Showing posts with label distribution channels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distribution channels. Show all posts

Sunday 1 January 2023




Every marketing firm that exist sustains its existence through production of goods or rendering of services to its target audience, marketing firms most choose distribution channels that is most effective for the distribution of goods and services giving that sometimes, some of those product hardly reach the consumers through the right distribution channel hence delay in the market of the products. Also sometimes customers are sometimes looked- winked into buying products they don’t intend to because of unavailability of their desired products. To this end, this study examined the effect of distribution on manufacturing company a case study of Coca-cola Bottling Company Maiduguri.The questionnaire administrations combined with personal observations were employed as research instruments to gather data on the subject matter. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and chi-square statistical techniques, the analysis revealed that Coca-Cola was equally found among other companies who distribute their products to the consumers using various strategies and channels in the state and Nigeria at large. Given these findings, appropriate recommendations were made.  



In its broadest sense, when it refers to the whole economic system, distribution is the allocation of income and assets within one society. In business economics, distribution relates to the allocation of goods to the recipients. In general, distribution includes all activities that enable the transfer of material and/or economic power over tangible or intangible goods from one economic subject to another. (Wirtscha, 2011).

This is concerned with the distribution in business economics as well as its implications on the whole economic system, i.e. on the whole national economy, since distribution is one of the main functions of retail trade (Wirscha, 2011).

Domschke and Schield thus emphasizes: “Distribution encompasses a system of all activities are related to the transfer of economic goods between manufacturers and consumers. It includes such a coordinated preparation of manufactured goods according to their type and volume, space and time, so that the supply deadline can be met (order fulfillment) or estimated demand can be efficiently satisfied (when producing for an anonymous market)” (Domschke&Schield, 1994).

Specht (2004) has pointed out that division is not completely accurate, since both of these subsystems exhibit certain common starting points. According to this author, acquisition distribution system management includes the management of distribution routes, i.e. distribution channels. Logistic distribution channels is focused on the bridging the space and time by transportation and storage, as well as order processing and shipment, supply logistics, i.e. the movement of material.

Therefore, it is assumed that there are three types of marketing channels (Kotler & Keller, 2008 p. 26): communication channels, distribution channels and service channels. Distribution or marketing channels are systems of mutually dependent organizations included in the process of making goods or services available for use or consumption. Moreover, a marketing channel is the external contractual organization that management operates to achieve its distribution objectives (Rosenbloom, 2004).

Channels of distribution provide downstream value by bringing finished products to end users. This flow may involve the physical movement of the product or simply the transfer of title to it. Also known as distribution channel, a distribution chain, a distribution pipeline, a supply chain, a marketing channel and a trade channel (Ostrow, 2009).

Similarly, distribution is defined by Hill: “Distribution channel- one or more companies or individuals who participate in the flow of goods and services from the manufacturer to the final user or consumer” (Hill 2010).

Nevertheless, other types of flows should not be neglected in distribution channel, so that the following distribution is also possible: “Channel of distribution consists of one or more companies or individuals who participate in the flow of goods, services, information and finances from the producer to the final user or consumer”. (Coyle, Bardi& Langley 2003).

These are various routes that products or services used after their production until they are purchased and used by end users. Therefore marketing channels, i.e. distribution channels are all organizations that a product has to go through between its production and consumption (Kotler, 2006).


Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC) plc is one of the few multinational organizations that had its beginning in Nigeria from a small family owned operation at inception. They are the predominant bottler of alcohol free beverages in Nigeria, responsible for the manufacture and sales coca cola brands.

The Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Plc was founded and incorporated in November 1951, as a subsidiary of the A.G Leventis Group with the franchise to bottle and sell coca cola products in Nigeria.

Production began in 1953 at a bottling facility in Iddo, Ebutemetta, Lagos which also serves as its headquarters. Over the years production capacity has grown and NBC operates eleven (11) production plants and eight (80) distribution warehouses (depots) located across the country with over 1.8 billion bottles sold per year, making it the second largest market in Africa.

The Nigeria Bottling Company Abuja plant is located in Abuja the Federal Capital Territory and started operation since 2006. The plant produces Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and Schweppes and     also distributes all product categories.

The Abuja Plant services Federal Capital Territory, Niger State, Nasarawa State, Kogi, and its surrounding towns.

The Nigeria Bottling Company has achieved greatly in terms of pace setting and innovative practices which includes:-

  1. The first soft drink company to use standardized distribution bottles
  2. First to use special tracts decorated in company’s logo and colour.
  3. First to use in-route system of distribution
  4. Established the first carbon dioxide plant in 1958

From the 1990’s till date the Nigeria bottling company (NBC) has created new innovations as regards their bottling packaging and introduction of new products such as fanta pineapple, fanta lemon, different brands of five alive such as the atoms burst and strawberry flavour.

In conclusion, the success of the Coca-cola or Nigeria Bottling company depend on their well-known powerful brand name and distributions strategies.


In the ancient days, human activities were easy. The difficulties posed by nature then, were considerably simple and demanded a solution of relative simplicity. The compounded problem of how to serve and distribute goods and products in organizations.

Modern business organization today finds it difficult and cumbersome to take their products to those who need them. Today, companies face their toughest competitor ever moving from a product distribution philosophy to marketing; however, give a company a better chance of outperforming competition. And the corner stone of a well-conceived marketing orientation is a strong customer relationship through distribution efficiency. Marketers must connect with customers inspiring engaging and be ever energizing them in the process.

It is a fact that no firm can serve customers with all their needs and wants; it is therefore a difficult task. The firm is faced with the problem considering the difficulties facing the Dangote Four Mill Company in their distribution.


The objective of this study is to examine the effects of distribution on manufacturing company – A case study of coca cola bottling Company Maiduguri.

The specific objectives include:

  1. To investigate factors that influence product channel of distribution.

 2.  To identify the channel of distribution benefit the company most.

 3.  To assess how effective is adoption of distribution strategies to business firm.


  1. Which channel does the company use in distributing their products?
  2. Which factor mostly influence the channel of distribution of the company?
  3. How effective is adoption of distribution strategies to the company?


The hypothesis below will be designed to serve as a guide for the study.

  1. Hi: Marketing strategy has impact on the promotional activity of Coca Cola  selling and distribution company.
  2. Ho: Marketing strategy has on impact on the promotional activity of Coca Cola selling and Distribution Company.


The significance of this study is aimed at achieving the goals of the organization through efficient distribution. At the end of this research work, Coca Cola Bottling Company Maiduguri will benefit by going through the work and finding out areas where improvement is necessary and also to determine the impact of distribution strategy.

For the purpose of future researcher to have more opportunity in develop data. The significance of the study can be useful for the institution as they kept it for future reference and help to improve the life of other student in the institution.


The scope of this study would have covered wider areas, but due to the fact that the respondent were uncompromising with the researcher because they believe that the study will not benefit them, they fail to give adequate information to make up the project work. This has led the researcher to make conclusion based on the respondent answer to question in conjunction with researcher’s personal observation.


The major challenge encountered by the researcher was lack of adequate material availability in the nearest library. This has limited the quality of literature reviewed for the study.


     The meaning of the following terms shall apply in this project.

  1. Exclusive Distribution: This means surely limiting the number of   intermediaries. It is used where the service level and out puts offered by the resellers. Often it involves exclusive dealing arrangements. By granting exclusive distribution, the producer hopes to obtain more dedication and knowledgeable selling.
  2. Selective Distribution: This involves the use of more than a few or less of all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a particular product. It is used by established companies and by new companies seeking distributions. The company does not have to worry about too many outlets; it can gain adequate market coverage with more control and less cost in intensive distribution.
  3. Intensive Distribution: This consists of the manufacturer placing the goods in as many outlets as possible. This strategy is generally used for items such as tobacco products, soap, snack foods, and gum products for which the consumer requires a great deal of location convenience. Manufacturers are constantly tempted to move from exclusive or selective distribution to increase coverage and sales. This strategy may help in the short term, but often hurts long term performance. Intensive distribution increases product and service availability but may also result in retailers competing aggressively.  


Burton J.A (2008): Effective Warehousing Third Edition Published by Great Britain Hollen Street Press Ltd. Stough P 124-139.

Edward W. (2007): Fundamentals of Marketing Fourth Edition Published by       Prentice Hall India Private Limited P 136-139.

Kotler Philip (2004): Marketing Management 12th Edition London Prentice Hall P. 450.

McCarthy E. S. (1987): Basic Market Management 8th Edition London  Prentice Hall P. 55.

Philip Kotler (2007): Marketing Management Sixth Edition Published  By Macmillan Press. London P 120-129.

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