The aim of this study is to assess the fire safety practice and regulation implementation of public buildings in Minna Nigeria.In order to achieve the aim, to identify fire hazards by considering the sources of ignition, sources of fuel and oxygen of public buildings; to evaluate the risk in fire outbreak of public buildings; to assess the adequacy of existing fire safety measures of public building.A total number of sixty (60) questionnaires were sent out; of which fifty (50) were filled and returned. Data were collected after receiving consent to study fire safety measures/practices in the case study area however this activity was preceded by explanation of study objectives to the respondents and interviewee. Consented candidates were interviewed using structured questionnaires. Most of the offices, stores, escape routes and generator rooms were poorly maintained as they were littered with free burning materials like papers, files, chairs, cartons and plastics; Evacuation of occupants from the building during emergencies will be difficult since most of the exit routes were either encumbered or locked; Directional signs and emergency lights which will also aid escape/evacuation during emergencies are grossly inadequate. It was then recommended that The Federal Government should ensure that there is sufficient support and adequate funding of the Fire Safety Service in case of fire outbreak, they should be well equipped to standard with appropriate fire fighting equipment and gadget that will enable them fight fire to minimize it if possible eradicate fire from our public buildings. It was also recommended that public building owners and executives should have their buildings constructed to meet the necessary public building regulation standards and requirement like installation fittings. They should ensure to set up a training or orientation programme on fire safety measures for the users of public buildings.
It was learnt that fire burned on the face of the earth long before the arrival of man. Most fires which burned uncontrolled were ignited by natural forces. Walton, 2007 added that the control of fire has profoundly influenced the development of all science and technology. Man has a long standing relationship with fire as a useful friend in cooking our food, heating and lighting our homes, in providing electricity and running our vehicles etc.
It was learnt that fire burned on the face of the earth long before the arrival of man. Most fires which burned uncontrolled were ignited by natural forces. Walton, 2007 added that the control of fire has profoundly influenced the development of all science and technology. Man has a long standing relationship with fire as a useful friend in cooking our food, heating and lighting our homes, in providing electricity and running our vehicles etc.
This useful friend can become our worst enemy if not treated with respect i.e. in an uncontrollable state fire has the capacity to cause tremendous damage to lives and properties including our homes, offices and farms etc. resulting in loss of lives, loss of properties and loss of business etc. Fire can be useful, but it can also be deadly. It has always fascinated and frightened; and as the proverb states, it is a good servant and a bad master. Without fire, civilization would be radically different, it might not even exist (Stollard & Abrahams, 2004).
The problem of fire outbreaks has always been a source of major concern in the world today. Fire is the fourth largest accidental killer in the world behind, motor vehicle accidents, falls and drowning. Its treat has spread throughout history since its discovery.
Day by day the need for awareness and planning in our expanding society is required to stop the occurrence of unexpected fire accidents. The rising wave of fire incidents occurring in our buildings within the past few years is alarming and has become a course for concern. Sadly the causes of many of the recent fires have been difficult to establish. Arson has been suspected in some cases while surges of electricity supply are believed to have contributed to others. Occurrence of most of the fires in the dead of the night has also contributed to difficulty in establishing the cause of these fires. In addition Johnson, 2003 suggested that the losses incurred after every fire incident has cause for alarm, hence there was need for firefighting or prevention s4ystem to be developed in order to check these unwanted fires and ensure fire safety environment.
This challenge was initially taken up by philanthropic groups, volunteers and even local government authorities. According to Koffel, 2003, the first firefighting tactics was the bucket brigade by which was later passed in leather buckets from hand to hand, from the water supply to the devouring fire and back to the water supply.
Fire is a combustion product caused by some chemical reactions that produces physical effect. Fire results from a chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen in the presence of heat (ignition source). The product of this reaction is detectable heat, light and in most cases smoke and toxic fumes. For a fire to start these three conditions must be present at the same time.
Recent studies indicate that the spread or propagation of fire is also dependent on a fourth factor, the chemical chain reactions that occur as a result of heat produced by the fire. Fire will not occur when the legs of the fire triangle meet, unless all three elements are present in the required amount. For example vapour from a flammable liquid must be mixed with a certain amount of air in order to ignite and propagate a flame.
Marchant, 2007 stated that as early civilization erupts, people discovered more use for fire. They also used fire to provide light, make tools such as weapon during war. Keeping a controlled fire burning played a central part in communal life.
Olajide, 2000 acknowledged that starting fire especially in adverse weather usually requires much time and labour to generate sufficient friction to ignite kindling therefore people now focus not only on starting fires but on using fire productively and on preventing or extinguishing unwanted ones, as disastrous uncontrolled fires have taken away lives and properties worth millions of naira. In addition Johnson, 2008 suggested that the losses incurred after every fire incident has cause for alarm, hence there was need for firefighting or prevention system to be developed in order to check these unwanted fires and ensure a fire safety environment. This challenge was initially taken up by philanthropic groups, volunteers and even local government authorities.
