Showing posts with label staff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label staff. Show all posts

Sunday 29 May 2022

The Concept of Staff Productivity


The Concept of Staff Productivity

Staff Productivity refers to the real output per unit of labor. It is a powerful driver of international capital flows. Productivity levels seem to be the highest in United States as compared to the euro area, because of higher employment rates in U.S. 


(Skoczylas & Tissot, 2015). Meneze (2016) defined productivity as the employee’s ability to produce work or goods and services according to the expected standards set by the employers, or beyond the expected standards. Productivity is calculated by comparing total amount of health care output to the total amount of input used to produce this output. 


Output can be measured through primary care, diagnostic facilities, outpatient, accident and emergency departments, volume of activity and mental health and community care settings. Input can be measured through labor, intermediate goods & services and capital (Bojke et al., 2012).


Jex (2012) opines that employee performance can generally be defined as all the behaviour employees engage in while at work. It may also refer to the job-related activities of a worker and how well those activities were executed. 


According to (Hoppock 2017; Kane & Lawler, 2016), job performance is the record related to the results after practicing a job for a given period. On the other hand, (Schermerhorn, 2019) asserts that job performance refers to the quality and quantity that are attained by individual employees or group of employees after completing a given task. 


(Motowildo & Borman 2013) define job performance as the aggregated financial or non-financial added value by the employees in contribution to the fulfillment both directly and indirectly to the targeted goals of the organisation. Mangkunegara (2009) defines it as the work results based on quality and quantity achieved by employee in doing his or her job.

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