Showing posts with label Entrepreneurship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrepreneurship. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 December 2022




As a business man for about 7 years experience, invalidating, planning and implementation to see the light of your business success, but still suffering from certain constraints, explain way and manners in which you can sustain and maintain business growth and development


Businesses organization of any type and size look for ways to expand their market share and increase revenues. Organization often choose to implement specific growth strategies to overcome several challenges faced and advance their business. Business growth and development is a phenomenon that occurs when business owners, employees and outside factors influence the success of a company. A business grows when it expands a customer base, increases revenue or produces more product.

Growth and development is the goal of most businesses and is the reason behind many decisions that affect the daily workings of a company both internally and externally. Business growth is impacted by consumer trends, market opportunities and decisions made by company leadership.

Growth and development of a business organization takes planning and concentrated efforts that fall into these main categories: Organic growth which happens when a business creates the right conditions for expansion. This includes physically expanding office space to allow for company growth or increasing product offerings;A strategic approach which focuses on long-term growth through specific initiatives. Businesses often move into this growth stage after a period of organic growth. Companies may try to gain a share in untapped markets or plan to produce new inventory; Partnership/merger is growth and development strategy which occurs when a company joins with another business to create more market opportunities and finally an internal growth strategy that works to maximize internal processes to increase business and revenue.


For business organization to surmount their challenges, the need to focus on planning. A business plan is a written document of research proposing business activities before a business owner begins developing a product. Planning should begin with the development of a forecast for profits, income, and cash flow for five years.

Chaudhry et al. defined strategic planning as the process of awareness on business environment, documentation about the future course of action, and awareness of short and long-term implications of strategies.

Therefore, business organization need to face the challenge of developing strategies which will add value for sustainable growth and development. Thus, strategic planning is a process aimed at documenting strategies which may result in a positive performance of the business. 

There for the business organization to be sustained and maintain business growth and development the following must be put into consideration

  1. Market penetration: Market penetration occurs when a business tries to generate further growth within their current market. To do this they may try to lower prices or increase marketing efforts to gain more market share. Increasing brand awareness can be an effective way to implement this strategy.
  2. Product development: Businesses may choose a growth strategy that involves innovating current products or creating new ones to increase revenue. Some companies choose to take existing inventory and add new features to attract more customers. Investing in the design and creation of new products is one way businesses foster growth.
  3. Market expansion: In the market expansion method, a business tries to expand in their current market by reaching untapped customer bases. For example, an office supply company may try to gain market share by selling to educational institutions, healthcare organizations and government agencies instead of strictly selling to corporate office clients.
  4. Vertical integration: Companies who decide to growth through vertical integration strategies take on another part of the manufacturing or distribution process. This may mean that a company begins to produce their own packaging materials or buys a factory that produces a key item for a product.
  5. Productivity and efficiency: Some businesses grow by changing their processes to increase productivity. Efficient production methods can help cut costs and increase revenue. A business may choose to conduct an audit of their manufacturing processes, distribution methods and other parts of their production chain.
  6. New geographies: Investing marketing efforts into expansion in other locations can also be a growth strategy for businesses. This can mean regional, national or even worldwide expansion of product offerings and distribution. Offering products outside of a current geographical area can generate new revenue streams if distribution is also handled effectively.
  7. Share of wallet: By focusing on customer retention and quality service, companies can initiate growth by expanding sales to current customers. Selling to existing customers typically costs less than other marketing efforts. This strategy can be effective for companies with excellent customer service practices and a loyal customer base.
  8. Diversification: Companies that choose to grow through diversification create new products for a completely new market. This kind of growth may mean moving into international markets or areas where the company has no prior sales history. Some companies do this by looking for areas of large-scale expansion, hoping to gain market share. Diversified companies may own a stake in multiple industries through a range of product offerings.
  9. Acquisitions: Companies may implement a growth strategy by buying another business. A company might buy out a competitor to absorb their market share and acquire their assets. The parent company will then experience growth in sales and revenue. This strategy encourages more immediate growth because a business is essentially buying into a market instead of having to invest time in organic growth methods.
  10. New channels: Offering products through new distribution channels is another way for businesses to expand. For example, a company may decide to offer product in retail stores after operating exclusively online. A company may also decide to work with consumers instead of selling just business to business.
  11. New business models: Changing the way you do business can affect growth patterns in a company. When a business decides to make operational changes, they have the chance to create more growth opportunities using other strategies.
  12. Investment: Owning shares and investing in other companies may be a way to expand business growth. When a company uses their revenue to increase the assets of another business, they have the opportunity to receive benefits as a stakeholder. This may include dividends, stock options or other investment earnings.
  13. Market segmentation: By focusing on a small segment of industry and growing specifically in that area, businesses often find growth opportunities. Small businesses can benefit from this strategy in markets where big businesses already dominate a large portion of the market share.
  14. Business partnerships: Strategic partnerships can increase business growth by leveraging the key elements of two or more brands. In this strategy, businesses often create a contract with clear terms outlining the agreement for both parties. Companies from different industries or markets benefit from gaining the attention of another consumer group.


Business intelligence including the technologies, processes, and applications needed to provide complete data to enable productive decisions by managers is one area explored by business organization to overcome the challenges of sustaining growth and development. Thus is believed that adopted the strategies outline above the any business organization can sustain growth and development.


  1. Crals, E., and Vereeck, L. (2004). Sustainable Entrepreneurship in SMEs. Theory and Practice. Research Gate Journals. Retrieved from
  2. Erhum, M.O. (2015). A Sustainable Approach to Economic Development in Nigeria. A Legal Perspective. Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 6(14); 1-6.
  3. Okpara, J. O. (2011). Factors constraining the growth and survival of SME in Nigeria: Implications for poverty alleviation. Management Research Review, 34, 156-171. doi:10.1108/01409171111102786




As a business man for about 7 years experience, invalidating, planning and implementation to see the light of your business success, but still suffering from certain constraints, explain way and manners in which you can sustain and maintain business growth and development


Businesses organization of any type and size look for ways to expand their market share and increase revenues. Organization often choose to implement specific growth strategies to overcome several challenges faced and advance their business. Business growth and development is a phenomenon that occurs when business owners, employees and outside factors influence the success of a company. A business grows when it expands a customer base, increases revenue or produces more product.

Growth and development is the goal of most businesses and is the reason behind many decisions that affect the daily workings of a company both internally and externally. Business growth is impacted by consumer trends, market opportunities and decisions made by company leadership.

Growth and development of a business organization takes planning and concentrated efforts that fall into these main categories: Organic growth which happens when a business creates the right conditions for expansion. This includes physically expanding office space to allow for company growth or increasing product offerings;A strategic approach which focuses on long-term growth through specific initiatives. Businesses often move into this growth stage after a period of organic growth. Companies may try to gain a share in untapped markets or plan to produce new inventory; Partnership/merger is growth and development strategy which occurs when a company joins with another business to create more market opportunities and finally an internal growth strategy that works to maximize internal processes to increase business and revenue.


For business organization to surmount their challenges, the need to focus on planning. A business plan is a written document of research proposing business activities before a business owner begins developing a product. Planning should begin with the development of a forecast for profits, income, and cash flow for five years.

Chaudhry et al. defined strategic planning as the process of awareness on business environment, documentation about the future course of action, and awareness of short and long-term implications of strategies.

Therefore, business organization need to face the challenge of developing strategies which will add value for sustainable growth and development. Thus, strategic planning is a process aimed at documenting strategies which may result in a positive performance of the business. 

There for the business organization to be sustained and maintain business growth and development the following must be put into consideration

  1. Market penetration: Market penetration occurs when a business tries to generate further growth within their current market. To do this they may try to lower prices or increase marketing efforts to gain more market share. Increasing brand awareness can be an effective way to implement this strategy.
  2. Product development: Businesses may choose a growth strategy that involves innovating current products or creating new ones to increase revenue. Some companies choose to take existing inventory and add new features to attract more customers. Investing in the design and creation of new products is one way businesses foster growth.
  3. Market expansion: In the market expansion method, a business tries to expand in their current market by reaching untapped customer bases. For example, an office supply company may try to gain market share by selling to educational institutions, healthcare organizations and government agencies instead of strictly selling to corporate office clients.
  4. Vertical integration: Companies who decide to growth through vertical integration strategies take on another part of the manufacturing or distribution process. This may mean that a company begins to produce their own packaging materials or buys a factory that produces a key item for a product.
  5. Productivity and efficiency: Some businesses grow by changing their processes to increase productivity. Efficient production methods can help cut costs and increase revenue. A business may choose to conduct an audit of their manufacturing processes, distribution methods and other parts of their production chain.
  6. New geographies: Investing marketing efforts into expansion in other locations can also be a growth strategy for businesses. This can mean regional, national or even worldwide expansion of product offerings and distribution. Offering products outside of a current geographical area can generate new revenue streams if distribution is also handled effectively.
  7. Share of wallet: By focusing on customer retention and quality service, companies can initiate growth by expanding sales to current customers. Selling to existing customers typically costs less than other marketing efforts. This strategy can be effective for companies with excellent customer service practices and a loyal customer base.
  8. Diversification: Companies that choose to grow through diversification create new products for a completely new market. This kind of growth may mean moving into international markets or areas where the company has no prior sales history. Some companies do this by looking for areas of large-scale expansion, hoping to gain market share. Diversified companies may own a stake in multiple industries through a range of product offerings.
  9. Acquisitions: Companies may implement a growth strategy by buying another business. A company might buy out a competitor to absorb their market share and acquire their assets. The parent company will then experience growth in sales and revenue. This strategy encourages more immediate growth because a business is essentially buying into a market instead of having to invest time in organic growth methods.
  10. New channels: Offering products through new distribution channels is another way for businesses to expand. For example, a company may decide to offer product in retail stores after operating exclusively online. A company may also decide to work with consumers instead of selling just business to business.
  11. New business models: Changing the way you do business can affect growth patterns in a company. When a business decides to make operational changes, they have the chance to create more growth opportunities using other strategies.
  12. Investment: Owning shares and investing in other companies may be a way to expand business growth. When a company uses their revenue to increase the assets of another business, they have the opportunity to receive benefits as a stakeholder. This may include dividends, stock options or other investment earnings.
  13. Market segmentation: By focusing on a small segment of industry and growing specifically in that area, businesses often find growth opportunities. Small businesses can benefit from this strategy in markets where big businesses already dominate a large portion of the market share.
  14. Business partnerships: Strategic partnerships can increase business growth by leveraging the key elements of two or more brands. In this strategy, businesses often create a contract with clear terms outlining the agreement for both parties. Companies from different industries or markets benefit from gaining the attention of another consumer group.


Business intelligence including the technologies, processes, and applications needed to provide complete data to enable productive decisions by managers is one area explored by business organization to overcome the challenges of sustaining growth and development. Thus is believed that adopted the strategies outline above the any business organization can sustain growth and development.


  1. Crals, E., and Vereeck, L. (2004). Sustainable Entrepreneurship in SMEs. Theory and Practice. Research Gate Journals. Retrieved from
  2. Erhum, M.O. (2015). A Sustainable Approach to Economic Development in Nigeria. A Legal Perspective. Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 6(14); 1-6.
  3. Okpara, J. O. (2011). Factors constraining the growth and survival of SME in Nigeria: Implications for poverty alleviation. Management Research Review, 34, 156-171. doi:10.1108/01409171111102786

Friday 29 April 2022

Entrepreneurship Skill

Entrepreneurship Skill

Skill is very important in the life of every human being. The reason why many technicians earns more than some university graduates is because the technicians acquire more practical skills than the theories, unlike the graduates who were fed with theoretical experiences while in the universities.


Today, there are many unemployed graduates in the country. This is partly as a result of our long system of education that is more of grammar and not much practical learning.  It is evident that the highest number of unemployed is found in the African Continent. The truth remains that the major causes of the unemployment among these vibrant youths is lack of skill to back up what they learnt from their institutions of learning.


The study of entrepreneurship has grown dramatically and is now becoming a priority in educational research, both for courses taught and volume of researches undertaken. While setting up its own boundaries, this field of study has relied on other disciplines for much of its content. Business education, economics and more recently cognitive psychology have been influential in informing the dominant methods in entrepreneurship research. Academic research in these areas has contributed significant knowledge to understand the causes of entrepreneurial propensity (Rae 2000).


Skill as basic ability is the means by which man adjust to life. A person’s attitude and work functions are required and necessary antidotes suggesting the suitable skills performance and acquisition of same by going through a given work sample (Adeyemo, 2003)


Entrepreneurship skill is thought of as a quality of performance which does not depend solely upon a person’s fundamental, innate capacities but must be developed through training, practice and experience. Although skill depends essentially on learning, it also includes the concepts of efficiency and economy in performance. Modern concepts of skill stress the flexibility with which a skilled operator reaches a given end on different occasions according to precise circumstances. However, it must be reiterated that even though basic human capacities are not sufficient to produce skills, they form the necessary basis of their development; skills represent particular ways of using capacities in relation to environmental demands, with human being and external situation together forming a functional system.


Therefore, entrepreneurial skills are skills needed to have to succeed in business, most especially in teaching. Entrepreneurial skills are the basic skills necessary to enable you start, develop, finance and succeed in your home enterprise.


Surprisingly, intimately related to classroom activities as the concept of skill may be and necessary as its measurement, assessment and general evaluation may be to the affairs of the school system, little is done about it in science teacher education while its records are seldom kept in continuous assessment in schools. Whereas, the national policy on education (FME, 1981) enjoins teachers to make instruction concept-centered, activity based and work related. This fact underlines the needs to focus on acquisition of entrepreneurial skills in school instruction for the benefit of school and society.




Executive Summary

The Cutting Wave is a modern barber shop that offers today’s gentlemen a setting where they can sit back, relax and experience the “New Age” style of male grooming services. The Cutting Wave is aimed towards today’s adult professional and urban market and a discerning customer base that will add tremendous value to the local community. The combination of “World Class Services” and comforting atmosphere will firmly establish the Cutting Wave as the place where today’s gentlemen in the greater area can come relax and receive quality grooming services. We intend for our business to become very profitable, by focusing on increasing the client base and making it the sought after destination for a wide variety of men.

Having worked in Lokoja area for over 17 years, give us an advantage over new startup business that lack that connection to both people and business in the local community. We have a huge following, which makes us confident that we will be a success from day one. Our goal, beyond becoming a profitable business, is becoming a trusted place whereby the clients in our community can come to relax their minds and bodies and network with their friends and colleagues.


Company Summary

The Cutting Wave is a full-service gentleman’s barber shop dedicated to consistently providing newly discovered haircuts and grooming services while providing an enjoyable, relaxing atmosphere at an acceptable price. Our motto: “Where Your Appearance Is Our Reputation.” The timing can never be better for this type of business venture. With the increasing number of people moving here, the abundance of well-established businesses, coupled with the lack of quality male grooming services in the nearby area lead forced us to build one from the ground up.

Keys to Success

1.     Location: Providing an easily accessible location for clients.

2.     Environment: Providing a safe comfortable environment that offers relaxing and professional service.

3.     Convenience: Offering our male clients, both young and old, a wide range of services with extended working hours at competitive prices.

4.     Reputation: Provide superior personal service, quickly and professionally.

5.     Effective advertising: Focus advertising in the local area with radio promotions and flyers.



The Cutting Wave is considered a full-service barber shop – with services exclusively for men. We offer our clients a gentleman’s atmosphere, with complimenting services and products that include:

1.     Hair: All modern styles and traditional haircuts

2.     Shaves: Traditional straight edge razor shaves, hot towels, and balm treatment (Alternative shaving methods also available for those with sensitive skin).

3.     Hair Removal: Hair removal on neck, nose and ears.

4.     Shoe Shine: Shoe shine service available in waiting area or while services are being performed.


Market Analysis Summary

The Cutting Wave will focus on the professional male. An Internet study revealed that 85% of professional men had personal hair grooming services performed during the workday. The subject center fits the demographics of our business. There are many professional buildings located within a five-mile radius. In addition, there are over 40,000 homes located within a five-mile radius.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

1.     Emphasize quality, originality, and “World Class Service”. We will differentiate ourselves from our competitors by offering a certified professional staff that is well trained in understanding the dynamics of customer service so as to maximize the connection themselves and their clients, thereby exceeding their clients’ expectations.

2.     We will provide a comfort and engaging atmosphere. From our professional staff to the environment and setting of our barber shop, the Cutting Wave will distinguish itself as a completely trustworthy and soothing destination where clients can enjoy being taken care of while escaping the stress of their everyday lives and enjoying the camaraderie of friends and colleagues.


Competitive Edge

Our competitive edge is a combination of our unique services, outstanding location, and our interaction with our clients. By providing our clients a gentleman’s atmosphere and provide world class services, we will build relationships of trust and satisfaction. Our clients will come to depend on our unique services and fulfilling environment.


Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is the key to our success:

1.     Emphasize our name and unique services and environment through advertising.

2.     Focus on the convenience of our location.

3.     Build community relationships and corporate relationships through unique and quality service.


We will focus our efforts and resources towards advertising on radio, flyers and billboards. Television and Print ads can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get off the ground. Between getting copywriters, art directors, screen actors, models, video equipment, and studio time, just producing a TV or Print advertisement is extremely expensive. Thanks to technological advances, the costs of radio ad development have come down dramatically over the last decade. This includes creative strategy, copywriting and production. When done correctly, a direct response radio advertising campaign can yield profitable new customers and incredible ROI. Billboard marketing is an effective tool to use because it offers a simple and concise advertisement solution that is an extremely cost effective investment.

Some of the benefits include:

1)    Constant reminder of your message throughout the year (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

2)    Sustains name and image awareness-can’t be turned-off, tuned-out or put aside

3)    Designs that capture and maintain a reader's attention

4)    Serves as a directional guide for potential customers


Management Summary

The management philosophy of The Cutting Wave is based on the respect of all employees, respect for every client, and individual responsibility. The management team will consist of the owner, shop manager, and assistant manager (if deemed necessary). We will hire only those who demonstrate the qualities necessary for working in a professional environment, and the willingness to move forward to continuing education.


Financial Plan

The premier element in our financial plan is initiating, maintaining, and improving the factors that create, stabilize, and increase our cash flow. The Cutting Wave is seeking to raise 250,000 from a bank loan. The interest rate and loan agreement are to be further discussed during negotiation. This business plan assumes that the business will receive a 10 year loan with a 9% fixed interest rate.

Start-up Funds

Working Capital & Equipments


Initial Lease Payments


Marketing Budget


Miscellaneous Cost


Startup Supplies


Security Deposits




The Cutting Wave expects a strong rate of growth at the start of operations. Below are the expected financials over the next three years.





Entrepreneurship’s role for the development and well-being of society has also been recognized by academic researchers and policymakers (Bosma, Wennekers, & Amorós, 2011). Entrepreneurship has assumed a proactive approach to tackle the ever-changing business environment of the 21st century, building sustainable development in the country, supporting the economic growth of countries, creating new job opportunities for young graduates, and societal well-being. Keeping in view its significance, developed countries and under-developed countries have shifted their focus towards entrepreneurship (Bosma, 2011; GEM, 2013; Volkmann, 2009).


Petrin (1994) discusses the importance of seeing the link between individual entrepreneurial aspirations and societal goals because all genuine entrepreneurship is social, with the entrepreneur aiming to provide a service or good that can capture a share of the market or even create a new market. This argument can be made even more forcefully within the context of entrepreneurship and rural development where the creation of rural enterprises can create employment, reduce poverty and reduce the need for social support. Hence, the motivations of the people who start new businesses should not be unusually highly individualistic or focused solely on self-fulfillment (Benjamin-Schonberger, 2010).


The motivation for entrepreneurs in starting new businesses should transcend the improvement of their standard of living, the presence of an individual personal plan and the attainment of higher social status and respect, and rather drive at helping the general society.


On its part, ethnic identification of sociological enterprise tries to explain entrepreneurship as a process where the individual’s sociological back-ground is one of the decisive “push” factors in becoming an entrepreneur (Reynolds, 1991). This is because individuals draw their values from the ethnic group they are associated with and are mostly influenced by such groups e.g. family, co-workers or broader groups such as occupational groups among whom they draw inspirations and experience.


Young entrepreneurs can achieve their individual or collective visions through concrete actions.


Entrepreneurship has the potential to create youth employment and integrate the youth into the economic mainstream while addressing some of the socio-psychological and delinquency problems that arise from joblessness (Chigunta, 2002; Curtain, 2001). Youth enterprises provide marginalized youth with a sense of ‘meaning’ and ‘belonging’, shape their identity and encourage others to treat and accept them as equal members of society and also promotes innovation and resilience as they are encouraged to find new solutions, ideas and methods of doing things through experience-based learning (OECD, 2001; White & Kenyon, 2000 cited in Chigunta, 2002). This requires the youth to be resourceful, have initiative, imagination, enthusiasm, dash, ambition, energy, vitality, boldness and courage (Schnurr & Newing, 1997:2 cited in Chigunta, 2002) in order to fight global youth unemployment. It is estimated that youth unemployment constitutes 47 percent (88 Million) of global unemployment, making the youth vulnerable to social exclusion (ILO, 2005a).


Globally, self-employment is an important source of employment, livelihoods and economic dynamism (OECD, 2001). Effective youth entrepreneurship education prepares young people to be responsible, enterprising individuals who become entrepreneurial thinkers and contribute to economic development and sustainable communities (Chigunta, 2002). One important thing is that young entrepreneurs gain a sense of accomplishment that comes from knowing that they did something useful with little or no supervision (Johanson & Vahlne, 2003) and is the greatest reason to raise a young entrepreneur.



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