SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

(A Case Study of National Population Commission Abuja)
This project work is a complete courage of the Statistical Analysis on Vital Registration of Registered Birth and Death of Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, for the period of ten (10) years (2003-2012). The method of data collection used is documentary method to bring to light the important of checking the trend of birth and death data collected from the said hospital was analyzed using time series . From the analysis of the result, it was discovered that there was an increase in the registered of birth. The trend shows and upward movement estimating from the time series analysis. This means that the number of birth is on the increase. If birth will be well kept for planning purpose. It was also observed that 2020 will have the highest registered birth worth 88195.62 and death with 25183.38 registered respectively. Recommendation was made base on the result of the analysis. It becomes pertinent to register live and death to help in knowing the population.
Vital registration was often preceded by parochial registration of baptism, burial and marriage. The oldest systems of vital registration are found in Scandinavian countries: Finland started in 1628 and Denmark in 1686 respectively.
In England and Wales parochial registration of baptism and burials began as early as 1638. John Graunt, who is generally considered as father of modern demography, utilized these data in his work.
In other European countries, vital registration was gradually introduced throughout the nineteenth century and has started in most areas by the beginning of the twentieth century.
In Russia, vital registration was hands of the celesiatical authorities before the revolution and was only transferred to the civil power afterwards.
A registration was hands built up and by 1926, it was working with reasonable efficiency in Russia. It was gradually been extended to cover the rest of the Soviet Union.
Japan, the most industrialized and developed country of Asia, introduced a modern registration law in 1898 although household register had been kept before that date. An adequate description of the basic demography processes of population charge is information that concerns stock and flows. Flows which are events notable births and deaths, occurring to, or originating from the population during some specified time period such as a calendar year and there by changing its size competition and geographical distribution.
Vital registration system must include procedure to assure filling of a uniform record for vital event, for example live birth, death, still birth, or marriage, to provide record for complete and usable answer to the inquires on the record form; and to enable the information in the record form to be processed for statistical purpose, that is edited, coded tabulated, and presented through the national population commission which provides vital statistics for the nation.
Vital statistics system therefore, can be defined as unclosing the legal registration, statistical recording and reporting of the occurrence and collection, compilation, analysis presentation and distribution of statistics pertaining to vital events which in turn include the following principal vital: live, birth, death, feature death, marriage, divorces, and other vital events such as: adoptions, legitimations, annulment and legal separations.
The interest of the public in population problems has intensified by the recognition of the effects of continued population growth.
The universal high birth rates which effects socio-economic progress of Abuja, the rate at which infants died is on increase which needed to be looked into and what really might have been the cause of this infant mortality.
Vital registration which is a legal obligation have not been embraced with regards to its importance in the society, this is because there is a general ignorance about the need of vital registration.
The researcher wants to find out whether the birth is on the increase or decrease.
- To determine the trend movement.
- To find out whether the birth rate is on the increase or decrease.
- To enlighten the general public on the importance of vital registration exercise in FCT Abuja.
- The effect of population in the society
This study is important to:
- Enable the federal government to observe the rate of population change in Abuja
- Enable the federal government put into consideration the rate of mortality and fertility
- Give a reliable measure on instrument needed to ensure sanitary condition within Abuja.
- Encourage individuals (couples) on the importance of income expenditure in other to provide babies with nutrition’s sanitary died that prevents.
This study covers Abuja municipal area council (AMAC) in the federal capital territory Abuja. National population commission is selected as sample among others statistical agencies in the area, it is believe that statistics has shown it clear that the selected area has witnessed great changes in the issues of live birth and death documentary of the year analysis of the projects.
The following problems were encountered during the research work.
Financial problems: Raising fund for transportation is a difficult task.
As a result of lack of trained personnel, collection of data is also very tedious because there were no much people to discharge their duty effectively in planning facts to people who needed their services.
Detected information were not available as at the time of visit to the center.
This is the process used in statistics to ascertain whether an assumption will be accepted or not. The hypothesis used in carrying out this research is
Ho: Vital registration exercise is necessary to observe the rate of population change in FCT Abuja.
Hi: Vital registration exercise is not necessary to observe the rate of population change in FCT Abuja.
MORTALITY-: Is a permanent disappearance of all evidence of live at any time after live has taken place.
FERTILITY -: Refers to the number of children born to women. This typically reserved productivity performance.
FERCUNDITY -: This is a term used to describe the ability for a woman to bear children
COHORT-: This is a measure of fertility that is design to follow the fertility of group of women though the child bearing year of life.
AGE SPECIFIC FERTILITY RATE-: Is the number of birth occurring annually per 1000 women of a specific age.
GENERAL FERTILITY RATE-: This is the total number of birth in a year divided by number of women in the child bearing age (15-14 years)
CRUDE BIRTH RATE (C.B.R): Is the number of live birth in a year divided by the total population express per 1000.
CHILD WOMAN RATIO -: This is measured by the ratio of young children age (0-14) enumerated in the census to the number of women child bearing ages.
TOTAL FERTILITY RATE -: Is technically a cohort measure at is the sun of all the ASPR’S through all ages.
GROSS REPRODUCTION RATE-: The multiplication of the TRF by the proportion of the birth that are girls.
NER REPRODUCTION RATE -: The (NRR) represents the number of females child just born can expect to bear, taking into account her risk of dying before the end of the reproduction in years.
CRUDE DEATH RATE-: (CDR) is the total number of death in a year divided by the total population express per 1000.
DEGENERATION -: it refers to the biological deterioration of a body
LIVE SPAN -: Refers to how long a person can possible live
AGE SPECIFIC DEATH RATE -: Is measure as the number of death in year of people of particular age divided by the number of people of that age in the population.
LATE FOETAL MORTALITY -: This refers to the foetal death that occurs after 28 weeks of gestation.
NEONATION MORTALITY -: This refers to the death within in 28 days after birth.
INFANT MORTALITY-: This is the number of death during the first year of live per 1000 live births.
CAOLE’S INDEX OF FERTILITY-: The over all index of fertility is the product of portion of the female population that is married times the index of marital fertility.
PERINATAL MORTALITY -: It include late foetal deaths plus death with the first 7 days after birth
POST NEONAL MORTALITY -: It cover death from 28 days to one year after birth.
LIFE TABLE -: The life table is a somewhat complex statistical device for summarizing the mortality experience of the population.
POPULATION -: Population is seen as the total number of variable of items of interest for the researcher is plotting into consideration. The Abuja municipal areas council (AMAC) has it population.SAMPLE SIZE -: Sample is the subset of little portion of population chosen to use National Population Commission as a place to collect data and General Hospitals.
SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @