Wednesday 16 January 2019



The aim of this study is to evaluate the proliferation of unregistered estate agent on real estate market in Nasarawa, Nasarawa state. To achieve the set aim the following specific objectives were pursued, to examine the meaning of real estate agent, to examine the activities of unregistered estate agent in Nasarawa real estate market; to evaluate the impact of the proliferation of unregistered estate agent on the real estate market and to identify the challenges affecting real estate agency in Nasarawa and Nigeria at large. The researcher adopt the use of questionnaire, observation and personal interview to gather necessary data from the respondents while tables, simple percentage and descriptive statistics were used for data presentation and analysis. The study reveals that there has been increase in the activities of unregistered estate agent in Nasarawa real estate market which is due to unemployment, unregulated and poor supervision of the activities of real estate agent in Nasarawa. The researcher therefore recommend that the capacity of the Estate Agents Registration Board should be enhanced to enable it regulate the profession, unregistered agents currently practicing should be tracked down and prosecuted and be encouraged to get registered with the appropriate professional bodies.
Background Of The Study
Agency is described as a relationship existing between a principal and an agent, where an agent is given rights of authorization from the former to act on his behalf. Such relationship could be established when principals are convinced that the involvement of agents will produce more effective returns usually due to their vantage in training, commitment and conversance in the prescribed endeavour

Agency, which is also described as brokerage service, has been studied in real estate in relation to the impact of broker intermediation on selling price and duration, Yavas (2007). Notwithstanding the relevance of training in agency, which is an aspect of real estate practice, its eminence in academic curriculum is still sparse. Agitations on this backdrop have been on over the years. Rabianski and Black (1999) noted that questions have been raised by professionals on relevance and effectiveness of the current increase of unregistered estate agents in the real estate market and thus reiterated that a lot still needs to be done to further improve the effectiveness of the market. Notwithstanding, more self-styled estate agents also emerged, and over time, the real estate business became marred by incompetence and unwholesome behaviors. Due to lack of control over the self-styled estate agents, there were many victims of obtaining and fraud. To safeguard public interests against unscrupulous practice of estate agency by unregistered estate agents and rogues in the 1970s and eagerly 1980s, the Nigeria government and the professional bodies governing estate practices have enacted the guidelines and laws guiding the practice of estate agency in Nigeria.

Real estate market is not dominates with one particular profession, although there can be no doubt that some of practicing estate agents are members of the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, there have been proliferation of unregistered estate agent with or without requisite educational background. One needs to comment on the cut-price estate agent. Many believing that estate agency was a way to make easy money and believing that existing charges were too high in which perhaps they were encouraged by the media and such bodies sought to set up business charging in a variety of ways, but at a level significantly below the charges by the established agents in the area. Some charged lower rates of commission, others set fee for a specific service.

1.2       Statement of the Problem
Nigeria in recent years has been flooded with developers bringing property into market for sale, rather than for the purpose of obtaining a stream of income in the form of rent. Due to the unique characteristics of related estate, the market for real estate all over the world does not conform to the definition of an efficient market. An efficient goods market is one where the products have close substitutes, many buyers and sellers who have perfect knowledge of prices and goods exist there is little government interference and the product is easily transferable. Real estate requires professionals who possess an understanding of the processes to mediate between the concerned parties who include but are not limited to financiers, developers, sellers and purchasers. The rapid increase in the prices of real estate has made many investors and unregistered agents venture into real estate as a source of income. The practice of estate agency has for a long time been associated purely with the commercial transaction of letting properties for landlords, buying and selling land, factories, houses, commercial premises, businesses as going concerns hotels and the ownership rights associated with them. The agents acts on behalf of the seller or on behalf of the buyer for a commission. In this regard, in addition to the firms registered to carry out this practice, there have also been a large number of estate agents practicing without any background knowledge and/or understanding of real property as a commodity and the real estate market as a special one, hence there is need to evaluate the proliferation of unregistered estate agent in real estate market.

