Showing posts with label March 16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label March 16. Show all posts

Thursday 16 March 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @





Packaging and branding have becomes very important activities in the production and marketing of good and services. Packaging can be defined as all the activities in production planning that involve designing and producing the container or wrappers for a product. Packaging is obviously closely related to labeling and branding because the label often appears on the package and the branding is typically on the label. Packaging plays two basic roles, protection of the content and communication about the product. As a protecting tool, it helps in the storing, reduction of damage and loss of goods in transit, minimized pilferage and tempering of products in the course of handling. Is a protective device against product damage, contamination, evaporation and chemical change. Packaging helps to identify a product and thus may prevent substitution of competitive goods. Packaged good generally are more convenience.

Packaging as a means of communication involves a series of marketing activities. A firm may package it product in such a way as to increase profit possibilities. Package may be so attractive that customers will pay more just to get the special package.

Packaging as a salient salesman- when a product tends to sell itself without the company promotion then we say the package is serving as a salient salesman. Branding on the other hand means the use of a name, term, symbol or design or a combination of these which is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Brand encourages repeat sales- if a product proves satisfactory to a customer; brands make it easy for the consumer to locate that product for repurchase.

Brands simplify sales promotion – effective sales promotion depends (mainly) on branding or identifying the products. Through branding,  the quality and quantity of production can be controlled. This means that poor quality  which might reflect unfavorable an other products and discourage future  trade-could be traced back to the quality producer. With the increase in the number of similar production in the marketing today which has in term led to the persistent  increase in the  level of competition among producers, individual firm do not only improve on the quality of their product, but try to differentiate their  products from those of competitors. This can be achieved through the use of attractive and distinctive packaging and branding.

Hence, this project aims at finding out whether or not packaging and branding are really relevant in the marketing of shopping goods with special reference to royal ceramics Ltd, area sales office Suleja on the Abuja, Kaduna highway.


Historically, Royal ceramics Ltd was established in the year 1992 in Nigeria at Suleja on the Abuja-Kaduna highway about 45km from the capital city of Abuja. Royal ceramics remains the first and art pioneering ceramics unit in sub-Saharan Africa, producing wall tiles, floor tiles, porcelain tiles, red clay blocks and sanitary wares under a single roof.


In product terms an early commitment to quality was made, also the development of port folio of production acceptable and specific to the taste and heeds at Nigerians has been a man plank from the earliest days. Royal ceramics products are distributed all over Nigeria and we understand that a good percentage of their products find their way to some of our neighboring countries such as Niger, Chad and Cameroon. In Nigeria they are the leading source of locally produced ceramic – ware and it is estimated that they have nearly 40% of the market share. Royal ceramics stockists and distributors numbering 72 are uniformly distributed geographically all around Nigeria. They team of marketing professional keep touring all round the country periodically to ensure top quality customer service and also to be in touch with the ground reality of the competition from other local and foreign producers. Royal tiles both wall tiles and floor tiles are available in variety of 750 standard designs  and also custom designed tiles in special sizes and designs are also made available for special  customers. We market wall tiles, vitrified floor tiles and glazed floor tiles in the thickness range of are 6mm to 12mm. The tiles sizes that are usually available are 6×6, 8×12, 8×8, 12×12 and 16×16.  Sanitary ware are available in patented Italian designs and also custom made designs in various colours. The popular colours are white, sky-blue, grey and light pink. Royal has got sophisticated wing for producing quality products by testing raw materials before production, every stage to production and also finished products. The R&D (Research and Development) holds the responsibility for developing of body, ensuring the production department to produce the  right product with right specifications.

Services- Royal has got a service department to educate the lying techniques to tillers and mason and also to attend the queries of customers. They act as a bridge between the company and customers.

The initial investment was USD $ 20million, and over the years the addition and modifications have increased the investment level to well over USD$30million.


The business of a company is centered on serving the consumer with the high quality product. Through the large distributor network, and strong brand developed over one a decades, Royal tiles remain one of the most widespread and population brands in West Africa.

