Wednesday 18 November 2015




In Nigeria, relaxation and leisure is perceived more as luxury than necessity. Any other form of activity that does not generate income is believed to be waste lime. The absence of relaxation and leisure in our life style has giving birth to dangerous conditions such as high blood pressure, fatigue, cardiac arrest and other stress. Related ailment. Therefore there’s need to invest in construction and development of center for art and culture for recreation, entertainments, widening the scope of socio-cultural activities and arts performance. Architecture has been ignited in this project work to proffer solution through the design of the center for art and culture that will host social and cultural activities which will go a long way inculcating in our people the long forgotten and cherished cultural values. Tourism could also come in to view as the structure will be monument and well landscaped. For the purpose of this research every chapter has his own contribution. Chapter one (1) is centered on introduction, problem statement and definition, aims and objectives and also the importance of the study. Chapter two (2) is concerned with the literature review, Chapter three (3) deals with the case studies, these are; the chines cultural center Toronto, National art theater Lagos and also the Nigerian cultural center, millennium tower Abuja. Chapter four (4) highlights the climatic data and site analysis. Chapter five (5) dwells on the design properties and concept, materials and construction, and other services related to the project e.g mechanical and electrical services, water supply, waste or refuge disposal and maintenance.

Center for art and culture has become sensational to the society in every day since it purchase entertainment or an operating theater in the heart or minds of people when elaborated people of various background coming together to perform and yet entertain and view, theater could draw our thinking ability to a large capacity crowed uniting together to see and witness various art and cultural performances such as music/concert, drama, cinema viewing, picture painting, art drawing etc. people of the society do not see the socio cultural and art tie and the effect it has or its having on the people in the society, especially in Nigerian settings where culture differ from region to region.

The center for art and culture in Nigeria could serve a hug purpose to the people in Nigeria as the facing the age long dichotomy of the Nigerian. It could serve as a place of uniting the people of Nigeria just as sport and education does a lot to units us.
Eventually, both the government and people may not have recognized, leisure, relaxation, sight seeing and entertainment, this can be achieved when there has been magnanimous attempt to land scape and slotting of recreational facilities and equally making the building structure amendment 

This is achieved by the attempt of bringing the Centre for art and culture and its surroundings tourism industry. For example Sydney Opera houses has its way of international report as it beautify the image of Australia, including structure live stature of liberty America, huffier town in France etc. in line with tourism, collection of revenue is one aspect of the government or private organization enjoys especially when staying a show of great importance to the public.

Defining Art and cultural center by combining the two words together from the dictionary I would but of center for and culture is a building or a place different customs, art, social and cultural activities etc. are displaced theater will follow as a building where plays and its like are performed or an outdoor like an amphitheater. When similar arts is also done.

The idea of building the center for art and culture in Nigeria would be of great importance especially when a society claims to be civilized, it must allots and proportion of its resources to patronage  of the arts here in Nigeria where relaxation and leisure has not become portable to earn us a reasonable living where hustling and hasting of life has incapacitated the people and so it results to such a dangerous illness such as stress, cardiac arrest, fatigues and so on. There is a great need for government and private organization to facilitate the building of recreational center’s.
Chapter one (1) is in ten (10) sections. Following the introduction is the restatement of the project. Section two (2) research motivation aim and objectives. Section (3) is the research methodology. Section (4) is the scope of the study. Section (5) deals with limitation. Section (6) deals with the importance of the study. Section (7) deals with the definition of terms. Section (8) deals with the site selection. Section (9) deals with the utilities. Section ten deals (10) with the thesis organization.    
Every society that wishes to continue with existence must welcome unity architecture as in its respect being use fuse the people together which is the use dependent upon the performance stage in the theories such as drama, depicting most of our cultural values and performance of some novelist store made in Nigeria, music repertories which come in form of connects and mostly singing nature are as composed in incidence cloth with orchestra and local instrument.

Tourism as an avenue for boosting the image of the country has not been fully explored, people find it difficult to relax, this is due course causes fatigue  and other related illness, tourism involves not only relaxing or recreating but as well as sight seeing especially new things.

Natural or scene environmental features and man-made elements. In this project the building is a sight to behold and most of the element creates sight for both relaxation and for good viewing/mewing. 
1.2       MOTIVATION
With the recent trends in the society, when culture seems to be devaluing most common practices are borrowed from the Western World. People not having respect for each other especially those from different cultural background; units in our cultural systems  in dividing due to lack of cohesion and disintegration of our values (culture) and practices has become the norm of the tourism potentials in the country are not yet exploited in Lafia the capital of Nasarawa and yet theater, since is a place for unity. All this and yet more motivated me to proposed betting center for art and culture that would host most events inside Lafia this work borders on the region of a patriot attempts to use Architecture as a tool to solve problems “Architecture as a machine” by the following desire.
To promote art and tourism in Nasarawa state.
To To unite the people of Nasarawa state through theatric performance.
promote a high cultural heritage for the people of Nasarawa state.
To provide reliable information and data on design of art and cultural center
To construct a well ventilated theatre
To desire to produce by way of design a well lighted gallery.

1.3       AIM
This project is aiming at promoting Nasarwa state tourism and projecting the unity, the socio cultural, history of Nasarawa state people. Architectural design will be the means of doing that or achieving the aim by providing a standard center for art and culture.
1.4       OBJECTIVES
To provide a functional response, flexible and well ventilated theatre to reserve and promote both objective of
art and cultural heritage with information about them.
Convenient place for relaxation so as to eliminate fatigue.
A well lighted gallery
Provide a well celebrated edified for a better appreciation of a cultural and art center as a monument and also tourism attraction. 


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