Monday 13 November 2017




This research work centred on democracy consolidation and its manifestation in Kogi State.
Democracy as a system of government has come to stay in Nigeria that guarantee the right and priviledges of the citizens of these country that bring about social economic and political transformation.
‘’Democracy’’ as it is good for any developing countries like Nigeria because of own ethnic diversities in these country. So that the voice of the weak could be held and prevent one ethnic groups dominating the other.
Because of the importance and benefits obtainable from the practice of democracy. I am interested on these particular topic.

Before the advert of the white man was there nothing like Nigeria or Nigeria state each existing on its own with minimal contact, usually limited to trade and social transaction and little political relationship. After the advent of the white men Nigeria now have a new face of administered. These country was administered or rule by Lord Lugard after the National Amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorate of Nigeria in 1914 shortly after Nigeria got her independent in 1960 in 1963 Nigeria became a Republic hen first Republic was truncated of political, social economic ethnicity etc the military men in inordered the country and dislodge all the political institutions in place and replaced by degrees and edits which denied the right of citizens in this country.

After several years of military rule, the Nigerian political system was nothing to write about not until Abdulsalami Abubakar Hea of State, in his ingenuity handover power to civilian government in 1999 when Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was elected as the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the commander of the armed forces as the president of Nigeria following an election conducted nation wide marking transition from civilian to civilian government in Nigeria for the first time.
Also Goodluck Jonathan former Vice President of Yar’adua in 2011 general elections contested and warn through the platform of (PDP) which was one of the best election ever conducted in the Nigeria political history. Nigeria were given the opportunity to vote for the people of their choice without any intimidation form any body or particular group of people the election was free and fair.

The importance of democratic governance could not be under estimated in the se era of political dispensation so, the reason for choosing these project topic is to know more about democracy and its operations in Nigeria as a country.

The researcher is to find out whether democracy in its content is actually working and operation and operational in Nigeria equally is to find out how much does the people of this country actually cherish democracy as a system of administration in Nigeria.
Democracy has come to stay in Nigeria since (1999) democracy has been string but facing lot of set back due to the negative attitudes of some Nigeria. We have witness several pre-election and post-election violence in Nigeria so, its believe that these research work will do more in educating the people.

Due to the persistence military intervention in the Nigeria government, majority of Nigeria were not in a position to appreciate or appraise the importance of democratic government against military dictatorship with this study or research there will be no double that such this feeling will be removed.
As an academic exercise its believe it will enhance students, researcher authors even the academic to pursue their political social economic and educational ambitions in life equally. I believe it will serve as a base for future students in Public Administration to develop upon more so that democracy as a system of government in Nigeria could to strengthen it will also gives the people of Ajaokuta local government the opportunity to recognized and appreciate the important of democratic rule in these country.

The polytechnic, the student and the general public stands a chance of achieving one or two thing from this research work.

The objective of these research is to highlight the good programmes embarked upon by Ajaokuta local government between (1999) to (2014) and how it has improved the general welfare of Ajaokuta populace. As the writer of the research, it believes that the gain and benefits of democracy will be known and the study is partial fulfillment for the award of Higher National Diploma in Public Administration. Apart from the academic study of this research, it will serve as a benefits and guide to youth, practicing politicians and administrators caught across all spares of life.

Some of the following research questions that will help to identify the benefits of democracy in Ajaokuta local government council would have been answered.
  1. What impart was the present government made on the issue of unemployment among our youths.
  2. To what extent does the people of Ajaokuta local government council enjoy freedom of association
  3. How far the local council has been able to conduct new road and rehabilitant old existing one.
  4. To what extent does the local government give tree education to children in the community
  5. What is the level of star ownerships of the present democratic government in Ajaokuta local government council.
Democracy: Oxford Advance learners dictionary maintain that democracy is a system of government by which all the people of a country through representation elect those who will govern them. Also democracy is government of the people by the people and for the people in my own view, democracy is a system of government which allow the people to elect those that will represent their interest right and social liberty in a given political terrain.
Consolidation: Mean to become or make something solid secure and strong in the same vain, consolidation is to combined bring or unit to become one of all the debt have been consolidate.
Manifestation: Means an even, an action, an object or a statement that shows something clearer when people show negative impression or attitude towards somebody or government, it talk more about there their discomfort on government programmes and projects.
       In the same vein, manifestation could also be explain from another perspective which means when citizen shows concerned and given support to the government for raising their standard of living through project implementation.

This project work is limited in scope democratic consolidation and its manifestation in Kogi State with special reference to Ajaokuta local government.
The research will focus attention on the benefits of democracy in Nigeria using or taken Ajaokuta local government as a case study.
This research work is limited by some factors which include the following:
Literature: No enough literature to refer to or to consult for the smooth work or administration of the research, no enough books to consult with even when available its outdated and some time researchers and student are not allow entry to library for the purpose of the research.
Time: Since this study must be completed within a specific period of time, it will be different to fully explore the phenomenon within the stipulated time.
Finance resources: The present economic hardship in the country made of very difficult for the researcher to cover an elaborate study on the subject mater.

For easy understanding of the study democracy consolidation and its manifestation in Kogi State (A case study of Ajaokuta local government council. The Study is divided into five chapter.

Chapter one, cover introduction background to the study. Significant of the study, objective of the study, statement of problems also included in this chapter is research question operationalization of the key term scope of the study and limitation and organization of work.
While chapter two covers literature review, the concept of democracy and the evolution of democracy in Nigeria.

Chapter three cover the following research methodology, sources of data, method of data collection, method of data analysis and description of instrument equally chapter four cover areas as presentation of data analysis and chapter five covers summary, recommendations and conclusion.


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Agada Leonard E.
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