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Showing posts with label March 10. Show all posts

Friday 10 March 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @


(A case study of YUTECO Food Nigeria Ltd, Gboko)


This project is an attempt by the researcher in finding out the marketing communication strategies in small and medium enterprise, and at the same time it’s important to business management. In addition, it also revered the related literature to study the need for marketing communication and its process and steps in planning marketing communication, with the selecting marketing communication tools is with the intergraded approach and the concept of marketing communication business   managements. The proportion of classified the total concept in marketing communication are being measured by the researcher in different approaches. 



1.0   Introduction

There is need for greater and faster development of marketing communication in small and medium enterprises generally and YUTECO Foods Company Nigeria limited in particular. However, unfortunately,  this seems to be given little or no attention by a good number of companies because of unqualified managers .They see no need of devoting resources adequate to the ascertainment of communication as well as the feeling of customers.

Exactly how potential buyers are informed the actual message communicated is one of the most subjective decisions. While message development can be the somewhat aided research, there for all guarantee message strategies available for all offerings markets for organization each individual situation must determine whether the message is to be hand sell, fearful humorous information or whatever.

It is the task of the marketing manager to manage the communication strategy mist effectively in doing some managers have at their disposal specific communication activities of ten called elements function tools task or the like .

These include advertising personal selling sales promotion and publicity. Collectively the activities are the marketing communication mice. However, in the  write- up the researcher hopes to devote much time on how market communication strategies are effective in small and a medium enterprise taking YUTECO Foods Company Nigeria Limited, Gboko as a case study.

1.1   Historical background of the case study

At one time, there was as such thing as small enterprise. It is unit the blacksmith, stonemasons, carpenters and the tailors know that is worthwhile to start these business.  They were in a position to discuss the size, design, shape and colour, price of the goods they made with the customers with little or no marketing communication strategies.

Small and medium enterprise existed in Africa before the advent of industrial revolution. At this time .many producers knew that devoting time and resources they had for marketing communication will lead to wastage. They focused on ever-increased production to meet the faster demand. However, industrial revolution has changed the situation and therefore, necessitating marketing communication in small and medium enterprises. Meanwhile, there is a high production organization to sustain in the global market, it is a task of small and medium enterprises managers to know that the scientific approach which had brought revolution in production, needed devising ways and means of creating and maintaining new markets to absorb the output.

1.2   Statement of the research problem

In the marketing communication there are many hurdles in the routes prohibiting the process. It is assumed that more than half percent of small and medium enterprises managers are not acquainted with the hurdles and therefore, make their communication strategies to fail leading to a general to failure of the organization it is probably no surprise that managers site the communication breakdown as one of their most important problems. The first set of communication barriers of many enterprises focuses on the sender, the second on the transmission (transmitters) of the message and third on the target audience (receiver) despite the fact that an organization (profit marketing personnel most, the organization may experience declining patronage and utilization of its resources it communication is not put in place. Setting objectives becomes separated from the realization of such objectives possibly because of inability handle marketing communication rightfully.

  1. Objectives of the study
  2. To ascertain for communication programmes depends on the overall offering market strategies of YUTECO Foods Nigeria Limited.
  3. To evaluate the various process of marketing communication process.
  4. To verify if the company’s marketing manager plan for good communication process to help their customers about product and the development of the company.
  5. To identify those things considered by marketing managers as not likely to more communication forward.
  6. Finally, identify the cost involved in communicating with those in the marketing programmes.

1.4   Significance of study

YUTECO Foods Company Nigeria Limited like any other enterprises or organizations has technical requirements that arise from its communication process. The accomplishment of this process requires certain tasks to be performed and managers or individuals of this section are assigned to perform these tasks. In addition, communication has become a day-to-day concern for small and medium enterprise because it indicates the overall performance of the firm or company products that are available for sale. In addition, it is the key that opens the door for marketers to do their business with the form successfully.

1.5   Scope of the study

YUTECO Food Nigeria Limited like other companies invests heavily in both economic and human resources. Thus, there is the need to procure its marketing managers, develop his or their skills, and ability to do the job assigned and determines the manner and amount of compensations when this is done, the manager would naturally perform the job effectively since he has been properly placed, trained and compensated. It is not enough that if one is able to work one must be willing to carry the job assigned to.

This study is important on the following grounds with effective marketing techniques; changes in the marketing communication can be effected in favour of the marketers for small and medium enterprise and YUTECO in particular. This study does not limited to the marketers it is important also to researchers as it first shall be an effective implementation of its programmes. National diploma students and all undergraduates who may want to know much about marketing communication can help them with this work it will be useful to tutors, lecturers who the knowledge may serve as a weapon to defend their challenges. Researchers who want to carryout research in marketing communication may benefit the validity of marketing as defined by institute of marketing (1995) is the management function which organizes and direct all those business activities involved in assessing and converting customers purchasing power into effective demand for a specific product or service to the final consumers so as to achieve profit target or other objectives of the company.

1.6   Research hypothesis

The reason for the research hypothesis is to provide the researcher with a yardstick of measure inference about research question.


HO:   There is no significant relationship between marketing manager and their customers.

HI:   There is significant relationship between marketing manager and their customers.

1.7   Limitations of the study

Since no task can be undertaken without encountering some difficulties, this study also faced many obstacles among them are:

  1. Finance was a problem. The researcher did not have enough money to carryout research in marketing department of all the small and medium enterprises within and outside Benue state.
  2. Time given for this research work as not enough as the researcher could not combine the research with his regular programme at the institution.
  3. The researcher found it difficult to make a comprehensive research report due to inadequate facilities to carry the task

1.8   Definition of terms

Communication: The oxford advanced learners dictionary defined communication as the activities or process of expressing ideal and feelings or of giving people information. In another way rounds communication is defined as the process by which information is exchange and understood by two or more people, usually with the intention to motivate or influence decision or behavior.

Strategy: McCarthy said strategy is the determination of basic long-term goals and objectives of an organization and adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to carry out these goals. In essences, strategy is a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose.

Marketing mix: The term marketing mix is the careful and calculated blending of the elements of production planning, physical distribution (place) strategy, promotion and price to meet the requirements of a specific market –David Lornem (1996) in order words, it refers to the apportionment and combination, design, integration of element of marketing into a programmes that the element of marketing into a programmes that the basis of appraisal of the marketing. Forces will best achieve in given objectivities of an enterprise in a given time period, as it is put by Stanton W.J (1981).

Product: Philip Kotler, in his book principles of marketing defined product has been anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition use or consumption that might satisfy a need.

Price: This is the amount of money that has to be paid for a commodity or services it is simply an offer, a suggestion, or an experience to text the pulse of the market.

Marketing communication: This is a process by which information about an organization and it’s offering are disseminated to selected markets.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @



Principle of Operation

Manometers derive pressure by the combination of a height differential of a liquid column and the density of the fluid within the liquid column. The U type manometer, which is considered as a primary pressure standard, derives pressure utilizing the following equation:

P = P2 – P1 = hw ρg


P = Differential pressure

P1 = Pressure applied to the low pressure connection

P2 = Pressure applied to the high pressure connection

hw = is the height differential of the liquid columns between the two legs of the manometer

ρ = mass density of the fluid within the columns

g = acceleration of gravity

 Types of Manometers

U Tube Manometers

“The principle of operation of the U type manometer is shown on Figure 5-1. It is simply a glass tube bent to form the letter U and partially filled with some liquid. With both legs of the instrument open to atmosphere or subjected to the same pressure, Figure 5-1, the liquid maintains exactly the same level or zero reference. As illustrated on

Figure 5-2, if a pressure is applied to the left side of the instrument, the fluid recedes in the left leg and raises in the right leg. The fluid moves until the unit weight of the fluid as indicated by “H” exactly balances the pressure. This is known as hydrostatic balance. The height of fluid from one surface to the other is the actual height of fluid opposing the pressure.

The pressure is always the height of fluid from one surface to the other regardless of the shape or size of the tubes, as illustrated in Figure 5-3.

The left hand manometer has a uniform tube, the center one has an enlarged leg and the right one has an irregular leg. Manometers at the top are open to atmosphere on both legs so the indicating fluid level in both legs is the same. Imposing an identical pressure on the left leg of each manometer, as shown on Figure 5-4, causes the fluid level in each manometer to change. Because of the variations in volume of the manometer legs, the distances moved by the fluid columns are different. However, “H” the total distance between the fluid levels, remains identical in the three manometers”15.

Inclined Tube Manometers

“Many applications require accurate measurements of low pressure such as drafts and very low differentials. To better handle these applications, the manometer is arranged with the indicating tube inclined, as in Figure 5-5, providing for better resolution. This arrangement can allow 12” of scale length to represent 1″ of vertical height. With scale subdivisions, a pressure of 0.00036 PSI (1/100 inch of water) can be read”15.

Well Type Manometers

The well type manometer is illustrated on Figure 5-6. In this design, the pressure is applied to a fluid well attached to a single indicating tube. As the fluid moves down in the well, the fluid is displaced into the smaller indicating leg of the manometer. This permits direct reading on a single scale.

The well type manometer utilizes the principle of volume balance wherein the fluid displaced from the well is equal to the added fluid in the smaller indicating column. The well area and the internal diameter of the indicating type must be carefully controlled to insure the accuracy of the instrument.

 The well type manometer does not fulfill the requirements of a primary standard as described in paragraph 1.5 and can be considered as one form of a secondary standard.

Intrinsic Correction Factors

Fluid Density Correction

Manometers indicate the correct pressure at only one temperature. This is because the indicating fluid density changes with temperature. If water is the indicating fluid, an inch scale indicates one inch of water at 4°C only. On the same scale mercury indicates one inch of mercury at 0°C only. If a reading using water or mercury is taken at 20°C then the reading is not an accurate reading. The error introduced is about 0.4% of reading for mercury and about 0.2% of reading for water. Since manometers are used at temperatures above and below the standard temperature, corrections are needed. A simple way for correcting for density changes is to ratio the densities.


ho = Corrected height of the indicating fluid to standard temperature

ht = Height of the indicating fluid at the temperature when read

ρo = Density of the indicating fluid at standard temperature

ρt = Density of the indicating fluid when read

Using this method is very accurate, when density/ temperature relations are known. Data is readily available for water and mercury.

Density (g/cm3) as a function of temperature (°C) for mercury:

= 13.556786 [1 – 0.0001818 (T – 15.5556)]

Density ( g/cm3) as a function of temperature for water:

= 0.9998395639 + 6.798299989 x 10-5 (T)

– 9.10602556X10-6 (T2) + 1.005272999 x

10-7 (T3) – 1.126713526 x 10-9(T4) +

6.591795606 x 10-12 (T5)

 For other fluids, manometer scales and fluid densities may be formulated to read inches of water or mercury at a set temperature. The manometer still only reads correct at one temperature, and for precise work the temperature corrections cannot be overlooked.

Gravity Correction

The need for gravity corrections arises because gravity at the location of the instrument governs the weight of the liquid column. Like the temperature correction, gravity correction is a ratio.

 go = International Standard Gravity(980.665 Gals.)

gt = Gravity at the instrument’s location (In Gals.)

A 10° change in latitude at sea level will introduce approximately 0.1% error in reading.

At the Equator (0° Latitude) the error is approximately 0.25%. An increase in elevation of 5000 feet (1524 m) will introduce an error of approximately 0.05%.

For precise work you must have the value of the gravity measured at the instrument location. Gravity values have been determined by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey at many points in the United States. Using these values, the U.S. Geodetic Survey may interpolate and obtain a gravity value sufficient for most work. To obtain a gravity report, the instruments latitude, longitude and elevation are needed. Similar agencies are available in countries outside the United States. Contact local authorities for the agency and procedures to determine local gravity.

Where a high degree of accuracy is not necessary and values of local gravity have not been determined, calculations for differences in local gravity can be obtained. Gravity at a known latitude is:

Gx= 980.616 [1 – 0.0026373 cos(2x) + 0.0000059cos2(2x)]


Gx = gravity value at latitude x, sea level (cm/sec2)

x = latitude (degrees)

The relationship for inland values of gravity at elevations above sea level is:

Gt = Gx – 0.000094H + 0.00003408(H-H1)(cm/sec2)


H = Elevation (feet) above mean sea level

H1 = Average elevation (feet) of the general terrain within a radius of 100 miles of the point

Pressure Medium Head Correction

Commonly, a differential pressure is measured by the height of the fluid column. Actually the differential pressure, measured by the indicating fluid height, is the difference between the density of the fluid column and the density of equal height of the pressure medium.

 The relationship is:


ρpm = density of the pressure medium

The significance of the pressure medium correction effect on the manometer reading varies with the indicating fluid and pressure medium. Whether this correction is necessary depends upon the user’s accuracy requirements. The most common pressure medium is air. Not correcting for air over water yields an error of 0.12% (using the density of air as 0.0012 g/cm3). In precise work, air density can be determined exactly knowing the temperature, pressure and relative humidity of the air. The correction for air over mercury is extremely small (0.008% error) and there for may usually be ignored. Another application, often used in flow applications, is water over mercury. The pressure medium correction in this situation is mandatory. An error of 7.4% is introduced if the correction is not applied. In many instances manometer scales can be designed with this correction built-in.

Scale Corrections

Another factor governing manometer’s accuracy is the scale. As with indicating fluids, temperature changes affect the scale. At higher temperatures the scale will expand and graduations will be further apart. The opposite effect will occur at lower temperatures. All Meriam scales are fabricated at a temperature of 22°C (71.6°F). A 10°C shift in temperature from that temperature will induce an error in the reading of about 0.023% in an aluminum scale. All Meriam scales are made of aluminum.

ho = ht [1 + a(T – To)]


á = Coefficient of linear expansion for the scale material (0.0000232/°C for aluminum)

T = the temperature when the manometer was read To = temperature when the scale was manufactured

5.2.5 Compressibility, Absorbed Gases and Capillary Considerations

Compressibility of indicating fluids is negligible except in a few applications. For compressibility to have an effect, the manometer must be used in measuring high differential pressures.

At high differential pressures the fluid shrinkage (Increase in density) may begin to be resolvable on the manometer. At 250 PSI the density of water changes approximately 0.1%.

Depending upon accuracy requirements compressibility may or may not be critical. The relationship between pressure and density of water is as follows:

ρ= 0.00000364 p + 0.9999898956


ρ= density of water(g/cm3) at 4°C and pressure p

p = pressure in PSIA

Since the need to correct is very rare, other indicating fluid’s compressibilities have not been determined. Mercury’s compressibility is negligible.

Absorbed gases are those gases found dissolved in a liquid. The presence of dissolved gases decreases the density of the liquid. Air is a commonly dissolved gas that is absorbed by most manometer fluids. The density error of water fully saturated with air is 0.00004% at 20°C. The effect is variable and requires consideration for each gas in contact with a particular fluid. Mercury is one exception in which absorbed gases are not found. This makes mercury an excellent manometer fluid in vacuum and absolute pressure applications.

Capillary effects occur due to the surface tension or wetting characteristics between the liquid and the glass tube. As a result of surface tension, most fluids form a convex meniscus.

Mercury is the only fluid that does not wet the glass, and consequently forms a concave meniscus. For consistent results, you must always observe the fluid meniscus in the same way, whether convex or concave. To help reduce the effects of surface tension, manometers should be designed with large bore tubes. This flattens the meniscus, making it easier to read. A large bore tube also helps fluid drainage. The larger the bore the smaller the time lag while drainage occurs. Another controlling factor is the accumulation of corrosion and dirt on the liquid surface. The presence of foreign material changes the shape of the meniscus. With mercury, it helps to tap or vibrate the tube to reduce error in the readings. a final note to capillary effects is the addition of a wetting agent to the manometer fluid. Adding the wetting agent helps in obtaining a symmetrical meniscus.

Parallax (Readability)

In order to achieve consistent results, the level of the meniscus on a manometer must be read with the eyes level to the meniscus. Placing the eyes level with the meniscus eliminates reading distortions caused by angle of reading,parallax, etc. If a mirror back is available, it will aid in placing the operators eyes in the proper position before taking a reading.

To duplicate the factory calibration procedure, read the lowest indicated liquid level as measured by the hairline at which the original zero was set.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @