Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

Friday 31 December 2021





1.1     Background to the Study

Women education leads to increased contributions of women in community development. It is known that community development is a responsibility between men and women in the society. But we are in the world where men seem to dominate the affairs of the world in every country, including Nigeria (Onah, Ugwu, Chikwelu and Okide, 2014). Today there is need for women to be given opportunity to participate fully in national development through education which serve as a tool for women empowerment as it is has been advocated that the Nigerian woman should be exposed to qualitative, productive and activity-based education which will greatly enhance their role in community development that will return Nigeria to emerge as one of the high performing countries of the world (Atureta, 2017).

Women education can be seen as a process of inculcating worthwhile knowledge to women folk to be able to carry out one function or the other which will enable them to help themselves and contribute to the development of their community. Nwizu (2018) declared that “women education is the process of empowering women with the knowledge and skills they require for effective adjustment and functioning in the society”. Therefore, it is an act of ignorance and poverty of knowledge where in some areas of Nigerian they prefer to send their boys to school leaving their girls because of unscientific, traditional and religion beliefs. Experiences have shown that when woman are given qualitative competitive and productive education, they can excel and contribute greatly to community development efforts.

The need for women empowerment arises from the inability of an individual woman or a group of women to actualise their dreams and realise their potential due to artificial barriers created by individuals and organised groups within the same society. It is the manifestation of an incontrovertible inequality, segregation or marginalization (Okeke, 2015). Onu (2018) opined that “women are at the heart of development. They control most of the non-money economy (subsistence agriculture, bearing and raising children, doing domestic labor) and taking important part in the money economy (trading, the formal sector, wage employment)”. He further stressed that every where world, women have two jobs, around the home and outside it. This assertion implies that women have a lot of contribution to make towards the healthy socio-economic development of every country but women are constantly denied this opportunity by the nature of our societal organizations, and the cultural set up that makes it more comfortable for men to maintain the status quo.

Today, awareness has led to the recognition of the important role women can play in national development and this calls for an urgent need to address these critical areas that have hindered full recognition of women’s talents, women’s right, women’s development and empowerment and the ability to contribute meaningfully to community development. It is against this background that this study seeks to examine education as a tool for women empowerment and community development in Bwari area council of Abuja.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The importance of empowering women for community development cannot be overstressed, this is because women generally are endowed with skills and abilities which if properly managed through formal training and informal training in the form of classroom education, entrepreneurial or skill acquisition programme she is mentally equipped to function better in every vocation she found herself and could improve their quality of life and behavioural disposition in the society.

Empowering women through informal and informal education has become the focus of considerable discussion and attention all over the world as the inequalities between men and women and discrimination against women are an age-old issue all over the world. In the study of Eseyin, Okafor and Uchendu (2014), they examine community development through women empowerment and utilization of literacy and vocational skills services of an educational project in Yemen, Egbai and Otu (2017), carried out an analysis of women education role as community based development for sustainable culture in Calabar; Ovute, Dibia and Obasi (2015) carried out a study on empowering Nigeria women for national development: State of the art, challenges and prospects; Olakulehin and Ojo (2018) investigated distance education as a women empowerment strategy in Africa and analysis.

All these studies discussed the relevance of women education in national or economic development of the nation but without necessarily considering education as a tool for women empowerment and community development in the grass root, this create a gap for which this study seek to fill. It is the light of this that this study seeks to examine education as a tool for women empowerment and community development in Nigeria

1.3     Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to examine the role of education as a tool for women employment and community development in Bwari area Council of Abuja.

The specific objectives include:

  1. To find out how women can be empowered educationally in Bwari local government area of Abuja.
  2. To find out ways women can contribute to the development of Bwari local government area of Abuja.
  3. To suggest strategies that can be adopted to enhance women’s participation in community development in Bwari.
  1.      Research Questions
  2. How can women be empowered educationally in Bwari local government area of Abuja?
  3. What ways can women contribute to the development of Bwari local government area of Abuja?
  4. What are the strategies adopted to enhance women’s participation in community development in Bwari area council?

1.5     Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will be of great significant or important to the following set of people or organization:

  1. The study is expected to benefit the government at both federal, state and local government level by availing them the relevant information on how education serve as a tools for women empowerment and community development; and why their participation in project implementation should be accelerated through various empowerment programmes.
  2. The study will be of great use to various Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and community based women empowerment bodies by getting insight information on the better strategic practices in relation to women empowerment and the roles played by empowered women in community development. These bodies shall be able to understand the steps that can be taken to empower the women in marginalized communities and how these women can be drivers of community development.
  3. The study will be very useful to future researchers and scholars. It is worth nothing that no similar study has been done in this locale of study and therefore the research findings will add very rich literature to the scholarly world significantly.
  4. Finally, this study will benefit the women folks as it will improve on their awareness of the relevant roles played by education as a tools for women empowerment and community development. This will in turn improve the standard of living, enhance rural community resources and add to national development and a successive continuation of human race.

1.6     Definitions of Terms

Education: Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits (Dewey, (2017).

Community: A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.

Development: The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger. This is also defined as skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self discipline, responsibility and material well-being.

Empowerment: To give someone the power to do something. To give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in.

Women: It is the plural of woman. It is defined as an adult female human being. Women all over the world constitute a gender group; they are a disadvantaged group based on their sex.

Women Network: Women coming and working together in a group to achieve an objective.

Tuesday 28 December 2021


SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N2500| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Whatsapp us on: 08055730284



This study seek to examine the effect of gender inequality on women employment opportunities with specific reference to Lapai Local Government area of Niger State. The specific objectives of this study is to examine the community’s perspectives with regard to the concept of gender inequality, establish factors causing gender inequality and investigate effect of gender inequality on women employment opportunities. In pursuit of this objective the methodology used were literature review; interviews using a structured questionnaire and key informant interviews. Data analysis was undertaken using the SPSS software Version 21 for quantitative. Descriptive statistics were used to obtain frequencies, proportions, and cross-tabulations. Findings of the study revealed that although women are not restricted to engage in economic activities, still the community perspectives towards women is very negative. Women are perceived as weaker sex and unable to do the jobs effectively as compared to men. Moreover, there are inequality employment opportunities between men and women. The situation is worse for married women since they are restricted by their husbands to engage in economic activities. As a result, there is a high dependence level of women to their husbands, situation of which increases their poverty level. The study observed that the relationship between gender inequality and women employment opportunity are statistically significant: indicating that gender inequality in Lapai Local Government area is the possible reason for women’s economic backwardness. Based on these findings; is recommended that in respect of the concept of gender inequality there should be more awareness and education programs on the effects of gender inequality. In terms of factors causing gender inequality and women employment opportunities the government should enforce and enact good policies, which will eliminate the gender inequality problem in Lapai local government as well as provide conducive working environment for both men and women.



  1. 1.1        Background of the Study

In today’s economy, it is not easy to attain livelihood if one is not engaged in any economic income generating activity. Among many who fail to attain their livelihood are groups of women who are mostly vulnerable and victim of gender inequality, which has isolated them in attaining education. Thus, they become illiterate and experience extreme poverty.

In the review of 42 countries (Tanzania included) Psacharopoulos and Patrinos, (2004) show that an extra year of secondary schooling for girls can increase their future wages by 10-20% whereas the corresponding number for boys is about 5-15%. This is substantial for poor household’s employment among young women who can play a role in poverty reduction. Adolescence can be an important stage in preparing for adult roles. This is especially true for young women, for whom education or economic participation in late adolescence help overcome material, social and cultural barriers to economic gains in adulthood. The welfare gains may accrue not only to these girls and women but also to their families and children.

Thus, development literature has increasingly emphasized the school enrollment and labor force participation of adolescent girls and young women as an important pathway for poverty reduction and economic development, It is important to note, however, that gains from investments in education are much more systematically documented than gains from investments in youth training and employment (Knowles and Behrman, 2005).

