Sunday 15 November 2015



This researched work is designed to study objectively the effect of industrial relations on conflict management systems in an organization. It showed the various effect and level of conflict management and the stage-by-stage settlement of conflict and a concise study of the machineries of conflict handling system. The research methodology is both descriptive and exploratory. The sample plan was designed for a research on a sampled population drawn from the organization chosen for the study and other organization. The sample members were given questionnaires to complete in response to questions, which are relevant to this study. The researcher also conducted personal interview where possible and necessary. The sample was used in order to attain effective and meaning full data since it was impossible and unwise to survey the entire population in the organization. This research work has shown that conflict is unavoidable in an organization and it also provide a critical view of conflict  management system as may be appropriate to particular situation.
1.1            INTRODUCTION
The establishment and continuous existence of organization through the realization of set goals and objectives requires the continuous and effective functioning of its material input with the human element being indispensable.

However, the human elements required to facilitate goals attainment often engage in disagreement and variance over factors such as interest, views, style of management among others. The reactionary effect is due to the perceived incompatibilities resulting typically from some form of interference or opposition termed conflict.

AZAMOSA (2004) observed that conflict involve the total range of behaviors and attitudes that is in opposition between owners/managers on the one hand and working people on the other. It is a state of disagreement over issues of substance or emotional antagonism and may arise due to anger, mistrust or personality clashes. Irrespective of the factors resulting in conflict, it has been observed that industrial conflicts produce considerable effects on the organization and should be consciously managed as much as possible.
For people to progress at work and other aspect of life, there must be cooperation which is essential to ensure task attainment and stability in life. However, it would be wrong to reach the conclusion that cooperation is good while conflict is bad, this is because both concepts are pervasive and co-exist in our social life. Conflict is inevitable given the wide range of goods for the different stakeholders in the organization and its absence signifies management emphasizes conformity and stifles innovation.

Rahim (2001) opined that conflict may be interpersonal or inter group with interpersonal conflicts occurring between a supervisor and his subordinate or between two individuals at the same level of the organizational hierarchy. Inter group conflicts often occur between two trade unions between two departments or between management and workers while attempting to implement the policies and programme of the organization.
Hence, this research work reviews the source, types, causes and consequential effect of conflict and its effective management on corporate productivity with the aim of suggesting a valid, objective and transferable conclusion to the construction companies with Julius Berger Nigeria Plc Abuja as a case study.

An industrial relation consists of the total sum of relationship that exists between the employee, employer and government in order to corporately achieve high productivity in an organization management. Conflict is equally to be managed to avoid low productivity or an economic loses.

Nigeria has witnessed unprecedented industrial conflict both private and public sector of the economy, thus resulted to economic loses. A good example is the conflict (disagreement) between the government and labour over oil subsidy which led to strike and Nigerian and at the process government loses billions of Naira. There was stagnation chaos, violence e.t.c. in the economy.

The fact that industrial relationship and conflict is unavoidable, it should be done in such a way that it can be managed by the management. The management of conflict tends highlight the various conflict handling systems open to the management of an enterprise which can be applied to prevent conflict from degenerating into stages that are capable of disrupting business activities of the enterprises leading to reduce profit or total loss of capital and consequently unemployment.

The effect of industrial relation on conflict management in an organization are numerous and diverse as the situation may portray. In the life of an organization there are bound to be conflict between parties involved in the employment contract such as conflict between employee and fellow employee, worker, union and government e.t.c.

Organization in their drive for achievement of their objectives often encounter problems relating to workers grievances such as complaint against time, lack of resources, poor communication, objection to general method of supervision, general working condition, allegation about violation e.t.c. It is on this premise that the researcher seek to analyze the effect of industrial relation in the management of the various conflicts mentioned above, how can it be handled or managed in order to provide the best solution to any of the conflicts that may occur.

The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of industrial relation on conflict management in an organization among which it seek to address the following:
i.          The method used by labour union (trade union) and management of an organization to handle or address conflict in the organization.
ii.        To make obvious the danger and opportunities of conflict when they do occur.
iii.     Seek to address the effect of conflict when left to degenerate to a worst stage.

The essence of this project is to analyze the effect of industrial relation on conflict management in an organization therefore at the completion of this project work, it will serve the significant purpose of enabling the organization under study and others outside to know the importance effect of industrial relation in conflict management in the overall performance of the organization. It also gives a deep knowledge on consequences of conflict and its importance in an organization.
Finally, this study will serve as a reference material to other organization, researcher and any fellow who will want to advance their knowledge on industrial relations and the management of conflict in an organization.

1.5            SCOPE OF THE STUDY
The scope of the study will be restricted to the effect of industrial relation on conflict management in an organization with particular interest in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc Abuja.

The research hypothesis for this study shall be Ho: Industrial relation has a significant effect on conflict management in a construction company.
(Julius Berger Plc, Abuja)
Hi: Industrial relation has no significant effect on conflict management in a construction company.

During the execution of this study, the researcher encountered some difficulties which affected the smooth execution of this study. Some of these difficulties encountered are as follows:
i.       Data Sourcing: Searching for relevant information faces a lot of challenges as the researcher has no free access into the organization to obtain accurate and sufficient data, but notwithstanding the researcher overcome all this and questionnaires were distributed to the respondents which enable the researcher to carry out the researched work to the best of her ability.
ii.     Time: Time available for the conduct of this researcher work is not enough to explore organization coupled with the academic activities engaged in by the researcher.
iii.  Finance: The limited availability of money for the execution of this study is a major factor that has posed a big challenge to the research work.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

1.8            DEFINITION OF TERMS
Chaos: A situation of disorderliness and confusion
Conflict: A situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement.
Dispute: Dissatisfaction between employers and employee, employees and employee.
Effect: A change produced by an action or other cause, a result.
Management: The act of controlling the use of human and financial resources in an organization or establishment.
Stand Still: Total stoppage of activities in the system.
Precedent: An action or decision taken at a time which becomes a basis for further action.
Discontentment: A situation where the expectation of an individual worker from his working relationship with organization is not met.
Strike: A period of time when an organized group of employees of a company stop working because of disagreement over pay, condition e.t.c.
Employee: A person who is paid to work.
Employer: A person or company that pays people to work for them.

Fashoyin T. (1992) Industrial Relations in Nigeria Ikeja

Fajama, S. (2000) Industrial Relation in Nigeria Theory and Features Lagos

Olugboye, O. (1996) State Labour Relation in Contemporary Nigeria.

Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, International Student Edition New 8th Edition

2.0                      INTRODUCTION
Labour is an important factor in the successful operation of a given enterprises. The success with which it works with other factors like management and capital will largely determine how well we can live and have the goods and services we want.

Labour refers to all forms of human efforts, physical and mental, that provides goods and services, it includes the services performed by manager, engineer, mechanics, skilled factory workers, stenographers and many more. Besides producing goods or adding value or utility to goods, labour also performs important economic services that are not directly related to the production of physical goods.

Each type of labour in its own special way is very important. Most workers are employed by others and are paid wages. Some workers are self-employed. They own their business and perform work in those businesses.

Industrial relations has become one of the most delicate and complex problems of modern industrial society. Industrial progress is impossible without cooperation of labours and harmonious relationship. Therefore, it is in the interest of all to create and maintain good relations between employers (labour) and employers (Management).

The term Industrial Relations comprises of two terms Industry and Relations. Industry refers to any productive activity in which an individual (or a group of individuals) is (are) engaged. By Relations it means the relationship that exist within the industry between the employer and his workmen. The term industrial relations explain the relationship between employees and management which stem directly or indirectly from union employer relationship. Industrial relations are the relationship between employees and employers within the organizational settings.

The field of industrial relations looks at the relationship between management and workers, particularly groups of workers represented by a union. Industrial relations are basically the interactions between employers, employees and the government, and the institutions and association through which such interactions are mediated. The term industrial relations has a broad as well as a narrow outlook. Originally, industrial relations was broadly defined to include the relationships and interactions between employers and employees. From this perspective, industrial relations covers all aspect of the employment relationship, including human resource management, employee relations and union-management or (labour) relations. Its meaning now has become more specific and restricted.

Accordingly, industrial relations pertains to the study and practice of collective bargaining, trade unionism, and labour management relations, while human resource management is a separate, largely distinct field that deals with non-union employment relationships and the personnel practices and policies of employers. The relationship which arise at and out of the workplace generally include the relationship between individual workers, the relationship between workers and their employer, the relationships between employers, the relationships between employers and workers have with the organization formed to promote their respective interests, and the relations between those organizations, at all levels. Industrial relations also includes the processes through which these relationships are expressed (Such as, collective bargaining, worker’s participation in decision-making, and grievance and dispute settlement) and the management of conflict between employers, workers and trade unions, when it arises.


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