Showing posts with label Computer Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Science. Show all posts

Friday 16 June 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



  • Introduction
  • Executive summary
  • The market
  • Start-up funding and financials
  • Objectives
  • Mission
  • Keys to success
  • Company summary
  • Swot analysis of james smart computer business center
  • Start-up summary
  • Service offered
  • Market analysis summary
  • Market segmentation
  • Walk in clients (customers)
  • Organizations and small business clients
  • Target market segment strategy
  • Service business analysis
  • Competition and buying patterns
  • Strategy and implementation summary
  • Competitive edge
  • Marketing strategy
  • Sales strategy
  • Sales forecast
  • Milestones
  • Financial plan
  • Important assumptions
  • Break-even analysis
  • Conclusion


A computer business centre is a place where services like word processing, data processing, accounting, fax facilities, internet café, photocopying, lamination, typing, scanning, binding, online registrations, digital passports, instant photo printing. With best location, this business can fetch revenues and profit. Students and small business owners can be regular customers who seek one or other service at centre.

Executive Summary

James Smart Computer Business Center (JSCBC) will provide computer business center services to clients. The company will focus on rendering  responsive, quality, creating and retaining customer relations.  JSCBM will at first employ fifteen staff, utilizing one single office located at strategic location and serving customers in the locality.

The Market

The very nature of the computer application and data processing services industry, with its extraordinary rate of technological development, creates a constant need for businesses skilled in updating and advising customers on computer-related services. In town, the majority of potential customers are dissatisfied with existing options, creating an attractive niche for an innovative start-up. Business organization and individual clients will provide the majority of our business revenue.

JSCBC has decided to focus mainly on the small business market, as these customers typically don’t have a full-time IT person, but have full-time IT needs. JSCBC will offer an affordable, on-demand service for these customers. We can also offer maintenance agreements that generate additional monthly income. For our residential customers, we will offer a very affordable and helpful service with a very flexible schedule to meet their needs. Our target market will focus on Lokoja and the surrounding areas. Market research indicates that there is an abundance of clients or customers who need a computer business center services.

Start-up Funding and Financials

To get JSCBC started the owner is providing cash and assets. We are also seeking a short-term loan, to be secured with the owner’s home equity, and repaid within three years. Our conservative sales forecasts, based on industry research within the local area, project hefty sales in year one, steadily increasing through year three. To reach these goals, we will use an aggressive advertising campaign to exploit our competitors’ weaknesses. With good cost control, we will see a modest, yet comfortable, net profit the first year


1.          To provide the best service available to the customers at an affordable price.

2.          To generate substantial market share.

3.          Constant growth in sales from start up through year three.

4.          To generate customer satisfaction so that at least 40% of our customer base is repeat


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

Wednesday 8 March 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @


A Case Study of Computer Science Department


This project is to design and implement Chat Application for Staff of computer science departmentof Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa. It substitutes the manual mode of communication. This project basically substitutes manual methods of communication in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.  PHP is used to design this program and linked to MySQL which was used to create the database.  The primary activities in the application include staff and signup, uploading of profile, pictures, and articles, compose and received mail and Chat platform, generating the reports. This project work gives the meaning and significance of Computer. The Chat Application can help to maintain existing relationships and share vital information as well as pictures and other relevant messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you’ve never met before by using computer or mobile phone.



1.0  Introduction

The term web is an interesting thing in which people would like to gain much insight about. The web is a formatted document that contains information of an organization or an individual or group of individuals that is usually written in a Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) language or Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML). Which usually contain links that a user can use to move or jump from one page to another or from one location to the other.

Web based Chat: Is a Technology that is relatively new to the general public for instant Messaging (IM). Is a form of real –time direct text based communication between two or more  people using personal computers or other devices, along with shared clients..

The user’s messages are conveyed over a network, such as the internet. More advanced instant messaging software clients also allow and enhanced mode of communication, such as live voice or video calling. Instant messaging falls under the umbrella term online chat as text-based networked communication  system, but its distinct is that it is based on clients that facilitate connections between specified known  users (after using Buddy list, friend list or contact list) whereas online  chat also  includes web-based Applications that allow communication between (often anonymous) users in a multi user environment

Instant messaging (IM) is the collection of technology use for real-time text-based communication between two or more participant over the internet. Thus removing some of the difference between instant messaging an e-mail (often done by sending the message to the associated e-mail account).

Instant messaging allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediately receipt of acknowledgment or reply. In many cases instant messaging includes. Additional features which can make it even more popular for example, user can see each other by using webcams or talk directly for free over the internet using a microphone and head phone or loudspeaker.

1.1  Background of the Study

Internet communication is getting more and more popular among the public. Apart from using telephones or automobiles and sending mails, people can now communicate with each other through the chat technology. The chat, in fact, is a kind of Internet technology that supports human-to-human communication. ICQ, for instance, is one of the latest chat. Over the past three years, with the advanced level of technology, there is an increasing trend of using ICQ for communication. With ICQ, users can chat, send messages, files and URL’s or play games with others users in real time. Because of the proliferation of using the chat like ICQ, studies have been focused mainly on its impact on our society.

Much of the work stresses the good impact of the chat. Hauben’s (1997) writing suggested that as the impact or influence of first impressions is removed, users are free to communicate without fears, limits or apprehension through the chat. This statement actually points out the main reason for the increasingly use of the chat. Only one advantage, however, seems inadequate to attract such a huge number of users to use the chat, so it seems that there may be other benefit. Accordingly, Licklider (1997) claimed that people can communicate online with others who have similar goals and interests, thus their life will be enriched and communication will be more productive and more enjoyable then. Although Licklider is actually the prophet of the Net, it seems that the chat really has this benefit.

Some studies, however, have taken a different approach by looking not so much on the advantages of the chat, but focusing more on its related problems. Randall (1997), for instance, mentions that problems have actually been existed. First of all, there is no doubt that the chat users will not use their real identities for communication. They will rather create a new cyberspace identities which are very different from their real ones. Because of this, Randall argued that such behavior makes people difficult to switch back and forth between these two identities. To him, those who have developed multiple cyberspace identities for Internet communication are the most sophisticated rhetoricians on the Internet. In fact, Randall questions whether it is credible to create a new identity when communicating through the chat.

In Randall’s viewpoint, on the other hand, the purpose of people who use the chat is for socializing. But he emphasized that such kind of socializing is different from that in the real world, as the former only involves the exchange of words with other users but the latter means to interact with others face-to-face. While the trend of using the chat is increasing, Randall suggested that children and youths will be discouraged from the normal social contact but will adopt cyberspace contact instead. However, although the chance of happening this phenomenon is quite high, it seems neither right nor wrong according to Randall.

While educators and students are expecting online education to be existed, Randall has already shown concern on the consequence of using such kind of education. In his point of view, the traditional teacher dominance of the classroom will be reduced, no matter this education is workable or not, because of the poor financial situation of the government. It seems that unemployment will be resulted in the near future.

To sum up, the chat has good impact on the society but problems exist at the same time. However, these problems are not serious in fact. Therefore, even if these problems exist continuously, the chat technology will still become central to our lives and it has already begun actually.

1.2  Statement of Problems

In most organization ,the dissemination of information to co-staff is extremely  tedious due to the type system used that  is manual method such as memo, verbal communication .Below are  the challenge faced by the manual ,method of communication between the staff in the department of computer science;

Delay in messages getting to its destination: message are types or written and passed from one  person to another and before it gets to its destination , it takes time , thus the need for web base chat arises where messages are sent  and received without any hindrance.

The problems however are that, as we continue to witness growth in educational sector for example, the need to automate and make the system more viable and efficient to deliver quality services becomes imperative.

1.3    Aim and Objectives of the Study

          The aim of this project work is to design and implement a Web base Chat Application system for staff of computer science department of Federal  Polytechnic, Nasarawa. 

       Objectives of the study

  1. To  enhance easy dissemination of information among  the staff  of the department
  2. To shared ideal among staff of the department.
  3. To secure  a reliable communication among the staff and of the  department.
  4. To support mutiple user and allow the creation of group where imformation are post.                            

1.4      Significance of the Study

           In any research work or proposed system its significance must be clearly  stated in order to bring about meaning to the study and also to strengthen the          flexibility of the proposed system in its mode of operation.

           The proposed system will ensure the following:

            There will be reduction in the stress of passing information.

  1. To provide high level of privacy.
  2. The design will provide maximum security for users message.
  3. Support multiple chating or user

1.5  Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this project work is to design and implement Chat Application system for Staff of Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa. 


Constant internet service has  limit  the use of the system.

1.6  Research Methodology

   In this project work, the following research method had being used to achieved the proposed system.

  1. PHP
  2. MYSQL


1.7   Definition of Terms

Php:    It stands for pre hyper processor. Is a general purpose server side scripting language originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.  It is one of the first developed server side scripting languages to be embedded into an html source document rather than calling an external file to process data.

MYSQL: it stands for my structural query language. Is an open source database management system and is used in some of the most frequently visited website on the internet.

Browser: Is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information     resources on the World Wide Web.

Server: is a physical computer (a computer hardware system) dedicated to running one or more such services (as a host) to serve the needs to users of the other computer on the network.

 CIS: it stands for centralized information system. It is a system that controls information. It can be in terms of resource sharing, accessing, modifying and updating of data.

       Xamp Server:Is web development plate form on window allowing you to Create dynamic web application with Apaches, PHP and MYSQL.

Input:   This is the key word used in entering or keying data into the computer.

Output: This is the key word used to outage data entered into     machine/computer as information   to the user of the machine.

       Flowchart: This is a pictorial formed in segment of step performed for solving the particular problem and shows the steps which correct line and     arrow to indicate the order in which the step are performed.

       Database:Is a collection of organized or structured data, which has   a mechanism for manipulating the data.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

Saturday 4 March 2023





In our world today, computer has become very important and stands as part of our daily life. Computer knowledge has become invariably unavoidable as our day to day life depends on the usage of computer. Computer today is used in all aspect of life such as communication, education, banking, government, businesses etc. it has become a pivot of continuing socio-economic transformations worldwide and has found useful applications virtually in every aspect of human endeavour.

Computers have made such an enormous impact on our society today. There isn’t a place where you can turn where there isn’t a computer involved. The uses of computers can range from hundreds to billions of things. It has also changed the way one interacts with one another.

In conclusion, the way we interact with one another has been heavily influenced by society through the use of computers. It has become part of life and this may have made us overly dependent on them.


The study commenced by highlighting the importance of computer cloning. The study also noted that the department has over the years invested enormous resources in the acquisition of computers and infrastructure facilities needed for the support of training in its department. However, this effort has not fully catered for the number of students in the computer science department. To improve on these facilities, the department incorporated this project to increase efficiency and availability of computers to aid a conducive environment of learning.


The problem encountered contributed to the slow and difficult position the project went. Firstly, the issues of how to raise the money for the project within the shortest possible time to acquire the various components needed to fix the computer system. Secondly, coming together was difficult because of the nature of individual office engagements as all members of the group are not working in the same locality. Thirdly, getting all the requirements in one place was difficult as the team have to go from one location to the other to get standard requirements of the system configuration.


The aim of this project is to be able to clone a computer system and put it in an optional and efficient working condition.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. Carrying out feasibility study on how to get the required computer hardware for cloning a system.
  2. Buying these individual hardware required for the cloning.
  3. Fixing all the hardware to make up a complete system.
  4. Putting the system into a workable condition for use.
  5. To discuss the importance and maintenance of the computer cooling fans.


The study is significant for 2 reasons; firstly, the feasibility study should lead to a perfect cloning of computer hardware to offer options for more cost-effective way of acquiring a computer system. Furthermore, the findings of the study will add to the existing body of knowledge on the application of IT in computer hardware maintenance and to also discuss on the computer cooling fan as one of the component of computer hardware.


The study appraises the cloning of computer with respect to computer cooling fan for the improvement of learning environment in the computer science department.





Managing large and voluminous data manually is not only slow and cumbersome but also delay in the decision making process by the management. This project research on Automatic Time Table Scheduler System is intended to reduce the work load, save cost of keeping records and replace the existing manual method of time table in computer science department Nasarawa. And various method of flow chart were used to represent the input and output, also flow chart to represent the component, such flowchart is system flowchart while the one showing the input & output is system flowchart, and other materials were used such as textbooks web site such as Google offices/programming software which is MS Access, Visual basic 6.0 and word processing (MS Word).



Automatic can be defined as the process of a machine or device having control that enable it to perform a work without needing to be constantly operated by a person such as computer. While computer can be defined as the electronic device or machine which accept, retrieve, store, input data and process data as output. The input data is the softcopy through the visual display unit (VDU) and output data as hardcopy through a printer. With the invention of windows in user today, computers are less prone to commands. Commands in form of windows or menus and with the mouse, you can click to perform different commands operations.

Meaning of process data, is to produce an accurate, high speed in terms of time in processing the information for management decision, is important to any business and academic environments. Various means of processing data have been developed amongst which computers have been the present successful tools in data processing.

Computers are suitable in handling large data like time table scheduler system not only in tertiary institution hut also in secondary school.


As government, private organization and individual, data occurs to us every day, in which such data needs to be handled properly and processed so as to achieve their goal requirement which is information. To do this work effectively and efficiently, it requires adopting a technique in handling the Time table scheduler system of the school.

The problem with manual system of time table scheduler system in the school does not only involve taking mental notes of data — subject, but slow, tedious and not effective. It should be noted that manual system of time table, most of the operations are performed by human being and paper is essentially the storage medium.

The disadvantage of this manual system is that, the data recorded on the paper may become obscure due to continuous user. And because there is no automation of the process of the time table, the manual process is quite slow.


The purpose and objectives of this project include:

  1. It provides easy record management in the time table scheduler system.
  2.  To exterminate the problem of error.
  3. To bring about a computerized efficient and effective time table scheduler system.
  4. To relief lecturers involved with manual processing of school time table.
  5. It helps in easy flow of information for quick decision making.


For the fact that computer provides a lot merits over the manual processing system, the importance of computerized time table system of the school are listed below:

  1. Easy accessibility: computerized time table is easy to access than manual. We use functional keys to retrieve a particular record easily which does not need to looking for or checking a file before locating a particular teacher subject taken at that time with a specific day.
  2. Modification: computerized school time table can be updated without the need of drawing another fresh one.
  3. Deletion: a record can be easily deleted or erased when the need arise. For example, when a teacher has left or is sacked from the school.
  4. Append: computerized school time table can add records to the master file easily when a new teacher is employed.
  5.  Large storage facility: computer is been characterized to have large storage capacity. Time table scheduler system cannot be exceptional. Million and billions of records can be stored and retrieved easily.


The scope of this project is to build or design a-work-able, easy to use and reliable software for Computer Science Department. More so, it involves the total automation of time table system in the use of better and faster time table in the department. Thus, the project consists of the objectives and provides a way which the objective will be achieved. The scope of this work is extended to the following part and deals with the total automation of the following:

  1. The project aim at facilitating the school by building a time table system that handle the school.
  2. The project also deals with the security and reliability of information.
  3. It is concerned with the accuracy, which involve the enhancement of computerization of time table once the input data is correct.
  4. Automation of time table involve the time processing which is 100% faster than manual.


The project topic “Automatic Time Table Scheduler System” is specifically on the lecturers and students only. This cannot be used for any other purpose. It is limited to lecturers and students of the school, not an individual. It keeps the record of the subject the teacher takes in a class.


Hardware: they are the physical part of a computer machine that can be seen, touch and felt.

Software: Are programs written to solve a particular task in a computer, and are non-visible parts of a computer system.

Program: Are set of instructions arranged in a logical order and when executed, a task will be performed.

Instruction: is a statement, which dictates an action to he carried out.

Command: is an autocratic order that must be obeyed.

Data: Are raw facts that have not been processed when it goes into a system as an input.

Information: It is an output that is processed from input data.

Process: This refers to computational works or manipulation carried out on data.

Operating Systems: Are routine programs which direct the operations of the computer.

VDU: Visual Display Unit.

Keyboard: An input device where data can be entered into the computer.

ALU: Arithmetic and Logical Unit.

ROM: Read Only Memory

RAM: Random Access Memory

DOS: Disk Operating System.

Monday 16 January 2023


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs



This study examines the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network. The study revealed that there is a relationship between climate change and the yields of rice and maize. Unfavorable climatic conditions or climate change impacted negatively on grain yields; if there is drought, excessive temperature, and low rainfall there will be a decline in yield resulting to a decline in productivity as well. Therefore, it was inferred that climate change has a great effect on arable crops yields in Nigeria and the world at large. On the premise of result obtained in this study, it is recommended that the government should understand that there is a great loss of crop yield as a result of climate change and should help the crop farmers with effective adaptation strategies such as providing irrigation facilities to cope with the challenges of inadequate rainfall. There is also a need for better policies and investments on infrastructure to facilitate technology adoption and adaptation. These include investments on irrigation, roads, storage facilities and improved access to markets. Extension agent should provide vital information on crop varieties with increased tolerance to climate change and other climate-smart agricultural practices that will enable farmers mitigate against climate change.

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 1.1              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYAgriculture is an economic activity that produces food necessary for human livelihood and it is highly dependent upon weather and climate; however, agriculture is also likely to be very vulnerable to climate variability and change. Agriculture constitutes the principal livelihood for 70 percent of the poor throughout the world, many of the poor and hungry being smallholder farmers, herders, fishermen and forest-dwellers, as well as indigenous people living in climate sensitive and vulnerable areas (Feldstein, 2017).  Climate change is a widespread challenge affecting many parts of the world (Feldstein, 2017). This changes will not occur without marked impacts upon various sectors of our environment, and consequently of our society (Elum and Momodu, 2017). The changes in climate will appear and will have an important impact on land suitability and in particular, for rainfed crop production. Climate change has raised much concern regarding its impacts on future global agricultural production, varying by region, time, and socio-economic development path (Zoellick and Robert, 2018).Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change and higher temperatures eventually reduce crop yields without discouraging weed, disease and pest challenges. Changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of short-term crop failures and long-term declines in production (Ceccarelli, et al., 2020) Although there will be gains in some crops in some regions of the world, the overall impact of climate change on agriculture is expected to be negative, threatening global food security (Nelson et al., 2019). Food insecurity would probably increase under climate change, unless early warning systems and development programmes are used more effectively (Brown & Funk 2008). Currently, millions of hungry people subsist on what they produce. If climate change reduces production while populations increase, there is likely to be more hunger. Lobellet al. (2018) showed that increasing temperatures and declining precipitation over semi-arid regions are likely to reduce yields of maize, wheat, rice and other primary crops in the next two decades. Even though climate change is one of the major current global concerns, it is not new. Several climate changes have occurred before, with dramatic consequences. Among them is the decrease in CO2 content, which took place 350 million years ago and which is considered to be responsible for the appearance of leaves, the first plants were leafless and it took 40–50 million years for leaves to appear (Lobellet al., 2018). Relatively scarcity of land resources for agriculture and insufficient food security of the world’s population require that the land be used in an optimum way in the context of climate change. With the increase of demand for arable crops such as rice and maize and the crunching effects of climate change on their production, it has become more important as people strive to make better use of the available methods to increase yields(Lobellet al., 2018)..   Artificial intelligence or Artificial Neural Network is the development of software that combines problem-solving and decision-making to achieve goals through replicating the process of ‘sense, decide and act’. It is developed to be used by computers and machines (Alen, 2016). Among other definitions, Machine Learning (ML) is defined as the scientific field that gives machines the ability to learn without being strictly programmed (Samuel, 2019). Artificial intelligence uses machine learning algorithm in which the system generates some adaptive learning approaches in order to achieve some goal of environment, artificial intelligence is a vast field comprising large areas like logical reasoning, computation, and probability.  Arable crop breeding such as rice and maize can employ the use of Artificial Intelligence to address climate change-related stakes by; helping enable farmers to avoid crop losses related to climate change to the degree that it results in crop varieties that are more resilient to the effects of climate change and helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by preventing further land conversion to agriculture Glaszmann (2015). Climate changes are predicted to have adverse impacts on food production, food quality (Atkinson et al., 2008) and food security. One of the most recent predictions is that the number of undernourished people would have increased by 150% in the Middle East and North Africa and by 300% in sub-Saharan Africa by the year 2080, compared to 1990 as such this review will substantively outline and elucidate the importance of Artificial Neural Network in breeding with the aim of combating climate change through state of the art tools, applications, and techniques.   1.2              STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMClimate change are the main causes of stress on food production and availability. Depending on the level of development, roughly 20 to 80 percent of the inter-annual variability of yields is caused by the changes in weather and 5 to 10 percent of national agricultural production is lost annually due to climate. Chronic losses and indirect negative effects (i.e. diseases, pests…) exceed by far the effects of extreme (i.e. statistically rare) climatic events. In fact, production losses due to pests, diseases and weeds are estimated at 26 to 30 percent for sugar beet, barley, soybean, wheat and cotton, and 35, 39 and 40 percent for maize, potatoes and rice, respectively (Obrist, 2016). Post-harvest losses are also of the same order of magnitude.   Nevertheless, agricultural productivity in Africa falls far behind standards in the developed world. Over 90 percent of agriculture depends on rainfall without the aid of artificial irrigation. Only 5 percent of the cultivated land in Africa is irrigated and the majority of the farmers depend on rainfall, while in Asia, 38 percent of the arable land is irrigated. The techniques used to cultivate soil in Africa still fall far behind those that have been adopted in Asia and the Americas because of the lack of the benefits of irrigation, fertilisers, pesticides and access to high-yield seeds as well. Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change and higher temperatures eventually reduce crop yields without discouraging weed, disease and pest challenges. Changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of short-term crop failures and long-term declines in production Ceccarelli (2010). Although there will be gains in some crops in some regions of the world, the overall impact of climate change on agriculture is expected to be negative, threatening global food security (Nelson et al., 2019). Food insecurity would probably increase under climate change, unless early warning systems and development programmes are used more effectively (Nelson et al., 2019).  It is against this problems that this study seek to examine the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network.  1.3              OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study is to examine the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network. The specific objectives of the study is to: i.        Identify the causes of climate changeii.      Determine the effect of climate change on arable crops production such as rice and maize iii.    To ascertain how the effect of climate change can be combated using artificial neural network 1.4              RESEARCH QUESTION 1.      What are the causes of climate change 2.      What are the effects of climate change on arable crop production? 3.      How can the effect of climate change on crop production be combated using artificial neural network? 1.5              SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The use artificial Intelligence (Artificial Neural Network) in agriculture has the potential to deliver much-needed solution. AI- based technological solutions has enabled the farmers to produce more output with less input and even improved the quality of output, also ensuring faster go-to- market for the yielded crops. The findings of this study on the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network will serve as an opener to farmers, government, policy makers and the general public on the effects of climate change on the available of arable crops such as maize and rice. It will enlighten them on how to use artificial intelligence in agricultural practice or arable crop production in particular to combat the effects of climate change on food security.  1.6              SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDYThe scope of this study is limited to the effect of climate change on arable crops such as rice and maize using artificial neural network. The study will be based on how rainfall and temperature affects the production of arable crops (Rice and Maize) in Nigeria and Nasarawa state in particular.In the course of carrying out this research, the following problems were faced which posed some limitations to the study: 1.      Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).2.      Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work. 1.7              DEFINITION OF TERMS Climate Change: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.Arable Crops: Arable crops are crops that complete their life cycle, from germination to seed production, within one year. There are various types of arable crops depending on the type of their use. These include crops such as maize, rice, millet, lentil, beans, peas etc.Artificial Neural Network: Artificial neural networks, usually simply called neural networks  is a computing system made up of a number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs




This study examines the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network. The study revealed that there is a relationship between climate change and the yields of rice and maize. Unfavorable climatic conditions or climate change impacted negatively on grain yields; if there is drought, excessive temperature, and low rainfall there will be a decline in yield resulting to a decline in productivity as well. Therefore, it was inferred that climate change has a great effect on arable crops yields in Nigeria and the world at large. On the premise of result obtained in this study, it is recommended that the government should understand that there is a great loss of crop yield as a result of climate change and should help the crop farmers with effective adaptation strategies such as providing irrigation facilities to cope with the challenges of inadequate rainfall. There is also a need for better policies and investments on infrastructure to facilitate technology adoption and adaptation. These include investments on irrigation, roads, storage facilities and improved access to markets. Extension agent should provide vital information on crop varieties with increased tolerance to climate change and other climate-smart agricultural practices that will enable farmers mitigate against climate change.

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 1.1              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYAgriculture is an economic activity that produces food necessary for human livelihood and it is highly dependent upon weather and climate; however, agriculture is also likely to be very vulnerable to climate variability and change. Agriculture constitutes the principal livelihood for 70 percent of the poor throughout the world, many of the poor and hungry being smallholder farmers, herders, fishermen and forest-dwellers, as well as indigenous people living in climate sensitive and vulnerable areas (Feldstein, 2017).  Climate change is a widespread challenge affecting many parts of the world (Feldstein, 2017). This changes will not occur without marked impacts upon various sectors of our environment, and consequently of our society (Elum and Momodu, 2017). The changes in climate will appear and will have an important impact on land suitability and in particular, for rainfed crop production. Climate change has raised much concern regarding its impacts on future global agricultural production, varying by region, time, and socio-economic development path (Zoellick and Robert, 2018).Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change and higher temperatures eventually reduce crop yields without discouraging weed, disease and pest challenges. Changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of short-term crop failures and long-term declines in production (Ceccarelli, et al., 2020) Although there will be gains in some crops in some regions of the world, the overall impact of climate change on agriculture is expected to be negative, threatening global food security (Nelson et al., 2019). Food insecurity would probably increase under climate change, unless early warning systems and development programmes are used more effectively (Brown & Funk 2008). Currently, millions of hungry people subsist on what they produce. If climate change reduces production while populations increase, there is likely to be more hunger. Lobellet al. (2018) showed that increasing temperatures and declining precipitation over semi-arid regions are likely to reduce yields of maize, wheat, rice and other primary crops in the next two decades. Even though climate change is one of the major current global concerns, it is not new. Several climate changes have occurred before, with dramatic consequences. Among them is the decrease in CO2 content, which took place 350 million years ago and which is considered to be responsible for the appearance of leaves, the first plants were leafless and it took 40–50 million years for leaves to appear (Lobellet al., 2018). Relatively scarcity of land resources for agriculture and insufficient food security of the world’s population require that the land be used in an optimum way in the context of climate change. With the increase of demand for arable crops such as rice and maize and the crunching effects of climate change on their production, it has become more important as people strive to make better use of the available methods to increase yields(Lobellet al., 2018)..   Artificial intelligence or Artificial Neural Network is the development of software that combines problem-solving and decision-making to achieve goals through replicating the process of ‘sense, decide and act’. It is developed to be used by computers and machines (Alen, 2016). Among other definitions, Machine Learning (ML) is defined as the scientific field that gives machines the ability to learn without being strictly programmed (Samuel, 2019). Artificial intelligence uses machine learning algorithm in which the system generates some adaptive learning approaches in order to achieve some goal of environment, artificial intelligence is a vast field comprising large areas like logical reasoning, computation, and probability.  Arable crop breeding such as rice and maize can employ the use of Artificial Intelligence to address climate change-related stakes by; helping enable farmers to avoid crop losses related to climate change to the degree that it results in crop varieties that are more resilient to the effects of climate change and helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by preventing further land conversion to agriculture Glaszmann (2015). Climate changes are predicted to have adverse impacts on food production, food quality (Atkinson et al., 2008) and food security. One of the most recent predictions is that the number of undernourished people would have increased by 150% in the Middle East and North Africa and by 300% in sub-Saharan Africa by the year 2080, compared to 1990 as such this review will substantively outline and elucidate the importance of Artificial Neural Network in breeding with the aim of combating climate change through state of the art tools, applications, and techniques.   1.2              STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMClimate change are the main causes of stress on food production and availability. Depending on the level of development, roughly 20 to 80 percent of the inter-annual variability of yields is caused by the changes in weather and 5 to 10 percent of national agricultural production is lost annually due to climate. Chronic losses and indirect negative effects (i.e. diseases, pests…) exceed by far the effects of extreme (i.e. statistically rare) climatic events. In fact, production losses due to pests, diseases and weeds are estimated at 26 to 30 percent for sugar beet, barley, soybean, wheat and cotton, and 35, 39 and 40 percent for maize, potatoes and rice, respectively (Obrist, 2016). Post-harvest losses are also of the same order of magnitude.   Nevertheless, agricultural productivity in Africa falls far behind standards in the developed world. Over 90 percent of agriculture depends on rainfall without the aid of artificial irrigation. Only 5 percent of the cultivated land in Africa is irrigated and the majority of the farmers depend on rainfall, while in Asia, 38 percent of the arable land is irrigated. The techniques used to cultivate soil in Africa still fall far behind those that have been adopted in Asia and the Americas because of the lack of the benefits of irrigation, fertilisers, pesticides and access to high-yield seeds as well. Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change and higher temperatures eventually reduce crop yields without discouraging weed, disease and pest challenges. Changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of short-term crop failures and long-term declines in production Ceccarelli (2010). Although there will be gains in some crops in some regions of the world, the overall impact of climate change on agriculture is expected to be negative, threatening global food security (Nelson et al., 2019). Food insecurity would probably increase under climate change, unless early warning systems and development programmes are used more effectively (Nelson et al., 2019).  It is against this problems that this study seek to examine the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network.  1.3              OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study is to examine the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network. The specific objectives of the study is to: i.        Identify the causes of climate changeii.      Determine the effect of climate change on arable crops production such as rice and maize iii.    To ascertain how the effect of climate change can be combated using artificial neural network 1.4              RESEARCH QUESTION 1.      What are the causes of climate change 2.      What are the effects of climate change on arable crop production? 3.      How can the effect of climate change on crop production be combated using artificial neural network? 1.5              SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The use artificial Intelligence (Artificial Neural Network) in agriculture has the potential to deliver much-needed solution. AI- based technological solutions has enabled the farmers to produce more output with less input and even improved the quality of output, also ensuring faster go-to- market for the yielded crops. The findings of this study on the effect of climate change on arable crops; rice and maize using artificial neural network will serve as an opener to farmers, government, policy makers and the general public on the effects of climate change on the available of arable crops such as maize and rice. It will enlighten them on how to use artificial intelligence in agricultural practice or arable crop production in particular to combat the effects of climate change on food security.  1.6              SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDYThe scope of this study is limited to the effect of climate change on arable crops such as rice and maize using artificial neural network. The study will be based on how rainfall and temperature affects the production of arable crops (Rice and Maize) in Nigeria and Nasarawa state in particular.In the course of carrying out this research, the following problems were faced which posed some limitations to the study: 1.      Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).2.      Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work. 1.7              DEFINITION OF TERMS Climate Change: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.Arable Crops: Arable crops are crops that complete their life cycle, from germination to seed production, within one year. There are various types of arable crops depending on the type of their use. These include crops such as maize, rice, millet, lentil, beans, peas etc.Artificial Neural Network: Artificial neural networks, usually simply called neural networks  is a computing system made up of a number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs.





  1. Background Of The Study

Every energy generation and transmission method affects the environment. As it is obvious, conventionally generated energy can damage the air,climate,water,land and wildlife,landscape,as well as raise the levels of harmful radiation into the atmosphere. Renewable energy implies naturally replenished energy, it is energy which comes from renewable natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat (Kumar, Garg and Buyya, 2012).

About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewables, with 10% coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity (NREL, 2015). New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 3% and are growing very rapidly. The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 19%, with 16% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from other new renewables.

Renewable energy technologies are substantially safer offering a solution to many environmental and social problems associated with fossil and nuclear fuels (EIA, 2017). Renewable energy technologies provide obvious environmental advantages in comparison to the conventional energy sources,thus contributing to the sustainable development of human activities  and the computer systems in particular (EIA,2017).

Not counting the depletion of the exhausted natural resources,their main advantage is related to the reduced CO2 emissions,and,normally,absence of any air emissions or waste products during their operation. Concerning the environment,the use of renewable energies in computer systems and information communication technology in general has additional positive implications such as reduction of the emissions of the greenhouse gases (mainly CO2,NOx) and prevention of toxic gas emissions (SO2, particulates), reclamation of degraded land;reduction of the required transmission lines of the electricity grids; and improvement of the quality of water resources (Goldemberg, 2017).

In regard the socio-economic viewpoint the benefits of the exploitation of renewable energies comprise increase of the regional/national energy independency;  provision of significant work opportunities; diversification and security of energy supply; support of the deregulation of energy markets; and acceleration of the rural electrification in developing countries.

Environmental influence of the renewable energy on computer systems arise from the externalities of the individual projects that adopt such technology. Externalities could be positive (benefits) or negative (costs), however they are not considered through the regular market mechanism (Grimes et al., 2010). These externalities refer to the utilization of the resources and the public goods, where not all economic agents act as price takers and not all economic agents have complete information. It is against this background that this study examine the environmental influence of renewable energy on computer systems.

  1. Statement Of The Problem

Continuously rising energy demand combined with increasingly limited natural resources are challenges faced by energy suppliers and users of energy for both domestics and industrial uses. The unfavourable effects of renewable energy are usually minor and they can be minimized by appropriate mitigation measures. The potential environmental burdens of renewable energy are regularly site specific,depending on the size and nature of the project. As it is obvious, these environmental impact or influence are usually associated with the loss of amenity and the impacts can be minimized by the appropriate siting of renewable energy systems,which involves careful evaluation of alternative locations and estimation of expected impact on the general populace and computer system in particular. The appropriate operational practices (including rational water use,safety measures,waste disposal practices,use of biodegradable chemicals, etc.); the engagement of the public and relevant organizations in the early stages of planning,in order to ensure public acceptance; the use of the best available technologies/techniques and the improvement of technology, the training of workers,use of special sunglasses during operation and construction,use of heat insulating uniforms,familiarization with the system etc.  Therefore, inclusion of the environmental impacts in the project evaluation is a must, using the social appraisal by applying the cost benefit analysis. It is on this note that this study examine environmental influence of renewable energy on computer systems.

  1. Aim and Objectives of the Study


The aim of this study is to examine the influence of renewable energy on computer systems with the view of ascertaining its cost-benefits.


          The specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To determine the access of computer systems to renewable energy in Nigeria higher institutions.
  2. To evaluate the negative effects of renewable energy on computer systems.
  3. To evaluate the positive effects of renewable energy on computer systems.
  1. Research Questions
  2. Does computers systems have access  to renewable energy in Nigeria higher institutions?
  3. What are the negative effects of renewable energy on computer systems?
  4. What are the positive effects of renewable energy on computer systems?
  1. Research Hypothesis

H01: Computer systems in Nigeria higher institutions has no access to renewable energy.

H02: Renewable energy has no negative effects on computer systems in Nigeria Higher Institutions.

H03: Renewable energy has nopositive effects on computer systems in Nigeria Higher Institutions.

  1. Significance of the Study

Embracing renewable energy in Nigeria Higher institutions especially the computer laboratory is a sustainable concept aimed at reducing energy cost and consumption, operation and maintenance cost, reduce energy related illness, increase the productivity and comfort of such technology, reduce waste and pollution and increase durability and flexibility. It is important that the focus of renewable energy be embraced by all as a result of its advantages over the conventional source of energy.

The findings of this study will of great significant to government authority, management of tertiary institutions and the general populace on the environmental influence of renewable energy on information and communication technology and computer systems in particular.

  1. Scope of the study

This study is carried out basically to examine the environmental influence of renewable energy on computer systems. It focuses on energy consumption in the Nigeria Tertiary Institutions especially in computer laboratory of the department of computer science in Federal University Technology Minna.

  1. Definition Of Terms

Renewable energy: any energy that comes from an inexhaustible source. The main examples are solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass energy.

Biomass energy: energy derived from biological sources such as trees, crops, and animal waste, which may be used for heating, for conversion to liquid fuels, or for generating electricity.

Geothermal energy: energy derived from heat in the earth, which may be used for heating or electricity production.

Hydropower: energy derived from falling water, usually in the form of electricity.

Solar energy: energy derived from the sun directly or indirectly (e.g. through production of plant biomass), usually as heat or electricity.

Tidal power: energy derived from incoming and outgoing tidal water flows, usually in the form of electricity.

Wind power: energy derived from moving air. Wind power is often in the form of electricity, though it may also be used to pump water or generate heat.

Tuesday 3 January 2023


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs




In our today activities, most people have some kind of “database” collections of CDs, students’ academic entries, a phonebook of phone numbers and name entries, vehicles parts, records to be processed by a program. With a bit more precision, the term database means a logically coherent collection of related data with inherent meaning, built for a certain application and representing a “mini-word”. A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows database to be defined, constructed, and manipulated. Developing HTTP and RDBMS information service for Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa was the core of this project work. The integration which implemented, project the strength of the institution, provided most level of functionality and reduced the hitherto duplication of data so often the case with student particulars and the resultant stressful situation which the academic staff face in record manipulation. In considering the design of a web driven relational database management system; it is obvious that RDBMS succeed to a very large extent which depends on the level of data structure while structure itself depends on the level of reliability, which can be achieved through the kind of tables and web interface to be rendered, and the requirements needed. It is my convictions that a closer look at this project work give insight and vital information to any interested person who wish to know the requirement for developing a HTTP and a relational database management system server to effectively implement an academic information system. The design has demonstrated its HTML web pages integration via ASP.NET programming by demystifying and defining what it takes to implement an Internet information service, HTTP server, a MsSQL relational database management system and a ASP.NET web pages.



There is an outgrowing need for electronic accessories in a world where there is great necessity for speed, efficiency and perfection of work. Information factors efficiency, access to electronic device and relevant information is usually considered in the setting up of a relational database for a local network intranet. The internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone radio and computer, set the stage for unprecedented integration of capabilities. The intranet is at once a location-based broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information disseminating and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for extensive location.

Presently, the internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Starting with the early research in pocket switching, the government, industry and academic have been partners in evolving and developing this existing new technology. Terms like “” and “Uktehamum Edu” trip off the lounge of the random person on the street.

The aim of this project is to give an introduction to database and its integration with HTTP server. Before the specifics and theoretical, lets focus on some of the more generic aspects of this study.


Information handling has gone beyond papers and is now at the discretion of the PC. Thus, this project is a conceivable effort to ameliorate the pressing need for a more web centric environment. Although its primary focus is not on web site design, yet it is inevitable. Since the emergence of the internet and its accompanying protocols, web use has intensified and so developing web applications is a promising way of reaching greater audience. Web use is not limited to the internet, but to virtually any application that can interface and communicate via web protocols. Intranet with the proposed design, staff, students and any authorized person can get all the available information from the polytechnic intranet integrated database. They can get their syllabus, academic calendars and results, register course, to mention just a few.


Invariably, the problem that gave rise to this system study is from the continuous use of manual methods of dispensing academic details in the institution. The core is information management. As they say if you are not informed, you are deformed and he who is deformed cannot perform”. It would not be an exaggerated statement if I say that graduates from Nigerian institutions are deformed because they are not being well informed due to inadequate information acquisition facilities. It can be seen that information is not only important in this age but also the method of accessibility. No wonder it is termed as power, without it there is no headway. According to the U.S. Gen. Collins Powell (1995) “Lack of information breeds analysis paralysis” without adequate information on any subject matter, it would be difficult to handle. However, the enatic nature of power supply, especially in third world countries has tremendously affected online information systems and remote access to queries, information down time and data corruption is inevitable.

In Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa the method of information processing and sharing is done manually and therefore slows down the speed at which information is stored, processed and shared. To eradicate this to its optimum a robust database and web server should be implemented where the information no longer have to reside in man’s brain or on his desk but on the network and can be accessed by anyone who is privileged.


The new system will bring about efficient and effective academic information system. The concise documentation of students and staff details will tremendously improve its timely decision support.

The project would also go a long way in fostering good perception of the information age in our various institutions and individual organization thereby breaking the ugly bone of continuous use of manual and archaic systems. It fosters on the in depth principles, rules and protocols of coding, scripting and hosting of database driven web pages. It will also help in making the processing of information as well as on the sport feedback faster and provide spring board for our young database developer. It also stirs and gives focus to our institutions of higher learning on the facilities obtained in the use of modern system of communication.

In order to produce a more classified knowledge of the subject matter, the researcher intends to describe the tools required to design and implement a functional Internet information service server, HTTP web server and a MsSQL relational database server for the institution through HTML encoded ASP.NET web interface. The objective of developing the system and procedure for the polytechnic is to ensure that end users are provided with requisite tolls and data that are cost effective and easily accessible.


These research works critically explores the possible ways of demystifying the mystery behind database and related technologies, web hosting services, protocols and of course design, and encourage young programmers to joint the race without feeling interns to their counterparts in the development parts of the world.

Without shifting this focus to web site design, we might still be in darkness for the next twenty years and by then a new inventions might be made which can sentence us unto another one thousand years of Dark Age. The study will go a long way to cutting down on time wastage, inefficient use of statistical data, manual errors and duplication of efforts by both staff and academic personnel. It will also enhance efficient query and enquiring ensure security of records and assist the polytechnic in copying with the daily work load.


Data not withstanding of its size cannot be too large to process. However, a guided approach is adopted to stay within limits for easy comprehension. To this end, the study will only focus on the students together with its accompanying web interface, students’ registration details and academic results.

In its most common form, the wide application of computers in accessing remote files paved way for adopting of more superior ways of making information available to the millions of users. And it also exposes the researcher to the core about the intricacies of database programming for web, an all round technology.

Although economic constraints did not stop this project room completion, yet adequate funds would have aided the provision of industrial standard hardware and software. The limitations encountered in this case are mainly based on the fact that the institution, Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa does not have the necessary software and extended network of computers, that is, it lack the projected operational hardware. Nevertheless, the researcher simulated typical sceneries. Now, the last and not the least, the time to develop, test and implement the complete scenario was without unbearable sleepless night and frustration from public power supply.


API              A term used to denote Application Programming Interface. An interface that is defined in terms of a set of functions and procedures, and enables a program to gain access to facilities within an application.

BYTE         It is a fixed number of bits that can be treated as a unit by the computer hardware. It is a unit of storage capable of holding a single character equal to 8 bits, large amount of memory are referred in terms of kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes), and gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes).

BANDWIDTH    The amount of data or signal that can be transmitted in a transmission medium or media in a given time. It is measured in bits per second (bps) for digital devices and Hertz (HZ) for analog devices.

COUNTER                   Keeps track of how many times a web page is visited.

DOWNLOAD TIME    The time it takes foe a web page to be completely visible on the computer screen.

FILE SIZE                    How large the file containing the data is usually measured in kilobytes or megabytes. File size is used when referring to pages, HTML documents and any other type of file.

FRAMES                      Formatting a page so that more than one HTML document is visible on the screen at the same time.

HOME PAGE               The main and first page of a website, containing introductory information about the facility that has been accessed, together with links to the actual details of services or information.

HTML                           An abbreviation for Hypertext Mark-Up Language. A form of SGML (standard generalized mark up language) intended for use on the World Wide Web. It is used to create documents for the World Wide Web.

HTTP                            Hypertext transfer protocol. An application level protocol with the lightness and speed, necessary for distributed collaborative hypermedia information systems. It transfers hypertext requests and information between servers and browsers.

INTERNET                  The global information network that now links a very substantial fraction of the world’s computer networks.

INTRANET                  A private network setup by an organization or company that resembles the World Wide Web, but which is inaccessible by external users.

JAVA                  A language for object-oriented programming on the internet, especially applicable to the World Wide Web.

JAVA SCRIPT   A scripting language designed to add features to web pages.

OPERATING SYSTEM        The set of software products that jointly controls the system resources and the processes using these resources on a computer system.           

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 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @