Sunday 15 November 2015



This study the roles of information and contribution of indigenous firm of development of Nigerian economy (a case study of Globacom Nigeria Ltd) tend to understand the importance of innovation in ones land the vital and paramount roles it plays as an indigenous firm in order to develop the Nigeria economy the contributions it has made in different form in order to grow the nation base on it doing that are visible for every one to see, and confirm how very well it has done as an indigenous firm.

1.0            INTRODUCTION
Indigenous firm has from time in memorial being of great importance to every nation be it capitalist communist or mixed economy like Nigeria.

Going back in history and in present time countries like the U.S.A China, Switzerland and other communist states and capitalist states have gained a lot from indigenous firm. Nigeria as a country is not an exception. Indigenous firm I can say is the back bone of any economy because investment benefits the indigenes more because major labour forces come from the national. The case study of Globacom is a clear example of the topic of discussion.

The role and contribution of indigenous firm to the development of Nigerian economy (case study of Globacom Nigeria Ltd) can not be over emphasized and this research shall at all cost try to dig out these roles and contribution that the indigenous firm offers to the development of the Nigerian economy.

The background of this study aim at finding out the roles and contribution of indigenous who have established organization in the country and if specifically studying Globacom Nigeria Ltd, one of the telecommunication giant in Africa.

This study will show us the roles and the contribution of Globacom Nigeria in the country which most of us do not know.

The study is aimed at finding out what Globacom have contributed to Nigeria as a country financially, economically and technologically.

Apart from the indigenization decree of 1972 and 1977 the Nigeria government has not accorded the indigenous firms the capacity to operate in large scale. It is a known fact that the telecommunication sector is capital intensive which means one must have a broad financial base before going into the sector.
The government has a lot of work to do in order to reverse the trend.
a.     Government should discourage the idea whereby foreign firms determine the place of the economy by imposing heavy tax on them.
b.     The continued existence of this trend will cripple the economy because they (foreign firms) makes a lot of profits in Nigeria and use if to develop their own economy meanwhile indigenous firms will plunge back their profit in the Nigeria economy.
c.      Infact telecommunication firms should be given tax free period of about ten (10) years as against the usual five (5) years tax holiday.

This study is aimed at finding out way of increasing the roles and contributions indigenous firms in the advancement of the Nigeria economy.

Globacom’s vantage position as a national icon build on a patriotic platform compels a commensurate social responsibility profile. Coming in as the second National Operator (SNO) its zeal in national development finds fulfilment in major areas of our national life, sports and job creation their foray into sports sponsorship for instance us predicted on its unifying role. These and more breeds up the interest to find ways of encouraging indigenous companies
This research work is very significant in that; when an individual or corporate body is recognized or commended rewound want to do even more.
1.     It will contribute to the body of knowledge
2.     It will enable government to know some of the area which indigenous firm could be assisted.
3.     It affords one the knowledge of what the indigenous firms are doing towards the development of the economy.
4.     It affords the researcher the knowledge of current affairs in the country particularly the telecommunication sector.
5.     To find out if indigenous firm can do better towards improving the Nigeria economy.

Scholar’s researchers, students and the general public wants to ask question of the roles and contributions of indigenous firms to the development of the Nigerian economy being one of the world’s developing economy. “These questions need answers and the quest to answer such question is the primary reason of embarking on this research work” the researcher therefore presents the following research questions for this study.

What is the participatory level of Nigerian in the vast business opportunities in the telecommunication sector of the economy?
How are these business financed?
Are there solutions to these setbacks?
How can these businesses be assisted?
These and more are among the various questions of many prospective business participants and promoters which need to be answered. This project is scared toward answering these questions.

1.6            SCOPE OF STUDY
This research study gives Globacon Nigeria limited corporate head quarter of Maitama Abuja. however this research study would have covered all the branch of the network provider and /or even sister companies in the telecommunication industry but due to time and financial constraint undertakings such work the study  was limited only to the Abuja corporate head office of Golobacom Nigeria limited.

The research work is intended to cover extensively a detailed analysis of the situation on the role and contributions of indecorous firm to the development of the Nigeria economy this study is not doubt quite eventful excision and adventurous however not devoid of limitation. Obviously any study which is partially or completely based on field study is quite difficult in Nigeria due to our underdeveloped nature from the course of  Athens the needed data for the research work a number of problem were encountered such as high cost of transportation increased cost of situation which turn resulted in the high cost of this research work apart from the relevant data that were not easy to come by finance also pose a big threat to the success of this project work after all said and done I thank God for a safe landing.
1.8            DEFINITION OF TERM
Economy: This is defined as a careful use of money and resources to avoid waste.
Opportunities: This is defined as a chance or favourable combination of circumstances.
Inadequacy: This is defined as existing naturally in a particular country, region or environment.
Firms: This is defined as business partnership, a commercial company
Companies: This is defined as an association of people for carrying out a business or commerce.
Nigerians: This is defined as indigenes of Nigeria
Independence: This is defined as the state of being independent of self governing political unit.
Telecommunication: This is defined as the communication of information over low distance by telephone radio communication or communication by able.
Roles: This is defined as function carried out
Contributions: This is defined as the act of contribution of something.
Equity: This is defined as fairness or a loyal system based on just as developed into body of resources supplementing the common law.
Production: This is defined as the act of producing or a thing produced.
Development: This is defined as the process of growing or developing i.e. a new situation that emerge.
Infrastructure: This is defined as the basic structure of any system that determines the economic power of a country.
Telephone: This is defined as an instrument for transmitting speech over a distance by means of electricity.
Telecom: This is short form for telecommunication.
Africa: This is defined as something portioning to Africa or a notice of Africa.
Business: This is defined as trade or commercial occupation or profession
Foreign: This is defined as belonging to another country or introduced from outside a country.
Technology: This is defined as the systematic application of knowledge to practical task in industry.
In the course of this project work my terms are going to be used frequently in order to have a better understanding of this research work the frequent used of words have carefully been defined in simplified terms.

Communication infrastructure is important in fact with electricity they play undeniable crucial role in economic development. A base infrastructure lankly it has also been with us in Nigeria for over 100 years to be prĂ©cised telecommunication stated in Nigeria in 1886 and one may say but on a faintly foundation this is because the colonial administration then ways interest in promotion administration functions rather than the socio-economic developing administration of the country therefore the administration saw the external connection by public telegraph  service liking Lagos by submarine cable alone the west coast of Africa, sierra Leone and Gambia into England is a more prominent project.

Consequently, one total number of telephone line in Nigeria as at independence in 1996 was only 18,724 and this for a population estimated at about 40 million meaning a tele-density of 0.4 telephones per 1000 people.

During the 1960 the telephone network then consisted of 121 exchanges out which 116 were manual types and only five were automatic exchanges. And to correct these animates there has been a number of development plans for expansion and modernization of the telecommunications networks and service since independence.


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Agada Leonard E.
For: Enems Project.

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