Monday 13 November 2017




This research work is poised to look into ‘’Electoral Reform and its Implications on Local Government Politics’’ with particular reference to Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State. The research work is divided into five chapters with each chapter linking each other. The objectives of the research work among others include to examine critically the concept of election in Nigeria, definition of electoral reforms as well as exploring deep into the various national political reforms conference embarked upon in Nigeria. In the course of compiling the research work, various literatures were reviewed and all the information obtained was updated. Two methods of data collection were used i.e. the primary and secondary sources of data and the data was analyzed using simple percentage method for easy understanding. The findings revealed that the crisis of Nigerians since the seven point agenda and equally why the vision 2020 refused to work in Nigeria. Effort should be made to ensure that history will not be forgotten in the administration of Goodluck Jonathan as the only president that has found a lasting solution to electoral problems in Nigeria. At the end of the research work, it was recommended that there is need for political commitment from the political leadership for successful electoral reform. In order to institutionalize a viable and efficient electoral system, the justice Uwai’s report on electoral reforms should be adopted in totality.

For any democratic system to survive, elections through transparent process are indispensable .Accordingly, modern democracies have often been subjected to the test of regularity and reasonableness to determine the integrity of the process. The Nigeria experience has reflected a number of convolutions that are reminiscent of electoral corruption and inherent impaired legitimacy of leadership, massive institutional failures and recurrent disloyalty of the followership.

Having identified the nature, causes and dislocations on the developmental landscape of Nigeria and the local government as a case study, this research work is aimed at electoral reforms and its implication on local government politics in Nigeria using Dekina local government as a case study.
Election is about selecting (through voting) a few to represent the larger population in the running of government and the management of public affairs. The elected few are supposed to pursue the interest of the electors or electorates through ideas and programs.(Joe et,al, 2010:14)

Elections have become the most favorable option of changing leadership in any political system. Election ordinarily in most democratic states is usually conducted by an institution setup by law in a given society. Representatives of government are often referred to as democratic where the authority of government is solely derived from the consent of the governed. The principal mechanism for translating that consent into government is the holding of free and fair elections.

According to (layman 2009:91), history has shown that it is difficult to hold elections that are free and fair. Studies on election have revealed that transiting from one regime to another is often the problem in most African states. For instance, in Nigeria 1999,2003,2007 and 2011 elections were reportedly marred by irregularities by foreign and local observers (see The Nation newspaper, Saturday March 13th 2013, page9).

Given Nigeria’s diversity, it is obvious that democracy is the sole political choice for its survival and the best system for managing the nation’s current challenges even at the local government level is by fostering better government and ensuring popular welfare. This can be achieved through electoral reform as fraudulent elections are capable of impacting negatively on national development. Late President Umar Musa Yar’ Adua on assumption of office in 2007, appreciated the fact that previous elections including that of 2007 that brought him in to power were fraudulent and he decided to setup a committee to review the electoral act. The nature of the electoral reform, scope and methodology have remained topical in Nigeria debates. Local government as the third tiers of government has witnessed a lot of elections. Efforts shall be made to see the effect of electoral reforms and its implications on politics of local government in Nigeria using Dekina local government as a case study.

The issue of electoral system is one of the major issues facing Nigeria new democracy. It is known from history that turbulent elections have been the source of political crises in Nigeria, Controversies surrounding election have serious potential to underdetermine the legitimacy and stability of democracy (kukah 2003:42) it is not uncommon to hear of failed election results been announced in Nigeria, steeling of ballot boxes and the manhandling of political officers and representatives of the opposing political parties are well entrenched in Nigeria.
            This study is to take critical look at the following research problems.
  1. Most of the politicians occupying public offices are not truly the choice of the people, as they are fraudulent elected.
  2. Rigging of election has characterized the elections in Nigeria and it is more serious at the local government levels.
  3. Massive rigging and irregularities in our election is responsible for the glaring non-performance at the local government as there is link between free and fire election and national development.
  4. There are lapses in the present electoral act as many people see it as a rigging manual, hence the problem in the present political dispensation.
The main objective of this study is to examine critically how best effective politicizing can be ensured at the local government through proper electoral reforms. Other objectives include the following:
  1. To examine the causes of malpractice in Nigeria electoral system with a particular reference to Dekina local government area of Kogi State.
  2. To examine the various dimensions which electoral malpractice takes and which hitherto affect the political system.
  3. To equally examine the performance of Independence National Electoral Commission (INEC) as regards the process and conduct of elections.
  4. To find out if our politicians are people of integrity that will always want a transparent election to be conducted.
Significance of this study cannot be over emphasized as it cut across the various segments of the people in the society.
  1. It will be a valuable material to the INEC and State Electoral Commissions(SEC) that are responsible for conducting elections at various tiers.
  2. This research work will be of immense help to our political system as it will make them gain deep insight into the issues of elections in Nigeria.
  3. It will equally be a useful material to the civil society and pressure groups as well as those advocating for credible election in Nigeria.
  4. Certain policy makers and law makers will see these materials as a valuable that will enhance their work.
  5. Finally, the work will be useful for future research as reference materials.
The searchlight of this research shall be focused on the politics in Dekina local government in the Fourth Republic,            although reference is made to the general elections in Nigeria. This is to say that it will examine the implications of electoral reform on local government politics, electoral crises, electoral process, and sanitization.
In carrying out this work, the researcher shall limit her working to Kogi state (especially Dekina local government) with reference being made to other state local government and Nigeria in general.
This work covers the period 2000 to 2014.

A Research of this nature is bound to face some hindrances one of which is occasioned by economic hardship.
Time at the disposal of the researcher was not enough, because combining of lectures and other academic activities is a great challenge.
Confidential nature of some vital information that would enhance the research work also constituted a problem.

The following research questions are formulated for this study.
  1. What are the various factors that impede free and fair elections in Nigeria?
  2. How can elections in Nigeria be devoid of rigging and be transparent?
  3. What is the prospect that subsequent election in Nigeria will be free and fair?
  4. What are the attitudes of people towards elections in Nigeria?
The following terminologies used are hereby defined:
  1. ELECTION: it is the process of selecting leaders through voting.
  2. REFORM: it is the purposeful change introduced with a view to totally eliminating and attenuating certain identified vices and imperfections existing in any system or organization.
  3. LOCAL GOVERNMENT: the administration of a locality, a village, a town, a city or any other area smaller than the state, by a body representing local inhabitants, possessing a fairly large amount of authority, raising at least a part of it revenue through local taxation and spending its income on services which are regarded as local and distinct from state and central service.
  4. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: is defined as the extent to which nations minimize discomfort and hardship for its citizenry.
  5. DEMOCRACY: can be defined as the mode of government derived from the consent of the governed as opposed to the arbitrary foisted on the people or power sustained through personal will.
This study is structured into five (5) main chapters so that each chapter discusses a specific but related item about the topic of study.

Chapter one contains introductory information to the study. Issues such as background to the study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives of the study, scope of the study, limitations of the study, research questions, definition of terms and organization of study are systematically discussed.

Chapter two contains, literature review on the concept of election in Nigeria, definition of electoral reform, approaches to electoral reforms, the national political reforms conference 2005, electoral crises in Nigeria, electoral crises in the third and fourth republic, the 1999 general elections, the 2003 general elections, the 2007 general elections, the 2012 general elections, contribution of electoral reforms to democracy, electoral reforms and local government politics, electoral reforms and its effect on Dekina local government, challenges of electoral reforms in Nigeria, appraisal and summary of literature review.

Chapter three is about the research methodology, which includes; research design, sources of data collection, population of the study, sampling size determination, method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Chapter four contains dada presentation, analysis of data, and discussion of findings.
Chapter five contains summary, conclusion, recommendations, and recommendations for further research.


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