For poor households, employment of women can play a role in poverty reduction. Among women, aged 15-30 who participated in a group-based credit program in average cumulative borrowing can produce an increase, in the annual per capita household expenditure, of $9, which is equivalent to 7% of the moderate poverty line and 11% of the extreme poverty line (Khandker et al, 2008). Other analyses of microcredit programs in developing countries show that female borrowing has a greater impact than male borrowing on household’s ability to smooth’ consumption over time (Khandker, 1998). Women’s employment can also translate into economic gains by an acquisition of skills for managing income, budgeting, and accumulation of savings for the future.

1.2        Statement of the Problem

Gender inequality place restrictions on women’s access to social infrastructures, such as credit and labor markets, education, federal, provincial and local decision-making bodies, and represents constraints to balanced and sustainable economic growth and the condition of young women is very poor. Tanzania is an age hierarchical and patriarchal society, which marginalizes women and girls from controlling decisions regarding their lives. The patriarchal system subject’s women and girls to discriminative practices, which result in fewer opportunities and choices compared to their male counterparts, unequal access to, and benefit from programs and services (Restless Development, Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2011).

For example, the scourge of gender inequality has had a real role in the current intractable economic and financial crisis and family dissipation. Rajan (2010) argues that the growing income inequality was a key factor leading to the financial crisis and to the current economic downturn. Moreover, Van Treeck and Sturn (2012) survey indicated the evidence that income inequality is a cause of the recent Great Recession. In addition, Greenspan (2007), former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, says that increasing inequality is bad for business while the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron (2009), noted that an unequal country does worse according to every Quality of life indicator. While income inequality matters in its own right, it is also key to reducing poverty.

Women often receive lower pay for the same or comparable work, and they are frequently blocked their chances for advancement, especially to positions. There is usually an imbalance in the amount of housework and child care a wife does compare to her husband unequal sets of people “women” and “men” (e.g., not receiving the same pay for the same job) or subtle (e.g., not being given the same subjective opportunities for advancement) ESteve-Volart’s (2000; 2004). Generally, gender inequality plays a great role in slowing economic growth, resulting in health and social problems, including worsened education outcomes; exacerbating poverty and unemployment leading to severer social inequalities, especially among children and women’s which generates social and political instability and conflict) as exemplified by the “Arab revolution” (see also (Ortiz and Cummins, 2011; Marshall and Cole, 2011).

1.3       Research Objectives

1.3.1    General Research Objective

The general objective of this study is to examine the effect of gender inequality on women employment opportunities: an assessment of Lapai Local Government Area Of Niger State

1.3.2 Specific Research Objective

  1. To examine the community’s perspectives with regard to the concept of gender inequality.
  2. To establish factors causing gender inequality.
  3. To investigate how gender inequality affects women’s employment opportunities and economic growth.


1.4       Research Questions

  1. What are the community’s perspectives with regard to the concept of gender inequality?
  2. What are the factors that cause gender inequality?
  3. How does gender inequality affect women’s employment opportunity and economic growth?


1.5       Significance of the Study

This study contributes to the large body of knowledge by providing evidence about the effects of gender inequality on women’s economic growth. The study has further identified some existing gaps, which could be studied in the future. Similarly, the findings of this study are useful to project management practitioners, academics and other stakeholders in different organizations as an important reference material. Furthermore, the study calls for Lapai Local Government to ratify some international conventions, such as the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Convention for Prevention of All Forms Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The Gender Development Strategy, and the Right to Return to School Policy all reflect progress targets for women and girls, indicating some progress at the policy level.


1.6       Scope of the Study

This study focused on the effect of gender inequality on women employment opportunities and economic growth – an assessment of Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State. The independent variable is gender inequality (imbalance of power, lack of decision making in many spheres of life and dependent variable women employment opportunities and economic growth (production and source of livelihood).

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @