Sunday 29 November 2015



This project entails the design and construction of electric cooker, the cooker is powered by electricity because it is cheap and readily available. The energy conservation in this electric cooker involves the conversion of electrical energy to heat energy in the system. Materials used for the construction were selected based on their reliability availability, maintainability and durability. The device was tested and found to be working properly. 

1.0         Introduction
The invention of electricity in the 18th century by Michael faraday brought about a new dimension in the art of cooking. The ease with which electricity can be applied directly to cooking led to the development of specified cooking devices. Cooking has become simpler and easier provided there is steady supply of power.
Electricity heating is the passage of electric current through a resistance wire to produce heat (converting electrical energy to heat energy). It is the only method by which an exact amount of heat can be produced precisely at the point where it is needed. Electricity heating is used in many home appliances such as electric driver, cookers, oven e.t.c to heat rooms and industrial processes, to provide high temperature required in various industrial processes, and heat lamps used for drying paint, baking and relief of muscular pain e.t.c.
The utilization of electrical energy for cooking has not been popular in the recent past and this is because it has for long been neglected in favour of the direct use of gas and oil for cooking in our homes, while the former is faster, more economical and easily available provided there is constant supply of electricity and the later is expensive, but as these fossil fuels diminishes, however the use of electricity for cooking purpose becomes more attractive option. (Louis et al, 1999) electric cooker is a device or a unit which converts electrical energy into heat energy used mostly for cooking, baking and roasting. It provides better cooking and permits efficient use of electricity, it is quick to use and it is relatively quite and devoid of any pollutant to the environment. The major importance of electric cooker which people tends to neglect is that, it helps to check desert encroachment due to deforestation caused as a result of cutting down of trees in forest to be used as fire – wood (means of cooking), it also help in conserving of human energy and cost of cutting down and transportation of the firewood to the place where it is needed.
Electrical cooker is an appliance that works basically by the heating effect of electric current on conductors. Sometime, this heating effect is an inevitable waste of power for instance, in transmission of electricity on power lines in which the voltages at the terminals is evolved due to the heating of electric current.
However, the heat produced by the flow of electricity is utilized by many or equipments used at home and industries some of the practical applications of the concept are found in electric cooker, electric oven, and electric space heater inexhaustible.
 Heat which is a form of energy is transferred across a boundary of a system and given to another system or surrounding at a lower temperature by virtue of temperature difference between them. The heat is only identified across the system boundary (Welty et at, 1976). Heat is of great importance to man on earth for their daily needs. It is with that electricity is generated, food is cooked and houses are warmed.
Heat, by which electric cooker operates on is generated by electricity of which materials used for the construction must have thermal capabilities and suitability to serve as heating element.
The purpose of the design and construction work is to understand the working principle of electric cookers, adapting it to our local condition using as much as possible locally made available materials. It is also important to determine the thermal capacities of various materials and the compatibility to serve as heating element.
This project work is intended to serve as a catalogue and manual for the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of different possible faults in electric cookers, it is also of a great benefit to the department and society as it will serve as medium of knowing the principle of operating the model work. It serve as an alternative means for cooking instead of using the gas cooker, solar cooker and the firewood.

There is no upper limit to the temperature obtained except the ability of the material to with stand heat.
1.      There is freedom of location and general adaptability.
2.      It entails good cooking condition, cleanliness, quietness and ambient temperature.
3.      Uniform of temperature within narrow limit.
4.      Capital cost, running and maintenance cost of electric cooker are low.
5.      There are no deposits of ash carbon dirt in an electric cooker.
1.      It cannot be used were there is no electricity, since it make use of electrical energy.
THERMOSTAT: This is an electrical device design to heat up bend and open the circuit when excessive current flows and close the circuit when the heat reduces. It can also be defined as an automatic regulator that control the amount of current that heat up the circuit.
HEATING ELEMENT: This is a conductor material that is designed to heat up when connected to current flow. It converts electric energy into heat energy.
OUTLET PLUG: This is an electrical device design with two or three metal pins that fit into holes in a socket to make an electrical connection.
SWITCH: This is a device used to connect or break the flow of electric current in a circuit.
INDICATOR (LAMP): This is a device which glows like a bulb indicating the working status of a connection.
CABLE: A cable is a material or conductor use in conveying electric current from one point to another.

Basically, the production of heat by a current in a wire is a measure of the energy liberated as it flows through the wire. The heat is produced by free electron colliding frequently with the atoms in the wire. At each collision they lost some of their kinetic energy to the atoms which they strike. Thus as the current flows through the wire, it increase the kinetic energy of liberation of metal atoms and generate heat in the wire. (Rusty, 2006).
As current flows through the wire, the energy lost by the electrons is the electrical power supplied by the source of the current.

            The production of heat by electric current is based on the advantage of the effect of heat produced when current flow through resistance conductor. A current carrying conductor, with its resistance, becomes warm because of the energy of motion of the electrons. As the electrons moves through the conductor, some collide with atoms to give out a portion of their energy, which presents itself as heat. Generally metals contain free electrons which are made to flow in a particular direction by the application of potential difference through the conductor. (Tharaja, 2005).
            The electrons therefore, rub off on each other and the other matter components of which the metals is made up in doing this, frictional force result, which converts the energy of the moving electrons into heat energy. It is the heat developed in this process that is made used of in the electric cooker.

2.2              HEAT TRANSFER
These describes the exchange of thermal energy, between physics systems depending on the temperature and pressure, by dissipating heat. The fundamental modes of heat transfer are conduction or diffusion, convection and radiation (Lienhard et al, 2008).
Heat transfer always occurs from region of high temperature to another region of lower temperature. Heat transfer changes the internal energy of both systems involved according to the first law of thermodynamics (welty et al, 1996).
The first law of thermodynamics is a version of law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamics systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. The first law is often formulated by stating that the change in the internal energy of a closed system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system minus the amount of work done by the system on its surroundings. The second law of thermodynamics defines the concept of thermodynamics entropy, by measurable heat transfer. (Warren etal, 1996).
Heat is defined in physics as the transfer of thermal energy across a well defined boundary around a thermodynamic system. The thermodynamic free energy is the amount of work that a thermodynamic system can perform. Enthalpy is a thermodynamic potential, designated by the letter “H” that is the sum of the internal energy of the system (u) plus the product of pressure (P) and volume (V). Joule is a unit to quantify energy, work or the amount of heat.
Heat transfer is a process function (or path function), as opposed to functions of state. Therefore, the amount of heat transferred in a thermodynamic process that changes the state of a system depends on how that process occurs, not only the net difference between the initial and final states of the process. Thermodynamic and mechanical heat transfers is calculated with the heat transfer coefficient, the proportionality between the heat flux and the thermodynamic and driving force for the flow of heat. “Heat flux is a quantitative, vectorial representation of the heat flow through a surface.
In engineering contexts, the term heat is taken as synonymous to thermal energy. This usage has its origin in the historical interpretation of heat as a fluid (caloric) that can be transferred by various causes and that is also common in the language of laymen and everyday life.
Thermal technology concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of heat transfer. As such heat transfer is involved in almost every sector of the economy. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, and transfer of energy by phase changes.


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