Monday 13 November 2017




Election in its normal democratic sense is a way through which the electorates in any society appoint their leader or representatives to exercise political power on their behalf. The conduct of any election should be tree and fair and reflecting the with of the people but this could not be attained in the 2008 Kachia Local Government Election. The election was characterized by all kinds of activities that were inimical to success. These include thuggery, looting, arson killing, destruction of properties and other form of electoral manipulation. This research was therefore conducted to examine Democracy and electoral manipulation: A case study of Kachia Local Government Council Election of 2008. to guide the study, research questions and hypothesis were formulated. The population for the study which was drawn from all the (12) electoral words that make up the Local Government, cut across age, sex, occupation, class and so on a total number of (40) questionnaires were administered or distributed to the respondents in the electoral words of the Local Government simple percentage (frequency of concurrency). Was use to analyze data collected. There is a relationship between poverty and violence in Kachia Local Government council election of 2008. The results of the funding was positive showing that there is relationship between poverty and violence in the Kachia Local Government Council Election of 2008.

The hundred and twenty-five years between the French Revolution in 1979 and the outbreak of the World War in 1914 remarkable in the history of government for the development of the rise of democracy (Appadorcil, A, 1978, 233) the man emergence of democracy as a dominant other things been seen as a pivotal instrument of advancing and maintaining progress in some parts of our society.
Democracy is a continuous process and struggle towards actualization of certain values freedom, equality and justice. No matter how democracy is understood, interpreted and practiced, it has a philosophical justification premised on certain cherished human values and ideas. These values and ideas. These values are freedom, equality and Justice (Nnoli O. 1986, 160).

Democracy as a concept does not have a generally agreed definition. It is defined differently by different scholar based on different perceptions of concept.

Democracy is a term that is used to describe an idea, process a series of event leading to change or course of action or a system of government. As an idea, process or system, democracy entrenches and expand the right, ability and capacity of people in any community big or small, from the most complex to the least complicated, to take control of their lives, through participating, as fully as possible in discussion and decisions on issues that affect them and their community.
Democracy can also be said to exist where the leaders of apolitical system are elected by competitive election in which the bulk of the population have the opportunity to participate.

Democracy is a form of government where a constitution guarantees basic personal and political rights, fait and free election and independent courts of law. It could also be seen as a political government either carried out by the people or the power to government is granted to elected representatives. It is a government of the people exercised either directly or through elected representatives. Democracy may also be continuatives. Democracy may also be considered as a primary sources of power.

It also seen as majority rule. Democracy from a different point of view could be understood as a principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.
The Kachia Local Government Council elections of 2008 have been associated with turmoil, killing, assassinations and wanton destruction of properties.

Kachia Local Government Area is a constituency located in the southern part
Since not much work has be done on the 2008 Kachia Local Government election manipulation, it is important to conduct this research in order to provide researched document on manipulation with a view of knowing the nature of manipulation in the local government.

Since this research work is aimed at assessing the level and dimension of the 2008 election manipulation. An issue of this magnitude needs serious and intellectual attention since the key issue in democracy is about how good government can be entrenched. There is therefore, the need for intellectuals to look into the problems of election manipulation since election is central to the realization of democratic values and goals.

The Kachia Local Government Council election of 2008 was married by widespread election manipulation. This degenerated 60 violence of wanton destruction of lives and properties. The focus of my study. Therefore is to examine the nature and conduct of the elections which resulted into violence with greater objectivity and merit, so much so that glaring irregularities were recorded. This situation generated grievances and resentments and subsequently threatened the peace of the area.

The study seeks to achieve the following objectives:
  1. To suggest ways through which election manipulation could be reduced to the minimum level.
  2. To asses the level and dimension of the 2008 manipulation of Kachia Local Government Council Election.
  3. To know the level and dimension of Youth’s involvement in the 2008 election manipulation.
  4. To find possible solution to political apathy in Kachia Local Government of Kaduna State.
  5. To find possible solution in order to reduce political violence in the Kachia Local Government in Kaduna State.
The study is aimed at examining the election manipulation in Kachia Local Government Council election of 2008. It will be difficult and out of place to extend the study beyond the Kachia Local Government of 2008. because they are many constraints that hindered me from expanding this project work such constraint are:

Time constraint has constituted one of the major factor in this research work this is because this research work is expected to beat a deadline in the presentation of the project which can hinder this work for further or research work.

Scarcity of resources. (Both human and material). These may include difficulty in laying one’s hands on some crucial data and documents which are often times touted as secret or official documents. It may also include financial constraint because every stage of the research work from the field to the report writing and the typing and blinding of the project could be very demanding financially.
In different and unco-operative reaction of certain respondent who may refuse to give coherent answers to one’s question or even those who may be unwilling to spare time to fill in simple questionnaires.

Since not much has done on the 2008 Kachia Local Government election manipulation. It is importance to conduct this research work with view to knowing the nature of manipulation in the Local Government election in general and kachia Local Government in particular.

Since this research work is aimed at assessing the level and dimension of the 2008 election manipulation in kachia Local Government Area, it will serve as a means of educating and disabusing the minds of the populace on the negative acts election. The 2008 kachia Local Government election was married by Widespread violence due to manipulation. As issue of this magnitude needs serious and intellectual attention since the key issue in democracy is about how governance can be entrenched. There is therefore the need for intellectuals to look into the problems of election manipulation since election is central to realization of democratic value and goals.

  1. What is the level of election violence in the kachia Local Government 2008?
  2. What is the nature of election manipulation in the 2008 kachia Local Government Council Election?
  3. Why did people resort to violence to register their resentment
  4. What are the major causes of violence in kachia Local Government Council Election 2008?
  1. DEMOCRACY: Is a form of government in which the people exercise their governing power either directly or through representatives periodically elected by them.
  2. ELECTION: Is the act of electing can debates to represent the people of a given country in the parliament, the executive and possibly into other arms of government as stipulated in the constitution of particular country.
  3. LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Local Government or Local Authority is a government set up by a central authority or state government as a means of ensuring effective administration at the grass root. In other words a local government is the type of government that help either the central or state government to carry out effective administration of the country at the grass root level.
  4. MANIPULATION: In term of democracy it implies the act of influence electoral process in order to favour groups or regions.
  5. CONSTITUENCY: An electoral constituency is simply an electoral district or an area from which one or more members or representatives are elected into political office. The division of a country into constituencies is ratered to a delimitation and it make for equitability in the allocation of parliamentary seats.
  6. WARD: Is a geographical unit for electing local government chairman and councilors.
The chapter one, introduction, which include the background of the study statement of the problem, objectives of the study, the scope and limitations of study, significant, statement of hypothesis for research questions, and definition of key term.

Chapter two literature review which include concept of democracy history of democracy in Nigeria, concept of election history of kachia Local Government and location of kachia Local Government.

Chapter three research methodology which include research population and sample, research design and approach, methods of data collection administration of instruments method of data analysis and problems of methodology.

Chapter four data presentation and analysis which include presentation of data analysis of data, test of hypothesis and discussion of finding.

Chapter five summary conclusions and recommendations. Which include summary of findings conclusions, and recommendation.


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