) empowered the NBC to regulate the entire broadcast industry, both public and private. This singular act by the Babangida’s military presidency eclipsed over the 50 years of sole

government domination of the sector in Nigeria. Interestingly the action by government heralded a proliferation of private electronic media as entrepreneurs and investors cashed in on the window of opportunity to invest so that at present in Nigeria there are so many private runned radio and television stations operating in an atmosphere of competition with the hitherto existing this background that this investigation is based on.

Essentially, it examines the impact of the liberalization of the broadcast industry in Nigeria, to ascertain the positive and negative developments that have arisen since the deregulation.

Brief History of Enugu

Enugu state is a mainland state in south-eastern Nigeria, its capital is Enugu, from which the state created in 1991 from old Anambra state derives its name. The main cities in the state are Enugu, Agbani, Awgu, Udi, Oji-River and Nsukka.

The name of the state was derived from its capital city, Enugu, The word “Enugu” (from Enu ugwu) means “the top of the hill”. The first European settlers arrived in the area in 1909 led by the British mining engineer Albert Kist son. In his quest for silver, he discovered coal in Udi Ridge Enugu state is one of the states in the eastern part of Nigeria. The state shares borders with Abia state and Imo state to the south, Ebonyi state to the east, Benue state to the northeast, Kogi to the northwest and Anambra state to the west, it have 17 local government area.

The state Government and the local governments are two levels of government in Enugu state and in all the state s in Nigeria. Sullivan Chime is the current executive governor. He was elected on April 2007 and was sworn into office on May 29, 2007.

Economically, the state is predominantly rural and agrarian, with a substantial proportion of its working population engaged in farming, although trading (18.8%) and service (12.9%) are also important. Electricity supply is relatively stable in Enugu and its Environs.

Every community in Enugu state has at least one Elementary school and one secondary school funded and run by state government. Nigeria first indigenous university, university of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) is located in Enugu state. The state also hosts the Enugu state university of science and Technology (ESUT); Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) e.t.c Enugu state is over 3.3 million people.

1:2 Statement of Problem

The purpose of this study is to know, to what extent social development programmes succeeded in achieving their set objectives; in social development and motivation setting for the viewer in order to achieve its set objectives and goals. Social development programme is like mobilization techniques. It informs, persuades, educate and enlighten. It can change the viewers beliefs, attitude and behaviour, but for this social development programme to be effective on the viewers the media producer must carry out audience research.

 1:3 Objective of the Study

This study has been arranged under the following objective:

1. To ascertain the impact of television in making social change in Emene community.

2. To know whether television (NTA) Enugu, really enlighten the viewer on social development.

3. To know whether NTA Enugu Network centre package programmes that will gear toward development.

 1:4 Research Questions

1. To what extent does Nigerian television Authority impact greatly on social development in Emene?

2. To what extent do Emene community accept NTA Enugu as a vital tool for development?

3. How does NTA Enugu Network centre

package programmes that will gear toward development?

1:5 Research Hypotheses

H0: Nigerian Television Authority does not impact greatly on social development in Emene community.

H1: Nigerian television authority impacts greatly on social development in Emene community.

1:6 Scope of the Study

The study is limited to impact on social habits of Emene community. The researcher would have loved to study the whole community in Nigeria, but due to time factors and financial constraint the researcher is compelled to limit the study to only Emene community in Enugu. The scope of the study does not encroach into the period where the researcher has no knowledge of. It covers the time frame when television took

it in Nigeria, but the actual scope of the study should lie on how people (Emene community) accept social developmental programmes.

1:7 Significance of the Study

The researcher is of the opinion that many people might not know the importance of television development programmes for social development, how these social development programmes have helped in changing the Emene community. Therefore, the researcher wants to use this medium to enlighten the television viewer to know the need for television and its powerful effect, more especially to the Emene community in Enugu to know the development programmes of Nigeria television Authority Enugu (NTA) Enugu state.

1:8 Operational Definitions of

Significant Terms

In the course of this study the following terms are defined based on my research topic which is Television, Development, Viewer, Perception and Community, These following terms are defined operationally.



Television: Is a device used in entertaining, informing, motivating, persuading and educate
In this study viewers will be used as member of the public who watch television programmes including the selected social development ones.

Perception: The process by which viewers become aware of the change through the sense of sight and hearing or it will be used to mean the ability by which television viewers becomes aware of the communication message.

This is the process/ ability for man or an organisation to achieve its setobjectives and goals.
Community is a group of people, living together in one geographical area, bound by one goal and belief.


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Wednesday 29 November 2017


Motivation is a detractive of the Latin word “Mover” which means “to move” i.e it is that moving force which propels people and make their work in a particular direction molder to achieve predestined goals. Before a factor can be motivational, it must be capable of satisfying and identified state of need in the person in question if not there will be no motivation. Motivation therefore has two faces:
i.       Identifying the state or need in an employee and
ii.      Identifying the factor or condition that can satisfy the
employees state of needs.    
          In Nigeria, especially at the local government level lack of motivation has been identified as the major factor which hinders efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources. The resultant effect has been lots of wastage of resources and indeed, low morale, lack of motivation have been identified by CC. Nwochukwu as the causes of low productivity at the local level of the government.
          In order to improve the level of performance for the purpose of enhancing productivity at the local level is what leads the researcher to writes on this topic staff motivation and improved productivity at the local level.
           In topic staff motivation and improved productivity at the local government level is a topic of interest. This is because an organization like local government are set up for certain purpose, and for organization to achieve such objectives, there is a need to motivates the employees for the purpose of productivity. This is one of the factor that lead the researcher to select this topic so that all the organization that need high productivity in their organization will find this research work useful.
          It is obvious that so many organization lack motivation and this has been identified as the major factors which hinder efficiency and the effectiveness in the use of resources by the employees in an organization for the purpose of productivity. Therefore, this write up will help of productivity the top management in an organization that need productivity; the research will also point out to the local government administrator or the manages of various organization about the need for training in an organization.
          Training is a prerequisite to productivity which take different found. Examples of training are Seminars and workshops, training, secondary schools colleges of education and staff training centres.
          These are centres were staff can be trained for the purpose of productivity.
          Equally, this writes up will also he interested an useful to the students who will be making research on this topic, staff motivation and improved productivity at the local government level for the partial fulfilment of their courses and to use it at the place if their work in future.
          In order to improve the level of performance in an organization, the Nigeria public service should b motivated properly with the vanuse ways of motivations like review of the public service, different motivations like review of the public service, different motivational programmes like remuneration interms of salaries and wages in the local government level and the public service at all level.
          Motivation that makes the employees to work more than what is expected of workers or an employees has encounter a lot of problems, despite its roles in the organizational productivity.
          In major problems associated with motivation in an organization as regards this piece of writing is that most organization do not know the importance of motivation to their organization for the purpose of improving their organizational productivity. So many organization fail to understand the needs of their employees such as physical needs, safety needs, social/affliction needs, and self actualization.
          At this problem are faced by most of organizations, and there is need to avert this ugly trend otherwise most of the organization will not attain productivity specially the organization at the local level of the government.
          This research topic staff motivation and improved productivity at the local level is significant in the following ways.
i.       The study is significant to the researcher because it is a major requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma in Public Administration.   
ii.      The recommendations made in this study shall be useful to policy makers at the federal, state and local government level in the designing of incentives and indeed motivational package.
iii.     The outcome of the study shall also assist practitioner of local government to determine the relationship between motivation and productivity.
iv.     This research work shall be of great use to students scholars, and researchers who may be interested in pursuing similar study in the future.
          The principal aim of this study into measure the relationship which exist between motivation and productivity. In an attempt to do that, the study shall have at the following.
i.       To determines factors which affect negatively employee performance at the local government level.
ii.      To determine factors which enhance improve performance of employees at the local level.
iii.     To determine the impact of motivational programmes at the local levels as its leads to productivity.
iv      To evaluate the effectiveness of local government incentive package on employees productivity.
v.      To suggest ways of improving employee productivity at the local level of the government.
          In order to achieve the above stated research objectives, the study shall provide answer to the following research questions, which are:
i.       What are the incentive package in the local government?
ii.      How often are employees send to training in the local government? 
iii.     How regular is promotion in the local government?
iv.     How regular is the payment of salaries, gratuity and pention?
v.      Are the working tools or materials adequate in the local government?
vi.     How are decision made in the local government?
vii.    What type of leadership exist on the local government?
This study is limited in scope of staff motivation and
improved productivity at the local government level.
          The study shall cut across all the departments in the local government, e.g. personnel, finance, works, education, and department of Agriculture. The period shall be between 2007 to date.
          Below are the limitation or the factors that limit the scope of the study are:
TIME:There are limited time allocated for carrying out the exhaustive research that serves as one of living factors.
FINANCIAL CONSTRAINT:The researcher work were also limited due to insufficient of money to carry out necessary research work required for the purpose of this project.
INSUFFICIENT OF INFORMATION:Though the information were given, but there were some certain information regarded as to be revealed to the management alone could not be revealed.
          However, despite this limitation the researcher is very much concerned that the study will provide a critical analysis of staff motivation and improved productivity at the local government level.
          For the proper understanding of this work the following terms have be briefly explained.
1.       GOVERNMENT: Is an agency or machinery through which the will of the state is controlled, formulated and realized.       
2.       LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Defined as a political authority which is purposely created by the state government under law a law by which local communities within a definite area of an organized to manage their own affairs within the limit of the law under which the authority is created.
3.        ADMINISTRATION: This can be defined as the act of planning, directing, controlling, coordinating, reporting and budgeting both human, material, or financial resources of an organization in order to achieve the aims and the objectives for which such organization is being set up.
4.       LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION: This refers to the act of planning, staffing, directing, reporting, and implementation of local government policies in order to provides efficient services to the local communities.
5.       ORGANIZATION: Is a reformed coordination of activities of numbers of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose or goals which is normally due through division of labour and function on a hierarchical authority and responsibility.
6.       MOTIVATION: Is a general term applying to the to the entire class of derives, desire, needs wishes and similar force.
7.       NEEDS: This refers, to a state or condition of want which is established either through deprivation or through noxious stimulation.
8.       MOTIVER: Some times referred to as drive, which is a consequences of needs.
9.       PRODUCTIVITY: This is the relationship between the output generated by a production service system and the input provided to create this output. This means that productivity is a measurable relationship between output and all employed production factors.
10.     LABOUR: This refers to human energy which is expended on work. Such energy may be physical as in routine work that may not require the exertion of any cerebral mental activities.


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The use of electronic means to settle financial transactions among individuals, private and corporate bodies is fast growing. Business transactions has moved from manual form to electronic form, as online payment becomes underpin of systems of e-commerce and this has made the issue of e-transactions of immense concern to both individuals, private and corporate bodies. This paper therefore unearths an analysis on the problems and prospects of e-transaction in the Nigeria. To achieve this, samples of 350 questionnaires were used and two hypotheses were formulated for the study and the chi-square statistical tool was adopted in testing the hypotheses. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between e-transaction in promoting economic growth but this has not been succeeded in the right direction as it is still at its infant stage and the attitude of government, corporate bodies and individuals pose a problem to e-transaction as they are enslaved in fears resulting from insecurity, technical problems, anonymity, cultural problems and so on. Based on the above findings, recommendations were made. 
          Before the emergence of modern banking system, banking operation was manually done which lead to a slow down in settlement of transactions. This manual system involves posting transactions from one ledger to another which human handles. Figures or counting of money which should be done through computers or electronic machine were computed and counted manually which were not 100% accurate thereby resulting to human errors. Most bank then use only one computer in carrying out transactions which ameliorate the sluggish nature of banking transaction.
          Nigeria do not embrace electronic banking early compared to developed countries. Nigeria adopted electronic banking system in the early 2000s.  During the introduction of electronic banking system, the use of raw cash was said to have bred corruption through the “cash and carry syndrome” usually linked with the swift movement of Ghana-must go” bags by some politicians. Such bags as some analyst say, are a major source of corrupt practices as dubious persons seeks to bribe their way to avoid been checked in some sensitive areas or places in a corrupt society.
          Since electronic banking started in all Nigeria banks, it has been a woe for civil servants; checks show that some staff in establishments such as the national boundary commission for instance, are yet to receive their salaries for the previous months as efforts to electrically transfer salaries into their account have failed according to Ibrahim, D. (2009).
          “One bank will tell you it has transferred your salaries but the supposed recipient bank will tell you it has not received anything leaving you even more confused”, says John, I. (2009). Olekah, J. (2009) while acknowledging the initial hiccups that dogged the system, advises stakeholders against being discouraged as such “teething problems” are normal.
          James, A. (2009) a banker reported to vanguard annual report that “we should not destroy electronic-banking by looking at the negative aspects, we must strive towards perfecting it”. James, A. (2009) also says that the volume of data generated by the Government ministry Agencies is much making it a bit difficult for banks to cope, Mathew S. (2009) a worker says in his report to vanguard annual report on banks and cards that government should have done its home work “very well” before introducing the system, “they plugged us into a system they were not prepared for and the result is untold hardship visited on innocent people”.
          At this juncture, is good to know what e-banking is all about.
          According to Anyawaokoro, M. (1999). Electronic banking is defined as the application of computer technology to banking especially the payment (deposit transfer) aspects of banking. He also defined electronic banking as a system of banking with an electronic communication network which permits on-line processing of the same day credit and debit transfers of funds between member institutions of a clearing system.
          According to Clive, W. (2007) in his Academic dictionary of banking, electronic banking is defined as a form of banking in which funds are transferred through an exchange of electronic signals between financial institutions, rather than an exchange of cash, cheques or other negotiable instruments.
          According to Omotayo, G. (2007) defines electronic banking as a system in which funds are moved between different accounts using computerized on line/real time systems without the use of written cheques.
          According to Edit, O. (2008) in international Journal of investment and finance, electronic banking is defined as a system by which transactions are settled electronically with the use of electronic gadgets such as ATMs, POS terminals, GSM phones, and V-cards e.t.c. handled by e-holders, bank customers, and stake holders. 
          As earlier pointed out, there is delay in payment of cheques which lead to the adoption of electronic banking system. Adoption of electronic banking which suppose to ease banking transactions rather resulted to woes to customer. Most people complain of time wasted in banks. This occurs when there is power failure in banks resulting to slow down in operation.
          Another problem that emerged was that banks do not have information backup to fall back on should there be any computer break down.
          In investing in electronic banking, the country will need a large amount of financial resources in computer technology, obviously, the resource is in short supply in Nigeria, couple with high level of poverty. For an efficient functioning of electronic payment system, there must be availability of infrastructural facilities such as electricity and telecommunication network, however, power supply fluctuates and there is still constant failure links in networks.
          Since early 2000s banks have been developing and introducing payment cards for their customers as well as deploy ATM’s cards. Usage was however low due to lack of interconnectivity i.e. switching platform to interconnect the ATM’s for card holders.
          This research work intends to assess the extent of electronic payment in banking activities as well as identify the various types of electronic banking.
          The researcher will also evaluate the major problems associated with the development of electronic banking system in Nigeria as well as evaluate possible solutions to these problems.
          The effect of electronic banking on profitability of banks will also be assessed. There are different types of electronic banking used in Nigeria banks; the researcher will like to evaluate the impact of these e-payment systems on banking industry and also assess the impact of electronic banking in Nigeria economy.
          In order to get information from respondents the following questions where formulated:
          What are the various types of electronic payment and the extent of electronic payment in banking activities?
            In what extent can e-banking improve or enhance banking services?
          What are the major problems associated with the development of electronic banking system in Nigerian?
          What are the solutions to the problems associated with the development of e-banking?
          What extent has e-payment affected banking activities?
The research shall attempt to find answers to these questions in the next chapter.
Electronic banking in our economy today is a welcome development and also its impacts in the society are over-whelming, so this research is significant in so many ways.
It will expose the strength and weakness of electronic banking. It will motivate banks and other economic agents to computerize their services.
Knowledge in the area of electronic banking will be advanced. Apart from contributing to the knowledge of electronic banking, it forms a reference for future research in this area.
This research is on economic implication of electronic banking in Nigeria banks and also the various forms of payment and electronic systems used by banks. The researcher will base this work on the entire deposit money banks in Nigeria but to Diamond Bank in particular.
Time is a major factor to the researcher as research of this kind requires enough time in gathering of data, but it was not given to carryout the research, distribution, collection and analysis of questionnaire.
Also the school system has made it difficult for student to go out in search for information by not granting exeat for student. Some banks hud information from students who desires such information in other to maintain the banks secrecy thereby making it difficult for students to gather information for their research.
Finally, finance was infact the most limited factor, in spite of this the researcher have to travel out to the sampled organization to interview some of the managers and supervisors.


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Education in Nigeria is devoid of the element crucial to averting the surging rate of unemployment in the country. The provision of entrepreneurial development through education will advance the economy of the nation if much credence would be given to it and ingrained with focus on profitable personal development. Unemployment prevails in the country, hence, the growth of violence, poverty and segregation amongst citizens, because the educational system itself fails to empower the ones passing through it. The core message of the evolving educational policy in Nigeria is devoid of a system of education that emphasizes on the need to culture the country’s youth through the knowledge of rudimentary entrepreneurial development, common cultural heritage, and identification of exploitable strengths of structures, systems and cultures of others. If anything, there is a greater need of its augmentation, which can propel the country to work towards enduring peace and harmony. This research work, therefore, was carried out to examine the strategies of entrepreneurial education carried out in two of the universities pioneering it Federal University of Technology, Akure, and Covenant University Ota, the former being a public university and the latter a private university. The objectives of the study were to appraise if  educational styles arouse the interest of students in the industries of their discipline; to explore the effectiveness of entrepreneurial development strategy in education in universities that implement it; to see if the current university educational system stimulates entrepreneurial creativity in its students The methodology adopted was a mixed analysis of quantitative and qualitative parameters based on the survey design which relied on primary and secondary sources of gathering data, through the use of questionnaires and interview instruments. Three hundred (300) questionnaires were administered, and two hundred and fifty four (254) were returned. The study adopted quota and simple random sampling technique. The data was analyzed and presented using tables and percentages. Consequently the findings on this research portrayed a huge disparity between the perception and conceptualization of entrepreneurship in the graduates of each university used in the study, creating the significance in the strategies being used to educate the students while in the university. The study shows that entrepreneurial education should be taught in the field and through practical approaches, rather than using theoretical approaches, as the former yields better results for the economy than the latter. It was discovered that  graduates from Covenant University have more aptness to creating value, and are self driven to developing some form of business whether or not they have an employment. The study recommends that there should be a working partnership, bridging the gap between the higher institutions and the industry; lecturers should have field experience to aid communication and teaching of the courses. The study also recommends that Universities should work toward becoming entrepreneurial hubs for students and young entrepreneurs; the government should also focus more on the youth age group for entrepreneurship development in the country.

Nigeria is bedeviled by a myriad of problems which, despite her oil wealth, inhibit her development and even threaten her continued existence as a sovereign state. Nigeria’s sociopolitical and economic circumstances give the significant indication that many of her problems stem from an origin of artificial colonial construct which lumped together a variety of separate peoples. Fragmentation of the nation is seen as a distinct possibility unless its citizens can be induced to accept a new sense of Nigerian identity, involving a commitment to the survival of the present state as a cohesive entity. This would necessitate a number of radical changes, not only in the political and economic structure of the country but also in the psychology of the people. Nigerians have lived through series of administrations under different governments in Nigeria, and the question still arises, ‘is Nigeria a nation at all?’, a critical look at what the government calls reform results in personally instituted concept of governance, filling the seats of power with those they believe to be their kin, rather than have professionals in the positions of merit, and a breed of people typified by their integrity of heart, ingrained in the trainings and qualifications they have received in the course of service to the nation.
With an increasing number of those who are not gainfully employed or adequately educated in the country, they remain preys as political tools of violence, as it has been seen in the history of violence occurring in the country over a period of time. The country has depended much on oil as its major source of revenue for years, however, the current administration also
fails to recognize that the future of the country may very well depend on the economy of its people (the youths), which is possibly the only untapped, ill harnessed, most lucrative resource of the country. If it remains this way in the next ten years, putting into consideration the effect of increased poverty, lack of employment, poor educational system, it is unpredictable what the result will be.
Evidence from a range of sources including the report of the National
Committee on Job Creation and Putting Nigeria to Work (World Bank 2010) reveals that the biggest drivers of Nigeria’s current youth unemployment crises are:
– Lack of jobs
– Lack of skills and experience
– Mismatch between supply and demand for labour
– Numerous barriers to youth entrepreneurship
Plethora of job creation interventions in the public, private and nonprofit sectors, including Nigerian Directorate of Employment (NDE), Industrial Training Fund (ITF), National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP), Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), but reaching fewer than 100,000 youths a year.
These initiatives struggle to transform the lives of Nigerian youth because of their:
– Limited scope and scale
– Limited focus on the unique needs of young Nigerians
– Poor collaboration and cooperation across the sectors
– Outdated and theoretical training models
– Distance from the grassroots.
In the NeXT Generation Report of the British Council in 2010, it is highlighted that Nigeria needs to develop the infrastructure that will underpin a world class economy, spending up to an additional 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on this task. It should diversify away from oil, with an emphasis on sectors that will improve employment prospects for young people, while removing obstacles to economic growth and private enterprise. The oil industry contributes as much as 40% to national GDP, but is highly capital-intensive and employs only a tiny fraction of the population. Other industries still in their infancy offer greater potential to Nigeria and Nigerians: communications; manufacturing (textiles, clothing and footwear; automobiles); and the mining of resources other than oil.”Clearly, national development cannot be spoken of without the citizenry first believing in a common goal that obliterates segregation between people of differentiated peculiarities in a community, this is critically supposed to be heaved on the responsibilities of the government. Poverty and lack, illiteracy and miseducation, bad leadership and poor governance are the threading of the society, that when weaved with the economy of the people, brings about dissociation from any that shares no particular quality with themselves. However this has to be changed through changing the mindset of people through the quality of education received within the walls of our institutions.
According to National Bureau of Statistics (2009:238; 2010:2), the national unemployment rates for Nigeria between 2000 and 2009 showed that the number of unemployed persons constituted 31.1% in 2000; 13.6% in 2001; 12.6% in 2002; 14.8% in 2003; 13.4% in 2004; 11.9% in 2005; 13.7% in 2006; 14.6% in 2007; 14.9% in 2008 and 19.7% in 2009. Lack of entrepreneurial education, that creates a self-reliant ideology in people will lead to gross unemployment, which results in poverty and lack; this in turn creates survival instincts in individuals, and then brings about segregation among the people, Nigeria could never attain integration with the current educational strategy it breeds.
Entrepreneurial education will however lead to increased employment, reduce poverty level, bring about entrepreneurs working together for common good, therefore establishing a stronger economy than the present Nigerian economy. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of the nation’s state to grow their businesses, create jobs and employment for required skill sets they will find within their societies and grow. Poverty entails more than just the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making. Various social groups bear disproportionate burden of poverty.
A social perspective on poverty should contribute to the debate on the effectiveness and limitations of current poverty reduction strategies, one of which is education. Education is critical to the development of personal economy from poverty level to at least the level of self-sustenance, however, the current curriculum of the Nigerian educational system, prepares the average graduate to be prepared to become employed by the available firms or business owners in the society, which in turn grows the number of unemployed in the society. This emphasizes more on the quality of education administered, than the number of students that pass through school, according to the goals of the United Nations for developing countries.
Among the barriers that would hinder progress within the current Nigerian education systems certainly are (these are however, not unique to the educational sector):
·        Rigidity of systems: Certain people benefit from the status quo, and are resistant to change. Others are unable to see the possibilities for change, or lack the commitment, courage or energy needed
·        Governments, or local leaders, who are generally not held accountable for how much money is spent, and how education systems are managed
·        Sufficiency attitude – what is provided for the poor is good enough
·        Inadequate pro-poor infrastructure or support systems – this makes it difficult to implement successful poverty eradication interventions
·        A lack of systematic tracking of propoor interventions – in this way it is extremely difficult to know if the activities and programmes implemented have had any impact at all.
Nigeria cannot combat the ills of the society just by raising its budget; there should be a strategic systematic approach to education that exists, and bridging the gap between its service delivery and its effectiveness in the country.
Education in Nigeria is devoid of the element crucial to averting the surging rate of unemployment in the country, therefore the breeding of psychological dependence on direct access to money. Entrepreneurial development through education will advance the economy of the nation; much credence should be given to it and ingrained with focus on profitable personal development.
Unemployment prevails in the country, hence, the growth of violence, poverty and segregation amongst citizens, because the educational system itself fails to empower the ones passing it, therefore not catering to the economy its results should enhance by default.
This should be the core message of the evolving educational policy of Nigeria which is devoid of a system of education that emphasizes on the need to culture the country’s young through the knowledge of rudimentary entrepreneurial development, common cultural heritage, and identification of exploitable strengths of structures, systems and cultures of others. If anything, there is a greater need of its augmentation, which can propel the country to work towards enduring peace and harmony.
·        To appraise if educational styles arouse interest of students in the industries of their discipline.
·        To explore the effectiveness of entrepreneurial development strategy in education in universities that implements it.
·        To see if the current university educational system stimulates entrepreneurial creativity in its students
·        Do the educational strategies arouse mature curiosity in the students in the industries of their discipline?
·        Are the entrepreneurial development strategies being implemented truly effective?
·        Does the university classroom stimulate creativity necessary for entrepreneurship in the students?
The focus of this study brings to the fore the crucial need for entrepreneurial education in Nigeria, putting more consideration on the educational system, strategies and its eventual social developmental effect in the society.
The study highlights the problems of the level of education in the country and its equivalence to level of poverty in the society by virtue of lack of employment or knowledge of how to startup businesses; the resultant effect of which is a society that breeds healthy partnership and motivation, impacting on the development in the nation.
One of the MDG goals highlights education as a critical factor to reduce poverty and dependency on in developed nations, however, the contribution of this thesis to knowledge identifies what is important to the economy, which is qualitative education focused on the needs of the economy per time, rather than the resolution of the United Nations to increase budgetary details, increasing the people that go through school. This is not the first paper on entrepreneurial education; however, it is the first to do a comparative study on what is being implemented by different universities to see the effectiveness and brings to light the results in order to ascertain which strategy would eventually work for the Nigerian economy in truly eradicating unemployment in Nigeria.
The study examines the role of education in the social development of Nigeria, its significance in the reduction of the unemployment in Nigeria and comparison between universities that implement para-entrepreneurship educational systems. The study considered the undergraduates of the current university teaching system, from levels one to the final year, assumably those who gained admission into the university in the last five (5) years. The study considers period to be relevant because of its immediate impact on the future of Nigeria, in order to be able to discover if the role education plays currently in Nigeria will facilitate national development.
The study will consider students and graduates of Covenant University, Ota and Federal University of Technology, Akure as case studies, and it will be a comparative study between the two universities; the former being a Christian private university, and the latter a federal university, because they already have embraced entrepreneurial education as part of their curriculums for at least three (3) years. This will help in giving insight into how it is operated and the effectiveness to consider which system will work determining if the country would be able to survive the huge downpour of graduates that will be on the increase as against the limited jobs from available employers.
In the study, the limitations to getting more robust analyses on the research include:
·        Classroom observations were inhibited due to long ‘due process’ permissions to carry out research.
·        Knowledge of lecturers about research would impede the regular style of lecturing to attempt including entrepreneurial mentions during classes
·        Responses from some undergraduates were possibly laced with ideals rather than realistic perspective of what they do experience (please see chapter four)
·        There was no comprehensive data on graduate employment statistics from the universities involved.
National Bureau of Statistics (2005) The Nigerian statistical fact sheets on Economic and Social Development, FOS, Nigeria.
National Bureau of Statistics (2009), Annual Socio-Economic Report, Nigerian Unemployment Report
National Bureau of Statistics (2010), Annual Socio-Economic Report, Nigerian Unemployment Report
National Bureau of Statistics (2011), Annual Socio-Economic Report, Nigerian Unemployment Report.


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