Monday 13 November 2017




It is a matter of fact that provision of housing facilities is of great importance owning to the imperative nature of housing in man’s survival. It has therefore been argued that inadequacy in housing affects the health, welfare and productivity of man.

There is a high magnitude of housing needs in Nigeria which is evidenced by incidence of a large proportion of population living in standard houses devoid of a minimum level of normative and structural quality. In Kogi State therefore, there is acute housing poverty manifested by acute shortage accommodation and the dismally poor quality of greater percentage of existing ones. As a result of this impalatable situation, a good percentage of people who reside in Lokoja, the state capital live in slums as quality housing is priced beyond their economic means. This is more so as most of the resident of lokoja are civil servants. A very good example of poor housing is in the cantonment, old market-Kabawa axis where most houses are substandard and lack place of convenience (Toilets).

As earlier stated, the housing problem in Kogi State is more pronounced in lokoja which is an urban area where there has been a remarkable increase in the population without a corresponding growth in the number of housing unit available for occupation. Therefore, low and middle income earner’s which constitute over 70% of the work force are the mostly affected.
In view of the above, it is important to note that various administrations in Kogi State have set out several strategies to look for lasting solution to the acute shortage of accommodation in the state and particular lokoja, the state capital.

The research project is therefore, embarked upon to investigate the nature and causes of housing problem in Kogi State and to proffer solution to the problems.

In Nigeria today, a critical look of urbanization and it’s crises reveals that housing is one of the major problems in urban areas. As a result of this urbanization and it’s crisis, the problematic area of study is based on whether.
  • Acute accommodation problem is the major headache in lokoja, the Kogi State capital, including most towns and cities in Nigeria today.
  • Citing structures of choice by some individuals who manage to acquire land in several strategic position of the state do not give resources to town planners.
  • The procedures coupled with the acquisition of land is really cumbersome and money intensive.
  • Inadequacy of shops and demolition of containers/Kiosks/extensions within the metropolis satisfies people’s business commodity.
  • The fate of those houses on ground is slim because of erosion and flood and as a result of poor drainage and relief system.
  • Most people fund it difficult to built because of financial constraint.
The general objective of this research project is to examine problems related to housing policy in Nigeria using Kogi State as a case study.
  • To extensively examine the housing policy established by the various governments in Kogi State to solve the problem of acute shortage of accommodation in the state.
  • To critically study the role of government in finding lasting solution to acute shortage of accommodation and make recommendations that will assist the government in achieving the desire goals.
  • To serve as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in Public Administration as a contribution of knowledge.
Hypothesis refer to a prediction or expectation about the differences or relationships between variables identified in the problem to be studied. It can also be defined as tentative proposition suggested as a solution to a problem or as explanation of some phenomenon. A hypothesis therefore serves as a guide because it provides a starting point for investigation that will lead to the solution of this research problem. Therefore, the following hypothesis will be tested to enable the researcher draw reasonable conclusions.
  • National Housing Policy as a public policy cannot be realized because the political constraints in the country.
  • Inability of the government to finance the housing delivery agencies is the major factor for non-realization of the goal of the policy.
  • Difficulty in the acquisition of land from the government is one of the causes of acute accommodation shortage in lokoja and other urban areas.
This research project focuses on the assessment of housing policy in Nigeria with special reference to Kogi State.

More so, since Kogi State is our area of focus, the period of the study shall be from 1991 when the state was created till date. The researcher shall therefore endeavour to analyze the activities of National Housing Policy and the Kogi State government.

It is pertinent to state here that a good number of problems confronted the researcher in the course of the study like financial constraints and difficulty in getting relevant information on housing policy.

It is evidenced that despite the prevailing economic, political and socio-cultural situation in the country, acute accommodation problem is still high devoid of several millennia policies. In order to find solution to this problem, there is need for proper housing policies and consistent procedures that will reduce the high rate of accommodation shortages, citing of illegal settlement, procedures for acquisition of land and money involved etc. which has always resulted into social problems.

The result this research will greatly help kogi State Government in finding on enduring solution to housing problems in the state thereby relieving the federal government of part of it’s burden. The research will also increase the knowledge of the researcher in the area of handling housing problems in an appropriate way.

Above all, the result will also serve as a proper guide to other researcher’s who wish to embark on studies on related topic or problems.

For the purpose of enhancing understanding of this work, the researcher shall attempt to define the following terms:-
  1. HOUSING: Housing can be defined as a building where people live. It can also be defined as shelter for protection and it is one of the human needs as propounded by Abraham Maslow.
  2. NATIONAL: National can be defined as a totality of communities of people sharing a common history, language, custom etc. living in a particular territory with supreme or coercive authority under government.
  3. PUBLIC: It is something concerning people in general. In this case, public interest is the general will of the citizenry.
  4. POLICY: According to Thomas Dye, it is what government chooses to do or not to do, for example, admission policy into Kogi State Polytechnic.
National housing as a public policy in this case, therefore, means the adoption of statement of ideas by the government aimed at providing shelter for the citizenry.
5. ACUTE: It means something that is serious or severe.

For ease of analysis, submission and clarity, this research work has been broken down into five (5) chapters.

Chapter one of the research project serves as an introduction. It therefore introduces readers to the research work and making them know the need to have an insight into housing policy in Nigeria.

Chapter two,. Deals with the literature review here, existing and relevant literature on natural housing policy will be discussed in detail including it’s type, achievement and assessing the impact that various administrations have made Kogi State towards reducing the problem of acute accommodation shortage.

Chapter three, deal with research methodology. Here, the research population and sample as well as the various methods used in collecting and analyzing data are discussed.

Chapter four has to do with the presentation of data and it’s analysis including the testing of hypothesis while the researcher summarizes and concludes the project work in chapter five and also make recommendations to the government on how to bring an end to accommodation problem in the state and the country at large.


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Agada Leonard E.
For: Enems Project.

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