According to Koffel, 2003 the first firefighting tactics was the bucket brigade by which was later passed in leather buckets from hand to hand, from the water supply to the devouring fire and back to the water supply. With the existing available combustible materials and the level of development by then, the bucket brigade could adequately extinguish fire hazard. In the modern society, the dangers from fire are much more acute than in the past, thus the bucket brigade system need to be developed to meet up the present fire safety requirements. This led to the development of detection alarms and existing wiring systems, which can be installed in buildings to assist in the prevention, suppression and control of the spread of fire (Walton, 2007).
In addition stollard, 2004 identified fire protection as entailing measures to limit the effects of fire which include the fire safety tactics of prevention, communication, escape and extinguishment.
During fire outbreak, a huge amount of wealth and most times lives are usually lost in this incidence. Many public buildings and offices have assets in them for protection and safety, and they end up losing all their valuables in such situations.
During fire outbreak, a huge amount of wealth and most times lives are usually lost in this incidence. Many public buildings and offices have assets in them for protection and safety, and they end up losing all their valuables in such situations.
Fire is said to be a process of burning that produces light and heat as well as smoke and flame. Over the ages, man has used fire to solve basic problems such as the provision of heat energy for residential use, commercial and for individual use. However, the misuse of it has always resulted in consequential adverse effect which leads to burning down of so many things like buildings, vehicles and other utilities. In the building industry, adequate attention has not been paid to fire as a causative factor that is responsible for building collapse in Nigeria (Ayuba et al 2012).
Taiwo, (2002) in Ayuba et al (2012) opined that when fire occurs in buildings, the structural members such as walling materials, foundation and other structural members get weaken. After sometimes, the walls begin to crack which may lead to total collapse of building.
In order to prevent the future occurrence of fire this research was undertaken. Understanding the basic characteristics of fire and knowing how they have been providing fire safety practice over the years and if there have been regulation enforcement for fire safety management can be the key to surviving a building on fire. Thus this research will be based on the possible assessment of the users of the buildings and how oriented they are on fire safety, so as to avoid loss of lives, properties (building contents) and the building itself from fire in the Minna metropolis Nigeria. It is also necessary to establish the potential causes of fire outbreaks as to prevent their occurrences or bring them to their closest minimum the advent of such incidences.
1.3.1 AIM
The aim of this study is to assess the fire safety practice and regulation implementation of public buildings in Minna Nigeria.
1.3.1 AIM
The aim of this study is to assess the fire safety practice and regulation implementation of public buildings in Minna Nigeria.
i. To identify fire hazards by considering the sources of ignition, sources of fuel and oxygen of public buildings.
i. To identify fire hazards by considering the sources of ignition, sources of fuel and oxygen of public buildings.
ii. To evaluate the risk in fire outbreak of public buildings.
iii. To assess the adequacy of existing fire safety measures of public building.
The need for this study is concerned with the fact that we have seen and heard what fire has done to people in the society including their properties and their buildings. Anything that can take human life, destroy properties, cause agony and pain to the people needs careful investigation and assessment.
The need for this study is concerned with the fact that we have seen and heard what fire has done to people in the society including their properties and their buildings. Anything that can take human life, destroy properties, cause agony and pain to the people needs careful investigation and assessment.
This study is intended to provide awareness to the government, professionals in the building construction industry such as Architects, Builders, Developers, Contractors, Surveyors and the general public in the need for fire safety practice and regulation enforcement on public buildings in case of fire outbreak.
This will consequently help in addressing the situation of fire in the metropolis and help to fight against it to reduce the loss of human lives and properties due to fire outbreaks. This study will help to proffer better design arrangement that will facilitate rapid response of the fire service and ensure that the probability of fire outbreaks is reduced to the closest minimum.
Though the problems of fire in public buildings affect the whole world, the scope of this research survey will be limited to Niger state government secretariat (as a specimen of public buildings) in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria due to time frame and financial constraints. Also, this project will cover the factors responsible for fire safety practice and regulation implementation and its effectiveness in public buildings.
Though the problems of fire in public buildings affect the whole world, the scope of this research survey will be limited to Niger state government secretariat (as a specimen of public buildings) in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria due to time frame and financial constraints. Also, this project will cover the factors responsible for fire safety practice and regulation implementation and its effectiveness in public buildings.
In carrying out this project work both primary and secondary sources of data collection shall be used. Both data will be collected through the use of:
In carrying out this project work both primary and secondary sources of data collection shall be used. Both data will be collected through the use of:
i. Literature review such as seminars, journals and text books.
ii. Personal observation, questionnaires and the use of a checklist.
iii. Use of statistical method such as measure of dispersion for data analysis.
a. Primary sources of data: This involves direct observation of the research area and the use of a check list to acquire all the necessary information and serve as a guide into inspecting a building for fire safety assessment. Interview with offices of the Federal and State Fire Service Command, fire prevention officer, various organizations and bodies etc.
a. Primary sources of data: This involves direct observation of the research area and the use of a check list to acquire all the necessary information and serve as a guide into inspecting a building for fire safety assessment. Interview with offices of the Federal and State Fire Service Command, fire prevention officer, various organizations and bodies etc.
b. Secondary source of data: This was collected from publication, journals, internet, newspapers and yearly records of fire service information and others. Textbooks, professional magazines and even libraries like the national library in Minna.
Responses were collected on individual bases and also interviews were conducted with respondents in respect to questionnaire earlier distributed. Analytical tools were basically descriptive statistical which includes percentage, tables and charts.
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