Friday 29 April 2022




Technology is a general-purpose technology and as such has a pervasive impact on the economy. It introduces a new paradigm for the configuration of economic activities radically changing the approach to technology for development (UNCTAD, 2007).


The term Information Technology (IT), as a component of ICT, refers to the gadgets with which information is generated and disseminated.  It includes such gadgets as the Telephone; analog, digital or GSM; the Television, Radio, Fax and all other emerging technologies that make it possible to communicate ever more conveniently across borders and cultures. The ICT revolution is an all-purpose revolution that has been described by Blinder (2006) as the third industrial revolution. And like the effects of the two previous industrial revolutions, it has stimulated growth in generally all facets of economic interactions, not least of which is the development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities. Its role has changed the notion of “entrepreneurship” from a time and space limited entity to a rather more pervasive concept involving the use and modification of intangibles such as ideas and experiences in the creation of equally virtual and intangible enterprises.

Technology has created a platform for ease of exchange of information and ideas between people. The internet for instance has provided a virtual environment where anybody can set up a business without the stress of seeking out a particular location and/or physical facilities.

The rapid growth and expansion of ICT has become a phenomenon that touches every aspect of human life. From the home front to the work place, ICT have had a tremendous effect on the way things are done. Mothers can now order groceries and sundry items from the comfort of their kitchens and at the same time monitor their children’s itinerant movement in school.


With the proliferation of new technologies such as super computers, the Internet and Satellites, a communication revolution was unleashed on the world which gradually became a smaller village of a conglomerate of cultures and nationalities. This has been termed “globalization”, that is, a global village where borders and boundaries are continually being eroded by factors beyond the control of any singular government or cartel. With this trend also comes a new generation of risk takers, innovators and enterprise builders. These are the new generation of entrepreneurs whose calculated risk-taking is built upon the ICT revolution.


Mobile telephony has become the most important mode of communication in developing countries. While internet access has become a reality for many businesses and public institutions, and for individuals with higher levels of education and income, for the vast majority of low-income population mobile telephony is likely to be the sole tool connecting them to the information society in short to medium term. Nigeria was not left out of the ICT blitz with the launch of the Global System for Mobile (GSM) in the country in 2001. The rate of acceptance of the new technology in the country bewilders the analysts and other observers. GSM as a factor of ICT brought about marked improvement in the way many things are done in the country.


ICT manifests in all aspects of lives, be it health, education, etc, and it is a pathway to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), which are consistent with Nigeria’s National Economic and Empowerment Development Strategies (NEEDS) instituted in 2004 (Alumanah, 2005).  Most public services in advanced countries are ICT-oriented.  Most offices, even homes are equipped with computers.  These are expensive in terms of cost of materials, installation and maintenance in low per capita income countries like Nigeria.  Irregular power supply and the relatively underdeveloped communication system, among other poorly developed infrastructures, are also sources of worry in a country like Nigeria to make efficient and effective use of ICT. In addition, the cost of basic ICT training has been overwhelming, considering the fact that computer literacy is at the core of most types of training and has continued to positively influence many forms of training at basic and advanced education levels. 


Entrepreneurship however, is the recognition of an opportunity to create value, and the process of acting on this opportunity, whether or not it involves the formation of a new entity. While concepts such as “innovation” and “risk taking” in particular are usually associated with entrepreneurship.


Particularly the technology adopted in the BARBING SALON are telephones (GSM) for communication, POS to facilitates payment for services, Cable TV for entertaining clients, Internet (blog, social media etc) for advertising and creating awareness about the establishment.

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