1.3       Aim and Objectives of the Study
This project is aimed at an evaluation of the proliferation of unregistered estate agent on real estate market in Nasarawa, Nasarawa State.
The following objectives are set in pursuant of the above aim.
  1. To examine the concept of real estate agent.
  2. To evaluate the activities of unregistered estate agent on real estate market in Nasarawa
  3. To evaluate the impact of the proliferation of unregistered estate agent on the real estate market in the study area.
  4. To identify the problems affecting real estate agency in real estate market in Nasarawa and Nigeria at large.
1.4       Research Questions
This study arose from the need to answer the following research questions:
  1. What is the concept of real estate?
  2. What are the activities of unregistered estate agent in Nasarawa real estate market
  3. What are impacts of the proliferation of unregistered estate agent on the real estate market?
  4. What are the problems affecting real estate agency in Nigeria real estate market?
1.5       Significance of the Study
The result of this study will satisfy the needs of investors who may want to venture into the real estate market in Nasarawa as it will educate them on the activities of unregistered estate agent. The needs of the professionals in the real estate market to know about the proliferation of unregistered estate agents will be addressed therefore contributing to the practice of real estate agency professionally and if the research findings are implemented, estate agents will understand better their job descriptions and cope with the changing needs of a more vibrant real estate market.
Real estate developers/landlords and tenants will also benefit from this study since it will be brought to their attention why they should only do business with professional estate agents and therefore protecting them from fraudulent practices.
This also contribute to the wealth of knowledge, hence researchers and students who want to study further on the research topic will find this research very relevant.

1.6       Scope and Limitations of the Study
The scope of this project is limited to the evaluation of the proliferation of unregistered estate agent on real estate market in Nasarawa. The research shall the research population and administration of questionnaires to a selected number of respondents within Nasarawa town for easy of accessibility and indepth study.
The following are the limitations encountered during the course of this study:
  1. Uncooperative attitude of Respondents: Some respondents were not willing to fill the questionnaires since they were suspicious about the study. Many perceived it as sharing very vital information which they were not ready to furnish the researcher with.
  2. Finance: The researcher have a limited amount of money at her disposal therefore limiting the number and frequency of the visits to the research population.
  3. Time: The research with time management as there are no separate time devoted to this research since the researcher is expected to carryout the research work together with other academic activities.
1.7       Operational Definition of Terms
Evaluation: Business Dictionary define evaluation as a rigorous analysis of completed or ongoing activities that determine or support management accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency. Evaluation of completed activities is called ex-post evaluation, post-hoc evaluation, or summative evaluation. Evaluation of current or on going activities is called in-term evaluation. See also effectiveness evaluation.
Estate: Estate is defined as a property or a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals: It’s a typical country estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings, and estate workers’ houses. (Cambridge English dictionary 2018)
Proliferation: Proliferation is defined by Oxford English Dictionary is a rapid increase in the number or amount of something.
Agent: Collins Dictionary define estate agent as someone who works for a company or clients that rents or sells houses and land for people.
Market: According to business dictionary a market is an actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers and sellers interact (directly or through intermediaries) to trade goods, services, or contracts or instruments, for money or barter.

1.8       Background of the Study Area
Nasarawa Emirate in Nasarawa State is located in the Central region of Nigeria. It is flanked by Keffi and the Federal Capital to the North. To the South, it is bounded by Benue River and to the west, it bordered the present Gadabuka and Toto Local government area which are of course, part of the Emirate. To the East, it is bordered by Doma, Lafia and Keana Local Government Areas all of Nasarawa State.
The founding of Nasarawa Emirate in 1835 AD was the consequence of palace tussle that arose in Keffi between Umani Makama Dogo then Madaki of Keffi and Jibrilu, son of Abdu Zanga (first Emir of Keffi).
Umaru later known as Makama Dogo was born in 1958 at Ruma village in Katsina Emirate, his father was Usman Kabawana and his mother Amina. Umaru migrated to Zana , having lost his parent where he stayed with Emir Musa, he was accorded recognition by Shehu Usman Danfodio, among the jihadists that captured Zana under Musa.
After receiving the flag from Danfodio, Emir Musa sent Umaru Southward of Zana to spread the Islamic faith, Umaru arrived at a place called Zana near the present Nasarawa region. He met Abdu Zanga a Fulani normad from Katsina, they both became very close that Umaru adviced them to present themselves to the Emir of Zana for recognition, this was done successfully, which triggered the granting of a request of Abdu Zanga by the then Emir of Zana to settle in a place called Keffi which was ruled by Abdu Zanga since he was the eldest with Gunki, his Madaki and Umaru as Makama.
In 1802, Keffi was famous for the exploits of the great warrior Umaru and with Abdu Zanga. A misunderstanding between Abdu Zanga and Makadi Gunki later made the duo paeted ways.
On the sickbed of Abdu Zanga, he gathered his brothers and sons and told them to appoint Umaru Makama Dogo as the Emir of Keffi which was never realized after the death of Zanga due to the betrayal to one Albarka. However , Makama Dogo was advised to move Westward of Keffi where the Kwato (Igbira) resides, fought then and established his own kingdom but he kicked against the idea and moved Yankardi, where he camped about ten kilometer South of Keffi.
Makama left his sons Ahmadu Manman Galadima and Manman Sani in Keffi as a flash back. He later left Yankardi where he arrived at a place occupied by Bassa speaking people called TAMMAH, met Bagobiri known as Kasimau, who assisted him in the establishment of a kingdom called Nasarawa (meaning victorious). Makama Dogo fought many wars in the course of his Islamization, fought Afo speaking people, conquered Ubbe, Usheni, Agwadama, Itta and Gwaffa.
Makama Dogo also conquered Panda due to some misunderstandind between him and Ohimege (the ruler of Panda). Makama Dogo fought the people of Toto (Igbira people) because of the combination of Islam and traditional way of worship by the people. After fighting other kingdoms like Dogo, Agaza and Udeni, Umaru told Madaki Ahmadu his eldest son to continue leadership after his death and should please be buried in Nasarawa town.
The major things considered under physical characteristics of Nasarawa are, geographical location, temperature, rainfall, geology, wind, vegetation, humidity, soil.    
The temperatures are generally high during the day, particularly between the months of March and April. The main monthly temperatures in the state range between 200C and 340C with the hottest months being March/April and the coolest months being December/January.
The study area experience dry season without or little’s rainfall from November to March of about 95mm, which is wet season is from April to October of about 1.30mm,
From the Jos Plateau, this comprises of basement complex metamorphic rocks, granite and basalt of two or more ages. The basement complex is covered by shadow soil.
Nasarawa local government is determined by the seasonal movement on inter-tropical convergence zone [ITCZ], which represents the moving frontier between the moist Atlantic air from the south and the dry air from the north. In the dry season from November till March the north east wind are dominant. For the remaining of the year, the south-western winds are prevailing. Generally, the wind velocity is relatively low.
Nasarawa is situated in the Benue valley between the Benue river and Jos Plateau. This area lies within the part of southern guinea savannah. The vegetation of Nasarawa has, to a large extent resulted from extensive agricultural use of the land, the predominant vegetation type is partly savannah which is characterized by a discontinuous canopy, shrubs and grasses many areas are affected by man through bush burning during the dry season. Among the common trees are oil bean trees, locust bean free and isoberline trees.
The relative humidity is the measurement of deepness of the atmosphere which varies from place to place and different time of the day. The level of humidity in Nasarawa state in January is quite less that 40% which rises as from February to July to about 88%. By April when the steady rain commences it will be about 75% by August when the inter-tropical discontinuity is at it northern part, must position of the entire state will experience tropical marine wind and continues till December.
The major soil units of Nasarawa belong to the category of oxisols or tropical ferruginous soils. The soils are derived mainly from the basement complex and old sedimentary rocks. Lateritic crust occurs in extensive areas on the plains while hydro orphic soils (limbic incept sols) occur along the flood plains of major rivers (Nyangba, 1995).
Nasarawa main economic activity is agriculture; cash crop, such as yam, cassava and egusi (melon). Production of minerals such as salt is also another main economic activity of people in the state; Nasarawa produces a large proportion of the salt consumed in the country.


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