Wall tiles and floor tile plants:

The 2 plants are capable of producing wall tiles, vitrified floor tiles and glazed floor tiles in the thickness range of 6mm to 12mm. the tiles sizes that can be made in this plant are 150mm x 150mm, 200mm x300mm, 200mm x 200mm, 300mm x300mm and 400mm x 400mm. OR you can still use short form of it by saying 150m x150m =6 x 6, 200mm x300m = 20 x30, 300m x300m =30 x30, 400m x 400m =40 x40 . All the equipment has been sourced from SACMI, Italy and the plants are capable of producing 4million square meter of tiles per annum. The production lines are equipped with multiple printing stations, enabling the production of multiple coloured tiles. Royal have a large stock of a variety of punches and in- house screen lab to produce innumerable designs for the market.  To improve the quality of product and save on the foreign exchange from importation Royal had recently begun manufacturing frits for their own purpose and for other industries in Nigeria. Royal now have the capability to produce 20MT of first a day a significant boost to the local economy.


The unit employs 2, 200 Nigeria directly and indirectly and 30 Indians expatriates, it is estimated the another 8000 Nigerians are employed in the various sectors such as mining, supply of raw materials, distribution of finished products  e. t .c they provides accommodation to their employees.


It is an established fact that companies irrespective of where they are situated, what and how they produce, who their share holders are etc, face one form of problem or the other. These problems are often caused by such factors as : high level of competition, political instability fuel scarcity, competitors copying their design, qualified personnel, and raw materials .

Actually, their raw materials yard is capable of holding nearly 50,000 tons of raw materials at any given time. Considering the extended rainy season in Nigeria such a huge storage capacity becomes a necessity. But had it being some imported items such as transparent & opaque frit, zinc oxide, color pigments, printing base, magnesium silicate etc.which they import from Spain, Italy India and other European countries are found in Nigeria the product would have being at a cheaper rate.

On several occasions, the government has raced embargo on the importation of raw material and machineries which has in turn made it very difficult for manufacturers to supplement home supply with imports. Competition is another problems that most companies are now facing today and this has force them to decide new strategies to enable them gain some competitive edge over their rivals. The development of implementation of efficient and effective strategy involves a lot of money ,time etc which would have been challenged towards the achievements of other organization goals. Since packaging and branding add to lost of price ,it is argued in many ways that whether it should continue or not, it is against this back-ground that the researcher carried out this research work to find out relevant of product packaging and branding in the marketing of  shopping goods with special reference to Royal ceramics Ltd.


The importance of this study includes the following.

  1. To develop and transform the researcher theoretical knowledge in to practice one especially as it relates to packaging and branding.
  2. To shows the relevance of product packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping’s goods.
  3. To serve as a reference materials for research work in related fields.
  4. To help researchers in the field of study identify and access the important of packaging and branding in marketing of shopping goods.
  5. To satisfy one of the basics condition for the award of National Diploma (ND) in department of marketing Nasarawa Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa state.

The main aims and objectives of the study include the following:-

  1. To find out if packaging and branding have any impact on company (Royal ceramics Ltd) turnover.
  2. To find out whether or not packaging and branding help to lower the manufactures cost of distributions and promotions.
  3. To find out whether or not packaging and branding facilities products differetiations.
  4. To determine whether or not packaging and branding provides the much needed information about a product.
  5. To find out why Royal ceramics Ltd uses packaging and branding in the marketing of their products.
  6. To provides the researcher with an insight in the field of study.


Packaging and branding are very important activities in the production of marketing of goods and service in all manufacturing industries will be very difficult if not impossible considering the cost involves time constraint. Base on these, the study is confirmed to Royal ceramics Ltd Nigeria. The relevance of products packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping goods is the essence of this research works.


To decide on the outcome of the study, the following hypothesis are formed to be tested as well as to obtain meaningful information that will aid the marketing of valid conclusions and recommendations.

HI: Packaging and branding are relevant of shopping goods

HO: Packaging and branding are not relevant in marketing of shopping goods.

Note: HI: means alternative hypothesis, HO: means null hypothesis.


In the course of writing a project of the nature one encounter are difficulties which include among other: the problems of locating respondent’s .some of the few that were located responded to the questionnaire reluctantly. The researcher also found it difficult to obtain vital information from the company (Royal ceramics Ltd, Nigeria) As much information are considered very crucial for the survival of the organization, in the same vain ,the project work is much tasking as it was not easy to obtain material ,the cost involves in typing ,photocopying and binding as a student . Inadequate time was another problem the researcher encountered, since the researcher has to share the available time among his normal academic work and the project work both of which are time consuming.

Consequently, very short time was left for  this write-up which thus meant that the work was done in haste in order to meet up with the submission date. Lecturing which is the main task of every lecturer tends to limit the frequency of project supervision.


The terms below have been defined in relation to the context in which they are used in this study for the sole purpose of clarity.

1)       MARKETING: According to the institute of marketing U.K, marketing is defined as the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably while American marketing Association considers marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and service from producer to consumer or user.

2)      PRODUCT: Njioku (2000), says that product is the object of a market offer by the firm or producer to the consumer or user.

Nwokoye (1981:95) defines product as “a bundle of physical and psychological satisfaction that a buyer receives from a purchase”

Kotler (1976:183) on his own part states product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, or consumption; it includes physical object, services, personalities, place organizations and ideas.

3)      PRODUCT MIX: Is a composite or total number of products produced and market by a firm or business unit. It can also be seen as the full list of all products offered for sale by a company. E.g. cameras, photographic supplies chemicals plastics etc .this would include all product all product lines and product items handled by a company.

4)      PRODUCT LINE : Is a group of products that are closely related either because they satisfy a class of need , are used together, sold to the same customer groups, marketed through  the same types of outlet or fall within price range e.g. Guilder, Star etc.

5)       BRANDING: Is a way of distinguishing a company’s product from those of competing products by assigning names or symbols to these product.

6)      BRAND: Njioku (2002:69), on his own parts, a brand is a name,  term, symbols or design or a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods or service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

7)       BRAND NAME: Consists of words, letters\ or numbers which may be pronounced e.g. Toyota, Honda e.t.c

8)      BRAND MARK: Is the part of the brand which appears in the form of symbol, design, or distinctive coloring and lettering, it can be recognized by size but cannot be vocalized.

9)      TRADE MARK: A trade mark is a brand which is given legal protection because under the law it has been used exclusively by one seller. It therefore follows that trademarks are brands and include words, letters number, etc. which may be pronounced as well as pictorial design

10)     FAMILY BRAND: This is a single brand name used for the several related products. Brands may be family or individual brands. It is “blanket or family brand” When the brand name is applied to several products or to each grade of company merchandise.

11)     BLANKEY BRAND: This is a brand that is applied to an entire product mix or to a product in a particular line.

12)     INDIVIDUAL BRAND NAME: This applies to only one product e.g. Volkswagen uses individual brand name for Passat, Jetta, Golf, Audi etc A series of individual brands is more difficult to market and manage because each brand is to be promoted separately and often must be under the direction of a separate division or department. Unilever uses individual brands for close-up, Lux, Omo e.t.c.

13)     BRANDING DECISIONS: Brand strategy is intimately tied up with the question of product mix strategy. A marketer addresses three difficult decisions on brand strategy. The first is whether, and to what extent he should put brand names on his products. His second is whether the brand names should be those of his firm or of the distributors. His third is whether his own brands should go under one, a few or many individual names.

14)     BRAND EXTENSION: A brand extension strategy is any effort to use a successful brand name to launch product modifications or additional products.

15)    CO- BRANDING: This is the practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same products.

16)     MULTI- BRAND: This is a strategy under which a seller develops two or more brands in the same products category. A multi brand strategy enables the company to take advantage of different market segments. Consumers respond to various appeals.

17)     BATTLE OF BRANDS: It will be observed that the product mix in any large wholesale or retail establishments provides strong evidence that marketing today involves a battle of brands. Many food retailers handle 5 to10 manufacturers’ brands of product such as tea or coffee with 2 or 3 of their own privates in addition. These brands compete or battle against one another for acceptance by the consumers and for shelf- space.

18)    BRAND AWARENESS: This refers to the buyers ability to identify (recognize or recall) the brand within the category insufficient details to make a purpose.

19)     PACKAGING: This refers to the general group of activities in product planning which involves designing and producing the container wrapper for a product.

20)     PRIMARY PACKAGE: This refers to the product immediate container e.g. the tube holding toothpaste.

21)     SECONDARY PACKAGES: This is the additional layer or materials that protect the primary package and is thrown or discarded when the product is about to be used e.g. the cardboard containing the tube of toothpaste.

22)    MULTIPLY PACKAGE: This is the practice of placing several unit of product in one container.

23)    INDUSTRIAL GOODS: This can be also called producer goods, there are those intended for use in making other products for rendering a service in the operation of a business or institutional enterprise. Industrial goods are not produced for their own sake but are destined for use in the production of other goods or rendering services.

24)     CONSUMER GOODS: These are goods the consumer purchase for imitate use or goods purchases for ultimate satisfaction of personal and family needs.  

25)     CONVENIENCE GOOD: These are goods the consumer need but is not willing to spend much time and effort shopping by soap, .newspapers e.t.c.

26)     STAPLE GOODS: There are convenience goods which the consumer knows he wants before he sees them and which he plans to buy as possible and with minimum of effort. E.g. drugs, food materials and other household.

27)     IMPULSE GOODS: These are an item that as soon as a consumer sees them in a store\ shop a signal comes to him that he needs them and he buys immediately.

28)    SHOPPING GOODS: These are those consumers’ goods which the customer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically compares on such basis as suitability, quality, price, and style. E.g. ceramics, furniture e.t.c. 29)     SPECIALITY GOODS:  They are those consumers’ goods with unique characteristics and\or for an identification for which a significant group of buyers are habitually willing to make a purchasing effort. e.g. photographic equipment, men’s suit e.t.c.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @


(A case study of Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja)


Every business enterprise, big or small, public or private operates within the frame work of policies aimed at achieving a set objective. These policies takes into account the dynamic nature of the business environments, individual needs and aspiration and above all, the cultural frame work of organizational effectiveness or productivity very much depends on the nature of these policies formulated and also on the mode of implementation. It is on this premise that this research work was initiated to understand various personnel management policies operative in organizations with particular reference to Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja as a case study. The research also aimed at identifying the effects, importance and some of the problem associated with the ineffective personnel policies. Due to the importance of these policies to any enterprise, a particular department to usually given a pride of place in the scheme of things and is responsible for the general being of such organization.




This project is carefully chosen to evaluate the impact of personnel management policy in an organization using hospitality industry and it growth in Abuja, vis-à-vis Nigeria. It is very strategic and critical more than many people want to accept it. Notwithstanding that this research is meant to address the personnel management aspect of the industry, I shall deal with a little into the brief historical development of hospitality industry. The stages in the development of hotel may be related to the world development stages. But in Nigeria the development only dates back the early century with the evidence to support their existence during the pre-colonial era.

In Nigeria the hotels have not developed to a standard required as other hotels apart from accommodation which often is not sufficient they have been able to provide the highly required packing space and in most cases no swimming pools. In Nigeria, corporation in the hospitality industry are Transcorp Hilton Hotel corporation, Sheraton, Lemeridian and Protea hotel etc. these giants  have established chains around Nigeria and the world the chain Hotel system is still growing in Nigeria with other indigenous. Corporation like Namet Hotel Resort Management Service etc. with management contract of some hotel. In Nigeria cities this is significant as professionalism has taken over as exhibited by the standard and management of hotels like Rock view, Chelsea and Reiz Continentals in Abuja, with far reaching innovations in the hospitality and tourism industry. In recent years the need for effective personnel management however, also has become critical in the non-profit organization. Most organization in the private sector have had to expand their services and the size of their work forces, and to bargain with employee union demanding higher wages and fringe benefit encountering these experiences which have required them to devote attention to personnel management.


Tough Hospitality industry has strategic and critical role to play in the economic development of Nigeria. It has not been fully harnessed to yield the desired result. (The problems or constraints that cause a break down in the general performance of personnel function in the industry, inability to streamline the function of the personnel department, lack of fairness in taking disciplinary measure, lack of motivation by way of promotion bonuses, staff training etc.) deserving staff are not adequately rewarded to spur them to higher performance, wrong procedure for recruitment of staff.

It is based on the above that this research is being conducted to critically evaluate the impact personnel management policy in an organization.


The objective of this study is to identify the primary areas that a functional personnel management of the organization goals. The following can be achieved through a well-organized and functional personnel department.

  1. To examine how personnel department is functioning in reiz continental hotel.
  2. To find out whether the staff are satisfied with their job in reiz continental hotel.
  3. To find out if staff matters are always address properly by the personnel department.
  4. To look whether the staffs are friendly with their customers in reiz continental hotel.
  5. To find out if there is a regular meetings between management and the staff where every staff given opportunity to hear their opinion.


In order to sustain the existence of hospitality industry there must be adequate personnel management policy.

This research work is significant as it will assist the management of Reiz continental hotel in knowing the effective means of managing personnel.

This research will be significant as it will serve as a scholarly reference material for other researcher.


As the name implies, it means tentative questions that may be true or false. These are the following question to be asked.

  1. Does personnel department function in Reiz continental hotel?
  2. Are the staffs satisfied with their job in Reiz continental hotel?
  3. Does staff matters always address properly by the personnel department.
  4. Does the staff in Reiz continental hotel friendly with their customers?
  5. Does regular meeting between management and the staff where every staff give opportunity to hear their opinion?


Ho:   Effective personnel management does not enhance workers performance in the organization.

Hi:    Effective personnel management enhances workers performance in the organization.


This project study will cover looks and cranny of employees and management in Reiz continental hotel in Abuja who directly impacted the efficiency of the personnel management. Also the customer service as a result of well-structured and functions of personnel management with a view to identifying their lapses and short coming to impact policies and also the impact of personnel management in an organization.


A lot of problems were encountered in the course of carrying out this academic exercise.

The major setback was finance: A work of this magnitude required a lot of money to reach out to substantial number of the target respondents in order to make a comprehensive report.

Time: Collection of the primary data is time consuming; hence, time was not enough to gather all the materials that would have enhanced a comprehensive research.

Attitude: This is another blow to this research work as some respondents were not willing to fill in the questionnaire for one reason or the other, despite the assurance of strict confidence, some complained of time while some even misplaced theirs.


Management: Is the process of efficiency and getting activities completed with and through the efforts of other people. The management process includes the planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling activities that are design to accomplish organizational goal.

Policy: Is to integrate the knowledge gained in functional areas. To adopt a generalist approach and to comprehend the complex interaction taking place within the organization with its external environment.

Personnel policy: Are set proposals and action that act as a reference point for management in their dealings with employees.

Mission: Mission statements help an organization to link its activities to the need so society for example the company considers it as the time keeper of the nation.

Purpose: It includes anything that an organization strives for in the various activities and functions which the manager performs, they are guided by the purpose.

Goals: A goal is a closed ended attribute which is precise in specific terms.

Objectives: Represent what are to be achieved towards its purpose and to fulfill its mission.

Training: Is to impose current performance and provide a suitable knowledge, skills, attained and behaviour, motivation to staff of employee.

Strategy: Is a plan or pattern that brings together an enterprise major objective, policies and activities into a cohesive whole. Employees Development: This is usually obtained by providing challenges on the job that will; enhance the individual’s growth and development of the job information gathered on the job are applied to daily task to exploit innate potentials.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @




The research study is titled “The impact of marketing mix variables in the economy of Nigeria “as applicable to Nigeria breweries. Chapter one started with the introduction background of the study, statement of the problem following by the objective of the study, scope of the  study, statement  of hypothesis ,limitation of the study and definition of items. Chapter two consist of the following literature review, introduction, analysis of marketing mix variables , the meaning and objective of marketing mix, the marketing means variables, The impact of marketing mix variable in the economy of Nigeria an the impact of modern information technology on the mix.

Further more , chapter three presented the following research design and methodology, source of data collection, research instructments , type of questionnaire, statistical technique used in analyzing the data questionnaire distribution and collection chapter four we have data presentation and analysis and rest of hypothesis chapter five consist of summary of endings , conclusion, recommendations, biography and appendixes.



The marketing mix can be defined as the combination of elements in an organization offering to the market; offering being either products or services. These elements were identified as product, price, promotion and place. In the world today, everyday one person or two contemplate going to one business or the other.

This follows from a realization or discovery of an untapped opportunity. This therefore, prompts entry into one form of business and /or the order to cater for the needs and wants of unexplored market potential, and hence mobilize all factors and resources that will aid in the process of the achievement of this objectives.

Before going into any form of business, intensive research must be carried out on the marketing mix variables (product, price,pro0motion, and place) see the viability of achieve organization’s objectives.

In the absence of such a research, even when the business starts, problems are bound to arise and disrupt the smooth running of the business.

Marketing mix variables are very vital. They are the pivot on which business resolves, any mistake made on any of the variables will affect negatively or modified is the business will likely come to a stop. Because of the importance of the marketing mix, any marketing manager that will succeed will have to look critically at the variables and harness them to achieve good success in business.


The Nigeria breweries plc was incorporated in Nigeria in 1946, It embarked on the construction of a brewery Lagos. By June, 1949, it started the production of beer and its first product was star larger beer.

The original founder of the company were the united African company (U A C) International, the Heineken international have acted as commercial and trading facilities for its up keep in business.

From June 1949, when the first product was rolled out, to date it has ranges of brands to it care. In 1976, it introduced guider brand of beer product in Nigeria market which has not been competed with by other breweries. It also has among its products range of shandy and maltina. This company is also the  first to produce the energy giving matina in Nigeria .

The company has four factories i.e. Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna and Aba and for a firm to source it raw materials for the production which is located at Aba and kogi. These firms produces maize and sorghum in large quantity for the four factories to be used for production it has dedicated, talented and experience manager. The yearly turnover of the industry is counted in billions. Modern techniques are used by the company.


Marketing is a constant evolving trade and as such, management’s must appreciate the need of harnessing the marketing mix variables to achieve the over all organization goals of the firm or company.

The problems most firm face in business today is the ever changing need of the consumer. The product and service that a consumer perceive as superior at one time, he suddenly over time change attitude towards that particular product/ service within the shortest possible time.


  1. The principal objective of this research is to know the impact of marking mix variables in general.
  2. To investigate how much of marketing mix variable managers of firms know and apply in the organization
  3. To know the impact of marketing mix variables in the organizations overall effectiveness and efficiency.
  4. To know what marketing mix variables are it’s importance and role in the survival of a business
  5. To review literature relevant to the subject matter.


It is envisaged by the researcher of this subject that the research work will be beneficial to many in the following ways:

  1. The research will reveal the need for the management of organization and business to see the marketing mix variables as the major pirot of success in business operations
  2. This study will also reveal the impact-negative and/or positive the       marketing mix variables can have on the marketing overall economy of Nigeria at large.
  3. This research work is also intended to serve as a guiding nap to all who are intended in running one form of business or the other, on how to carry out feasibility study on the marketing mix variables


The study covers areas in which respondents are drawn, despite the fact that the researcher is not familiar with those areas. Again, the scope of any study is dependent on the resources needed to carryout the research work that was why Nigeria breweries plc is used and exploited extensively to final out how effective the marketing mix variables is used in the over all strategic planning of the organization, how much of he mix the management know and how it has improved status of the company.


Hypotheses are formed for the purpose of this study and they are stated below in their null forms.

Ho: marketing mix variable is not the pivot on which the success of any organization lies.

Hi:   marketing mix variable is the pivot on which the success of any organization lies

Hi:   marketing mix variables can be harnessed by management of organization.

Ho: marketing mix variables as difficult to harness in an organization


A list of problems can hinders effective and extensive research work. In respect to this project work the list goes thus:

Finances- financial constraint posed a challenge to this project. There was no enough money to acquire some needed text books that would have helped in this research work.

Time- time is this research is another problem the researcher battled with. This is as a result of the short semester.

Information- the quality and quality of information to be used in the research work was a very big problem as those in position to furnish one with reluctant to assist.


For the purpose of clear understanding of some unfamiliar works used in this research work, which may be strange to research work, which may be strange to readers, the researcher deemed it wise to explain the following term:-

PRODUCT: Kotler (1980) defines a product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need.

PRICE: This is the amount of money that has to be paid for a commodity or services. It is simple an offer, a suggestion, or an experiment to test the purse of the market (Stanton 1964).

PLACE: (distribution): place is concerned with getting the “right” product to the target market place.

PROMOTION: Edward and William (1963) defines promotion as the co-ordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to facilitate the sale of product or service, or the acceptance of an idea.

Marketing Mix: The marketing mix refers to the apportionment of effort, the combination, the designing, and the integration of the elements to marketing into programmes.

Consumers: Thereare the actual or potential buyers and users of a particular company’s product and / or services

ORGANISATION: An organization is a group of people who are formally arranged in such a way that they depend upon each other to reach a predetermined goals and objectives of an organization

4PS: These are the core elements of marketing and they are: product, place, price and promotion

STRATEGY: This refers to the technique designed by the senior management of an organization to help achieve the goals and objectives of the organization

Advertising: is any paid form of non-personal presentation of goods services, or ideas by an identified sponsor

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @